
时间:2013-01-07 01:19:23
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与购物有关英语句子 篇一

Shopping is an activity that many people enjoy. Whether it's buying clothes, gadgets, or groceries, shopping provides us with a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment. In this article, we will explore some English sentences related to shopping.

1. I love going shopping on weekends. It's a great way to relax and unwind after a long week of work.

2. Can you recommend any good shopping malls in this city? I'm new here and I'm not familiar with the area.

3. The Black Friday sales are amazing! I managed to snag a new TV at a discounted price.

4. I always make a shopping list before going to the grocery store. It helps me stay organized and avoid impulse buying.

5. Online shopping has become increasingly popular in recent years. It's convenient and offers a wide range of products.

6. I'm looking for a unique gift for my sister's birthday. Do you have any suggestions?

7. The store has a great return policy, so even if I change my mind about a purchase, I can easily return it.

8. Shopping can be addictive for some people. They feel a rush of excitement every time they make a purchase.

9. I prefer shopping in physical stores because I like to see and touch the items before buying them.

10. The salesperson was very helpful and gave me a lot of information about the product I was interested in.

Shopping is not only about buying things but also about the experience. It's a way to explore new products, discover new brands, and interact with salespeople. It can be a social activity, where you go shopping with friends or family and enjoy the process together. Additionally, shopping can be therapeutic for some people, providing them with a sense of happiness and fulfillment.

与购物有关英语句子 篇二

Shopping is a necessary part of our lives. We need to buy essential items such as food, clothing, and household goods. In this article, we will explore some English sentences related to shopping.

1. I need to go grocery shopping today. We're running out of milk and bread.

2. The prices at this store are much cheaper compared to other places. I always get a good deal here.

3. I prefer shopping during weekdays when it's less crowded. It's easier to find parking spaces and navigate through the store.

4. The cashier asked if I wanted a receipt. I declined because I didn't think I would need it.

5. Shopping for clothes can be overwhelming with so many options. I usually have a specific item in mind to make it easier.

6. The store offers free shipping for orders over $50. It's a great incentive to buy more and save on shipping fees.

7. I always check the expiration date before buying perishable items. It's important to ensure their freshness and quality.

8. I try to shop locally to support small businesses in my community. It's important to help them thrive.

9. The store has a loyalty program that offers discounts and rewards for frequent shoppers. It's a great way to save money.

10. The store has a sale section where you can find discounted items. It's worth checking out for some good deals.

Shopping is not just about buying things; it's about making informed choices, finding bargains, and supporting local businesses. It can also be a way to express ourselves through our fashion choices and personal style. Whether it's a quick trip to the grocery store or a day of retail therapy, shopping plays an important role in our lives.

与购物有关英语句子 篇三

与购物有关英语句子 精选54句

1. 好汉不希干,赖汉干不了。

2. 十分生意七分谈,话不投机成交难。

3. 人高谈今古,物高价出头。

4. Are you looking for something particular? 您需要什么东西?

5. 事业未成功未到,买卖不成话不透。

6. 商场如战场,竞争如战争。

7. 过秤量轻重,听语测人品。

8. 一分年成一分销,十分年成不愁销。

9. 做生意不懂行,好比瞎子撞南墙。

10. Please try it on. 请试穿一下。

11. 商战如兵战,取胜靠智勇。

12. 十年寒窗出秀才,卖药三年当大夫。

13. That is a steal. 这是廉价品。

14. 三分利店冷落,一分利客来多。

15. It's a little overpriced. 有点贵。

16. 过路客人别纠缠,来了买主别心烦。

17. I'm afraid we're out of that item. 恐怕那种货已经卖完了。

18. 誉高招客远,物好价出头。

19. 人无利心,谁肯早起。

20. 没有最好,只有更好。

21. 人没到话要到,生意一定跑不掉。

22. Where is the men's shop? 男装柜台在哪?

23. 失信丢财,自砸招牌。

24. Could you bring the price down? 价格


25. 十户人家八家商,还有两家要开张。

26. 不怕货多,就怕货缺。

27. 不怕口袋空,就怕脑瓜穷。

28. 人靠梳洗打扮,货靠整理挑选。

29. I've seen this cheaper in other places. 我在别的地方看见过这种商品,价格比者便宜。

30. 褒贬是买主,喝彩是闲人。

31. I'd buy this if it were cheaper. 如果再便宜一点我就买。

32. 隔行休贪利,无水不行船。

33. 公平心似水,生意稳如山。

34. 一分钱一分货,十分钱买不错。

35. Returns and complaints退货和投诉

36. The price will go down. 价格将会降低。

37. Do you know what size you are? 你知道自己穿多大好吗?

38. 不怕不识货,就怕货比货。

39. 物以稀为贵,货抓早值钱。

40. 黄金有价誉无价,买卖有信利无边。

41. 言无二价,童叟无欺。

42. 图便宜没有好货。

43. 不怕货比货,只求心贴心。

44. 小数怕长点,零数怕整算。

45. 三尺柜台学问高。

46. We have a clearance sale today. 我们今天清仓大处理。

47. 出门看天气,买卖看行情。

48. 一张广告,万家知晓。

49. 上赶子不是买卖。

50. 只选对的,不买贵的。

51. 指山卖蘑,买空卖空。

52. 和气能招万里财。

53. I'm afraid we don't have it in stock. 恐怕已经没有存货了。

54. I heard other stores having great mark-downs on this item. 我听说别的商店这种商品正在大降价。


