
时间:2015-04-04 01:47:23
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英语的抗疫句子 篇一

Inspirational English Sentences in the Face of Pandemic

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has presented numerous challenges for people all over the world. In times of crisis, words of encouragement and inspiration can provide much-needed solace and motivation. In this article, we will explore some powerful English sentences that can help us navigate through these difficult times.

1. "Tough times never last, but tough people do."

This sentence reminds us that although challenging situations may arise, our resilience and determination will ultimately prevail. It encourages us to stay strong and persevere in the face of adversity.

2. "We may be apart, but we are in this together."

This sentence emphasizes the importance of solidarity and unity during times of crisis. It reminds us that even though we may be physically separated, we are all facing the same challenge and must support one another.

3. "Every cloud has a silver lining."

This sentence encourages us to find the positive aspects even in the darkest of times. It reminds us to look for opportunities for growth and learning amidst the challenges we face.

4. "This too shall pass."

This sentence serves as a comforting reminder that nothing lasts forever, including the current pandemic. It instills hope and reassurance that eventually, we will overcome this difficult period.

5. "In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity."

This sentence inspires us to seek out opportunities for personal and collective growth during times of crisis. It encourages us to think outside the box and find innovative solutions to the challenges we face.

6. "Kindness is contagious."

This sentence highlights the power of kindness and compassion during difficult times. It reminds us that small acts of kindness can have a ripple effect, spreading positivity and support to those around us.

7. "We are not alone; we are warriors."

This sentence acknowledges the struggles we face but also emphasizes our strength and resilience. It reminds us that we are not alone in this fight against the pandemic and that we have the power to overcome it.

8. "Hope is the anchor in the midst of uncertainty."

This sentence reminds us of the importance of hope in navigating through uncertain times. It encourages us to hold onto hope as an anchor that keeps us grounded and motivated.

9. "Together, we will emerge stronger."

This sentence highlights the collective strength and resilience of humanity. It instills confidence and optimism that by working together, we will come out of this pandemic stronger than ever before.

10. "The only way out is through."

This sentence serves as a reminder that the only way to overcome the challenges posed by the pandemic is by facing them head-on. It encourages us to stay determined and persevere until we reach the other side.

In conclusion, these powerful English sentences provide us with inspiration, encouragement, and hope in the face of the ongoing pandemic. They remind us of our collective strength and resilience, and encourage us to stay positive and motivated as we navigate through these challenging times.

英语的抗疫句子 篇二

The Power of English Sentences in the Fight Against Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has upended lives and communities across the globe. In times of crisis, language becomes a powerful tool to express our emotions, inspire others, and foster resilience. In this article, we will explore the power of English sentences in the fight against the pandemic.

1. "Stay home, save lives."

This sentence has become a rallying cry for individuals around the world. It emphasizes the importance of social distancing measures in preventing the spread of the virus and reminds us of our collective responsibility to protect ourselves and others.

2. "We are in this together."

This sentence highlights the importance of unity and solidarity in the face of the pandemic. It reminds us that regardless of our differences, we are all affected by the virus and must work together to overcome it.

3. "Wash your hands regularly."

This simple yet vital sentence serves as a reminder of the importance of personal hygiene in preventing the transmission of the virus. It emphasizes the role each individual plays in keeping themselves and others safe.

4. "Mask up, stay safe."

This sentence emphasizes the importance of wearing face masks as a protective measure against the virus. It reminds us that by taking this simple action, we can contribute to the collective effort of reducing the spread of the virus.

5. "Flatten the curve."

This sentence has become synonymous with efforts to slow down the rate of infection. It encourages individuals to adhere to preventive measures in order to reduce the strain on healthcare systems and save lives.

6. "Frontline heroes."

This sentence pays tribute to the healthcare workers, emergency responders, and all those working tirelessly on the frontlines of the pandemic. It recognizes their selflessness and dedication in the fight against the virus.

7. "Physical distancing, not social distancing."

This sentence reminds us that even though we may be physically apart, we can still maintain social connections through technology and other means. It encourages us to stay connected and support one another during these challenging times.

8. "Spread kindness, not the virus."

This sentence highlights the importance of kindness and compassion during the pandemic. It encourages individuals to support and uplift one another, reminding us that acts of kindness can make a difference in someone's life.

9. "Hope is stronger than fear."

This sentence serves as a reminder to stay positive and hopeful in the face of fear and uncertainty. It encourages individuals to find strength in hope and to believe in a brighter future.

10. "We will overcome."

This sentence instills optimism and resilience in the face of adversity. It reminds us that while the road may be difficult, we have the determination and strength to overcome this pandemic together.

In conclusion, these English sentences serve as powerful messages of unity, resilience, and hope in the fight against the pandemic. They remind us of our collective responsibility, the importance of preventive measures, and the power of kindness and support. Together, we can overcome this crisis and emerge stronger.

英语的抗疫句子 篇三


英语的抗疫句子 篇四








直到十天前,川大统领还是觉得没啥大不了了,但对于四处都是火苗这个状况有点束手无策,本着一切为了选举的宗旨,川大统领的第一反应就是近30年来美国选举的传统套路规定动作:把矛盾引向中国。如果说5年前中国还是假想敌的话,到了川大统领年代,中美对抗已经是赤裸裸了,脸都撕了,没啥忌讳。于是川书记策划了个“Chinese Virus”话题,中国报以“川它妹(Trampandemic)‘’可以更直白地翻译成“特朗普大瘟疫”。你来我往,热闹了好一会。甩锅没甩成,但为此浪费的宝贵的防控时间,是用美国人的生命做交换的。


3月27日,大统领一觉醒来,发现美国感染人数已经超越中国,排世界第一。川普开口闭口说要“Let America Great Again”,这次真的是一下子做到了。




1. 新冠病毒是民主党吓唬大家的骗局!

2. 过一阵子天气暖和了,病毒就会像变魔术一般变得无影无踪。

3. 这就是人生(记者会被问到为什么有钱人会很快得到检测)。

4. 你们回家撸自己!(几个州长找他要呼吸机)。

5. 我又不是快递员!(几个州长要联邦政府加快调拨物资)。

6. 我们的检测数量世界第一!(当发现感染人数已经超过8万。)




10. 若新冠肺炎死亡人数控制在10万,政府的工作表现就算不错了。(3.29记者会,预留了不少犯错误空间,自我表扬的力度挺大的。)



