
时间:2016-07-09 03:10:21
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赞美英雄的句子英语 篇一:感恩无私奉献的英雄

Heroes are not born, they are made. They are ordinary people who are faced with extraordinary situations and rise above them. These heroes come in many forms - soldiers, firefighters, doctors, and even everyday people who perform acts of kindness and bravery. Today, we will explore the theme of praising heroes through a collection of inspiring English sentences.

1. "A true hero isn't measured by the size of his strength, but by the strength of his heart." - Zeus, Hercules

This quote reminds us that physical strength is not the only measure of a hero. It is the compassion and courage within their hearts that truly make them heroic.

2. "The hero is one who kindles a great light in the world, who sets up blazing torches in the dark streets of life for men to see by." - Felix Adler

Here, we are reminded that heroes are the ones who bring hope and light to those who are lost in the darkness. They guide others through challenging times and inspire them to keep going.

3. "A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself." - Joseph Campbell

This powerful sentence highlights the selflessness of heroes. They put the needs of others above their own and are willing to make sacrifices for the greater good.

4. "Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear." - Ambrose Redmoon

This quote emphasizes that heroes are not fearless, but they are willing to face their fears for the sake of something greater. Their actions are driven by their belief in a higher purpose.

5. "True heroism is remarkably sober, very undramatic. It is not the urge to surpass all others at whatever cost, but the urge to serve others at whatever cost." - Arthur Ashe

This sentence reminds us that heroism is not about personal glory or fame. It is about serving others and making a positive impact on their lives, even if it means sacrificing personal achievements.

In conclusion, heroes are not defined by their physical strength or extraordinary abilities. They are defined by their selflessness, courage, and willingness to serve others. These English sentences capture the essence of heroism and inspire us to appreciate and praise those who dedicate their lives to something greater than themselves.

赞美英雄的句子英语 篇二:敬佩勇敢无畏的英雄

In times of adversity, heroes emerge to inspire us with their bravery and fearlessness. They are the ones who face danger head-on and make a difference in the lives of others. In this article, we will explore a collection of English sentences that praise these courageous heroes.

1. "A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles." - Christopher Reeve

This quote reminds us that heroes are not superhuman, but rather ordinary people who find the strength within themselves to overcome challenges and persevere.

2. "A hero is someone who understands the responsibility that comes with his freedom." - Bob Dylan

Here, we are reminded that heroes recognize the importance of their actions and the impact they have on others. They use their freedom wisely and responsibly.

3. "The hero is the one who keeps on going when others would quit." - Unknown

This sentence highlights the determination and resilience of heroes. They do not give up easily, even in the face of overwhelming odds.

4. "Heroes are made by the paths they choose, not the powers they are graced with." - Brodi Ashton

This quote emphasizes that heroes are not defined by their innate abilities, but by the choices they make and the actions they take. It is their character and integrity that make them heroic.

5. "A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself." - Joseph Campbell

This powerful sentence reminds us that heroes are selfless individuals who put the needs of others above their own. They are willing to make sacrifices for the greater good.

In conclusion, heroes are not defined by their superhuman abilities or extraordinary powers. They are ordinary individuals who find the strength within themselves to persevere and make a positive impact on the lives of others. These English sentences capture the essence of heroism and inspire us to admire and praise those who fearlessly face adversity.

赞美英雄的句子英语 篇三




在学校,我们经常会看到对同伴的赞美。假如同学在测验中取得了好成绩,你可以说:“Nice Job”。这样的赞美既简单又真诚。


“You have an amazing voice.” “你拥有迷人的嗓音。”(对特指某种才华的赞美)

“You’re very talented.” “你很有天赋。”(笼统的赞美)

“You have a true gift.” “你真是个天才 。” (笼统的赞美)


“You got a new haircut. It looks good.” “你剪了新发型啦。很好看!”(当你发现了他人外观的变化)

“You look very nice today.” “你今天看上去很不错”(比较笼统的赞美)

“Nice dress, (jacket, shoes, etc.)” “好漂亮的裙子!(夹克,鞋子等等)”(赞美他人穿着)

“That color looks very good on you.” “你穿这个颜色很好看。”(赞美他人穿着)

“That color suits you very well.” “这个颜色很适合你。”(赞美他人穿着)


当你被邀请去他人家中做客时,不妨夸一夸主人。你可以在用餐时说:“Everything is delicious!” 如果你特别喜欢某一道菜,你甚至可以询问食谱:“This is really good. I would love to have the recipe.” 这对很多主人来说是一个很高的评价。主人一定会很骄傲地与你分享她的食谱。






