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英语六级写作常用单词 篇一

In today's globalized world, English has become the lingua franca of international communication. As such, it is crucial for individuals to have a strong command of the English language, especially in writing. In this article, we will explore some commonly used words in English six-level writing.

1. Furthermore - This word is used to introduce additional information or to indicate a continuation of a thought. It is often used to add supporting evidence or strengthen an argument.

Example: Furthermore, recent studies have shown that regular exercise can improve cognitive function in individuals of all ages.

2. Conversely - This word is used to introduce an opposing or contrasting idea. It is often used to present an alternative viewpoint or to highlight a different perspective.

Example: Conversely, some experts argue that the use of technology in the classroom can hinder students' ability to concentrate and retain information.

3. Nevertheless - This word is used to indicate a contrast or contradiction to a previous statement. It is often used to acknowledge an opposing viewpoint but still maintain the original argument or position.

Example: The government's efforts to reduce carbon emissions have been commendable. Nevertheless, more needs to be done to address the underlying causes of climate change.

4. Moreover - This word is used to introduce additional information that supports or reinforces a previous point. It is often used to emphasize the importance or significance of a particular idea.

Example: The study found that regular meditation not only reduces stress levels but moreover improves overall mental well-being.

5. In conclusion - This phrase is used to summarize the main points or arguments discussed in a piece of writing. It is often used to bring the essay to a close and leave a lasting impression on the reader.

Example: In conclusion, it is evident that the benefits of a balanced diet and regular exercise cannot be overstated. Taking care of our physical and mental health should be a top priority for individuals of all ages.

By incorporating these commonly used words into your writing, you can enhance the clarity, coherence, and persuasiveness of your essays.

英语六级写作常用单词 篇二

The ability to write effectively in English is a valuable skill that can open doors to new opportunities. Whether you are writing an essay, a report, or an email, using the right words can make a significant difference in conveying your ideas clearly and persuasively. In this article, we will explore some commonly used words in English six-level writing.

1. Nevertheless - This word is often used to introduce a contrasting idea or to acknowledge an opposing viewpoint. It can be used to show that despite a particular fact or situation, the main argument or point still holds true.

Example: The new policy may have some drawbacks; nevertheless, it is a step in the right direction towards reducing income inequality.

2. Furthermore - This word is used to add additional information that supports or strengthens the main argument. It is often used to present evidence or examples that further illustrate a point.

Example: The study found that regular exercise not only improves physical health but furthermore enhances cognitive function and mental well-being.

3. In addition - This phrase is used to introduce another point or idea that is related to the previous one. It is often used to provide examples, evidence, or further explanations.

Example: In addition to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, renewable energy sources also have the potential to create new job opportunities.

4. Conversely - This word is used to introduce an opposing or contrasting idea. It is often used to present an alternative viewpoint or to highlight a different perspective.

Example: While some argue that technology has made our lives more convenient, others argue that it has led to increased social isolation and decreased interpersonal communication.

5. In conclusion - This phrase is used to summarize the main points or arguments discussed in a piece of writing. It is often used to bring the essay to a close and leave a lasting impression on the reader.

Example: In conclusion, it is clear that the benefits of a well-rounded education extend beyond academic achievement. It helps individuals develop critical thinking skills, creativity, and a lifelong love of learning.

By incorporating these commonly used words into your writing, you can enhance the clarity, coherence, and persuasiveness of your essays. Practice using these words in different contexts and become familiar with their meanings and usage to improve your writing skills.

英语六级写作常用单词 篇三




  economic globalization(经济全球化),sustainable development(可持续发展),unfair competition(不正当竞争),crack down on fake commodities (打假), boom(繁荣), fiercecompetition(激烈竞争), creditcrisis(信用危机),stabilize prices (稳定物价)


  great andprofound (博大精深的),integrationand interaction(融合交汇),crash(碰撞),charming(极具魅力的),splendid(壮丽辉煌的),English fever(英语热)


  environment-friendly(生态型的,环保的),threatof global warming(全球变暖的威胁),promote fundamental shifts in the economic system and mode of economic growth(促进经济体制和经济增长方式的转变),curbenvironmental pollution/ bring the pollution under control(治理环境污染),develop renewable resources(开发可再生资源),alow-carbon economy (低碳经济)


  science and technology(科学技术),web-addiction(沉迷网络), computer crime(电脑犯罪), e-commerce(电子商务), virtual life (虚拟生活),information era(信息时代),cyber romance(网恋)


  applicant(申请人), position available/ vacantposition(空缺职位),competent(能胜任的), bequalified for(合格的),proficiency(熟练程度),jobarrangement and benefit(工作待遇和福利), promotion (晋升), gender-biased(性别歧视的), appearance-biased(相貌歧视的)


