
时间:2019-04-09 05:36:27
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对考试看法的英语作文 篇一

Examination: A Tool for Evaluation or Source of Stress?

Examinations have long been an integral part of the education system. They are seen as a tool for evaluating students' knowledge and understanding of the subjects they have studied. However, the question arises whether examinations are truly an effective means of assessment or merely a source of stress for students.

On one hand, examinations provide a standardized way of measuring students' academic performance. They allow teachers to assess the students' understanding of the curriculum and identify areas where they may need further guidance. Examinations also help to create a competitive environment among students, motivating them to study and work hard to achieve good grades. Moreover, examinations can be seen as a preparation for future challenges, as they teach students the importance of time management, discipline, and critical thinking skills.

On the other hand, the pressure and stress associated with examinations can have detrimental effects on students' mental and physical well-being. Students often experience anxiety, sleep deprivation, and even depression due to the intense focus on achieving high scores. The emphasis on memorization and regurgitation of information during exams may also hinder students' ability to think critically and creatively. Furthermore, the limited time given for exams may not accurately reflect a student's true understanding and knowledge of a subject, as some may struggle with time management or suffer from test anxiety.

In my opinion, while examinations are necessary to some extent, the education system should aim to strike a balance between evaluation and the well-being of students. Alternative assessment methods, such as projects, presentations, and portfolios, should be incorporated to allow students to demonstrate their understanding and skills in a more comprehensive and practical manner. This would reduce the pressure on students and encourage them to develop a deeper understanding of the subjects they study.

In conclusion, examinations can be both a tool for evaluation and a source of stress for students. While they provide a standardized means of assessment, the pressure associated with exams can negatively impact students' well-being and hinder their overall learning experience. Therefore, it is essential for educators to find a balance between evaluation and student well-being to create a more holistic and effective education system.

对考试看法的英语作文 篇二

The Role of Examinations in Education: A Necessary Evil?

Examinations have long been a controversial topic in the field of education. While some argue that they are a necessary tool for evaluating students' knowledge and understanding, others believe that they do more harm than good. In this essay, we will explore the different perspectives on the role of examinations in education.

Proponents of examinations argue that they provide a fair and standardized way of assessing students' academic performance. Examinations allow teachers to measure students' understanding of the curriculum and identify areas where they may need additional support. They also create a competitive environment that motivates students to study and work hard to achieve good grades. Moreover, examinations can be seen as a preparation for future challenges, as they teach students important skills such as time management, discipline, and critical thinking.

However, critics of examinations argue that they put too much emphasis on memorization and regurgitation of information, rather than promoting deep understanding and critical thinking. The pressure and stress associated with exams can lead to anxiety, sleep deprivation, and even mental health issues among students. Moreover, the limited time given for exams may not accurately reflect a student's true understanding and knowledge of a subject, as some may struggle with time management or suffer from test anxiety.

In my opinion, examinations can be a useful tool for evaluation if used in moderation and combined with alternative assessment methods. While exams provide a standardized means of assessing students' knowledge, they should not be the sole determinant of a student's academic performance. Alternative assessment methods, such as projects, presentations, and portfolios, should be incorporated to allow students to demonstrate their understanding and skills in a more comprehensive and practical manner. This would reduce the pressure on students and encourage them to develop a deeper understanding of the subjects they study.

In conclusion, examinations have both advantages and disadvantages in the education system. While they provide a standardized means of assessment, they can also lead to stress and hinder the development of critical thinking skills. Therefore, it is important for educators to strike a balance between examinations and alternative assessment methods to create a more holistic and effective education system.

对考试看法的英语作文 篇三

  Whether the college English tests should be abolished .

  Whether the college English tests should be abolished? Answers to this question vary greatly. Some people are in favor of the idea of the college English tests. They always say that can make the students study English hard. And they also say that we can judge the students English level by the college English tests.

  But other people argue that many students can not communicate with the foreigner well in English, even though, they passed college English test. They also say that many students just learn how to pass the college English tests, not English itself.

  In my opinion, we should think why we need to study English. Since English is used to communication with foreigner, we need to change our way of English study. On the same time, the college English tests also need to be changed to suit our goal .





