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英语关于孤独的句子 篇一

Loneliness: A Silent Companion

Loneliness is a silent companion that follows us throughout our lives. It is a feeling that resonates deep within our souls, often leaving us feeling isolated and disconnected from the world around us. Despite being surrounded by people, one can still feel the sting of loneliness, as it is not merely a physical state but an emotional one.

In a world that is constantly connected through technology, it is ironic that we have become more lonely than ever before. We may have hundreds of friends on social media platforms, but how many of them do we truly connect with on a deeper level? Loneliness is not about the number of people in our lives, but rather the quality of our relationships.

It is in our moments of solitude that we truly come face to face with our own thoughts and emotions. We are forced to confront our fears, insecurities, and desires. This introspection can be both terrifying and enlightening, as it allows us to truly understand ourselves and what we need from others.

Loneliness can also be a catalyst for change. It pushes us to seek out new experiences and connections, as we yearn for companionship and understanding. It is through these experiences that we learn and grow, ultimately becoming more resilient and self-aware individuals.

However, it is important to remember that loneliness is not something to be ashamed of or feared. It is a natural part of the human experience, and acknowledging it can lead to personal growth and transformation. We must learn to embrace our loneliness and use it as a tool for self-discovery and self-improvement.

In a society that often views loneliness as a weakness, it is crucial to remember that it is a universal feeling that we all experience at some point in our lives. It is a reminder of our humanity and our need for connection. Instead of shying away from loneliness, we should embrace it and use it as an opportunity to reach out to others and build meaningful relationships.

Loneliness may be a silent companion, but it does not have to be a permanent one. With courage, vulnerability, and a willingness to connect, we can break free from its grip and find solace in the company of others. It is through these connections that we can truly overcome the depths of loneliness and find a sense of belonging and purpose in our lives.

英语关于孤独的句子 篇二

The Beauty of Solitude

In a world filled with constant noise and distractions, solitude is often seen as something to be avoided. However, there is a certain beauty to be found in the serenity of being alone. It is in these moments of solitude that we can truly reconnect with ourselves and find inner peace.

Solitude allows us to recharge and rejuvenate our minds and bodies. It provides us with the opportunity to reflect on our lives and make sense of our experiences. In the silence, we can hear our own thoughts and gain clarity on what truly matters to us.

It is during these moments of solitude that we can truly tap into our creativity and inspiration. Without the distractions of the outside world, our minds are free to wander and explore new ideas and perspectives. It is in these moments that some of the greatest works of art, literature, and music have been created.

Solitude also provides us with the chance to cultivate a deeper sense of self-awareness. When we are alone, we are forced to confront our own thoughts, emotions, and insecurities. This self-reflection allows us to better understand ourselves and our needs, ultimately leading to personal growth and self-improvement.

Furthermore, solitude can be a source of strength and resilience. It teaches us to rely on ourselves and find contentment in our own company. It is in these moments of solitude that we learn to embrace our independence and find solace in our own abilities.

However, it is important to strike a balance between solitude and social connections. While solitude can be beneficial, excessive isolation can lead to loneliness and a sense of disconnect from the world around us. It is crucial to find a balance between time spent alone and time spent with others, as both are essential for our overall well-being.

In a society that often glorifies busyness and constant social interaction, it is important to remember the value of solitude. It is a time for self-reflection, creativity, and personal growth. By embracing solitude, we can find a sense of peace and clarity that is often elusive in the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

So, the next time you find yourself alone, embrace the solitude and cherish the opportunity it presents. Use it as a time to reconnect with yourself, to tap into your creativity, and to find solace in the beauty of being alone. Solitude is not something to be feared or avoided, but rather something to be embraced and celebrated.

