
时间:2018-09-03 09:42:31
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Writing about Zebras

Essay One: The Majestic Zebras

Zebras are one of the most captivating and fascinating creatures found in the animal kingdom. Their distinctive black and white stripes make them easily recognizable and a popular subject for photographers and wildlife enthusiasts. In this essay, we will explore the characteristics, habitat, and behavior of these magnificent animals.

Zebras belong to the Equidae family, which also includes horses and donkeys. There are three main species of zebras: the Plains Zebra, the Grevy's Zebra, and the Mountain Zebra. The Plains Zebra is the most common and can be found in grasslands and savannas in Africa. The Grevy's Zebra, on the other hand, inhabits dry grasslands and semi-desert areas, while the Mountain Zebra prefers mountainous and hilly regions.

One of the most remarkable features of zebras is their unique black and white stripes. The exact reason for these stripes is still a subject of debate among scientists. Some theories suggest that the stripes may help to confuse predators, prevent insect bites, or even regulate body temperature. Regardless of the reason, these stripes undoubtedly give zebras their iconic appearance.

Zebras are herbivorous animals and primarily feed on grass, leaves, and bark. They have strong teeth and powerful jaws that enable them to graze on tough vegetation. Due to their grazing habits, zebras play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of the ecosystem by preventing grasslands from becoming overgrown.

In terms of behavior, zebras are social animals and usually live in small family groups called harems. Each harem consists of one male, known as a stallion, multiple females, and their offspring. They communicate through a series of vocalizations, body movements, and facial expressions. Zebras are also known for their strong bonding and will often groom each other, which helps to strengthen their social bonds.

When it comes to defending themselves, zebras are not to be underestimated. They can run at a rapid speed of up to 40 miles per hour and use their powerful legs and sharp hooves to kick predators. Additionally, their stripes can make it difficult for predators to single out an individual zebra in a group, providing them with an added advantage.

In conclusion, zebras are truly remarkable creatures with their striking black and white stripes and fascinating behavior. They play a vital role in the ecosystem and are an integral part of the African savannas. Whether it's their unique appearance or their social dynamics, zebras continue to captivate and inspire awe in all who encounter them in the wild.

Essay Two: The Conservation of Zebras

Zebras, with their iconic black and white stripes, are not only fascinating creatures but also an important part of the ecosystem. In this essay, we will discuss the conservation efforts aimed at protecting these majestic animals and ensuring their survival for future generations.

Zebras face numerous threats in the wild, including habitat loss, poaching, and competition with domestic livestock for resources. Human activities such as agriculture, urbanization, and deforestation have resulted in the destruction of their natural habitats. This loss of habitat has forced zebras into smaller and fragmented areas, making them more vulnerable to predation and reducing their overall population size.

Poaching is another significant threat to zebras, driven mainly by the demand for their skins and body parts. The illegal wildlife trade has led to a decline in zebra populations, particularly the Grevy's Zebra, which is the most endangered of the three species. Efforts to combat poaching involve strengthening law enforcement, raising awareness, and implementing stricter penalties for those involved in the trade.

Conservation organizations and governments have implemented various strategies to protect zebras and their habitats. These initiatives include the establishment of protected areas, such as national parks and reserves, where zebras can roam freely without human interference. These protected areas also provide a safe space for other wildlife species and contribute to the overall biodiversity of the region.

Additionally, community-based conservation programs have been successful in involving local communities in zebra conservation. These programs aim to educate and empower communities to become stewards of their natural resources. By providing alternative livelihood options, such as eco-tourism or sustainable agriculture, these initiatives help reduce the reliance on activities that harm zebra populations.

Furthermore, international collaborations and partnerships play a crucial role in the conservation of zebras. Organizations like the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) work together with governments, local communities, and other stakeholders to develop conservation strategies and implement action plans. These collaborations ensure that efforts to protect zebras are coordinated and effective on a global scale.

In conclusion, the conservation of zebras is of utmost importance to maintain the ecological balance and preserve the beauty of these magnificent animals. Through habitat protection, anti-poaching measures, community involvement, and international collaborations, we can ensure the survival of zebras and their contribution to the natural world. It is our responsibility to protect and conserve these unique creatures for future generations to appreciate and admire.

写斑马的英语作文 篇三

  In a distant forest. There is a group of zebra, one by one, from the river.

  At the end of the day, it was too fat to swim.

  "Hello!" Can't you swim in the past? "The crocodile swam hypocritically.

  "Yes, I'm too heavy to swim." I eat now, why! "The zebra thought so, and answered it again.

