
时间:2016-03-06 06:13:47
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谎言与欺骗英语作文 篇一:The Destructive Power of Lies

Lies and deceit are prevalent in society, and they have the power to cause immense harm to individuals and relationships. When people engage in dishonesty, whether it is to protect themselves or to manipulate others, the consequences can be far-reaching and devastating.

Firstly, lies erode trust between individuals. Trust is the foundation of any healthy relationship, whether it is between friends, family members, or romantic partners. When one person lies to another, it breaks that trust and makes it difficult for the relationship to recover. The person who was lied to may become skeptical and suspicious, constantly questioning the honesty of the other person. This lack of trust can lead to distance and strain in the relationship, ultimately causing it to crumble.

Secondly, lies can have a ripple effect, spreading their destructive power beyond the immediate situation. When someone tells a lie, it often requires more lies to maintain the facade. These subsequent lies can snowball, leading to a web of deceit that becomes increasingly difficult to untangle. Not only does this put more strain on the liar, but it also affects those who are inadvertently caught up in the lie. Innocent individuals may be blamed or accused as a result of the deceit, causing them harm and distress.

Moreover, lies can have severe consequences on a person's mental and emotional well-being. When someone engages in a pattern of lying, they are constantly living in fear of being discovered. This constant state of anxiety can lead to heightened stress levels, sleep disturbances, and even mental health issues such as depression and anxiety disorders. Additionally, the guilt associated with lying can eat away at a person's conscience, causing further emotional turmoil.

In conclusion, lies and deceit have a destructive power that can harm individuals and relationships in numerous ways. The erosion of trust, the ripple effect, and the negative impact on mental and emotional well-being are just a few examples of the damage caused by dishonesty. It is essential for individuals to recognize the long-term consequences of lies and strive to be honest and truthful in their interactions with others.

谎言与欺骗英语作文 篇二:The Temptation of Deception

Deception, in the form of lies and deceit, has always existed in society. While it is universally recognized as morally wrong, many individuals still find themselves tempted to engage in dishonesty for various reasons. The allure of deception lies in its ability to provide short-term benefits, but the long-term consequences can be detrimental to both oneself and others.

One common reason for deception is self-preservation. People may lie to protect themselves from punishment or negative consequences. For example, students may cheat on exams to avoid failing or face the repercussions of poor performance. While this may seem like a quick fix, it undermines the integrity of the education system and hampers personal growth and development. Furthermore, it creates a false sense of accomplishment, as the individual has not truly earned their achievements.

Another temptation for deception is personal gain. Individuals may lie or manipulate others to obtain material or social advantages. This can range from lying on a resume to secure a job to spreading false rumors about someone to gain social power. While these actions may provide temporary benefits, they contribute to a culture of mistrust and undermine the value of honesty and fairness. Moreover, the guilt and anxiety associated with such deceit can take a toll on a person's mental well-being and lead to a loss of self-respect.

Furthermore, deception can be fueled by the desire for social acceptance and approval. People may lie about their achievements, experiences, or personalities in order to fit in or gain admiration from others. However, this false image eventually crumbles, leading to feelings of insecurity and isolation. True connections and friendships are built on trust and authenticity, and deception only serves to undermine these genuine connections.

In conclusion, while the temptation of deception may be strong, the long-term consequences far outweigh the short-term benefits. Self-preservation, personal gain, and social acceptance may seem like compelling reasons to engage in dishonesty, but they ultimately erode trust, integrity, and personal well-being. It is crucial for individuals to resist the allure of deception and strive for honesty and authenticity in all aspects of life.

谎言与欺骗英语作文 篇三

  "Lie"-- this is a full of deception and cunning words, usually people hate it. But, in my word, "lies" and have it with another brand new explanation.

  Not so lies are full of deception and betrayal, I see, is a different kettle of lies.

  When you and your loved ones on a cold winter night, if your lover is very cold, I think you will not hesitate to coat with her, if you wear a thin sweater, even if you are shivering, you would say you dont cold, because you love her.

  This is a beautiful lie, we all live in the intangible but surrounded by a beautiful lies in the world.

  White lie is beautiful, when we to the happiness of others and want a moderate amount of pull a little lie, the lie is to understand, respect and tolerance, contains infinite happiness.

  A white lie can let a person find more smile to the life of reason. White lie, is to give people the inspiration, encourage people strong, persistent, in spite of oneself to try hard to strive for, finally overcome difficulties, rescue.

  Parents a lie, let wet behind the ears of a child to return to the path; The teachers a lie, let wanders students no longer confused; The doctors a lie, let fear of patients from the destruction to the new... White lie will not defile civilization, cant even distorted humanity.

  This lie is not deceive, not more sinister, this kind of lie, is to understand, respect and tolerance, is a virtue, no impurity.

  “谎言” ——这是一个充满了欺骗也狡猾的字眼,通常人们都讨厌它。但是,在我的字眼里,“谎言”又有这着另一种全新的解释。








谎言与欺骗英语作文 篇四

  Since the ancient times, honest and lies are two controversial topics. Great many again and again to expound the necessity and importance of honesty, and are also more and more real instances in life tells us that sometimes need a white lie.

  Honesty is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. Remember to have such a story: a company in a commercial competition, the situation is very bad, but finally managed to get the business, the finance department of an employee is responsible for the calculation of the business profits, calculate a calculate, he suddenly found there was a mistake on the books, if not correct, all of the tens of thousands of yuan of money profit under into his pockets. But, young man thinking repeatedly, eventually choose to report this error, so as to win more profit for the company. For a few days later, his honesty for him to win the position of the finance department manager. Thus, honesty is not only can cultivate peoples mind, also can bring many benefits to people.

  However, not all honesty can solve the things in life, sometimes also need some white lies: on one occasion, in the United States has a transport plane crashed in the desert, people compete for food, to save a lot of people still fight each other, at this time, a man claiming to be aircraft designers, there are ways to fix the plane, people under the guidance of his orderly work. Ten days later, the plane did not fix, but a camel through here, saved a group of people. After the event, people do not know what he is not aircraft designers, its just a primary school teacher, a lot of people

scold him not honest. He said: "if I didnt lie, you can live to be today?" White lie played a huge role, make the mortal fact reversed, saved the lives of a large group of people. Therefore, the life also need a white lie.

  In fact, honesty and antithesis of the two different lies in different adversity can play the same role, benefit the people. But it all depends on the mentality of people, if the young man tells a lie, he cant be promoted not only, and may be they; If a primary school teacher said the truth, no one can live. So, life needs both honest people, also need a white lie.