英语关于孤独的句子 篇三

1. 交心的越来越少,交配的越来越多。

2. 我们拥有着孤独的灵魂,誓死也要为她倾尽终生。

3. 孤独,是忧愁的伴侣,也是精神活动的密友。--(黎)纪伯伦

4. 借人之智,完善自己。学最好的别人,做最好的自己。

5. Some people say that loneliness is shameful, but fashion is a means of resistance alone, this is fashion realm. 有人说孤独是可耻的,而时尚则是抵抗孤独的手段,这才是时尚的境界。 倗。

6. 孤单是一个人的狂欢,狂欢是一群人的孤单。

7. 一群羊在草地上吃草,一辆车开来,只有一只羊没去看车静静地吃草,这只羊显得特别孤独。--郭敬明

8. 把自己演成自己,把自己演到失忆。

9. 把不愉快的过往,在无人的角落,折叠收藏。

10. When the words I love you were said by you for the first time, my world blossoms.第一次听到你对我说我爱你,我的世界一瞬间鲜花绽开。

11. 一个人没有朋友固然寂寞,但如果忙得没有机会面对自己,可能更加孤独。 --(美)罗兹

12. 忍一时,风平浪静,退一步,海阔天空。

13. His sitting, in fact, is a rush, his excitement, in fact, is lonely.

14. 由于时间的本身就是一种孤独,所以我一直在抒写着自己的寂寞。

15. 缺少独处的时间,对我而言就像是缺少食物和水。喧闹使我疲乏。我不以自己的孤僻为傲,但我依赖着它,房间里的黑暗对我而言就像阳光。--(美)查理.布考斯基

16. 我宁愿个人孤独地去经历人世的风波,去尝切生活的苦味,我不要安慰和同情,我却想把安慰和同情给别的人。我已经这样地过了几年,这种生活不定是愉快的,但我过得还好。--巴金

17. Since the sadness created by loneliness cannot be grasped, let it go.

18. Although I travelled solo, I was never alone. 虽然我独自出行,但从未感到过孤独。

19. 日日花前常病酒,不辞镜里朱颜瘦。

20. 不在寂寞中恋爱,就在寂寞中恋态。

21. How long, I can go to the end of the world。

22. 一个人,一碗清茶,相视一笑泯恩仇。

23. 没你的日子,习惯的孤单,已经接受你的离去。

24. The majority of people with autism. 大多数的孤独症患者

25. 等了小半辈子,终于等到这么个人,他怎么能不珍惜。

26. 一人花开,一人花落,这些年从头到尾,无人问询。--顾漫

27. 因为害怕忘记,所以久久不愿入睡。

28. 每个人,都有一个世界,安静而孤独。

29. 当金钱站起来说话,所有的真理都沉默。

30. 明明是两个人的回忆,却只有我一个人珍藏。

31. Obviously, it is the memory of two people, but only I treasure it.

32. 因为成长,所以分离;因为缘尽,所以人散。

33. Enjoying loneliness is a realm of life.

34. 一个人发呆,一个人静立;一个人哭泣,一个人欢笑。

35. 越伟大越有独创精神的人越喜欢孤独。--(英)赫胥黎

36. 我需要幽静以让我可以写作,不是像个隐士般,那是不足够的,要像个死人。--(奥)卡夫卡

37. 最糟糕的感觉,莫过于不知道应该等待还是放弃。

38. Some things happen can not be forgotten, even if forgotten, but only temporarily can not remember.

39. 智慧不会感到孤独,因为它甚至能和最异己的东西结合。

40. One Hundred Years of Solitude. 记得还有《百年孤独》。

41. 夜是越熬越精神,人是越活越孤独。

42. 在各种孤独中间,人最怕精神上的孤独。

43. 最怕空气突然安静,最怕朋友突然的关心。--五月天

44. But Frank Smythe was alone. 但弗兰克斯迈思是孤独的。

45. 能与自己娓娓而谈的人决不会感到孤独。

46. 希望我不会难过太久,希望你不要回头看我。

47. 真的太少、假的太多,这不是我想要的。

48. In school, you don't want to be the kid playing alone during recess. 在学校,不希望在课间休息时那位孤独的孩子。

49. Coffee is lonely without cups just as I am lonely without you. 没有杯子……咖啡是寂寞的……没有你……我是孤独的……

50. M plus Children (singing): High on a hill was a lonely goatherd 孩子们与玛:(唱)高高的山顶上有一个孤独的牧羊人

51. 家里除了我,没什么值钱的东西!

