
时间:2019-05-04 09:26:17
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小猴子的英语作文 篇一

The Little Monkey's Adventure

One sunny morning, the little monkey woke up feeling very curious. He had always wanted to explore the world beyond the trees and knew that today was the perfect day to start his adventure. With excitement, he swung from branch to branch, high up in the forest canopy.

As the little monkey ventured further away from his home, he encountered various animals along the way. He greeted each of them cheerfully, practicing his English as he went. He met a wise owl perched on a tree branch, a playful squirrel collecting acorns, and even a family of colorful birds singing harmoniously.

The little monkey's English skills improved with every interaction. He asked the owl about the different types of trees in the forest and learned about the squirrel's favorite hiding spots for his acorns. The birds taught the little monkey how to sing a beautiful melody.

As the day went on, the little monkey noticed a river flowing through the forest. He had never seen such a large body of water before. Curiosity took over, and he decided to cross the river to see what lay on the other side.

With his newfound confidence in English, the little monkey asked a friendly turtle if he could give him a ride across the river. The turtle agreed, and they slowly made their way to the other side. On the opposite bank, the little monkey discovered a meadow filled with colorful flowers and tall grass.

The little monkey explored the meadow and stumbled upon a group of children having a picnic. They were surprised to see a monkey speaking English so well. They invited him to join them, and they all became fast friends. The children taught the little monkey new English words, and he taught them how to climb trees just like him.

As the sun began to set, the little monkey realized it was time to return home. He said goodbye to his new friends, promising to visit them again soon. With a heart full of joy and new knowledge, the little monkey swung his way back to the safety of his treehouse.

That night, as the little monkey fell asleep, he couldn't help but smile. He knew that his adventure had not only brought him new experiences and friendships but also helped him become a better English speaker. Tomorrow was another day, filled with endless possibilities for the little monkey's next adventure.

小猴子的英语作文 篇二

The Little Monkey's Helping Hand

One day, the little monkey was swinging happily from tree to tree when he heard a cry for help. Startled, he followed the sound and found a baby bird struggling to fly. Without hesitation, the little monkey rushed to the bird's aid.

Using his agile limbs, the little monkey climbed up the tree where the baby bird's nest was. He gently picked up the bird and placed it back in the safety of the nest. The baby bird chirped gratefully, and its mother returned with a beak full of food.

The little monkey realized that he could use his English skills to communicate with the bird and its family. He asked the mother bird if the baby bird was alright, and she chirped in relief. The little monkey then asked if there was anything else he could do to help.

The mother bird explained that their nest was damaged during a storm, and they needed twigs and leaves to rebuild it. The little monkey immediately set to work, gathering branches and leaves from the forest floor. With each trip, he practiced his English, naming the different types of leaves and twigs he collected.

As the little monkey helped the birds rebuild their nest, word spread throughout the forest about his kind act. Animals from all around came to watch and learn from the little monkey's helpfulness and his ability to communicate in English.

Inspired by the little monkey's actions, the animals began working together to clean up the forest and make it a safer place for everyone. The little monkey continued to use his English skills to organize the efforts, assigning tasks to each animal and ensuring that everyone communicated effectively.

With the forest restored to its natural beauty, the animals celebrated their success. The little monkey was hailed as a hero, not only for his act of kindness but also for his ability to bring everyone together through his English skills.

From that day forward, the little monkey became known as the forest's ambassador of goodwill. He continued to use his English skills to bridge the gap between animals and humans, spreading messages of peace and harmony.

The little monkey's helping hand and his commitment to using English for good had a lasting impact on the forest and its inhabitants. The animals now lived in a united and peaceful community, thanks to the little monkey's selfless actions.

As the little monkey swung through the trees, he felt a sense of fulfillment and happiness. He knew that his English skills had not only helped him communicate with others but had also allowed him to make a positive difference in the world around him.

小猴子的英语作文 篇三




  On Sunday, my father and I went to the zoo, there were so many animals here! Peacock, egrets, Turkey, tiger, leopard... However, my favorite is still the little monkey.

  We watch all the way, unknowingly came to the monkey's "home" -- a round wire rockery. It is home to four monkeys, perhaps is a four! Them with brown hair, bald forehead wrinkled, like eighty - year - old grandpa. They light black claws scratch ears from time to time, scratched the body, jumped on to the for a while and jump down for a while, seems to make not over of all energy. They are a thin, long tail, often can not covered by people making fun of red buttock. If the bottom can shine, lying on the road crossing the green light, no worse than the red light!

  Look! A little monkey see see it, is very excited to show the "circus". It from the stone mountain a stone mountain to another, and then climbed up the thin iron chain, play up the "swing" air for us. Swing greatly more, after a while, it hooked swing with the feet, body abuse, to a "monkeys fishing month". Tourists around a shout, I'm worried about it will fall, but it is a easy demeanor, action freely. If it in animal games, is sure to have a gymnastics champion!

  Finished performing, it climbed onto the barbed wire, out from crevice claws, blink eyes looking at us, as if to say: "I have done ok? If you think good, give me a little reward!" Hence, I pass it to come up with a orange, it many years in the past, make me itchy palms. Hey! It peel orange peel to really skilled, also don't know is who learn with!

  Hey, there is a small monkey on the rockery behind my mother and hug mother for a while, then jump to the mother's arms play the woman, mother, hug from time to time tight little monkey, kiss it, help it to catch lice. The fierceness of the scene, it's so touching!

  What an interesting little monkey!










