
时间:2012-03-01 01:10:43
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我的父母很严格英语作文 篇一

Growing up with Strict Parents

I have always been grateful for having parents who are strict. While many of my friends may complain about their parents being too overbearing or controlling, I have come to appreciate the discipline and high expectations that my parents have set for me. Their strictness has shaped me into the person I am today and has prepared me for the challenges that lie ahead.

One of the main reasons why my parents are strict is because they want the best for me. They have always emphasized the importance of education and have pushed me to excel academically. They set high standards for my grades and would not accept anything less than my best effort. While this may have been daunting at times, it has taught me the value of hard work and perseverance. I have learned that success does not come easily and that I need to put in the time and effort to achieve my goals.

In addition to academics, my parents have also been strict about my behavior and choices. They have instilled in me a strong sense of morality and good values. They have taught me to always be respectful to others, to make responsible decisions, and to prioritize my well-being. Their strict rules and guidelines have helped me develop self-discipline and have prevented me from making impulsive or harmful choices. I am grateful for the guidance they have provided and the boundaries they have set, as it has allowed me to grow into a responsible and conscientious individual.

Of course, there have been times when I have felt frustrated or restricted by my parents' strictness. I have envied my friends who seem to have more freedom and lenient parents. However, I have come to realize that strict parenting is not a form of punishment, but rather a form of love and protection. My parents want to ensure that I am safe, successful, and happy, and their strictness is their way of showing their care and concern for me.

In conclusion, growing up with strict parents has been both challenging and rewarding. While it may have felt restrictive at times, I understand that their strictness has been a way for them to guide and protect me. Their emphasis on education and high expectations have helped me develop a strong work ethic and determination. Their strict rules and guidelines have instilled in me good values and morals. I am grateful for their strictness and believe that it has played a significant role in shaping me into the person I am today.

我的父母很严格英语作文 篇二

Balancing Strictness with Freedom

While many of my friends complain about their strict parents, I consider myself fortunate to have parents who strike a balance between strictness and freedom. My parents have always been supportive and understanding, but they have also set certain boundaries and expectations for me. This balanced approach has allowed me to grow and develop as an individual while also providing me with the necessary guidance and structure.

One of the reasons why my parents have chosen this balanced approach is because they believe in fostering independence and self-reliance. They understand that I need to learn from my own experiences and make my own mistakes in order to grow and develop as a person. They have always encouraged me to pursue my interests and passions, and have provided me with the freedom to explore my own path. This freedom has allowed me to discover my own strengths and weaknesses and has given me the confidence to take risks and try new things.

However, my parents also recognize the importance of setting boundaries and expectations. They have taught me the value of responsibility, discipline, and hard work. They have set rules and guidelines for me to follow, and they hold me accountable for my actions. This has taught me to be respectful, considerate, and responsible. It has also taught me the importance of making good choices and taking ownership of my own life.

Another aspect of my parents' balanced approach is their willingness to listen and communicate with me. They are always open to hearing my thoughts, concerns, and ideas. They respect my opinions and value my input. This open communication has allowed me to develop a strong bond with my parents and has created an environment of trust and understanding. I feel comfortable discussing any issues or problems with them and know that they will provide me with guidance and support.

In conclusion, I am grateful to have parents who have struck a balance between strictness and freedom. Their approach has allowed me to grow and develop as an individual while also providing me with the necessary guidance and structure. I appreciate their belief in fostering independence and self-reliance, as well as their emphasis on responsibility, discipline, and hard work. Their willingness to listen and communicate with me has also played a significant role in our strong relationship. I believe that their balanced approach has had a positive impact on my personal growth and development.

我的父母很严格英语作文 篇三



  My parents are very strict to me. When I was very small, they have realized that they couldn’t spoil me, so when I ask them to buy me all kinds of toys, they first tell me that I have similar one. If I cry, then they will let me calm down and educate me to know the results when I have the toy. I listen to them and finally submit.