52. Love is like a butterfly. It goes where it pleases and it pleases where it goes.爱情就像一只蝴蝶,它喜欢飞到哪里,就把欢乐带到哪里。

53. When Spring breezes, winter no longer freezes, my little sunshine kisses away loneliness. 春天里的小太阳,独处也不再孤独。

54. 在各种孤独中间,人最怕精神上的孤独。--(法)巴尔扎克

55. As expected, he got used to company and was no longer used to being alone.

56. Your kiss still burns on my lips, everyday of mine is so beautiful.你的吻还在我的唇上发烫,从此我的日子变得如此美丽。

57. Navajo is far from alone. 纳瓦霍语远离了孤独。

58. 不知道少了什么,总感觉没以前快乐。

59. 一个人听歌,一个人看雨,一个人安静的走着,一个人,也挺好的。

60. "Some mothers think only-children suffer from loneliness and can become spoiled, " the minister was quoted as saying. 江帆说,“一些母亲认为独生子女会感到孤独并且娇生惯养。”

61. Only gods and beasts like solitude. People want friends.

62. Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you. 无论你身在何处,无论你为何忙碌,我都会在此守候。

63. Stanton believes that the big problem for parents whose children have just been diagnosed as

autistic is that they are told to do everything they can to "rescue" their child from autism. Stanton认为一个很大的问题是,在孩子刚刚获得孤独症的诊断时,父母们总是被告知要尽一切力量,把他们的孩子从孤独症中‘拯救’出来。

64. When he said that, he looked lonelier than I had ever seen a man still alive. 当他说这些话的时候,他看上去那么的孤独。我从没见过任何一个活人如此孤独。

65. The warm understanding and solace are needed for prideful solitude, and no soul is willing to suffer long solitude. 高傲的孤独,也需要温暖的理解和抚慰,没有灵魂愿意长久孤独。

66. 夜的美源于发现,美丽而又孤单的夜晚却无人分享。

67. I have sought it, next, it relieves loneliness----that terrible loneliness in which one shivering conciousness looks over the rim of world into the cold unfathomable lifeless abyss. 我追求爱情,又因为他能减轻孤独------那可怕的孤独啊,一个颤抖的灵魂在这孤独中望着世界边缘之外冰冷而无生命的无底深渊。

68. I have been trying to adapt to the world, whether it is the temperature or the heart.

69. You cannot appreciate happiness unless you have known sadness too.不知道什么是忧伤,就不会真正感激幸福。

70. 悲伤给予我们勇气,回忆给予我们希望。

71. Do you call it solitude? 你将它唤作孤独吗?

72. If you can hold something up and put it down, it is called weight-lifting; if you can hold something up but can never put it down, it’s called burden-bearing. Pitifully, most of people are bearing heavy burdens when they are in love.举起放得下的叫举重,举得起放不下的叫负重。

73. 我悲哀的以为,只要付出就有收获。

74. 孤独与高贵的思想为伍的人,是决不会孤独的。

75. 孤独对年轻人而言是痛苦的,但对成熟的人而言却可以是愉快的。--(美)爱因斯坦

76. Method To survey the sense of the Loneliness among the 533 undergraduates with the Emotional-Social Loneliness Inventory(ESLI). 方法采用情绪—社交孤独问卷(ESLI)对大学生的孤独感状况进行调查分析。

77. I want to kiss you tonight. 我一直孤独入眠,

78. 微笑拥抱,说完再见,然后转身离开。

79. 孤独与被隔离,是超越人类可以承受的痛苦。--(法)儒勒.凡尔纳

80. 有什么样的孤独能比失信于人更加孤独呢?

81. 孤独,忍受着,却不甘,于是浮躁,享受孤独,或许是最好的选择。

82. He remembered the strange solitariness of her existence in London; her even stranger indifference to this solitariness. 他记得她呆在伦敦时那种奇特的孤独;更奇特的是她对孤独的无视。

83. 假如你在世界上是孤独的,完全孤独的,你就把这种孤独用作你的安慰和你的力量。--(美)霍德华.法斯特

84. Lanzhi, who is lonely, is a model that represents the woman being dispelled and ceased. 刘兰芝的孤独是被弃、被休女子的典型。

85. 我期待一个人,能给我一个承诺,让孤单的心,不会寂寞?