  "Brother, let me back you!" "

  "But... "

  "No, I've always been enthusiastic." "

  And he stopped by the zebra

  "Well, I can save some strength." The zebra thinks so. It stands on the crocodile.

  When he was going across the bank, the zebra stepped on the shore and the other foot stepped on the shore when the crocodile suddenly dragged it into the water.

  The blood was particularly red in the light of the sun.

  The eagle on the tree said to the little hawk, "look, the person who most wants to put you to death is the most willing to help you."

写斑马的英语作文 篇四

  A long time ago, there were two horses, they were twins, but they had different jobs. One horse works on the battlefield, and the other is working in the park. Time brings them together again, and they complain about their lives.

  The twin brother said, "well, brother, you should have been comfortable in the park!" It's a pity that my master is a soldier. Eating this meal may not be the next, and always lives on the edge of life and death. "

  My brother said half believe and half doubt: "do you have a good, can win glory for the country, even if the sacrifice is glorious. But I can only pass this life flat, you don't know how much I envy you! "

  The brother said in surprise, "really?"

  The younger brother said, "of course it's true. Do you think I'm cheating you?"

  The elder brother asked again several times, knowing that his brother was impatient, and then he said, "how many of us envy each other's lives, instead of trying two. Anyway, we are very similar, and our owners can't find it. "

  So the brother came to work in the park and his brother came to work on the battlefield.

  The first day when my brother came to work in the park, there were tourists who wanted to ride. So, the staff took it. When the tourists ride on it, it flies up and dumped the horseback. It was so hard for the staff to whip up a whip, but it didn't change its wild nature, and it continued to do it according to its idea. Finally, it was killed at last. Before he died, he regretted it, but it was late, even if regrets did not help.

  (to the little brother in the battlefield)

  When my brother arrived, he encountered the attack of the enemy, because his brother really ran too slowly, so he was killed by a single shot of the enemy, so his owner died.

写斑马的英语作文 篇五

  I'm not afraid of lions or tigers. I'm afraid of the black and white zebra. You must feel very strange. Why am I not afraid of those fierce animals, but I am afraid of such gentle zebras?

  I remember when I was four years old, my parents took me to Haicang wildlife park. There, I took photos with every kind of animal in high spirits. As a r

esult, when I wanted to take pictures with the zebra, the zebra ran towards me like an arrow. At that time, I was frightened and ran hard. When I ran out of the grass, the zebra stopped chasing me. I was out of breath. I was out of breath. However, the zebra looked at me very vigilantly and seemed afraid of me attacking it.

  Later, I learned that those grasslands were their territory. If anyone entered their territory, they would attack that person.

  Since then, I have a heart disease. I stay away from zebras. Whenever I go to the zoo, I don't dare to approach zebras anymore.

写斑马的英语作文 篇六

  There lives a little zebra in the forest. It has a long tail. When walking, its tail swings around to show everyone its beautiful tail. Its legs are also very long. There are white spots on the black fur, which looks like a nice coat. Of course, the most characteristic is its thin and long four legs. Although its legs are thin, it can run vigorously and save its own life in case of danger! Unfortunately, the zebra didn't realize this. It just thinks its tail is very beautiful. Baiji's four legs are very humble. He doesn't like his legs, but only his tail.

  One day, on the birthday of the monkey, the little monkey invited the little zebra to his birthday party. But the little zebra didn't want to go because he didn't want the little monkey and his friends to see his four legs, but he wanted everyone to see his two beautiful horns and tails. After thinking about it, he decided to attend the little monkey's birthday party. He thought that the little monkey was my friend and shouldn't laugh at my legs. So he walked happily like a little monkey's house. On the way to the little monkey's house, the little zebra saw a small river, so he approached the river and saw himself reflected in the water. He began to enjoy his posture selflessly and look at his tail. The more he looked, the happier he was. The more he looked at his legs, the more he looked, the more angry he was. Just then, when he looked into the water again, he suddenly saw a fierce tiger rushing towards him. Scared, it ran to the monkey's house. Unfortunately, it ran and suddenly couldn't run. Looking back, it turned out that its tail was hanging on the branch. At this time, it hated the tail it thought was beautiful. It struggled and saw the tiger running. The little zebra kicked hard with his legs and broke away from the branch. At this time, it ran to the monkey's house in ecstasy, and finally escaped the tiger's pursuit.

  Through this escape event, the little zebra understood a truth: what looks good is not necessarily useful, and what looks ugly is not necessarily useless. So you should embrace your imperfections.


