
时间:2014-07-05 05:40:26
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小学英语简单句子集锦 篇一

Children's Day Out

Today is Children's Day. All the children in the school are excited. They are going on a day trip to the zoo. They will see many different animals there.

In the morning, the children gather at the school gate. They are wearing their school uniforms and carrying their backpacks. They are ready for the adventure. The teachers are also there, making sure everyone is safe.

The children board the school bus and off they go. They are singing songs and chatting happily. It takes about an hour to reach the zoo. As soon as they arrive, they can't wait to explore.

The first stop is the penguin enclosure. The children are amazed by the cute little penguins waddling around and swimming in the water. They take pictures and laugh.

Next, they visit the giraffe area. The children are fascinated by the tall and elegant giraffes. They stretch their necks to reach the leaves on the trees. The children try to mimic them and giggle.

Then, it's time for lunch. The children sit on the grass and enjoy their packed lunches. They share their food with each other and have a great time.

After lunch, they visit the monkey section. The monkeys are swinging from tree to tree and making funny faces. The children imitate their actions and have a blast.

Finally, it's time to say goodbye to the zoo. The children board the bus and head back to school. They are tired but happy. They had a wonderful day out and can't wait to tell their parents all about it.

As they arrive at the school, their parents are waiting for them. The children rush into their arms, full of stories and excitement. It has been a memorable day for everyone.

Children's Day at the zoo is always a special event for the children. They get to see different animals, have fun with their friends, and create beautiful memories. They are already looking forward to the next adventure.

小学英语简单句子集锦 篇二

My Favorite Hobby

My favorite hobby is reading. I love to read books, magazines, and newspapers. Reading helps me learn new things and improves my English skills.

Every day after school, I spend some time reading. I have a cozy corner in my room with a comfortable chair and a small table. I keep all my books neatly organized on the shelf.

I enjoy reading different genres of books. Sometimes I read adventure stories, where the characters go on exciting journeys. Other times, I like to read mystery books, where I try to solve the puzzle along with the detective. I also enjoy reading science fiction books that take me to imaginary worlds and introduce me to new ideas.

Reading not only entertains me but also helps me learn. I come across new words and phrases that expand my vocabulary. I also learn about different cultures and places through the stories I read. It opens up a whole new world for me.

Reading has also improved my English skills. I have become better at understanding grammar rules and sentence structures. It has helped me become more confident in speaking and writing in English.

I often visit the school library to borrow books. The librarian knows me well and recommends books that she thinks I will enjoy. I am grateful for her guidance.

Sometimes, I also join book clubs where we discuss the books we have read. It's a great way to share our thoughts and opinions with others who have similar interests.

In conclusion, reading is my favorite hobby. It brings me joy, knowledge, and improves my English skills. I encourage everyone to develop the habit of reading. It is a wonderful way to explore new worlds without leaving the comfort of your own home.

小学英语简单句子集锦 篇三

小学英语简单句子集锦 精选72句

1. 说 “糟糕,差劲,次”,用 “lousy”

2. 说 “很美”的时候,用 “really pretty,

3. 表示“累”, 用 “exhausted/dead beat/worn out”.

4. 表示 “很,非常”, 多用 “really”.

5. 表示 “什么很搞笑”,用 “a good laugh 或者 hilarious.”

6. 表示“很多”用 “lot of” 或者 “loads of”

7. 说好吃的时候,用tasty 或yummy 代替。

8. 说 “很丑” 的时候,用 “really unattractive/hideous”

9. It depends, but generally …这个结构也很实用。

10. 说 “放松”, 用 “take it easy/wind down.”

11. 用一用 or whatever, and stuff like that, and something like that 表示“等等”

12. 表示 “买或受到,接到”,用 “get”

13. 点击私信发“小学英语口语大全”即可

14. 不要试图说太长的句子。简单句为主,and, but, so, also, because, if 等连接一下即可。

15. 说 ”上床睡觉“,用 ”turn in”. “睡懒觉” 用“sleep in.”