86. I love you not for who you are, but for who I am before you.你不是因为你是谁,而是我在你面前可以是谁。

87. 你没挽留,我没回头,余生各自安好。

88. 孤单,不是心无意念,是一个人,一种习惯和一度时光。

89. They have two children, one of them autistic. 他们有两个孩子,其中一个是孤独症患者。

90. 只有神仙与野兽才喜欢孤独,人是要朋友的。

91. 智慧不会感到孤独,因为它甚至能和最异己的东西结合。--(英)罗素

92. 若我会见到你,事隔经年。我如何向你招呼,以眼泪,以沉默。--(英)拜伦

93. 时光俨然催人老,时光荏苒成蹉跎。

94. 忍受孤寂或者比忍受贫困需要更大的毅力,贫困可能会降低人的身价,但是孤寂却可能败坏人的性格。--(法)狄德罗

95. 孤独可以使人能干,也可以使人笨拙。

96. No, he'd never do that! Not even in the face of social and party isolation. He never gave up! 即令是面对全社会的孤独、全党内的孤独,他也决不轻言放弃!

97. 以为会回到以前看来是我自作多情了对不起。

98. You know, we are the only children in our families and I don't want my baby to experience the sarne loneliness as we did. 我们都是独生子女,我可不想让我的孩子再经历我曾经的孤独。

99. Loneliness is not a pose, loneliness is a state of mind. Silence is not necessarily loneliness.

英语关于孤独的句子 篇四

1. 人到了一定年龄,也就学会了接受事实,喜欢不一定非要拥有。

2. 孤独是生命里必有的黑暗,它无法穿越,也不可战胜。

3. 以为自己已醒来,其实自己还在梦中。

4. 爱只需要一个理由,离去,却有千百个借口!

5. An estimated 80% of foetuses with Down's syndrome are aborted and autism rights campaigners are worried that the same could happen if prenatal tests for autism are developed. 据估计,80%的唐氏综合症胎儿被打掉,所以孤独症维权者们担心,如果孤独症的产前筛查手段开发出来,孤独症胎儿会遭受同样的命运。

6. 当所爱、所想的人没了,心里空空的。

7. To live and die alone? 孤独地生老病死?。

8. 天空一无所有,要如何给我安慰。

9. You wanton brooks and solitary rocks, 肆意而孤独的摇摆

10. 我在努力的变成你喜欢的样子,可是你却告诉我你爱的是她。

11. Always so lonely and Lingao … 永远那么的孤独与冷傲…

12. Everyone who doesn't turn off the phone late at night has an expectation that they dare not be strict or miss.

13. 我想让世界认识我,可他刚好不在家。

14. "I weep for what I'm like when I'm alone" ( Theodore Roethke). “我为我孤独时的样子而哭泣”(西奥多·罗斯克)。

15. 我喜欢转身转得漂亮,放手放得潇洒。

16. 他表面放浪不羁,心里的伤又有谁知?

17. I'm used to updating your signature. I'm worried about your lonely mood. I'm afraid you'll abandon our love.

18. 他的坐着,其实是奔波,他的热闹,其实是孤独。

19. 我很清醒,一直很清醒的看着自己沉沦。

20. 伤了我的心,还跟我谈什么真心呢。

21. I have sought it , next, because it relieves loneliness---that terrible loneliness in which one shivering consciousness looks over the rim of the world into the cold unfathomable lifeless abyss. 我追求爱情, 又因为它能减轻孤独——那可怕的孤独啊, 一个颤抖的灵魂在这孤独中望着世界边缘之外冰冷而无生命的无底深渊。

22. 一个人只有在孤独的时候才能成为自己。他若无法享受孤独,就不会喜爱自由,因为只有在孤独的时候,他才是真正自由的。--(德)叔本华

23. 电视这一娱乐传媒虽然可以让无数的人同时为同一个笑话发笑,却依然让人备受孤独。

24. 我害怕一个人,却在人来人往的城市中孤独成性!