对考试看法的英语作文 篇四

  We live in a world full of competition. And the examination is one of the tools to exam whether we meet the standard or not. If we want to enter the key university, we have to get high marks on the College Entrance Exam;if we want to have a good job, we will go through a series of interviews and tests;If we want to drive a car, we have to pass the driving test. Some people complain that there are too many exams in our lives, and these exams cannot truly or fully reflect a person’s ability. Unfortunately, our fate and future are depending on these exams. We cannot avoid them.exam is very important。

  It’s true that the examinations can only test what we remember instead of what we know. A student with a good memory may find it very easy to get high marks before the examinations. All he needs to do is to remember the knowledgefromthe textbooks. In this situation, it’s quite unfair to evaluate the students only through exams. What’s more, some unexpected accidents may happen to the students such as a high fever or a sudden headache; this will affect the final marks. Since no one can performs stable all the time.

  Sometimes, luck plays a vital role in the examinations. The student may guess an answer right although he doesn’t work hard on the course. If the student has a good handwriting, he may get higher marks than others. There are many subjective factors that may affect the outcome of the exams.

  In a word, it’s not enough to use exams to evaluate the students. If the schools want to assess the students, they shouldd use different ways. Only in this way, the result may be fair.





对考试看法的英语作文 篇五

  In most schools and colleges the examination is used as a chief means of deciding whether a student succeeds or fails in mastering a particular subject. Although it does the job quite efficiently,its side effects are also enormous.

  The most undesirable effect is that examinations encourage bad study habits. As the examination score is the only criterion for his academic performance,a student is driven to memorize mechanically rather than to think creatively. Examinations do not motivate a student to seek more knowledge,but to restrict his reading; they do not enable him to study consistently throughout the semester,but to induce cramming during exam week. Examinations also lower the standards of teaching. Since teachers themselves are often judged by examination results,they are often judged by examination results,they are reduced to training their students in exam techniques. And no subjects can be taught successfully merely through being approached with intent to take examinations.

  Actually,few of us admit that examinations can contribute anything really important to the students academic development. If thats the case,why cant we make a change and devise something more efficient and reliable than examinations?




对考试看法的英语作文 篇六

  My Views on Examinations

  Since school comes into being, the test standard has been used to appraise performance of students. So far it is still being used, which may suggest that actually there are some advantages in it. However, it is also highly possible that the test standard is a not ideal way to find out what students have learned and what they havent. Most school is still using it just because there is no better method to replace it.

  In my opinion, the following three points are the critical flaws in the test standard.

  One of the most harmful effects on the test method is that it will force us to study just for passing tests, not for acquiring knowledge especially in China. Obviously the final object of education is XXX us intellective by learning more knowledge. While the test is only a way to examine the level of students studies, it has been deteriorated to a sifter deciding the fate of students. Why can it be called a terrible sifter? Now in the tests, which decide who can enter a higher school, thousands of poor students, who want a splendid future, must prepare for the tests by finishing a great deal of practices. Those practice tests are heavy-laden to them. So in this case, how can they be expected to study to obtain knowledge? To them that are enough if they can reach the level which tests need. In the end what our nation will get, genuine persons with ability or just test robots?

  Secondly, tests will bring the examinees great pressure, which can affect their lives. A typical example of this is that most young students have worn glasses even though some of them are still children. For preparing for tests, they must spend a lot of time on doing their homework so that their eyesight becomes worse and worse. And the more time they spend on those, the less time they have for playing and relaxing. Consequently, there is a bad influence on their health.

  Thirdly, in fact, test system itself can not veraciously estimate who is better than others because there are many factors impacting the results of test. For instance, someone cheated in test so that his score would be higher than others. Or someone who was too nervous to perform well fell in the test.

  Only in spare time and no pressure of tests existent, students can study simply for the fun, for obtaining knowledge and for the things that they are really interested in. But now the test system is the only way to select which one is better, who can reach better school and who can get good job. Then what we can do is to improve the test system or hope that something better will be invented and replace the test system.


