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英语简单句子 篇一

English Simple Sentences

In today's article, we will explore the world of simple English sentences. These sentences are perfect for beginners or anyone looking to improve their English language skills. Let's dive in!

1. I like to read books.

This sentence expresses a personal preference for reading books. It is a simple sentence because it consists of a subject (I) and a verb (like), followed by an object (books).

2. The cat is sleeping.

This sentence describes the current state of the cat, which is sleeping. It follows the same structure as the previous sentence, with a subject (The cat), a verb (is), and a complement (sleeping).

3. She plays the piano beautifully.

Here, the subject (She) performs an action (plays) on an object (the piano). The word "beautifully" is an adverb that describes how she plays the piano. Again, we have a simple sentence structure.

4. We went to the park yesterday.

This sentence talks about a past event. The subject (We) performed an action (went) to a location (the park) at a specific time (yesterday). It is a simple sentence because it has a clear subject, verb, and object.

5. He is a doctor.

In this sentence, the subject (He) is a doctor, which serves as the complement. It is a simple sentence as it follows the subject-verb-complement structure.

6. They are eating dinner at the restaurant.

This sentence describes a current action (eating dinner) happening at a specific location (the restaurant) by a group of people (They). It is a simple sentence that provides clear information.

7. My sister and I are going shopping tomorrow.

Here, the subject (My sister and I) performs an action (are going) at a specific time (tomorrow). It is a simple sentence that includes multiple subjects.

8. The sun is shining brightly.

This sentence describes the current state of the sun, which is shining brightly. It follows the same structure as the previous sentences, with a subject (The sun), a verb (is), and a complement (shining brightly).

In conclusion, simple English sentences are essential building blocks for language learners. They consist of a subject, verb, and sometimes an object or complement. By practicing these sentences, learners can improve their understanding and ability to communicate effectively in English.

英语简单句子 篇二

English Simple Sentences for Daily Conversations

In this article, we will focus on simple English sentences that are commonly used in daily conversations. These sentences are practical and will help you communicate effectively in various situations. Let's explore them!

1. How are you?

This sentence is used as a greeting to inquire about someone's well-being. It is a simple sentence that encourages a response and initiates a conversation.

2. Can you help me?

Here, the subject (you) is asked to perform an action (help) by the speaker. It is a simple sentence that seeks assistance or support from someone.

3. What's your name?

This sentence is a common way to ask for someone's name. It is a simple sentence that helps establish introductions and initiate conversations.

4. Where is the nearest bus stop?

This sentence is used to ask for directions. The subject (bus stop) is the location being inquired about. It is a simple sentence that helps navigate in unfamiliar places.

5. I'm sorry.

This sentence expresses an apology or regret. It is a simple sentence that can be used in various situations to show remorse or ask for forgiveness.

6. How much does it cost?

Here, the subject (it) refers to an object being inquired about (the cost). This simple sentence is used when asking about the price of something.

7. I don't understand.

This sentence is used when someone doesn't comprehend or grasp a concept or statement. It is a simple sentence that indicates a lack of understanding and seeks clarification.

8. Thank you.

This sentence expresses gratitude or appreciation. It is a simple sentence that is used to show politeness and acknowledge someone's kindness or assistance.

In conclusion, these simple English sentences are extremely useful in daily conversations. They cover common greetings, requests, questions, and expressions. By practicing them, you can enhance your communication skills and engage in meaningful conversations with native English speakers.

英语简单句子 篇三

A: Hey! What's up?

B: Nothing much! (As usual)

03 It's on me. 我来付

A: The beer is on me.

B: Thank you.

04 I mean it.我是说真的

A: Do you really want to quit your job?

B: I mean it.

05 Check, please.买单

A: Check, please.

B: Yes, sir.

06 Mind your own business.别多管闲事

A: What were you talking about?

B: Mind your own business.

07 Hold on. 请稍等

A: May I leave a message, please?

B: Hold on.

08 Whatever! 随你的便

A: Shall I tell him tonight or tomorrow?

B: Whatever!

