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性格复杂英语句子 篇一

Understanding the Complexity of Personality Traits

Personality traits are often seen as complex and multifaceted, and this complexity can be observed in various aspects of human behavior. One of the most intriguing aspects of personality complexity is the ability of individuals to exhibit contradictory traits and behaviors. This phenomenon is often referred to as ambivalence, where individuals possess both positive and negative traits simultaneously.

For example, a person can be highly intelligent and creative, yet also exhibit a tendency towards laziness and procrastination. This contradiction in traits can often lead to confusion and frustration, both for the individual and for those around them. It is important to recognize that these contradictions do not necessarily indicate a lack of authenticity or integrity, but rather reflect the complexity of human nature.

Another aspect of personality complexity is the influence of situational factors on behavior. People may behave differently in different situations, adapting their traits and behaviors to fit the context. For instance, a normally introverted person may become more outgoing and extroverted in a social gathering, while still retaining their introverted tendencies in other situations. This adaptability and flexibility in behavior further adds to the complexity of personality.

Furthermore, personality traits can also interact with one another, resulting in unique combinations and patterns of behavior. For example, someone who is both highly conscientious and neurotic may exhibit perfectionistic tendencies, constantly striving for excellence while also being highly anxious and prone to self-doubt. These interactions between traits can lead to complex and sometimes contradictory behaviors.

It is important to acknowledge and appreciate the complexity of personality traits, as it allows for a more nuanced understanding of human behavior. By recognizing that individuals can possess both positive and negative traits, and that behavior is influenced by situational factors, we can better understand and empathize with others.

In conclusion, the complexity of personality traits is evident in the contradictory behaviors and interactions between traits that individuals exhibit. Understanding and appreciating this complexity is crucial in developing a more comprehensive understanding of human behavior. By embracing the complexity of personality, we can foster greater empathy and understanding in our relationships and interactions with others.

性格复杂英语句子 篇二

Unraveling the Enigma of Personality Traits

Personality traits have long been a subject of fascination and intrigue, as they play a significant role in shaping our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. However, the complexity of personality traits often makes it difficult to fully understand and categorize individuals. This complexity can be seen in various aspects of personality, including the dynamic nature of traits, the influence of genetics and environment, and the potential for change and growth.

One of the key aspects of personality complexity is the dynamic nature of traits. While traits are often seen as stable and enduring, they can also fluctuate and change over time. For example, a person who is typically introverted may display extroverted tendencies in certain situations or during particular phases of their life. This fluidity in traits challenges the notion of fixed personality and highlights the complexity of human nature.

Moreover, the complexity of personality traits is also influenced by a combination of genetics and environmental factors. While genetics provide a foundation for certain traits, the environment in which individuals grow and develop can shape and modify these traits. For instance, a person genetically predisposed to being shy may become more outgoing and confident through exposure to supportive and nurturing environments. This interaction between genetics and environment further adds to the complexity of personality.

Additionally, it is important to recognize that personality traits are not set in stone and can be subject to change and growth. Through self-reflection, personal development, and life experiences, individuals have the potential to cultivate and enhance certain traits, while also mitigating the impact of negative traits. This capacity for change highlights the malleability and potential for growth within the realm of personality.

In conclusion, the complexity of personality traits is evident in the dynamic nature of traits, the interplay between genetics and environment, and the potential for change and growth. Recognizing and embracing this complexity allows us to develop a more comprehensive understanding of human behavior and promotes personal growth and development. By unraveling the enigma of personality traits, we can foster greater self-awareness and empathy towards others.

性格复杂英语句子 篇三

性格复杂英语句子 精选65句

1. Generally speaking, mixing fonts is like writing long sentences. Don't do it, unless you have full super-genius level control over what you do. 一般来说,混合使用字体就像是写复杂的长句。不要这样做,除非你是能掌控一切的超级天才。

2. He performed in long and complex ballets. 他的表现在漫长而复杂的芭蕾舞剧。

3. The general answer for any replicator is those with high fecundity, fidelity and longevity: ones that make many accurate and long-lived copies of themselves. 对任何复制子,通用答案都是:多产、(复制)忠实、长寿的复制子。换言之,就是能够正确复制出大量长寿复本的复制子。

4. The gowns feature intricate beading, feathers, flowers, embroidered bodices, illusion sleeves and big, elaborate skirts. 他的长礼服风格迥异,以复杂的珠饰、羽毛、花纹、镶边的紧身衣和引人遐想的袖子和精致的裙子下摆为特色。

5. Generally elaborate metaphor and far-fetched allusions go with long and involved sentences of the periodic type. 通篇是煞费苦心的隐喻和隐晦的暗示和这一时期流行的复杂长句,却符合葛拉西安凝练而精致的风格。

