
时间:2012-09-03 06:32:36
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考试的坏处英语作文 篇一:对学生的压力和焦虑

Excessive Pressure and Anxiety Among Students Caused by Exams

In today's education system, exams have become an integral part of students' academic life. While exams are intended to assess students' knowledge and skills, they also bring about several negative effects, particularly in terms of the pressure and anxiety experienced by students.

Firstly, exams create an immense amount of pressure on students. The emphasis on achieving high scores and grades in exams leads to a competitive atmosphere among students. This pressure can be overwhelming, as students are constantly striving to meet the expectations of their teachers, parents, and peers. The fear of failure and the desire to outperform their classmates can cause students to neglect their physical and mental well-being, leading to a decline in their overall health.

Moreover, exams contribute to the development of anxiety among students. The fear of not performing well in exams can lead to excessive worry and stress. Students may experience symptoms such as sleep disturbances, loss of appetite, and difficulty concentrating. This anxiety not only affects their performance in exams but also hinders their ability to learn and retain information effectively. Instead of focusing on understanding and gaining knowledge, students often resort to memorization techniques, which do not promote a deep understanding of the subject matter.

Furthermore, exams tend to narrow down the focus of education to rote memorization rather than promoting critical thinking and creativity. The heavy reliance on exams as a measure of academic success often leads to a one-size-fits-all approach to education. Students are encouraged to memorize facts and formulas without fully comprehending the underlying concepts. This restricts their ability to think critically, solve problems, and apply their knowledge in real-life situations.

To mitigate the negative effects of exams, it is crucial for educational institutions to adopt a more holistic approach to assessment. This can involve incorporating alternative forms of evaluation, such as projects, presentations, and portfolios, which allow students to demonstrate their understanding and application of knowledge in a more comprehensive manner. Additionally, creating a supportive learning environment that focuses on individual growth rather than comparison can help alleviate the pressure and anxiety experienced by students.

In conclusion, while exams are an essential tool for evaluating students' academic progress, they also bring about several detrimental effects. The pressure and anxiety caused by exams can have a significant impact on students' well-being and hinder their overall learning experience. It is imperative for educators and policymakers to recognize these negative consequences and strive towards a more balanced and student-centered approach to assessment.

考试的坏处英语作文 篇二:限制学生的创造力和兴趣

Restriction on Students' Creativity and Interests Imposed by Exams

Exams have long been a conventional method of evaluating students' academic performance. However, their rigid structure and focus on rote memorization often limit students' creativity and hinder the development of their genuine interests.

Firstly, exams prioritize regurgitating information rather than encouraging critical thinking and creativity. Students are often required to memorize vast amounts of knowledge without fully understanding the underlying concepts. This approach restricts their ability to think independently, analyze problems, and generate innovative solutions. Instead of fostering creativity, exams tend to reward conformity and adherence to predetermined answers, stifling students' originality and unique perspectives.

Moreover, the heavy emphasis on exams leads to a narrow curriculum that neglects students' individual interests and talents. Schools often prioritize subjects that are exam-oriented, such as mathematics and sciences, while neglecting creative disciplines such as arts, music, and physical education. This lack of diversity in the curriculum not only limits students' exposure to different fields but also discourages them from pursuing their passions and exploring their potential in non-academic areas.

Furthermore, the pressure to perform well in exams can deter students from pursuing their genuine interests. In order to excel academically, students often spend a significant amount of time preparing for exams, leaving little room for extracurricular activities or pursuing hobbies. This narrow focus on exams can lead to a lack of personal fulfillment and a diminished sense of purpose, as students are forced to prioritize academic achievements over their own passions and talents.

To address these issues, it is essential for the education system to adopt a more holistic approach to assessment. This can involve integrating project-based learning and open-ended assignments that allow students to explore their creativity and apply their knowledge in practical ways. Additionally, schools should promote a diverse range of subjects and provide opportunities for students to pursue their interests outside of the traditional exam-oriented curriculum.

In conclusion, while exams have been a long-standing method of evaluating students' academic performance, they often limit students' creativity and hinder the development of their genuine interests. It is crucial for educators and policymakers to recognize the importance of fostering critical thinking, creativity, and individuality in the education system. By adopting a more balanced approach to assessment, we can create an environment that encourages students to explore their passions, think independently, and unleash their full potential.

考试的坏处英语作文 篇三

  Exams are very importantbut it has advantages and disadvantages .

  The following may illustrate its advantages: First by exams we can find out how well we have learned lessons in the past days. Second exams are a kind of motivation of study because in order to get top grades we focus more on study. We will spend less time on playing games.

  Every coin has two sides so it is with the exam. It has disadvantages too. Many students feel very nervous about the exam because they pay too much attention

to the scores. If they get high scores they will be very happy. However if they fail they will feel very sad because their teachers or parents may criticize them.

  In my opinion it is necessary to have exams because we are students. We should take correct attitudes towards it. Moreover we should carry out reforms on the exams.For example we also should evaluate how the students perform in their daily classes or how well their homework is. Maybe the daily performances are 40% and the exam is 60%.In this way students will not only pay attention to the exam but also to their daily performance.





考试的坏处英语作文 篇四

  Examination is the most familiar word to the students for we all need to face it. Each existence has its own reason. The exam which has existed for long time also has its advantages. Firstly it can check how much or how hard you learned in this period of time. This can make you learn more about the study situation of yourself. Secondly you can see some defects via the exam. Then you can decide how to correct them.

  Meanwhile exam also has some disadvantages. Some schools take too much exam even makes it as a burden to the students. If teachers and parents regard the exam as the most important thing the students would feel stressful. These maybes lead to cheating.

  So we should take the appropriate attitude towards the examination. If everyone does so exams will no more scare.




考试的坏处英语作文 篇五

  Students’ Rating of Their Teachers Nowadays it has become as common in colleges and universities for students to grade teachers as for teachers to grade students. In some universities students’ rating has even become the only source of information on teaching effectiveness.. This however has caused great controversy. Some are in favor of the rating system They hold that since students attend the teachers’ classes every day they should have their opinion about their teachers’ effectiveness. Others on the contrary are strongly against it. They believe that there is much more to teaching than what is shown on students’ rating forms. Students should not be expected to judge whether the materials they use are up to date or how well the teacher knows about the subject. These judgments require professional knowledge which is best left for the teachers’ colleagues. I think students’ rating of their teachers is necessary but it should be conducted in a way that can really shed meaningful light on teachers’ performance. Instead of rating the teachers’ knowledge on the subject students should be asked to estimate what they have learned in a course and to report on such things as a teacher’s ability to communicate with students his or her relationship with students and his or her ability to arouse students’ interest in the subject.



