
时间:2014-09-01 01:23:22
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Introduction to Giraffes

Article One: The Marvel of the Tall Giraffes

Giraffes are extraordinary creatures that never fail to capture our attention with their remarkable features. With their long necks, towering height, and unique patterns, giraffes stand out among other animals in the animal kingdom. In this article, we will explore the physical characteristics, habitat, diet, and behavior of giraffes.

Giraffes are known for their long necks, which can measure up to six feet in length. These long necks allow them to reach leaves and fruits on tall trees that other animals cannot access. Their necks consist of seven vertebrae, the same number as in a human neck, but each vertebra is significantly larger. The head of a giraffe is also unique, with large eyes and a prehensile tongue that can extend up to 18 inches. Their tongues are specially adapted to grasp leaves and twigs.

In terms of their habitat, giraffes are native to the African savannahs and woodlands, where they can be found in several countries such as Kenya, Tanzania, and South Africa. They prefer open spaces with acacia trees, as these are their main food source. Giraffes are also well-suited to live in these habitats due to their excellent eyesight, which allows them to spot predators from a distance.

Speaking of food, giraffes are herbivores and primarily consume leaves from acacia trees. Their long necks and tongues come in handy as they can strip leaves from the thorny branches without getting hurt. Giraffes have a unique digestive system that enables them to process the leaves efficiently. They have a four-chambered stomach that breaks down the tough cellulose found in leaves.

When it comes to behavior, giraffes are generally peaceful animals. However, they can defend themselves if necessary. Male giraffes engage in "necking" battles by swinging their necks and heads at each other to establish dominance. These battles are rarely violent and are more of a display of strength. Giraffes also communicate through various vocalizations, such as snorts, hisses, and grunts.

In conclusion, giraffes are fascinating creatures with their long necks, distinctive patterns, and gentle nature. Their physical characteristics, habitat, diet, and behavior make them truly unique in the animal kingdom. Next time you see a giraffe, take a moment to appreciate the marvel of nature that they represent.

Article Two: The Graceful Giants of the Savannah

Giraffes, the graceful giants of the savannah, are awe-inspiring creatures that never fail to leave us in wonder. In this article, we will delve into the majestic beauty, social structure, reproduction, and conservation efforts related to giraffes.

The most striking feature of giraffes is undoubtedly their towering height. They are the tallest land animals, with males reaching heights of up to 18 feet and females measuring around 14 feet. Their long legs and necks allow them to browse on treetops, while their patterned coats serve as excellent camouflage against the trees. Each giraffe has a unique coat pattern, similar to human fingerprints, making them easily distinguishable from one another.

Giraffes are social animals that live in herds consisting of females and their young. These herds can vary in size, from a few individuals to over twenty. Within the herd, there is a hierarchy, with a dominant male leading the group. The males establish dominance through necking battles, as mentioned in the previous article. The females play a crucial role in raising the young, and they have been observed forming strong bonds with each other.

Reproduction in giraffes is an intriguing process. The gestation period lasts around 15 months, one of the longest among land mammals. Once born, giraffe calves can stand and walk within an hour. They join nursery herds, where they are protected by several females while their mothers forage. The calves are weaned at around one year old but may continue to stay with their mothers for several more years.

Unfortunately, giraffes face various threats in the wild, including habitat loss, poaching, and climate change. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) lists giraffes as a vulnerable species. Conservation efforts are crucial to protect these magnificent creatures and ensure their survival. Organizations around the world are working towards preserving giraffe habitats, implementing anti-poaching measures, and raising awareness about their conservation status.

In conclusion, giraffes are not only the tallest land animals but also fascinating creatures with their social structure, reproduction process, and need for conservation. Their presence in the savannah adds to the beauty of our natural world, reminding us of the importance of protecting and cherishing these graceful giants.

介绍长颈鹿的英语作文 篇三

  On a warm spring day, our family went to the zoo. I am as excited as a clever little monkey!

  A: wow! What a lot of animals in the zoo! The heavy elephant, the majestic tiger, the clumsy black bear, the lively little monkey... One of my favorites is the tallest animal, the giraffe.

  The giraffe has a tiny speckle on its body. Its hair is as soft as cotton, and its body is as warm as a stove, especially its long neck, and it can eat a few meters high.