25. Yan Ru is also a man of short brown and knotty appearance.

26. 享受孤独,是一种人生境界。

27. Ideal, you are lonely but true. 理想,你孤独而真实。

28. 但热闹是他们的,我什么也没有。--朱自清

29. 天才经常孤立地降生,有着孤独的命运。天才是不可能遗传的,天才经常有着自我摒弃的倾向。--(德)黑塞

30. Eventhough I will feel lonely! 即使我会觉得孤独!

31. 等闲变却故人心,却道故心人易变。

32. 淡了就淡了吧,反正我也觉得累了。

33. 一个人的时候,总会静静的想一想以前的自己,是多么的单纯和无知。

34. Where do the lonely hearts go . . 孤独的心往哪里去?

35. You are my half life to spend the decadence, wasted time also unforgettable but wishful thinking.

36. With the increase of the autism children, more and more autism students are entering the special education schools. 随着孤独症儿童数量的增加,越来越多的孤独症学生走进特教学校。

37. 名望就意味着孤独。名望仿佛商店橱窗里陈列的水晶,你被安置在那里展览,供人世间欣赏,马路上所有的。--(意)莫拉维亚

38. 镜子里显示出来的永远只是真实的影像,而不是真实的自己。

39. 孤独不是在山上而是在街上,不在一个人里面而在许多人中间。--(日)三木清

40. i want to kiss you tonight. 我一直孤独入眠,

41. 你是我半生里消磨不尽的颓唐,蹉跎岁月亦难忘却的痴心妄想。

42. 多好笑我竟以为久伴能敌得过深爱。

43. 每一个深夜不关机的人,都有一份不敢严明,也不敢错过的期待。

44. 爱原来就为的是相聚,为的是不再分离;若有一种爱是永不能相见,永不能启口,永不能再想起,就好像永不能燃起的火种,孤独地,凝望着黑暗的天空。--席慕容

45. According to Arakawa, “When I was married, I felt isolated and alone. 在荒川看来,“我结婚的时候,我感到孤立和孤独。

46. 今天爱情来找我家了,我不给它开门。

47. 前世的风,今世的尘,无穷无尽的哀伤的精魂。

48. 愿你的故事绿水长流,也祝我的孤独择日而止。

49. 其实每人都有孤独感,喧嚣中的人,内心可能是孤独的,这种孤独是与生俱来的,有人多些有人少些,但内心都渴望被安抚、理解。--张艺谋

50. 如果在乎都靠嘴巴说,那哑巴怎么办。

51. You won't be afraid of what you're used to, like being alone.

52. 既然孤独创造的忧伤无法把握,且放它一边去。

53. Live a good life, in return for the people who love me and care about me, but also to answer the people who hurt me.

54. 三人行必有我妻,选其美者而取之。

55. 用一秒钟转身离开,用一辈子去忘记。

56. I am a person who often laughs, but I am not always happy.

57. 哪里会有人喜欢孤独,不过是不喜欢失望。--(日)村上春树

58. 如果不能接受失去,人简直无法成长。

59. For there is a fellowship more quiet even than solitude, and which, rightly understood, is solitude made perfect. 这是一种比孤独更安静的结伴,正确理解的话,应该称之为完美的孤独。

60. Out of the queen dugus ward. 走出独孤皇后的病房。

61. 视他人快乐为己乐的人,能赢得朋友;不愿闻他人荣誉的人,才会感到孤独。

62. 如果你知我苦衷,何以没有一点感动。

63. Dick was lonely in their little house, where Mother’s presence was still strong in every room, but the old navy veteran was getting his sea legs back and thinking about how to get on with his life. 在他和母亲的小房子里,迪克显得很孤独。 每个房间里似乎仍然还有母亲的影子,但迪克这位海军的退伍老兵正在适应孤独的生活,想着如何度过他余下的日子。

64. You're a solitary gazer , a thinker. 你是孤独的看客,是智者。

65. 我想我会一直孤独,这样孤独一辈子。

66. Every day without you is like a book without pages.没有你的日子就像一本没有书页的书。

67. 孤独是人的宿命,爱和友谊不能把它根除,但可以将它抚慰。--周国平

68. 自我享受或爱女人,固然需要孤独,但若要获得成功,必须靠广泛地涉足这世界。--(法)司汤达

69. 风停了剩尘埃飘落,梦走了谁来叫醒我。

70. 他们懂得从生活中,寻找那一星半点闪烁着的情趣,他们就不会觉得困苦和孤独。

71. I paced up and down on the crossroad, seeing my shadow walking solitarily ! 我徘徊在十字街口,看着影子孤独的行走!

72. 你与我已注定海誓山盟、不离不弃。

73. 孤独--已经死去的一切仍存在于我们心中的一座活坟墓。--(法)雷尼伦

74. Borrow the wisdom of others to improve themselves. Learn from the best of others and be the best of yourself.

75. 他们懂得从生活中,寻找那一星半点闪烁着的情趣,他们就不会觉得困苦和孤独。--罗兰

76. She continues to tell Vanity Fair "I'm perpetually lonely. I’m lonely when I’m in relationships. 她继续告诉“名利场”:“我一直都很孤独,甚至当我和我的情人的时候我还是很孤独。

