
时间:2019-06-06 09:48:38
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坚持是成功的关键英语作文 篇一

Persistence is the Key to Success

Success is not achieved overnight; it is the result of continuous effort and perseverance. Many people may have talent and intelligence, but without persistence, their potential will never be fully realized. Therefore, it can be said that persistence is the key to success.

Firstly, persistence allows individuals to overcome obstacles and challenges. In any endeavor, there will inevitably be setbacks and difficulties. It is during these times that persistence becomes crucial. Without perseverance, people may give up easily when faced with obstacles. However, those who are persistent will continue to strive for their goals, even in the face of adversity. They will find alternative solutions, learn from their mistakes, and keep moving forward. By persisting, they increase their chances of success.

Secondly, persistence enables individuals to develop important skills and knowledge. Success often requires a certain level of expertise and competence. However, acquiring these skills takes time and effort. Through persistence, individuals are able to dedicate themselves to their craft, continuously improving and expanding their knowledge base. They are willing to put in the hours of practice and study that are necessary to become proficient in their chosen field. As a result, they become experts in their respective areas and are more likely to achieve success.

Lastly, persistence helps individuals maintain motivation and focus. It is common for people to start off with great enthusiasm and excitement, only to lose interest or motivation over time. However, those who are persistent are able to stay committed to their goals and stay focused on their desired outcome. They understand that success is a long-term process and are willing to put in the necessary time and effort to achieve it. By staying motivated and focused, they are able to overcome distractions and temptations, and continue working towards their goals.

In conclusion, persistence is indeed the key to success. It allows individuals to overcome obstacles, develop important skills, and maintain motivation and focus. Without persistence, even the most talented individuals may never reach their full potential. Therefore, it is important for everyone to cultivate a sense of persistence and never give up on their dreams and aspirations. Remember, success is not a sprint, but a marathon.

坚持是成功的关键英语作文 篇三




  Nothing can be more exciting than success to a man.But you must face many difficulties before you can succeed.

No one can make it easily.And it's harder for those who are in adverse conditions to succeed.However,everything has two sides.Just as someone said, in every adversity there lies the seed of an advantage and in every defeat there is a lesson showing you how to win the victory next time.The most important forus is to establish a brief, that is perseverance.The British ex-prime minister Winston Churchill had a motto of "Never, never, never, never give up .Nothing can substitute for hard work. Life is a process of struggle for success.



  Behind every great achievement in anyone's life lies perseverance.We see this in every human endeavor.Outstanding sportsmen spend all their time practising.Their endurance is beyond imagination.

  The same is true of businessmen who build up fortunes.What we usually see are their achievements, but once we go behind the scenes we will find that they have put in a lot of continual steady efforts.We all have read of great musicians, writers and inventors who have created or discovered breakthroughs in human achievement.Invariably they have said that they owe all their success to perseverance.As to college students, quite a big number of then, have become successful language learners through perseverance, however, a certain group of them, just stop half way and their previous efforts turn out to be fruitless.

  Of all the countless examples the saga of Colonel Saunders is perhaps one of the most outstanding.The 65-year-old man from Kentucky had a dream to start a chain of fried chicken restaurants all over the world.To realize his dream, he knew that he needed a restaurant owner to go into partnership with him to open the first restaurant and to fry chicken according to the secret recipe he had.Colonel Saunders had knocked on 1008 doors before he finally found his partner.It is doubtful whether many of us would have had the perseverance to knock even a hundred doors.

  From the above discussion we can draw a conclusion that success comes to anyone who keeps working perseveringly and lack of perseverance can only result in frustration and failure.






  Gardens Are Not Made by Sitting in the Shade,which can be expressed as follows;Rome wasnt built in a day!

  To take English learning for an example.Like building a house, it takes some time. Laying a strong foundation is the first and most important step. You must build your strong English foundation by learning beautiful and useful words as well as sentences.In other words,The road to true success is never smooth or easy. Only if you practice every day can you make it.


