
时间:2013-06-03 05:48:12
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冬奥会英语范文高中 篇一

Title: The Importance of Hosting the Winter Olympics


The Winter Olympics is an international sporting event that takes place every four years. It brings together athletes from all over the world to compete in various winter sports. Hosting the Winter Olympics is not only a great honor for a country, but it also has many benefits. In this article, we will discuss the importance of hosting the Winter Olympics.


1. Boost in Tourism:

Hosting the Winter Olympics attracts millions of visitors from around the globe. This influx of tourists brings in a significant amount of revenue for the host country. These visitors spend money on accommodation, food, transportation, and souvenirs, benefiting local businesses and the overall economy. Additionally, hosting such a prestigious event helps promote the country's tourism industry, attracting more visitors in the future.

2. Infrastructure Development:

In order to host the Winter Olympics, the host country needs to invest in infrastructure development. This includes constructing or upgrading stadiums, ski resorts, accommodation facilities, transportation networks, and more. These infrastructure improvements not only support the smooth operation of the games but also provide long-term benefits for the local community. For example, new stadiums can be used for future sporting events, and improved transportation networks can enhance connectivity and accessibility for residents.

3. International Recognition:

Hosting the Winter Olympics puts the host country in the global spotlight. It serves as a platform to showcase the country's culture, history, and achievements. This exposure helps improve the country's international image and can lead to increased diplomatic and economic opportunities. Moreover, hosting a successful Winter Olympics demonstrates the host country's organizational capabilities and can boost national pride and unity.

4. Legacy and Inspiration:

The Winter Olympics leave a lasting legacy for the host country. The infrastructure built for the games can be utilized for years to come, benefiting future generations. Additionally, hosting the event can inspire young athletes to pursue their sporting dreams. The exposure to world-class athletes and the spirit of competition can motivate young people to take up winter sports and strive for excellence.


Hosting the Winter Olympics is a significant achievement for any country. It brings economic benefits, infrastructure development, international recognition, and a lasting legacy. It not only boosts tourism but also inspires a new generation of athletes. Therefore, it is important for countries to seize the opportunity to host the Winter Olympics and reap the many rewards it brings.

Word count: 476

冬奥会英语范文高中 篇二

Title: The Environmental Impact of the Winter Olympics


The Winter Olympics is a globally recognized event that celebrates winter sports and brings together athletes from all over the world. However, hosting such a massive event has its environmental consequences. In this article, we will discuss the environmental impact of the Winter Olympics and possible measures to mitigate these effects.


1. Construction and Infrastructure:

Hosting the Winter Olympics requires the construction and upgrading of stadiums, ski resorts, accommodation facilities, and transportation networks. This construction often leads to deforestation, habitat destruction, and disruption of ecosystems. To minimize these impacts, host countries should prioritize sustainable construction practices, such as using eco-friendly materials, minimizing waste, and restoring any damaged ecosystems after the games.

2. Energy Consumption:

The Winter Olympics require a significant amount of energy to power the stadiums, lighting, and other facilities. This energy consumption often leads to increased greenhouse gas emissions and contributes to climate change. To address this issue, host countries should aim to use renewable energy sources, such as solar or wind power, to meet the energy demands of the games. Additionally, energy-efficient technologies should be implemented to reduce overall energy consumption.

3. Waste Management:

Large sporting events generate a substantial amount of waste, including food waste, packaging materials, and construction debris. Proper waste management systems should be put in place to ensure that waste is sorted, recycled, or disposed of responsibly. Encouraging eco-friendly practices, such as reducing single-use plastics and promoting recycling, can help minimize the environmental impact of the Winter Olympics.

4. Transportation and Carbon Footprint:

The transportation of athletes, officials, and spectators to and from the Winter Olympics contributes to carbon emissions. Host countries should prioritize the development of sustainable transportation options, such as public transportation, cycling lanes, and pedestrian-friendly infrastructure. Encouraging the use of public transportation and implementing carpooling initiatives can help reduce the carbon footprint associated with the event.