77. Love, is the youth frenzy years round of apricot yellow months, fine but hazy。

78. 只有神仙与野兽才喜欢孤独,人是要朋友的。--梁实秋

79. 就算孤独,也不能一个人哭泣,无论走在哪里,都要高傲地挺立。

80. I wandered lonely as a clou. 我好似一朵孤独的流云。

81. Maybe I'm really useless, unable to keep everyone I don't want to lose.

82. 我们把世界看错了,反说它欺骗我们。

83. 没有真挚朋友的人,是真正孤独的人。

84. 没人喜欢孤独,只不过是受够了失望。

85. I hope that you can survive the loneliness and live as you like.

86. What attitude should I take to face the desolate and silent night.

87. AIM: To introduce the clinical manifestation during music therapy for autistic disorder, and spread the therapeutic principle. 目的:介绍孤独症音乐治疗的临床表现,推广孤独症音乐治疗的指导原则。

88. 得不到友谊的人将是终身可怜的孤独者。没有友情的社会则只是一片繁华的沙漠。--(英)培根

89. 说分手的是我,念念不忘的也是我。

英语关于孤独的句子 篇五

1. The beauty of night comes from discovery, but no one shares the beautiful and lonely night.

2. 普通人都难以忍受孤独,处在逆境的人由于不信任任何人,对这种孤立更加敏感。--(法)巴尔扎克

3. 我走上了一条比记忆还要长的路。陪伴着我的,是朝圣者般的孤独。我脸上带着微笑,心中却充满悲苦。--(阿根廷)切.格瓦拉

4. 撩的都是不喜欢的,喜欢的都是小心翼翼的。

5. 孤独,是忧愁的伴侣,也是精神活动的密友。

6. Do you want to not be alone for the rest of your life? 你不想孤独的度过你人生剩下的日子,是吗?

7. 愿你夏天有凉风相伴,孤独有良人陪伴。

8. 我该以怎样的姿态,来面对那荒枯的寂静的夜。

9. 越伟大、越有独创精神的人越喜欢孤独。

10. Much of public policy made concerning autism issues is done without any input at all from autistic inpiduals. 很多关于孤独症的公共政策是在没有听取孤独症人士的意见的情况下制定的。

11. Well, all the people Frost writes about are in some sense alone, often alone together. 弗罗斯特写的所有人,都在某种意义上非常孤独,常常与孤独相伴。

12. Solitude brings profoundest effect on human condition, man is the only being who knows he's alone. 孤独会给人类带来复杂而深远的影响, 而人类唯一了解自己是孤独的。

13. 孤独,我愿意享受孤独。此时,我所有的能量都被打开,自由奔放。

14. 敢闯的都不怕死,怕死的还没出生。

15. 孤独便算是灵魂的病症,我在胸口里一直圈养着它。

16. 孤独的人有他们自己的泥沼。--张爱玲

17. 可以哭却选择笑,不想让他太骄傲。

18. 分手之后,做不了朋友,不必期待。

19. The old man's wife died a year ago. He lives alone now, but he never feels lonely. 这位老人的妻子xx年前去世了,他独自生活,但从不感到孤独。

20. No your days, the habit of loneliness, has accepted your departure.

21. 你给我浓烈的绝望却还是让我向往。

22. 这个世界,除了家人,你谁都靠不住!

