
时间:2017-04-06 03:34:12
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我的小妹妹英语作文 篇一

My Little Sister

My little sister is the most adorable person in my life. She has brought so much joy and laughter to our family. She is only four years old, but she has already become the center of attention wherever she goes.

Firstly, my little sister is incredibly cute. She has big, sparkling eyes that can melt anyone's heart. Her rosy cheeks and chubby little hands make her look like a living doll. Whenever she smiles, it lights up the room and brings happiness to everyone around her. People cannot resist pinching her cheeks and giving her cuddles.

Secondly, my little sister is a bundle of energy. She is always running around, exploring the world with her curious mind. She loves to play with her toys, especially her stuffed animals. She creates imaginative stories and plays pretend with them for hours. Her laughter fills our house, and it is infectious. Whenever I am feeling down, her laughter can instantly lift my spirits.

Thirdly, my little sister is a fast learner. Despite her young age, she is already speaking in full sentences. She surprises us with her ability to remember new words and phrases. She loves to mimic what we say and tries her best to communicate with us. It is amazing to witness her language skills developing so quickly.

Lastly, my little sister is a caring and loving person. She always wants to help others and shows empathy towards those in need. Whenever someone in our family is feeling sad, she will offer them a hug and say comforting words. She has a pure and kind heart, and it is heartwarming to see her compassion at such a young age.

In conclusion, my little sister is the most precious gift in my life. Her cuteness, energy, intelligence, and kindness make her a truly special person. I am grateful to have her as my sister, and I am excited to see her grow and blossom into an amazing individual.

我的小妹妹英语作文 篇二

The Adventures of My Little Sister

My little sister is a bundle of joy and an endless source of entertainment. Her adventurous spirit and curiosity often lead us into hilarious situations. Let me share some of the memorable adventures we have had together.

One sunny afternoon, we decided to go on a treasure hunt in our backyard. We drew a map with colorful markers and followed the clues to find the hidden treasure. My little sister was the leader, and I followed her instructions. We dug holes, climbed trees, and searched every nook and cranny. Finally, after hours of searching, we discovered the treasure - a box of chocolate coins. We celebrated our victory by indulging in the sweet treats.

Another adventure we had was when we decided to build a fort in our living room. Armed with blankets, pillows, and chairs, we transformed the room into a secret hideout. We spent hours building and decorating our fort, making it the perfect place for our imaginative games. We pretended to be pirates sailing the high seas, or brave explorers discovering hidden treasures. Our fort became our sanctuary where we could let our imaginations run wild.

One summer day, we decided to have a picnic in the park. We packed a basket full of delicious snacks and a blanket to sit on. As we were enjoying our meal, a mischievous squirrel approached us. My little sister, being the animal lover she is, decided to share her sandwich with the furry creature. To our surprise, the squirrel snatched the sandwich and ran away. We burst into laughter, amazed by the squirrel's audacity.

One winter, when it snowed heavily, we went outside to build a snowman. My little sister was determined to make the biggest snowman ever. We rolled the snow into large balls and stacked them up, laughing and playing in the snow. As we were putting the finishing touches on our masterpiece, my little sister decided to add a carrot as the snowman's nose. She ran inside and came back with a carrot from the kitchen. To our surprise, our mischievous dog had followed her and stole the carrot right off the snowman's face. We couldn't help but laugh at the sight of our snowman with a missing nose.

These adventures with my little sister have created lasting memories and brought us closer together. Her fearless spirit and zest for life inspire me to see the world with a childlike wonder. I am grateful for these adventures and look forward to many more with my little sister by my side.

我的小妹妹英语作文 篇三

  I have a little sister, she is two years younger than me. When she was born, I did not like her, because my parents ignored me.


  But I found a lot of fun to spend time with her later. I can take care of her and my parents speak highly of me. I don’t feel lonely anymore, as we play together.



