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句子的英文单词缩写 篇一

In today's fast-paced world, abbreviations play a significant role in communication. Abbreviations are shortened forms of words or phrases, often consisting of the initial letters of each word. They are widely used in various fields, including technology, science, medicine, and even everyday conversations. Understanding and using abbreviations correctly can greatly enhance communication efficiency. In this article, we will explore the importance of abbreviations and provide some common examples.

One major advantage of using abbreviations is saving time and effort. In a world where time is of the essence, abbreviations allow us to convey information quickly and concisely. For instance, instead of typing out "as soon as possible," we can simply use the abbreviation "ASAP." This not only saves time but also makes our communication more efficient. Similarly, abbreviations like "FYI" (for your information) and "BTW" (by the way) are commonly used in emails and text messages to convey information in a concise manner.

Abbreviations are also essential in technical and scientific fields. Professionals in these fields often use complex terminology that can be lengthy and difficult to pronounce. Abbreviations provide a convenient way to simplify these terms and make them easier to understand. For example, "DNA" stands for deoxyribonucleic acid, a fundamental molecule in genetics. Using the abbreviation "DNA" allows scientists to refer to this complex term quickly and effortlessly.

Moreover, abbreviations are commonly used in medical practices. Medical professionals frequently use abbreviations to describe symptoms, diagnoses, and medications. For instance, "CPR" stands for cardiopulmonary resuscitation, a life-saving technique used in emergency situations. By using abbreviations, medical staff can communicate effectively and efficiently, especially in critical situations where every second counts.

However, it is important to note that not all abbreviations are universally understood. Some abbreviations may be specific to certain industries or regions. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that the recipient of your message understands the abbreviation you are using. In cases where there may be confusion, it is best to provide the full term before using the abbreviation.

In conclusion, abbreviations play a vital role in modern communication. They save time, simplify complex terms, and enhance communication efficiency. Whether in technology, science, medicine, or everyday conversations, abbreviations have become an integral part of our daily lives. By understanding and using abbreviations correctly, we can communicate more effectively and make our messages concise and clear.

句子的英文单词缩写 篇二

Abbreviations are a common feature of the English language and are widely used in various contexts. They are shortened forms of words or phrases, created by taking the initial letters of each word and combining them. Abbreviations serve many purposes, from saving time and space to conveying specific meanings. In this article, we will explore the world of abbreviations and their significance in different fields.

One of the main reasons for using abbreviations is to save time and space. In today's fast-paced world, where efficiency is highly valued, abbreviations allow us to convey information quickly and concisely. For example, instead of writing "United States of America," we can simply use the abbreviation "USA." This not only saves time but also makes our writing more efficient. Similarly, abbreviations like "etc." (et cetera) and "i.e." (id est) are commonly used to indicate that there are more examples or to clarify a point.

Abbreviations are also prevalent in the business world. Companies often have long and complicated names, which can be challenging to remember or pronounce. Abbreviations provide a simple and recognizable way to refer to these organizations. For instance, "IBM" stands for International Business Machines, a multinational technology company. By using the abbreviation "IBM," we can easily identify and refer to this company in various contexts.

Furthermore, abbreviations are widely used in academic writing and research. They help researchers and scholars to convey complex ideas and concepts efficiently. For example, in the field of psychology, "PTSD" stands for post-traumatic stress disorder. By using the abbreviation "PTSD," researchers can refer to this condition without having to write out the full term repeatedly. This not only saves time but also ensures clarity and precision in academic writing.

It is important to note that while abbreviations can be helpful, they can also be confusing if not used correctly. Some abbreviations may have multiple meanings or may be specific to certain industries or regions. Therefore, it is crucial to provide context and clarification when using abbreviations to avoid any misunderstandings. Additionally, it is essential to be mindful of the target audience and ensure that they are familiar with the abbreviations being used.

In conclusion, abbreviations are an integral part of the English language and are widely used in various contexts. They save time and space, simplify complex terms, and enhance communication efficiency. Whether in everyday conversations, business settings, or academic writing, abbreviations play a crucial role in conveying information quickly and concisely. By understanding and using abbreviations correctly, we can improve our communication skills and make our writing more effective.

句子的英文单词缩写 篇三

















IT:信息技术(Information Technology)

PC:个人电脑(Personal Computer)


CPU:中央处理器(Central Processing Unit)

www:环球信息网/万维网(World Wide Web)

WiFi:无线网络/无线保真技术(Wireless Fidelity)

CD:光盘/激光唱片(Compact Disk)

DJ:音乐节目主持人(Disc Jockey)


VCD:录像光盘(Video Compact Disk)

DVD:数字录像光盘(Digital Video Disk)

VCR:盒式磁带录像(Video Cassette Recorder)

MV:音乐短片(Music Video)

KTV:卡拉OK(Karaok TV)


GPS:全球定位系统(Global Positioning System)

ETC:不停车收费系统(Electronic Toll Collection)

ABS:防锁死刹车系统(Antilock Brake System)

SUV:运动型多用途轿车(Sport Utility Vehicle)

BRT:快速公交系统(Bus Rapid Transit)

LRT:轻轨公交系统(Light Rail Transit)

ATM:自动取款机(Automatic Teller Machine)


PRC:中华人民共和国(The People's Republic of China)

HK:香港(Hong Kong)



UK:英国(United Kingdom)

US:美国(United States)

USA:美国(United States of America)



EU:欧洲联盟/欧盟(European Union)

UN:联合国(United Nations)

WTO:世界贸易组织(World Trade Organization)

WHO:世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)

CIA:美国中央情报局(Central Intelligence Agency)

FBI:美国联邦调查局(Federal Bureau of investigation)