  cultivate(培养), further one‘s study (深造),quality education(素质教育),foster abilities(培养能力),relieve the burden onstudents(减轻学生负担),beoccupied with so much schoolwork(忙于功课)place emphasis on(以…为重心),comprehensive(全面的,广泛的),practical capability(实际能力),duck-stuffing(填鸭式)


  enlightening(富有启发的),cause alarm and attention(引起了警惕和重视),set good example for(为…树立榜样),dedicate(做贡献), take action (采取行动),ensure implementingactivities(确保执行), vulnerable(易诱惑的,易受影响的),be supposed to(应该)


  strong-minded(坚强的),industrious(勤奋的), promising(有前途的),dynamic(有生气的),responsible(有责任心的), influential(有影响力的), profound(渊博精深的),devoted(忠实的,投入的),warm-hearted(热心的),


  1、 accident n. 意外事件, 事故

  2、 achievement n. 成就, 功绩

  3、 activity n. 活跃, 活动性, 行动, 行为,

  4、 adopt vt. 采用, 收养

  5、 advantage n. 优势, 有利条件, 利益

  6、 Afford vt. [常与can, could, be able to 连用]担负得起费用(损失、后果等),花费得起,经受得住; 抽得出(时间)

  7、 ambition n. 野心, 雄心

  8、 approach n. 接近, 逼近, 走进, 方法, 步骤, 途径, 通路 vt. 接近,动手处理vi. 靠近

  9、 attract vt. 吸引 vi. 有吸引力, 引起注意

  10、 bribe [braib] n. 贿赂 vt. 贿赂, 向...行 贿

  11、 chance n. 机会, 可能性, 偶然性, 运气

  12、 cheat n. 欺骗, 骗子 v. 欺骗, 骗取

  13、 client n. [计]顾客, 客户, 委托人

  14、 Communication n. 传达, 信息, 交通, 通讯

  15、 compare v. 比较, 相比, 比喻 n.比较

  16、 compete vi. 比赛, 竞争

  17、 Concentrate v. 集中, 浓缩

  18、 Consequently adv. 从而, 因此

  19、 contribution n. 捐献, 贡献, 投稿

  20、 Convenient adj. 便利的, 方便的

  21、 decline vi. 下倾, 下降, 下垂 v. 拒绝, 衰落

  22、 decrease n. 减少, 减少之量 v. 减少

  23、 demand n. 要求, 需求(量), 需要 v.要求, 需要, 要求知道, 查询

  24、 Depict vt. 描述, 描写

  25、 Duality n. 二元性

  26、 Economy n. 经济, 节约, 节约措施, 经济实惠, 系统, 机体, 经济制度的状况

  27、 education n. 教育,训导,训练, 培养, 教育学

  28、 effect n. 结果, 效果, 作用, 影响, (在视听方面给人流下的)印象

  29、 Efficiency n. 效率, 功效

  30、 Emphasis n. 强调, 重点

  31、 enjoy vt. 享受...的乐趣, 欣赏, 喜爱

  32、 Enrich vt. 使富足, 使肥沃, 装饰, 加料于, 浓缩

  33、 ensure vt保证, 担保, 使安全, 保证得到 v. 确保, 确保, 保证

  34、 Entertain vt. 娱乐,招待,接受,怀抱 vi. 款待

  35、 Environment n. 环境, 外界

  36、 Expense n. 费用, 代价, 损失, 开支, 费钱之物

  37、 fee n. 费(会费、学费等), 酬金

  38、 figure n. 外形, 轮廓, 体形, 图形, 画像, 数字, 形状, 身份

  39、 finance n. 财政, 金融, 财政学 vt. 供给...经费, 负担经费vi.筹措资金

  40、 fulfill vt. 履行, 实现, 完成(计划等)

  41、 GDP abbr. 国内生产总值(gross domestic product)

  42、 Government n. **, <英>内阁, 政治, 政体

  43、 healthy adj. 健康的, 健壮的, 有益于健康的

  44、 Implement n. 工具, 器具 vt. 贯彻, 实现 v.执行

  45、 implication n. 牵连, 含意, 暗示

  46、 improve v. 改善, 改进

  47、 indicate vt. 指出, 显示, 象征, 预示, 需要, 简要地说明

  48、 indifferent adj. 与to连用)不感兴趣的;漠不关心的;不注意的

  49、 inseparable adj. 不能分离的;不能分开的

  50、 Internet n. 〈计〉因特网,互联网

  51、 Issue n. 出版, 发行, (报刊等)期、号, 论点, 问题, 结果, (水, 血等的)流出 vi. 发行, 流出, 造成...结果, 进行辩护, 传下