23. 宁愿孤独也不愿让任何人敷衍我。

24. 我们最孤独的,是在心途中迷失了自己。

25. 得不到友谊的人将是终身可怜的孤独者。没有友情的社会则只是一片繁华的沙漠。

26. And the classic case of this is a disorder known as autism. 这种情况的一个典型例子,就是一种叫做孤独症的障碍

27. Heros are born to be alone and forlorn. 英雄生来是孤独的。

28. 多少人为了另一半,由胖变瘦,由爱变恨,由单纯变堕落。

29. 经历过真正的孤立无援,你就会明白眼泪是最没用的东西。

30. 寂寞层层包围,我再也没有力气走出这片重围。

31. 我微笑着对着镜子里的自己说:做个没心没肺的女人挺好。

32. 那嗰叫记忆的虽然狠傷,萁实乜狠美。

33. 不曾站在原地守候的人,不会懂得站久了双腿都无法弯曲的滋味。

34. The heart has no fixed number, naturally confused, and naturally lonely.

35. 穿梭在城市的混泥土建筑中,飘荡着一颗孤独而又坚毅的灵魂。

36. 孤独不是故作姿态,孤独是一种心境。沉默未必是孤独。

37. 被迫置身于人群的时候,往往是最应该自守孤独的时候。--(古希腊)伊壁鸠鲁

38. 每一个人都需要有人和他开诚布公地谈心。一个人尽管可以十分英勇,但他也可能十分孤独。--(美)海明威

39. 人生的第一件大事是发现自己,因此人们需要不时孤独和沉思。--(挪)南森

40. We walk our own path, alone. ——“独步其道,孤行凡间。”

41. 没心没肺的现在,是有个掏心掏肺的曾经。

42. 当你遇见孤僻的人,无论他们告诉你什么,他们其实都不真的享受孤独。他们都尝试过融入世界,只是世界依然令他们失望。--(美)朱迪.皮考特

43. 被迫置身于人群的时候,往往是最应该自守孤独的时候。

44. 孤独是人的宿命,爱和友谊不能把它根除,但可以将它抚慰。

45. 孤独是美好的,但你也需要有人告诉你孤独是美好的。--(法)巴尔扎克

46. 没有在乎的如火如荼,就没有放下时的撕心裂肺。

47. To the world you may be just one person. To the person you may be the world.对于世界,你可能只是一个人,但对于某个人,你却是整个世界。

48. The man became a shut-in since the death of his wife. 自从妻子去世后,这个男人就变成了个孤独的人。

49. 日久不一定见人心,也有可能是蘑菇。

50. 爱情,一场眼泪的盛宴,哭过就、忘了。

51. On a cold morning,the old man died lonely in his house. 在一个寒冷的早晨,这个老人孤独地死在自己的房子里。

52. It's easy for a person to think too much, and it's easy to think too much.

53. 人生的第一件大事是发现自己,因此人们需要不时孤独和沉思。

54. 如果有皮箱,我会一发不可收拾的去流浪。

55. 这个城市虽然拥挤,却到处都是孤独的灵魂!

56. 人生而孤独,有些路只能一个人走。与其默默承受,不如独自享受。

57. 如果没有你,如此的良辰美景,让我去向何人诉说。

58. Do not care like a raging fire, there is no tear heart lung when put down.

59. 爱我的人,请你毫无保留为我付出一切。

60. 谁的寂寞覆我华裳、谁的华裳覆我。

61. 有些人不抱了才温暖、离开了才不痛。

62. Lonely was seeing his son only once a month since the porce. 离婚后,他每月只能看儿子一次。 这使他感到孤独。

63. 我们始终孤独,只需要陪伴,不需要相爱!

64. 电视这一娱乐传媒虽然可以让无数的人同时为同一个笑话发笑,却依然让人备受孤独。--(英)艾略特

65. 伟大的人就像老鹰,把窝筑在孤独的悬崖之上。--(德)叔本华

66. 我认为长时间可以独自一人是有益身心的。与他人共处,即便是与良友,也终会疲惫和渐渐的变得无趣。我享受孤独感,我实在找不到比孤独更好的朋友。--(美)梭罗

67. 好好生活,以此回报爱我关心我的人,也以此回答伤害了我的人。

68. 希望熬过孤独的你,能活成自己喜欢的样子。

69. 普通人都难以忍受孤独,处在逆境的人由于不信任任何人,对这种孤立更加敏感。

70. 未来一片迷茫,我只有带上勇敢坚强去。

71. 我一直在努力的适应这个世界,无论是温度还是人心。