局(Food and Drug Administration)

ICAC:廉政公署(Independent Commission Against Corruption)

OPEC:石油输出国组织/欧佩克(Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)


EMS:邮政特快专递(Express Mail Service)

PLA:中国人民解放军(People's Liberation Army)

CCTV:中国中央电视台(China Central Television)

CBA:中国篮球协会(Chinese Basketball Association)

NBA:美国篮球协会(National Basketball Association)

BBC:英国广播公司(British Broad-casting Corporation)

VOA:美国之音(Voice of America)

IOC:国际奥委会(International Olympic Committee)

ISBN:国际标准书号(International Standard Book Number)





DIY:自己动手/自助服务(Do it Yourself)

ET:外星人(Extra Terrestrial)

ID:身份证(Identification Card)

IQ:智商(Intelligence Quotient)

EQ:情商(Emotional Quotient)

PE:体育(Physical Education)


KFC:肯德基(Kentucky Fried Chicken)

DNA:遗传基因组织(Deoxyribonucleic Acid)

GMT:格林威治时间或国际标准时间(Greenwich Mean Time)

GDP:国内生产总值(Gross Domestic Product)

OMG:我的上帝/我的天哪(Oh My God)

SOS:求救信号(Save Our Soul)

UFO:不明飞行物(Unknown Flying Object)

VIP:重要人物/贵宾(Very Important Person)

WC:厕所(Water Closet)


Ms.:女士(Mrs. or Miss)


AD:公元(Anno Domini)

BC:公元前(Before Christ)

AM:上午(Ante Meridiem)(before noon)

PM:下午(Post Meridiem)(afternoon)

CEO:首席执行官(Chief Executive Officer)

CFO:首席财务官 (Chief Finance Officer)

COO:首席运营官(Chief Operating Officer)

CTO:首席技术官 (Chief Technology Officer)

PhD:博士(Philosophy Doctor)

MBA:工商管理硕士(Master of Business Administration)

MPA:公共管理硕士(Master of Public Administration)

中国人民银行:PBC(The People's Bank of China)

中国建设银行:CCB(China Construction Bank)

中国农业银行:ABC(Agriculture Bank of China)

中国工商银行:ICBC(Industrial & Commercial Bank of China)

中国银行:BOC(Bank of China)

交通银行:BCM(Bank of Communications)

招商银行:CMB(China Merchants Bank)






















克 G(Gram)

公斤 KG(Kilogram)

公吨 MT(Metric Ton)

米 M(Metre)

厘米 CM(Centimetre)

毫米 MM(Milimetre)

公里 KM(Kilometre)

码 Yd.(Yard)

英尺 Ft.(Foot)

英寸 In.(Inch)

升 L(Litre)

毫升 ML(Millilitre)

加仑 Gal(Gallon)

千瓦 KW(Kilowatt)

马力 HP(Horse Power)

平方米 Sq.m(Square metre)

立方米 Cu.m(Cubic metre)

小时 Hr.(Hour); 分 Min.(Minute); 秒 Sec.(Second)




1、系动词 + not:

isn’t = is not;wasn’t = was not

aren’t = are not;weren’t = were not

注意:am not一般不缩写。

2、助动词 + not:

don’t = do not;doesn’t = does not

didn’t = did not;haven’t = have not

hasn’t = has not;hadn’t = had not

3、情态动词 + not:

can’t = can not;couldn’t = could not

won’t = will not;wouldn’t = would not

shouldn’t = should not


1、Tom isn’t my brother. = Tom is not my brother.(汤姆不是我的弟弟。)

2、He didn’t come back. = He did not come back.(他没有回来。)

3、She can’t finish the work alone. = She can not finish the work alone. (她无法独自完成工作。)



I’m = I am;he’s = he is;she’s = she is

you’re = you are;we’re = we are

they’re = they are;there’re = there are

there’s = there is;that’s = that is;it’s = it is

注意:this is一般不缩写。


1、I’m a teacher. = I am a teacher.(我是老师。)

2、They’re my friends. = They are my friends.(他们是我的朋友。)

3、There’s a book in my bag. = There is a book in my bag.(我包里有一本书。)


Who’s = Who is;Who’re = Who are

How’s = How is;How’re = How are

When’s = When is;When’re = When are

What’s = What is;What’re = What are

Where’s = Where is;Where’re = Where are


1、How's your family? = How is your family?(你的家人都好吗?)

2、What’s the matter? = What is the matter?(你怎么了?)

3、Where’re you going? = Where are you going?(你要去哪?)



I've = I have;You've = You have;

He's = He has;She's = She has;It's = It has

We've = We have;They've = They have

I’d = I had;you’d = you had;He'd = He had;She'd = She had

It'd = It had;We'd = We had;They'd = They had


1、I’ve got a job. = I have got a job.(我找到了一份工作。)

2、We've been married for one year. = We have been married for one year.(我们结婚一年了。)

3、He'd never learned to read. = He had never learned to read.(他一直没有学会阅读。)



I’ll = I will;you’ll = you will

she’ll = she will;he’ll = he will

we’ll = we will;they’ll = they will

I’d = I would;you’d = you would

she’d = she would;he’d = he would

we’d = we would;they’d = they would


1、I’ll see you tomorrow. = I will see you tomorrow.(明天见。)

2、He'll study harder. = He will study harder.(他将更加努力学习。)

3、They’d like to come with us. = They would like to come with us.(他们想和我们一起去。)


1、Let’s ...=Let us ...

2、My name’s ...=My name is ...


1、Let's go to the cinema together.=Let us go to the cinema together.(我们一起去看电影。)

2、My name’s Gina.=My name is Gina.(我的名字叫吉娜。)


