
时间:2018-09-06 06:47:26
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英语人教版五下句子 篇一

My Favorite Food

I have always been a big foodie, and I love trying out different cuisines from around the world. However, if I had to choose just one favorite food, it would definitely be pizza.

Pizza is a popular Italian dish that has become loved all over the world. It consists of a round, flat base of dough, topped with various ingredients such as tomato sauce, cheese, and a variety of toppings. The combination of flavors and textures in pizza is what makes it so irresistible to me.

One of the reasons why I love pizza is its versatility. There are endless possibilities when it comes to toppings, and you can customize it to your liking. Whether you prefer a classic Margherita pizza with just tomato sauce, cheese, and basil, or a loaded meat lovers pizza with pepperoni, sausage, and bacon, there is a pizza for everyone.

Another reason why pizza is my favorite food is because of its convenience. It is a quick and easy meal option that can be enjoyed at any time of the day. Whether it's a lazy weekend night or a busy weekday, pizza is always a great choice. It can be delivered to your doorstep or easily made at home with pre-made dough and store-bought ingredients.

Lastly, pizza brings people together. It is a popular choice for group gatherings and parties, and it is a food that everyone can enjoy. Sharing a pizza with friends and family is a great way to bond and create lasting memories.

In conclusion, pizza is my favorite food because of its delicious flavors, versatility, convenience, and ability to bring people together. Whether it's a classic Margherita or a loaded meat lovers pizza, I can always count on pizza to satisfy my cravings.

英语人教版五下句子 篇二

My Dream Vacation

If I could go anywhere in the world for a dream vacation, it would definitely be to the Maldives. The Maldives is a tropical paradise located in the Indian Ocean, known for its crystal clear waters, white sandy beaches, and vibrant marine life.

One of the main reasons why I would love to visit the Maldives is for its stunning natural beauty. The turquoise waters and pristine beaches are like something out of a postcard. I can imagine myself relaxing on the beach, soaking up the sun, and enjoying the breathtaking views.

Another reason why the Maldives is my dream vacation destination is for its incredible underwater world. The Maldives is home to some of the best diving and snorkeling spots in the world. I would love to explore the coral reefs, swim with colorful fish, and maybe even encounter some sea turtles or dolphins.

Furthermore, the Maldives is known for its luxury resorts and private villas. Staying in an overwater bungalow would be a dream come true. Waking up to the sound of the ocean, having a private terrace with direct access to the water, and enjoying the privacy and exclusivity of the resort would be an unforgettable experience.

Lastly, the Maldives is a peaceful and serene destination. It offers a chance to escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life and truly relax and unwind. With its tranquil atmosphere and laid-back lifestyle, it is the perfect place to rejuvenate and recharge.

In conclusion, the Maldives is my dream vacation destination because of its natural beauty, vibrant marine life, luxury resorts, and peaceful atmosphere. It is a place where I can immerse myself in nature, indulge in relaxation, and create unforgettable memories.

英语人教版五下句子 篇三

1. at +具体的时间点或与其他词构成固定搭配。

2. 基数词1- 12是独立单词,需逐个记忆。基数词13 - 19是在个位数词的词干后加-teen构成。其中thirteen, fifteen, eighteen是规则变化。基数词20 - 90是在十位数词后面加-ty构成。基数词21 -99是在十位数词后面加上个位数词构成,中间加上连字符“-”。

3. Mom is cooking dinner in the kitchen .妈妈正在厨房里做饭。

4. 课本内容:

5. ---When do you eat dinner?你什么时候吃晚饭?

6. Grandpa is writing a letter.爷爷正在写信。

7. This 这个—these这些(复数), that那个— those那些(复数),

8. 描述正在做某事的句型

9. some与any的异同:

10. 描述男性:He is + 形容词

11. 名词的复数:表示一个人以上的人或事物

12. 主系表结构

13. 一般情况会用上一些频度副词,比如: often / always/ usually/ sometimes 等

14. 序数词的缩写形式是由阿拉伯数字加上末位序数词的最后两个字母构成。

15. 二十以上的基数词变序数词时,只变个位。

16. 序数词的构成:

17. ---What do you do on the weekend?你周末做什么?

18. 动词现在分词变化规则:

19. 问答某个活动或节日在几月份的句型及回答。

20. 一般现在时标志词“时间状语”

21. 形容词性物主代词相当于一个形容词,不能单独使用,后面需要跟名词,常用来修饰、限定后面的名词。

22. Uncle Bill`s birthday is in June,too.比尔叔叔的生日也是在六月。

23. 现在进行时例句

24. Summer is good .夏天很好。

25. 邀请询问别人想要…物品/做…事情sb would like sth/to do sth 某人喜欢…/想做…事

26. 名词性物主代词需独立使用,后面不能跟名词,它相当于“形容词性物主代词+名词”。如:It’s mine. (它是我的。)

27. 询问别人将要做什么的句型及回答。

28. This is Zhang Peng .这是张鹏。

29. 结构:

30. 询问别人喜欢某个季节的原因的


31. 表达“我们将要···”的句型。

32. 她很安静吗?不是的。她很活跃的。

33. My“我的”是形容词性物主代词,后面必须要加上一个名词,这是五年级上册单元2的语法重点之一,它的用法请参照前文,本单元略过

34. Can 是情态动词

35. We have tomatoes, potatoes and fish .

36. I often play football.我经常踢足球。

37. 人称代词

38. 名词复数的规则变化:

39. What’s your favourite fruit ?

40. 现在进行时

41. on+具体的某一天。