09 After you.你先(请)

A: Please come in.

B: After you.

10 Nonsense! 胡说八道!

A: Tell me the truth. I don't want nonsense.

B: I am telling the truth.

11 Cheer up! 振作点

A: We lost the game again!

B: Cheer up! You'll do better next time.

12 No way! 不行

A: Let's have pizza for lunch.

B: No way! I hate pizza.

13 Go for it! 加油!

A: It’s an important test.

B: Yes, I will go for it!

14 You've got me there. / (it) beats me.我想不出来英语简单句子


A: Do you know the height of that building?

B: You've got me there. (Beats me)

15 Who Cares! 谁管你呀!

A: I can't finish my homework. Can you help me to do some?

B: Who cares!

16 I'll get it. 我来接(电话)

A: The phone is ringing.

B: I'll get it.

17 It depends. 看情形

A: When will you wake up?

B: It depends.

18 Out of the question! 不可能的

A: Could I borrow your bike?

B: Out of the question!

19 Allow me. 让我来

A: Please allow me to open the door for you.

B: Thank you.

20 Calm down 冷静一点

A: Calm down. It's not such a big deal.

B: You won't understand.

21 Thank you. 谢谢

A: You are beautiful!

B: Thank you.

22 You're welcome. 不客气

A: Thank you for the flowers.

B: You’re welcome.

23 Goodbye.再见

A: Take care!

B: You too! Goodbye!

英语简单句子 篇四

A: How are you?

B: Not very good. I got a cold.

25 I have had enough! 我真是受够了!

A: I have had enough!

B: Why? What did he do?

26 Let's call it a day. 今天到此为止吧!

A: Let's call it a day. I am so tired.

B: All right!

27 Not again! 不会吧!

A: Everyone's late.

B: Not again!

28 Knock it off! 住手!不要吵!

A: Knock it off! I am trying to study.

B: Sorry, I didn’t know that you are studying.

29 Good night. 晚安

A: Good night, everybody.

B: Good night, Jill! Have a sweet dream.

30 Sure! 可以呀!

A: Could I use your computer?

B: Sure!

31 Of course. 当然!

A: Could I borrow your car?

B: Of course.

32 Yes. 是的

A: Is this your cell phone?

B: Yes, it is mine.

英语简单句子 篇五

A: Sarah is not coming.

B: Why?

34 Be careful on the road. 路上小心

A: Be careful on the road. It’s getting dark.

B: Ok!

35 You decide. 你决定吧!

A: Do you want the black tie or the red one?

B: You decide.

36 Never mind. 没关系;不要紧

A: I am sorry that I broke your radio.

B: Never mind.

37 That's all right. 没关系

A: I didn't mean to be bump into you.

B: That's all right.

38 I don't know. 我不知道

A: Do you know where the police station is?

B: I don't know.

39 Is there anything wrong? 有问题吗?

A: The boss was very angry at the meeting.

B: Why? Is there anything wrong?

40 No problem. 没问题

A: Could I borrow your car tomorrow?

B: Sure! No problem.

41 You are joking! (No kidding) 别开玩笑了

A: Did you know that Linda's uncle is Jacky Chen?

B: You are joking! How did you know that?

42 Why not? 为什么不行?

A: You can't go out today.

B: Why not?

43 I don't understand…. 我不懂

A: Betty broke up with her new boyfriend.

B: I don't

understand how could this happen?

44 And then? 然后呢?

A: You should take this form to the first counter.

B: And then? What should I do?

45 So what? 那又如何?那又怎样?

A: Do you know there is a new theater down the street?

B: Yeah. So what?

46 It's alright. 还好

A: How's your steak?

B: It's alright.

47 I am OK. 我没事

A: Are you hurt?

B: I am OK.

48 Bon voyage. 一路顺风

A: We are leaving for Boston tonight.

B: Bon voyage.

49 What happened? 发生了什么事?

A: Lucy is crying.

B: Why? What happened?

50 Come on! 来嘛!拜托!

A: I don't want to go to the party.

B: Come on! Don't be shy


