
时间:2018-02-08 01:38:34
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虐心英语短句 篇一

When Words Hurt: Heartbreaking English Phrases

English is a beautiful language with a rich vocabulary that allows us to express our thoughts and emotions. However, it can also be a source of pain when certain phrases or sentences strike a chord deep within us. In this article, we will explore some of the most heartbreaking English phrases that have the power to leave a lasting impact.

1. "I don't love you anymore."

These words, when uttered by a loved one, can shatter our world and break our hearts into pieces. The realization that someone we care deeply for no longer feels the same way can be devastating. It is a reminder of the fragile nature of love and the pain that comes with its absence.

2. "You're not good enough."

Whether it is said by a critical parent, a harsh teacher, or even our own inner voice, these words can leave a lasting scar on our self-esteem. The feeling of inadequacy and the fear of never being able to meet expectations can be paralyzing.

3. "You're a disappointment."

When we hear these words from someone we look up to or admire, it can feel like a dagger to the heart. The sense of letting down those we care about most can be overwhelming, leading to feelings of guilt, shame, and self-doubt.

4. "I'm sorry, but there's nothing more we can do."

These words, often spoken by doctors or professionals in difficult situations, can be devastating for those who are desperately seeking hope. The realization that there is no further treatment or solution can leave us feeling helpless and lost.

5. "I never really loved you."

To discover that the love we believed was genuine and reciprocated was nothing more than a facade can be soul-crushing. It can make us question our ability to judge others and trust ourselves in matters of the heart.

6. "You're all alone."

These words can evoke a deep sense of loneliness and isolation. The feeling of being disconnected from others and lacking a support system can be incredibly painful, especially when we crave human connection and understanding.

7. "It's too late."

Whether it is an opportunity missed, a relationship irreparably damaged, or a dream forever out of reach, these words can evoke a sense of regret and longing. The realization that time cannot be reversed and certain things are beyond our control can be heart-wrenching.

While these phrases may be difficult to hear or read, it is important to remember that words have the power to hurt, but they also have the power to heal. It is crucial to be mindful of the impact our words can have on others and to choose them carefully. And when we find ourselves on the receiving end of these heartbreaking phrases, it is essential to seek support and find solace in the healing power of love and understanding.

虐心英语短句 篇二

Tears in Every Word: Heart-Wrenching English Phrases

Language has the power to evoke a range of emotions, from joy and excitement to sadness and heartbreak. In this article, we will explore some of the most heart-wrenching English phrases that have the ability to bring tears to our eyes and touch the deepest corners of our souls.

1. "I miss you."

These three simple words can stir up a longing so profound that it feels like a physical ache. The yearning for someone's presence, whether they are far away or no longer with us, can leave us feeling empty and incomplete.

2. "What could have been."

This phrase encapsulates the regret and sorrow that comes with missed opportunities and unfulfilled dreams. It reminds us of the paths not taken and the outcomes that will forever remain unknown.

3. "I wish I could go back."

When we reflect on past mistakes or moments of happiness that are now out of reach, this phrase can evoke a deep sense of longing and nostalgia. The desire to turn back time and relive cherished memories or correct our wrongs can be overwhelming.

4. "I'm sorry, but it's over."

The finality of these words can be crushing, signaling the end of a relationship or a chapter in our lives. The pain of letting go and accepting that something we held dear is no longer within our grasp can be devastating.

5. "I don't believe in you anymore."

To hear these words from someone we trust and admire can break our spirit and shatter our self-confidence. The loss of faith from someone we held in high regard can leave us feeling lost and questioning our own worth.

6. "You're all alone in this world."

The feeling of utter solitude and isolation that these words bring can be unbearable. It reminds us of the fragility of human connections and the fear of being left behind, with no one to rely on or share our burdens with.

7. "I can't do this anymore."

When we reach our breaking point and feel overwhelmed by life's challenges, these words can encapsulate the exhaustion and despair we experience. It is a cry for help, a plea for relief from the weight of our struggles.

While these phrases may bring tears to our eyes and a heaviness to our hearts, it is essential to remember that they are a part of the human experience. They remind us of our capacity to love deeply, to feel intensely, and to experience both joy and pain. And in the midst of heartbreak, it is important to seek comfort in the support of loved ones and to find solace in the healing power of time and self-care.

虐心英语短句 篇三


1. You better tell your boss who you are. 你最好把你的真实情况告诉你的老板

Why? I got to be a convict wherever I go? 为什么?我去哪里?都得是一个前罪犯吗?

No, you're a cop killer everywhere you go. Yes. Sooner you accept it, the better.



可是警长的一番话好残忍也好现实,不管什么时候,你都是个copkiller. Once a copkiller, always a copkiller.

2. You bought me a jacket? Why? ?你给我带了一件大衣,为什么?

Well, just so you'd be warm. ?让你暖和点。


3. I don't want to disrupt her life, and I'm not looking for a second chance... I just want to know that she's okay.我不想干扰她的生活 ,我不想寻求第二次机会,我只是?……我只想知道她过得还好


4. She walks around free. She's got a job and a guy. She lives like it never happend. Now, you tell me if that's fair.她恢复了自由,就像什么事都没有发生过一样,她找到了工作和男人。你说公不公平。


5. That's rough. Your parents dying. 你父母死了,一定很难过吧

Yeah, but life goes on, right? 是啊,不过生活还得继续,是吧


6. She's actually better off without you. 没有你,她会更好。


7. She said, "Life goes on." You were right. It's not fair. ?她说“生活还得继续”?你是对的 ?,这不公平

She still got a sister out there. Let's do to her what she did to us. 她还有个妹妹 ,我们让她也尝尝失去亲人的痛苦


8. She's an adult. We waited too long for this. But we could just go and listen to waht she has to say. Maybe there's something she can tell us to help Katherine. ?? 我们等这一天太久了,我们可以去听听她会说什么,也许她能告诉我们一些事 ,可以帮助凯瑟琳。

Or she can do 23and me. She doesn't have to talk to a murderer. Go look at her. Does she look like she's ready to confront that? ?也许她能去做DNA测试 ,她不用跟一个杀人犯讲话。 去看看她,她看上去像是 准备好面对那种事的吗?

No. 不像。

Thank you. 谢谢。

But we are. Call the lawyer. Or I will. ?但是我们准备好了,打给律师吧,不然我就打。


这里养父提到的23andme是美国一家DNA鉴定公司,付款后用户会收到23andme寄来的唾液采集盒,用户把自己的样(口)本(水)寄会给公司,样品抵达23andme实验室后的两三周得到一份在线DNA报告。基因测试不仅可以了解自己的种族渊源,还可以帮助发现遗传病,甚至一些奇奇怪怪的生理特点。 国内的基因检测有WeGene和MyGene~

9. My mom died having her, so I raised her from a baby. Dad didn't do anything before he gave up. He quit. I didn't. I don't quit. Not on Katie. ?我妈妈生她时难产死掉了 ,所以我把她从小养大 。我爸整天无所事事 ,后来虐心英语短句

他就放弃了 。我没有,我没



10. We all do things we probably shouldn't, but we get back on track, right? 我们都做一些我们不该做的事 ?但我们会重归正轨 对吧


虐心英语短句 篇四