6. The character of ASIC design is long-period high-cost and complexity. ASIC 设计的周期长,成本高,任务复杂。

7. The degree of markedness of a sentence reflects its complexity in structure. 句式的标记程度反映它在结构上复杂性。

8. if possible, demonstrate increasing complexification. 如果可能的话,展现不断增长的复杂性。

9. And grateful heart and very complex pear garment son. 又感激心里又很复杂的梨衣子。

10. Verdot. This is a persistent wine with a long finish. 这是一款口感复杂回味悠长的葡萄酒。

11. The larger atoms have much more complex spectra . 较重的原子具有较复杂的光谱线。

12. However, the laser requires very complex multiple regrowth and etching fabrication process. a novel mode-hop free tuneable diode laser is proposed. 有些利用复杂的可调双波导结构来实现无跳模波长调谐,但是整个制作过程需要复杂的刻蚀再生长工艺。

13. More complicated example Pythagoras's theorem. 在毕达哥拉斯定理中还有更复杂的例子。

14. The complexity of complex-shaped tools′ structure makes the tool grinding process difficult. 复杂形状刀具结构上的复杂性导致了磨削加工的复杂性。

15. A novel materials design procedure based on the co-doping of metal nanoparticle and azo dye compound (MNPADC) is developed to improve the properties of functional molecules. 为改善功能分子的特性,提出一种基于金属纳米粒子-偶氮染料复合物共掺杂超分子结构功能材料的设计新方法。

16. The difficulty in translation lies in the complexity and extensiveness of the extra linguistic message. 翻译的难度是超语言信息的复杂性与广泛性造成的。

17. Since then, however, superstrings have proved a lot more complex than anyone expected. 然而,从那时起,超弦理论被证明比人们预料的更为复杂。

18. To evaluate the diagnostic value of colour Doppler two-dimensional echocardiography in congenital heart multiple malformation. 目的评价超声心动图诊断非复杂先天性心脏病病复合畸形的价值。

19. It was love at first sight. 我对你一见钟情。

20. Now. What's the order of growth here? 这里的增长率是多少,复杂度呢?

21. But, at the other end of the market, ultra-luxury manufacturers are creating intricate mechanisms to simulate electronics. 可是,市场的另一方,超级奢嚣张品制造商在模拟电子产物出产复杂的机械表。

22. Symbolic sequences can be characterized by the length of the minimal algorithm that allows the observer to reconstitute them, referred to as algorithmic complexity or Kolmogorov-Chaitin complexity. 用算法加工符号序列,使其长度最小化,并允许观察者将其还原,这涉及算法复杂度,或Kolmogorov-Chaitin复杂度(柯氏复杂度或KCC)。

23. I think of you night and day. 我时时刻刻都想着你。

24. In central Junggar Basin overpressure was distributed with long evolution history and complicated generating mechanism. 准噶尔盆地腹部超压分布广泛,演化历史长,形成机制复杂。

25. Every step of the long process was considerably more complex than I had anticipated. 我天真地以为饺子是最容易做的菜,其实每一道漫长的工序都比我想象的复杂得多。

26. Super Big Mini Models - The intricacies of filming in the world of models and miniatures. 超级大的微缩模型- 如何拍摄错综复杂的微缩模型。

27. The child's existence complicated matters considerably. 这个小阿子的存在使问题大为复杂。

28. The Pacesetter's complex history goes back a long way. 该标兵的复杂的历史可以追溯到很长的路。

29. Well, it's complex and long. 但事实上,它是既长又复杂难懂。

30. The entire cosmic vista spans over 30 light-years, near the edge of the Orion molecular cloud complex some 1,500 light-years distant. 这整张宇宙影像覆盖超过30光年,距离猎户座复杂分子云大约1,500光年远。

31. There will never be another you. 在这个世界上,你是独一无二的。

32. This model can not only solve computational problem of hydrographic net, but also can solve computational problem of long watercourse and complex flow in natural river. 该模型既可解决复杂的河网水流计算问题,亦适用于长河段、长时段的较复杂的天然河道水流计算问题。

33. Electric submersible pump unit is a complicated rotation machine which has gracile rotation shaft, and its manufacture and installation techniques are complicated. 潜油电泵机组属于具有超细长转轴的复杂旋转机械,生产及安装工艺复杂,需要通过振动分析评估机组的出厂质量状态。

34. I want you to meet my parents. 我想让你见见我的父母。

35. Here is a more complicated SELECT statment to calculate and retreive all the batting averages for players in 2004 who had more than 300 at-bats 下面是一个更复杂的 SELECT 语句,该语句用于计算和检索 2004 年上场击球超过 300 次的所有运动员的击球率

36. We know that a key difference between superscalar and VLIW lies in the hardware and software complexity respectively. 我们知道,一个关键区别在于超标量和超长指令字中的硬件和软件的复杂性分别。

37. Why try to manipulate ultracold, neutral atoms into performing tasks electrons do naturally without much fuss? 但是为什么我们不想办法让超冷冻的中性原子与活动中的电子自然结合呢? 为什么我们要小题大做,研究一些超复杂的系统呢?