16. 说电影的时候可用flick/flicks 代替;同样

17. 点击文章标题下方,我的头像进入主页并关注

18. 说 “误会了我的意思”,用 “get me wrong”.

19. 表示 “放十天假”,用 “have 10 days off.”

20. 表示 “富人,穷人” 用 “the haves, the have-nots.”

21. 说 “某东西很火”,用 “a smash hit”.

22. 说“人很现实”, 用 “realistic”.

23. 用一用 like 举例

24. 表示 “做某事花老半天,用 “it takes me ages”.

25. 表示 “让…失望”, 用 “let sb. down”.

26. 英语 “寻找刺激”,英语是 “look for kicks”.

27. 表示 “还有半个月就是圣诞了,” 用 “Christmas is just half a month away.”

28. 说 “贵”的时候,用 “pricey/dear”.

29. 自然自语式的说 “怎么说呢”,用 “how shall I put it?”

30. 在句首用上 actually ,basically, obviously, unfortunately,等副词。

31. 说 “特别挤,”用 “packed out.”

32. 表示 “我们俩生日就差2天”,用 “our birthdays are just 2 days apart.”

33. 说 “最先进的

”,用 “state of the art” .

34. 说 “他是一个特别好的人”,用 “He’s a terribly nice guy.”

35. 表示 “城市里的激烈竞争”,用 “the rat race.”

36. 说 “人很物质化”, 用 “materialistic”

37. 表示 “特别有钱”,用 “loaded”,或 “have money to burn.”

38. 表示 “穷”,用 “broke”.

39. Most of the time, …, but sometimes … 这个结构很有用。

40. 说 “聪明”,用 “smart.”

41. 表示 “简单来讲”,这个口头语,用“to put it simply.”

42. 说 “我们玩得特爽” 用 “we really had a marvelous time”.

43. 说 “很次”的时候,用 “terrible/awful”.

44. 说 “老土”,用 “out of date/style”, 或者直接用 “out”.

45. It varies. If …., I…, but if…, I… 这个结构也值得掌握。

46. 说朋友的时候,可用mate/buddy 代替

47. 表示 “失落,沮丧”, 用 “down”.

48. 说让人很烦,很头痛的人或事,用 “a big headache或 a real pain.”

49. 说“很棒”的时候,用 “amazing, awesome, incredible, marvelous”

50. 表示 “有钱,条件好”, 用 “well off”。

51. 说 “太帅了”,用 “groovy”.

52. 用一用 because 引导原因

53. 说 “上升” 用 “go up”, “下降” 用 “go down”.

54. 表示 “提神”,用 “pick me up”.

55. 表示 “和朋友一起玩儿”, 用 “hang out with my mates”.

56. 表示“东西,事情,物品,题材等概念时,” 用 “stuff”.

57. 说 “不吃早饭”,用 “skip breakfast”.

58. 表示 “什么的最大的问题”,用 “The biggest problem with…is …”

59. 表示 “捐钱或鲜血” 用 “give money/blood”。

60. 表示 “对…腻了,受够了”,用 “be fed up with…或者 have had enough of…”。

61. 说 “我是个夜猫子”,用 “night owl.”

62. 说 “睡一会儿”,用 “catch some Z’s. or catch forty winks”.

63. 表示 “荒谬”,用 “outrageous 或者 ridiculous”.

64. 说 “一会儿,一段时间”,用 “a while”

65. 说 “没什么比得上我妈做的饭”,用“Nothing beats my mum’s cooking”

66. 说 “流行,时髦”, 用 “in”。

67. 停顿的时候,用well, eh, um, 或者 you know,占位

68. 表示 “极其,非常,绝对,相当…”

69. 说 “假货” 的时候,用 “fake”

70. 表示 “什么的最大的好处”,用 “the best thing of ….is …”

71. 表示 “换句话讲“,这个口头语,用 “to put it another way”

72. 表示 “什么很好玩儿”,用 “…is great fun.”