  The giraffe start came slowly, coming to the fence to beg for something to eat. I couldnt wait to get the sausage out of my bag and put out my hand to feed it. Its funny how giraffes eat. He rolled his food in his tongue, then he put it in his mouth, and he ate and licked his lips. When I fed it, the sausage dropped, it couldnt find it, the saliva was about one meter, and the tourists were making fun of it!

  Finally, I joined the giraffe and I stood on the edge and became a funny little man!






介绍长颈鹿的英语作文 篇四

  My favorite animal in the animal is the giraffe, which is an animal that lives on the African savannah and is also the worlds tallest animal.

  When I was a child, I saw it in the zoo, and its remarkable long neck attracted me. The tallest giraffe is six meters tall! The giraffe has two big eyes, fluffy eyelashes, and it looks adorable! It had a lollipop horn, it had a sensitive ear, and its ears had been erected in its sleep, like a radar, listening carefully to its surroundings. Its tongue is long, and it is not afraid of zany. Many prickly plants are not afraid of it! Its light brown all over, with patterns like leopards. The giraffes legs are long, and the start road is slow and elegant and elegant as a "gentleman". The most interesting thing is the famous neck. I think it is like a big crane, although it is big but it is flexible.

  Remember once at the zoo, I get the grass fed it, but it ignored me and want to eat leaves at the top of the tall tree, I am very warmly greeting to it, but it reason all ignore me, turned haughtily, leave me a natural and unrestrained of figure, is really a character! But that doesnt stop me from liking it!

  The giraffe is friendly to other animals, so its popular among animals, and its so big and strong, it really makes me like it!





  介绍长颈鹿的`英语作文 篇3

  I went to Changsha zoo last summer vacation. As soon as I entered the door, I saw the giraffe with a long neck.

  The giraffe has two lollipop like horns on its head, a big mouth and a "speed" - leopard pattern all over its body. What is worth mentioning is its long leopard neck, which is as long as a python. The body is similar to that of a sika deer. Its four legs are thin and long, like an acrobat walking on stilts.

  Giraffe's character is really a little strange. It is sometimes very arrogant. I feed it with a branch full of green leaves, but it ignores it. It wants to eat the leaves higher than its head, chew and swallow slowly, and close its mouth one by one; When the mouth skin is lifted, the big Topaz teeth will be exposed. It is sometimes very naughty. There are an endless stream of visitors, men, women, old and young. When giraffes see tourists, they sometimes bend their long neck, lick someone's face, or breathe into people. Look at the way he takes the initiative to get close to people, I think it's very peaceful.

  Listen to the narrator's introduction: giraffes are also national second-class protected animals. Before giraffes were listed as protected animals, they were severely abused and killed by people and were on the verge of extinction. Finally, giraffes were listed as national sec

ond-class protected animals in 1978.

  I like giraffe. I fell in love with it at first sight when I saw it. I am very short and envy its tall stature. I love giraffes!






介绍长颈鹿的英语作文 篇五

  One of the most interesting animals in the world is giraffe. Giraffes are usually six meters tall, half of which comes from their neck. Its neck is longer than its legs, which is why we call it giraffe in Chinese.

  Giraffes like to eat leaves. Because they are very tall, they can reach the leaves on the treetops, but other animals can't. Therefore, in the zoo, giraffes usually live in the house.

  Giraffes usually live in groups. The baby giraffe is two meters tall at birth. It can stand up alone in a few seconds and run in about two days.




介绍长颈鹿的英语作文 篇六

  It is the animal in the world. He has a long neck, four legs that are neither long nor short, a pointed mouth, two small ears on his head, and two short horns next to his ears. He likes to wear clothes full of brown and white stripes.

  Why is its neck so long? In fact, their ancestors' necks are not long. They should all be herbivores, but because of nature, many grasses die, so they can't eat delicious grass. In order to survive, they can only eat the leaves on the tree. They only stand on tiptoe and stretch their necks to eat the leaves on the tree, day after day, year after year, Slowly... Their necks are getting longer and longer, so the animals are getting longer, taller and taller.

  Let me tell you a little more. They were 1.5 meters tall at birth and 6-8 meters tall when they grew up, so they are the animals in the world and have the longest neck.

  After listening to my introduction, do you know what animals they are? Yes, they are the lovely giraffes we all know.

  These are some of the knowledge I read in the book. If you want to know more about giraffes, go online and check it yourself. You will find more interesting and wonderful giraffes!