38. In other words, you're not dealing with weird text-only UIs and convoluted instructions. 换句话说,您不需要处理只有文本的 UI 以及复杂的指导。

39. This is a rather complicated and long-time course. 这是一个相当复杂并需要长时间的过程。

40. The judicial procedure is often complicated and tedious. 而司法程序往往很复杂和冗长。

41. "You are cold, shivering, and without a weapon" — This adds a complication. “您浑身发冷、不住颤抖,而且没有武器” — 这句话将添加复杂度。

42. Methods Using intraoperative ultrasound in monitoring lithotomy of 55

cases of complex renal stones. 方法在复杂性肾结石术中实时超声监视。

43. Yet the actual long-term survival of active organisms, spores or complex organic molecules beyond Earth's magnetosphere has never been tested. 活性有机体、孢子或复杂的有机分子,在地球磁层之外能否长期幸存,则从未实地验证过。

44. The chip uses a reconfigurable architecture and very long instruction words(VLIW) to optimize the complex functions. 芯片使用可重构体系结构和超长指令字(VLIW),优化了高复杂度函数。

45. So, I will point out, in terms of MO theory, because it rigorously does take into account quantum mechanics, it starts to become complicated once we go beyond diatomic molecules. 我要指出的是,对于MO理论,以为它严格的遵守量子力学,所以一旦超过双原子分子,就变得十分复杂了。

46. The Huai Hai Campaign was long and very complex. 淮海战役长而且非常复杂。

47. The plutonic complex unit consists of gabbro, mafic cumulate and ultramafic cumulate. There exist complicated magmatic intrusive events in the plutonic complex and sheeted dike complex units. 深成杂岩单元包括辉长岩-镁铁质堆晶岩和超镁铁质堆晶岩,在深成杂岩和席状岩墙群杂岩单元内有复杂的岩浆侵入事件;

48. Not matter of the today will drag tomorrow. 勿将今日之事拖到明日。

49. The tectonics of Jiangnan recombination melange belt is very complex resulted from long actuation of Yangtse plate and Cathaysian plate. 江南复合混杂岩带是扬子板块与华夏板块长期活动所致, 构造极为复杂。

50. Conversely, surgery is complex, surgery is long recovery time. 反之,手术就复杂,手术后康复时间也就长。

51. So any complex sentence just keep them together. 所以任何复杂句都能把他们合在一起。

52. The complicated shaped parts are able to be singly formed by a superplastic forming process. 用超塑性成形工艺能一次成形出复杂形状的零件。

53. Or you may wind up with a better result because you haven’t overcomplicated or overpolished things. 或者你或许最终能获得一个更好的结果因为你不用做超复杂的或者超精细的事情。

54. Time the study pain is temporary, has not learned the pain is lifelong. 学习时的苦痛是暂时的,未学到的痛苦是终生的。

55. Fourth, we expand the length of the selected sentences to 35 syllables, being a small discourse relatively speaking, so as to increase the complexity of the prosodic structure. 第四,将被挑选句子的最大长度增加到35字,从某种程度上可以算是一个小篇章,增加韵律结构的复杂度。

56. Thought is already is late, exactly is the earliest time. 觉得为时已晚的时候,恰恰是最早的时候。

57. I can't help falling in love with you. 我无法不爱你。

58. Long complex sentences are distinctive of Henry James's later style. 亨利·詹姆斯晚期作品的风格特色是擅长使用长复合句。

59. Complexity and lenght of the food chain. 产链过长和过于复杂的问题。

60. You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. 你是我见到过的最美的女人。

61. However, the increasing complexity in hardware due to the complex algorithm used in the deep learning technology restrains the growth of the market. 可是,深度学习技术使用的复杂演算法使硬体设备的复杂性增加,抑制该市场的成长。

62. Admittedly, some implementations are quite complex -- more so than they need be. 不可否认,一些执行是相当复杂的——超过他们所要求的。

63. Essential vs. accidental complexity 本质复杂度与偶发复杂度的比较

64. Complexity indicators are mainly the cyclomatic complexity number V(g) and the number of statements in the code. 复杂度指示器主要是圈复杂数V和代码中的声明语句数。

65. XQuery is pretty much a complete programming language, constituting a superset of XPath. XQuery 是一种非常复杂的编程语言,组成了 XPath 的一个超集。


