
时间:2014-06-07 01:16:32
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老虎的英语作文 篇一

The Majestic Tiger

The tiger, also known as Panthera tigris, is one of the most magnificent creatures in the animal kingdom. With its distinctive orange fur and dark stripes, the tiger is easily recognizable and holds a special place in the hearts of people around the world. In this essay, we will explore the physical characteristics, habitat, and conservation efforts for this incredible species.

Firstly, let us examine the physical characteristics of tigers. They are the largest members of the cat family, and males can weigh up to 700 pounds (320 kilograms) and measure up to 10 feet (3 meters) in length, excluding the tail. The orange fur with black stripes serves as excellent camouflage in the tall grasses and forests where they reside. Additionally, their long, sharp claws and powerful jaws make them formidable hunters.

Next, let us delve into the habitat of tigers. These majestic creatures can be found in various parts of Asia, including countries such as India, Russia, and Indonesia. Tigers are highly adaptable and can thrive in a range of environments, from dense jungles to snowy mountains. However, due to habitat loss and fragmentation, their populations have significantly decreased over the years. This leads us to the crucial topic of tiger conservation.

Conservation efforts for tigers are of utmost importance to ensure the survival of this endangered species. Many organizations and governments have implemented measures to protect and restore tiger habitats, as well as combat illegal hunting and trading of tiger parts. Additionally, raising awareness about the importance of conserving tigers and their ecosystems is crucial in garnering support and mobilizing action.

In conclusion, the tiger is a fascinating creature with its majestic appearance and powerful presence. Its physical characteristics, habitat, and conservation efforts all contribute to the understanding and preservation of this incredible species. Let us continue to work together to protect the tiger and ensure its survival for generations to come.

老虎的英语作文 篇二

The Endangered Tiger

The tiger, a symbol of strength and power, is sadly facing the threat of extinction. In this essay, we will explore the reasons behind the decline in tiger populations, the consequences of their extinction, and the actions that can be taken to save them.

There are several factors contributing to the decline in tiger populations. Habitat loss is one of the main reasons, as deforestation and urbanization continue to encroach upon the tiger's natural habitat. This leads to fragmentation and destruction of their habitats, leaving them with limited space to roam and hunt. Additionally, illegal hunting and poaching for their fur, bones, and other body parts contribute to the decline in tiger populations.

The consequences of tiger extinction would be devastating. Tigers play a vital role in maintaining the balance of their ecosystems. As top predators, they regulate the populations of prey species, which in turn affects the entire food chain. The loss of tigers would disrupt the delicate ecological balance and could lead to the overpopulation of certain species, causing further imbalances in the ecosystem.

To save the tiger from extinction, immediate action is required. Governments and conservation organizations need to enforce stricter laws and regulations against illegal hunting and trading of tiger parts. Moreover, efforts should be made to protect and restore tiger habitats, ensuring they have enough space and resources to thrive. Education and awareness campaigns are also crucial in educating the public about the importance of conserving tigers and the role they play in maintaining a healthy ecosystem.

In conclusion, the decline of tiger populations is a grave issue that requires urgent attention. The consequences of their extinction would have far-reaching impacts on ecosystems and biodiversity. By taking action to protect their habitats, combat illegal hunting, and raise awareness, we can work towards saving this majestic species from extinction and ensure a brighter future for tigers.

老虎的英语作文 篇三

  Remember when I was a pupil, I remember in Beijing zoo to see the scene. There is a tiger in the zoo, there were QiBaZhi tiger. Our past, happen to catch up to feed the tiger time. Tiger food is a calf, I thought I would be lucky enough to see a "pod to dodge" scene, only to see "the mavericks tease tiger" wonders.

  As an old saying goes, "newborn calves are not afraid of tigers." I think, I finally today a deeper understanding of the meaning of this sentence.

  When I saw out from behind the bushes QiBaZhi tigers, they walked slowly to the Dallas mavericks. A tiger attacks in the first place of their own food, the it emptied leap, tackled the mavericks to the ground. Wanted to Dallas is about to die, but the mavs suddenly with a head, the tiger has loosened claws, but turned back a step or two, the rest is only a few stupidly at a side. The mavericks continue to attack the tiger and YueZhanYu


  A moment later, the king of the forest that is only the mavericks chasing sheepishly hum calling to partner for help. A no, together up! Tigers around the calf constantly, but the attack have failed over and over again. They had to, to hide behind the bushes.

  At this time a lot of people burst into laughter. I think that laughter has two meanings: one is the "newborn calves are not afraid of the tiger", dare to the king of beasts in a duel, cheer for the mavericks, its spirit is worth our learning; 2 it is said the zoo on time every day to send food to the tiger, the tiger slowly become lazy, should have lost its wild, lose the ability to feed, no longer adapt to the fierce competition in the reality.

  In the 21st century today, if you want to be good than others, and contribute more outstanding than others, it must be hard. Because competition is brutal, if you don't work hard, then you will become a tiger in the zoo, slowly lose their ability of sharp and adventurous.