While the Winter Olympics is a celebration of athleticism and international unity, it is crucial to consider its environmental impact. Host countries should take proactive steps to minimize the negative effects on the environment through sustainable construction practices, energy-efficient technologies, proper waste management, and sustainable transportation options. By implementing these measures, the Winter Olympics can leave a positive legacy for both sports and the environment.

Word count: 434

冬奥会英语范文高中 篇三




















冬奥会英语范文高中 篇四

When news arrived in November that Beijing was bidding for the 2022 Winter Olympics, many observers in the Chinese capital briefly choked on their tea -- or was that the smog?


A few years removed from hosting the Summer Olympics, with virtually no winter sports tradition to speak of and bad air that gets worse when the temperatures drop, China's capital seemed as likely a choice to host the Winter Games as Dubai or Bankok.


Eight months later, the International Olympic Committee has named Beijing, which has proposed hosting the games in conjunction with the nearby city of Zhangjiakou, as one of the three finalists for the bid, along with Oslo in Norway and Kazakhstan's Almaty.

八个月之后,国际奥林匹克委员会(International Olympic Committee, 简称:国际奥委会)宣布,北京与挪威的奥斯陆及哈萨克斯坦的阿拉木图共同入围最后一轮候选名单。北京提出的方案是与附近城市张家口一起举办冬奥会。

What are Beijing's chances of actually winning the bid? Better than you might think.


The 2022 Winter Olympics has become known as the Olympics no one wants to host after a long list of candidates dropped their bids. Stockholm, Munich, two cities in Switzerland, Denver, Krakow and Lviv in Ukraine all pursued the idea of hosting the event to varying degrees but ultimately decided to withdraw themselves from consideration over the past few months -- leaving only the three finalists.


With the exception of Lviv, which cancelled its bid last week because of continuing political strife in Ukraine, most of the other drop-outs appear to have been frightened away by the specter of this year's Winter Games in Sochi, which emptied Russia's coffers to the tune of $51 billion and left little of value behind.


冬奥会英语范文高中 篇五

I’m Li Hua, an 18-year -old boy. Having read your advertidement

on the Internet for a volunteer for The 2022 Beijing-Zhangjia kou Winter Olympics, I’m writing to request the valuable opportunity to be an volunteer for it. The following are my advantages.

To begain with, I have team spirit and can get along well with others, which is necessary for cooperation. In addition, I have such a good understanding /command of both English and Chinese that I can have no difficulty communicating with foreigners. Last but not the least, I am strong and have passion for a variety of Sports, making it easy for me to serve other athletes.

I would appreciate it If I am offered the Chance and I can sure I can be of great help to you. Looking forward to your early reply.

冬奥会英语范文高中 篇六

The countdown before the Winter Olympics is themed with 24 solar terms. Each solar term has its own poem. We have skillfully integrated Chinese traditional culture into the Winter Olympics and spread Chinese culture to the world.

The slogan of the Winter Olympics is "to the future together". When the athletes entered the stadium, the guiding signs in the hands of the volunteers showed their ingenuity. He skillfully integrated snowflakes with Chinese knots. Across the screen, I can feel the strong Chinese flavor.

The scene of raising the national flag made countless Chinese people cry. Several young pioneers took the national flag and handed it to the outstanding representatives from all walks of life. The national flag was passed in people's hands, and our hearts warmed up. The national flag rose slowly, and the atmosphere in the venue reached a climax.

The torch relay ceremony is undoubtedly the most exciting. Six torches and seven runners are the post-50s, post-60s, Post-70s, post-80s, post-90s and two young post-00s respectively. With the handover of the Olympic flame, the Olympic flame gradually approached the large snowflake (main torch) composed of small snowflakes with the names of all participating countries, and the flame with the Olympic flame was left on the torch platform. So far, the torch lighting ceremony was successfully completed.

Different from the previous fires, the Olympic flame is a small fire, which is an unprecedented great initiative, "a single spark can start a prairie fire." The flame remained in everyone's heart.

Today, the 24th Winter Olympic Games began in Beijing. I wish our athletes good results!