  52、 maximum n. 最大量, 最大限度, 极大 adj. 最高的, 最多的, 最大极限的

  53、 Measure n. 尺寸, 量度器, 量度标准, 方法, 测量, 措施 vt. 测量, 测度, 估量, 分派, 权衡, 调节 vi. 量

  54、 Media n. 媒体 million num. 百万, 百万个

  56、 mobilize v. 动员

  57、 necessity n. 必要性, 需要,必需品

  58、 negative n. 否定, 负数, 底片 adj. 否定的, 消极的, 负的', 阴性的

  59、 Offspring n. (单复数同形)儿女, 子孙, 后代, 产物

  60、 operation n. 运转, 操作, 实施, 作用, 业务, 工作, 手术, 军事行动

  61、 Patient n. 病人, 患者adj. 忍耐的, 耐心的

  62、performance n. 履行,执行,成绩,性能,表演,演奏

  63、 phenomenon n. 现象

  64、 pollution n. 污染, 玷污

  65、 Popular adj. 通俗的, 流行的, 受欢迎的

  66、 population n. 人口

  67、 poverty n. 贫穷, 贫困, 贫乏, 缺少

  68、 present n. 赠品, 礼物, 现在, 瞄准 adj. 现在的, 出席的, 当面的

  69、 pressure n. 压, 压力, 电压, 压迫, 强制, 紧迫

  70、 priority n. 先, 前, 优先, 优先权

  71、 producer n. 生产者,制作者,演出人, (电影)制片人

  72、 Protect vt. 保护 Protection n. 保护

  74、 Punish vt. 惩罚, 处罚

  75、 quality n. 质量, 品质, 性质

  76、 realize vt. 认识到, 了解, 实现, 实行

  77、 reduce vt. 减少, 缩小, 简化, 还原

  78、 relationship n. 关系, 关联

  79、 report n. 报告, 传说,

  80、 Responsible adj. 有责任的, 可靠的, 可依赖的, 负责的

  81、 retailer n.零售商

  82、 Reveal vt. 展现, 显示, 揭示, 暴露

  83、 satisfactory adj. 满意的, 赎罪的

  84、 significance n. 意义, 重要性

  85、 similar adj. 相似的, 类似的

  86、 situation n.情形, 境遇, (建筑物等的)位置

  87、 slogan n. 口号, 标语

  88、 Source n. 来源,水源,消息来源, 原始资料, 发起者

  89、 statistic n. 统计数值,统计量

  90、 steady adj. 稳固的, 稳定的, 坚定的, 扎实的, 坚定不移的

  91、 Strategy n. 策略, 军略

  92、 Sustainable adj. 可以忍受的, 足可支撑的, 养得起的

  93、 totally adv. 完全地, 整全地

  94、 traffic n. 交通, 通行, 运输, 贸易, 交通量, 交易, 交往, 通信量

  95、 Vividly adv. 生动地, 鲜明地



  1. 随着经济的繁荣 with the booming of theeconomy

  2. 随着人民生活水平的显著提高 with the remarkableimprovement of people's living standard

  3. 先进的科学技术 advanced science andtechnology

  4. 为我们日常生活增添了情趣 add much spice /flavor to our daily life

  5. 人们普遍认为 It is commonly believed that…

  6. 我同意前者(后者)观点 I give my vote to theformer / latter opinion.

  7. 引起了广泛的公众关注 Sth. has aroused widepublic concern. / Sth has drawn great public attention.

  8. 利远远大于弊 The advantages far outweighthe disadvantages.

  9. 开阔眼界 widen one's horizon / broadenone's vision

  10. 考虑到诸多因素 take many factors intoconsideration

  11. 从另一个角度 from another perspective

  12. 致力于/ 投身于 be committed / devoted to…

  13. 日益激烈的社会竞争 the increasingly keensocial competition

  14. …有其自身的优缺点 … has its own merits and demerits / pros and cons

  15. 对…有害 do harm to / be harmful to / bedetrimental to

  16. 交流思想/ 情感/ 信息 exchangeideas / emotions / information

  17. 跟上…的最新发展 keep pace with / keepabreast with the latest development of…

  18. …的健康发展 the healthy development of…

  19. 把时间和精力放在…上 focus one's time andenergy on…

  20. 导致很多问题 give rise to / lead to /spell various problems

  21. 可以替

代think的词 believe, claim, maintain, argue, insist, hold the opinion / belief / viewthat

  22. 优先考虑/发展… give (top) priority to sth.

  23. 与…比较 compared with…/ in comparison with

  24. 提供就业机会 offer job opportunities:


