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关于问好的英语句子 篇一

Hello, How Are You?


This simple greeting is one of the most common ways to say hello in English. It is a polite way to greet someone and show interest in their well-being. When we ask "How are you?" we are not just asking about someone's physical state, but also about their emotional state. It is a way to show that we care about the other person and are willing to listen to their response.

In English-speaking countries, it is customary to respond to "How are you?" with a similar greeting. Some common responses include "I'm good, thanks" or "I'm fine, how about you?" This exchange of greetings is a social convention that helps establish rapport and build connections between people.

However, it's important to note that "How are you?" is often used as a form of greeting and not necessarily an invitation for a lengthy response. In casual situations, a simple "I'm good, thanks" is usually sufficient. If you are asked "How are you?" by someone you know well, you can provide a more detailed response if you feel comfortable doing so.

In addition to "How are you?", there are other ways to say hello and ask about someone's well-being in English. For example, you can say "How's it going?" or "What's up?" These greetings are more casual and are often used among friends or peers. They are a way to initiate conversation and check in on someone's day.

Overall, saying hello and asking about someone's well-being is an important part of social interaction in English-speaking countries. It shows that you are polite, friendly, and interested in the other person. So next time you meet someone, don't forget to greet them with a warm "Hello, how are you?"

关于问好的英语句子 篇二

Greetings from Around the World


While "Hello, how are you?" is a common greeting in English-speaking countries, different cultures have their own unique ways of saying hello. Let's take a journey around the world and explore some interesting greetings from different countries.

In Japan, people greet each other by saying "Konnichiwa" which means "good day" in English. It is a formal and respectful way to say hello and is used throughout the day.

In France, the greeting "Bonjour" is used to say hello. It literally translates to "good day" and is used as a formal and polite way to greet someone. In more informal situations, people may use "Salut" which is similar to the English greeting "Hi".

In India, the greeting "Namaste" is widely used. It is a respectful way to greet someone and is accompanied by placing your palms together in front of your chest and slightly bowing your head. It is often used in formal and religious settings.

In Spain, the greeting "Hola" is commonly used to say hello. It is a casual and friendly greeting that is used in both formal and informal situations. In more formal settings, people may use "Buenos días" which means "good morning" or "Buenas tardes" which means "good afternoon".

In China, the greeting "Ni hao" is used to say hello. It is a polite and formal greeting that is used throughout the day. In more informal settings, people may use "Ni hao ma?" which means "how are you?" as a way to show interest in the other person's well-being.

These are just a few examples of how people greet each other in different countries. It's fascinating to see how different cultures have their own unique ways of saying hello. So next time you meet someone from a different country, try using their traditional greeting and see how it can help you connect with them on a deeper level.

Remember, greetings are not just words, but a way to show respect, friendliness, and interest in the other person. So let's embrace the diversity of greetings and use them to build connections with people from all around the world.

关于问好的英语句子 篇三

1. Perhaps confirming the age-old adage that you can never have too much of a good thing, Google's eBook store is finally here — which is good news for the five of you who've yet to try a Nook or Kindle. 谷歌图书商店的问世很好地印证了一句古训:你不可能拥有太多的好东西。 估计这对Nook和Kindle的用户来说是好事。

2. And very often, the answer to some of our most pressing questions lies on the children on the bus. 很多时候,最紧迫的问题的答案,就在汽车的孩子身上。

3. If you still want to get revenged on Chou, I can only wish you good luck. 如果你还是想找姓周的算账,我只能祝你好运,但我还是得劝你一句:她真的不值得你这么做。

4. Sorry to trouble you, but do you have electronic dictionary? 不好意思打扰了,请问你有电子字典吗?

5. You're such a good kid. 说道,“你真是个好孩子。

6. Where did you go over the weekend?

7. Nowadays many people no longer send Christmas card. Instead, they express their greetings to their friends by email. 现在许多人不在邮寄圣诞卡,而是通过电子邮件向朋友们表示问候。

8. For I beheld, and there was no man; even among them, and there was no counsellor, that, when I asked of them, could answer a word. 我看的时候并没有人,我问的时候他们中间也没有谋士,可以回答一句。

9. When you pick up your medicine from the pharmacy, ask: Is this the medicine that my doctor prescribed? 主药房谢药的时候,问一句:这非尔的医生启具的药物吗?

10. When they were waiting at the check-in counter. Mr. Smith began to question his wife about the things she had packed. 当他们在登记台等候的时候,史密斯先生开始问他的妻子关于她打包的东西的一些问题。

11. Our paths have finally crossed。我们终于碰面了。

12. Good point. I will hold a sign that says your name. 好问题。我会举一张牌子,上面写上您的名字。

13. 人+doing,表 示人怎么样 事情 +going,表示事情进行如何 How are your family doing?

14. As he left, Ben spoke of a “calm chaos. 本要离开的时候,说了句“淡定的混乱”。

15. Why are you in such a good mood?

16. I just stopped by to say hello。我只是顺道过来打个招呼。

17. best wishes for the year to come! 祝吉星高照!

18. What’s new?

19. He greeted her by saying “Good morning”. 他向她打招呼,说“早上好”。

20. I went to a baseball game。我去看棒球赛。

21. Why are you so cross today?

22. GREet the little swallow from me, if you should see him again. 假如你看到了那只小燕子的话,我请求你代我向他问候一声。

23. Nice to meet you.很高兴见到你。

24. I obeyed; hemmed, called the villain Juno, who deigned, at this second interview, to move the extreme tip of her tail, in token of owning my acquaintance. 我顺从地坐下来,清了清嗓子,又跟那个恶女人打招呼,而这次,她屈尊动了动她辫子的最末稍,表示接受我为熟人。

25. Can you answer a question which I want

to ask and which is puzzling me? 我有一个问题弄不懂,想请教你,你能回答吗? 汉语用三个分句表达原文的意思,显然效果很好,如果译成:你能回答一个使我弄不懂而又想问你的问题吗?

26. The fact is I don't know English a bit and what I've learned in school turned out to be of rubbish. 可我根本就不懂英语,原来学校里学的那几句跟没学一样 请问怎么翻好?谢谢!

27. Allow me to express our warm welcome and cordial greetings to ou Devi distinguished guests coming from a zar. 请允许我向远道而来的贵宾们表示热烈的欢迎和亲切的问候。

28. One should be fond of learning and not feel ashamed to ask and learn of his inferiors. 请问 孔子所说 “敏而好学,不耻下问”用英语应该怎么说?

29. Gift Boxes, Greeting Cards, Book Marks, Paper Bag, Hand Made Paper Plastic and Paper Bags. 采购产品礼品盒子,问候备置卡片,书马克,纸袋子,塑料的手和纸。

30. I feel like a new man我觉得好像脱胎换骨了。

31. At that time, there were several popular notations for accessing remote files. 正是那个时候,出现了几个用于访问远程文件的流行表示法。

32. Tell YouBin swallows, liu Zhou Qingqing in have dinner together talking and laughing, YouBin hurriedly asked how big son liu character, good get along with, the swallow really dont know what to say. 燕子告诉尤斌,大刘父子同周青青一起吃饭有说有笑的,尤斌连忙问到大刘儿子性格如何,好不好相处,燕子真不知道说什么好。 。

33. i hope you will come to china play with me。 我希望你能来中国和我一起游玩

34. please accept my season’s greetings. 请接受我节日的祝贺。

35. The waiter greeted us in a friendly tone. 那侍者用友好的口气同我们打招呼。

36. One fifth (19 per cent) did not know the meaning of the French word for hello, one of the most recognisable foreign greetings in the world. 五分之一的人(佔总数19%)不知道法语中表示“你好”的单词的意思,但这个单词是世界上最有名的外国问候语之一。

37. Because you're able to use this questions to soften your speech in asking a variety of different questions. 因为你可以用这样的问句来使你提出的问题更为温和。

38. Where are you headed?

39. Hello Qi-Han, your godfather hungry, please help him buy food. 你好,吴启韩,你的干爹肚子饿,请你帮他买吃的,好吗?

40. There were short letters full of tiny compliments that only a seven-year-old would notice. 一些短信里充满了一个年仅xx岁的孩子的小小问候。

41. All right. So today we're going to finish up our discussion of the hydrogen atom. 好,今天我们要结束,关于氢原子问题的讨论。

42. How are things? 最近怎么样?

43. Did you manage all right?

44. may the season’s joy fill you all the year round. 愿节日的愉快伴你一生。

45. may many fortunes find their way to you! 愿你健康长寿!

46. Tutti was four years old when she said this. 图蒂在xx岁的时候说这句话。

47. Children shouted "How are you? 孩子们大喊,“你好吗?”

48. I have a lot more questions to ask you, so I'm going to give you 3 in 1 rapid flier. 我还有很多问题要问您,我打算一句话问三个问题。

49. How are you doing these days? Well, about thesame。最近好吗?嗯,差不多一样。

50. "And tell him I said 'Hi, '" he managed before the door closed. “给他捎上我的问候。”他赶在门关上前说了一句。

51. Becky Bristow: Oh, that's like asking a mother which child is her favorite. 贝基-布里斯托:哦,这个问题好像问一个母亲她最喜欢的孩子是哪个。

52. But Shi realized recently that when his own children get home from school, the only question he asks them is if they listened to their teacher. 但是史在最近发现当他自己的孩子从学校归来,他唯一会问的问题就是有没有好好听讲。

53. How are you getting on? 最近如何?

54. I am working hard on my English now.?? 我正努力学英文呢。

55. Hollywood writer and director Lisa Cholodenko was correct: The kids are all right. 好莱坞的作家和导演Lisa Cholodenko是正确的:孩子们没有问题。

56. Atta boy… Doya know peekaboo? 好小子……你会玩躲躲猫吗?

57. Excuse me, ' I responded; 'you, my good friend, are a striking evidence against that assertion. “原谅我,”我搭腔,“你,我的好朋友,这是反对那句断言的一个显著证据。

58. Let us think about it, can wine really drown the sorrows? 反问一句,借酒真的能消愁吗?

59. Talking about markets. I flubbed the line. 谈到市场的时候,我随口说出了那句话。

60. Field access may be marginally faster, but rarely. Sometimes, getter access may provide a slightly different value from direct field access, especially when subclasses are in play. 字段访问相对速度较快,但在少数时候,getter 访问可能会提供与直接字段访问略有不同的值,特别是在涉及子类的时候。

61. Just right then when he thought Wang would accept him again, Wang simply asked him, “Are you feeling better? 就在他以为王莉回心转意的时候,王莉只是轻轻地问了一句: “好点了吗?

62. That's a good question. Let me give you another example on … 这个问题提得好。我再举个例子说明…

63. Asking the best questions gets you the best answers. 你问最好的问题就会得到最好的答案。

64. One asked, "How is everthing going with your son?" 其中一个问道「你儿子还好吧?」

65. These days they may be used jokingly but the idea behind them runs along the same lines as the greeting “ciao.” 现在,这样的署名只是开玩笑似的用法了,但这背后的想法跟问候语“ciao”差不多,表示敬意。

66. In other words, it’s time to get wisdom. 换句话说,现在是求取智慧的时候了。

67. By the way, don’t look for the technocrats to solve their electricity problems anytime soon. 顺便说一句,任何时候都不要指望专家能够迅速解决电荒问题。

68. To realize the value of one day, ask a girl whose newly bought skirt now becomes 80%cheaper. 欲知一天的价值,不妨问问一位好刚买的裙子现在已八折减价的姑娘。

69. At many social functions, offering cigarettes is considered a goodwill gesture and a conversation starter. 在中国好多社会活动中,让烟是友好的表示,是打开话匣的起子。

70. He twirls his moustache and asks the visitor, 'Well, sir! 他会捻弄他的小胡子,问来访者:‘好,先生!

71. All right, so today we're going to fully have our discussion focused on multi-electron atoms. 好了,今天我们将要完整的讨论,关于多电子原子的问题。

72. How is your study going ? 学习进展怎么样 How is your work going?

73. What’s up? 最近好吗?

关于问好的英语句子 篇四

1. Hello, my name is Bob. 你好,李思语。我是王子晴!

2. I delightedly hugged and greeted my grandchildren. 我愉快地拥抱了我的孙子孙女,和他们打招呼。

3. Hi, Li Yan. Where's my cap? 你好,李叶。我的帽子在哪里?

4. And there's an added bonus: You can write in full sentences instead of fragments or bullet points. 还有一个好处:你可以写出整句,而非只言片语或者要点。

5. Hugging and backslapping are common greetings among Brazilian friends. 朋友之间通常会拥抱和拍肩以示问候。

6. Ask a child, 'Remember when we went to the zoo? 哈德森建议,大人可问孩子:还记得我们什么时候去的动物园吗?

7. You may ask why Asian-Pacific children have better reading skills. 你也许会问为何亚太地区的孩子,会有更好的阅读技能。


9. Chairman Xu Weiping first expressed his thanks and greetings to British guests from far away. 许为平首先向远道而来的英国客人表示感谢与问候。

10. SaluteHerodionmy kinsman. Greet themthatbeof thehouseholdof Narcissus, which are inthe Lord. 问候我的亲族希罗天。问候拿其舒家中在主里的人。

11. But they're the first words that popped into my mouth when a stranger asked me, in a coffee shop, “How's the book? 不过,如果我在咖啡屋被一个生面孔问道“这本书好看不”,我的第一句评价将是“沉闷又不好看”。

12. No problem. Grab a seat. We 'bout ready for a rehearsal? 没问题。拿个椅子。我们准备好合练了吗?

13. Although his writings are sometimes deleted, his posts often draw 130,000 hits. 虽然有时候会被和谐掉,他的帖子平均访问量达13万次。

14. Hey ,what's the matter with you guy! 你这家伙到底怎么了!

15. Now she and the others say "good morning" when they get into the car. 现在她和其他孩子上车得的时候都会相互问好。

16. Now I do not expect to receive a smile, a word of greeting, or a little compassion without paying for it first. 试问,不花钱你可能买到一个微笑,一句问候,一丁点儿恻隐之心?

17. He passed the question to Xin Du Zi, a friend of Yang Zi. 他向他的好友杜新子请教这个问题。

18. If you are asked a question in conversation, you should ask a question in return. 对话中,别人问(候)你一个问题,你也要问(候)对方一个问题。

19. Ask you neighbor. Or your best friend. Or even your third-cousin-once-removed. 问问你的邻居,或者你最好的朋友,或者你八竿子打不着的表亲。

20. To address your sore feet, look for a shoe with good support but better RW Shoe Lab cushioning scores. 为了解决你的脚痛问题,去找一双有良好支撑功能但却具有更好的RW鞋子实验室缓震评分的鞋子。

21. Thanks and regards. 感谢和问候。

22. You're a toughkid. I ask you about war, you'd probably uh...throw Shakespeare at me, right?"Once 你或许是一个强硬的孩子,但是如果我要问你关于战争,你很有可能口若悬河,你可以引用莎士比亚的诗句“亲爱的朋友,共赴战场,再次进攻”。

23. They waved from the street and called out hellos but were careful not to slow down and get sucked in. 他们在街上挥挥手,嚷嚷一句打招呼的话,但注意着不要慢下脚步,以免被帕蒂缠住。

24. Here, let me show you to your desk. 好了,我先带你看看你的桌子。

25. To convey (greeting, FOR example) by bending the body. 通过屈身来表达(如问候)。

26. The second pillar of the U.S.-India relationship is that of energy and climate change. 布莱克表示,美印关系的第二个支柱是在能源和气候变化问题上的合作。

27. I haven’t seen much of you lately。我近来不常见到你。

28. Let me give you a kiss, my boy. Remember me to your mother and father. 孩子, 让我亲你一下。 替我问候令堂令尊。

29. Hi, there!

30. What’s going on with this project? 这个项目进展如何?

31. You look under the weather today你今天好像不舒服。

32. “That’s a problem all over the world,” Daniel Osgood, associate research scientist in economic modeling and climate at IRI, told America.gov. 气候与社会国际研究所经济模型和气候问题副研究员丹尼尔·奥斯古德(Daniel Osgood)对本刊表示:“这是一个全球性的问题。”

33. "What kind of blood was that, incidentally?" asked Dumbledore loudly over the chiming of the newly unsmashed grandfather flock. “顺便问一句,那是什么血呀?”邓布利多问道,声音盖过了刚修好的老爷钟的钟摆声。

34. There you are. Dishes all packed. 你看。盘子都包好了。

35. And now, after only ten minutes notice--Gone too without intending to return! 可是现在,只提前十分钟打了个招呼,便走了,好像还不打算回来似的。

36. Is anything wrong?

37. Ask your neighbor or your best friend or even your third-cousin-once-removed. 问问你的邻居,或者你最好的朋友,或者你八竿子打不着的表亲。

38. " And then asked: "You now have Yehao dumpling skin roll, dumplings packages too Ye Hao, which is why? 接着又问:“ 你现在饺子皮擀得也好,饺子包得也好,哪又是为什么呢?”

39. It’s good to see you again。再见到你真好。

40. 这个太近乎了 说食物的话 可以说 1111学长的 也可说 how do you like the food here?

41. I’m on my way to the library。我要去图书馆。

42. (比较熟悉du的人之间用语) How are you getting along with。

43. A few years ago I wrote a booklet called The Teacup Is Full. 几年前,我写了一本《茶满了》的小册子,有好几位朋友问我,为什么茶满了不好?

44. Aiko recognise faces and says hello when any of my family come around to visit. 爱子还能识别人脸,家里有亲朋好友来访时,她会向他们打招呼。

45. Two women were chating in a room,One asked, "How is everthing going with your son? 有二个妇人在聊天,其中一个问道:“你儿子还好吧?”

46. What brought you here?

47. In return, he asked us a question, said: "What animal most string (this sentence is saying the White)" We say in unison: "Do you cough! " 在回来的时候,他问了我们一个问题,说:“什么动物最串(这句话是用白话说的)”我们异口同声的说:“你咯!”

48. The flesh merchant Pockface Liu enters leading Sixth-Born Kang. Pockface Liu first greets Second Elder Song and Fourth Elder Chang. 纤手刘麻子领着康六进来。刘麻子先向松二爷。常四爷打招呼。

49. The process dimension deals with the "when" question -- in other words, how the method content elements are temporally related into semi-ordered sequences. 过程维度处理"什么时候" 的问题 - 换句话说,方法内容元素如何暂时的与半规则序列相关联。

50. Greetings, I am Mira. I greet you from the Pleiadian High council. 大家好,我是米拉。我代表昴宿星高级议会向你们表示问候。

51. Okay anyone wants to give me examples of questions you would ask? 好,谁能给我一些问题的例子,你们要问的问题?

52. Wherever you travel, you ll be touched by open-hearted hospitality that, to be fair, you ll experience in parts of India too. 无论你到哪里旅行,你都会被那种真诚的好客所感动。 当然,说句公道话,在印度的部分地区你也可以体现到那种好客。

53. You look tired. Had a big night?

54. Personalized greetings for every caller - One for your WIFE, one for your GIRLFRIEND! 个性化问候,为每一个来电者-一个为你的妻子,一个是你的女朋友!

55. And it's probably a question that you've used many times before. 你可能早就用过这个问句了。

56. I don't know you will come. 你知道这句话问题出在哪里吗?

57. My wife forgets to say hello, and I blow up. 妻子忘记打招呼,我就发飙。

58. Good questions might be things like: What are the data types? 好问题大概是这个样子的:是什么数据类型?

59. To answer this question you just really want to think about what does electron affinity means. 要想答对这个问题,你只需要好好想一想,电子亲和能的真正意义。

60. Did you sleep soundly last night? 你昨晚睡得好吗?

61. Pitt's final words to me reinforced the impression of connubial bliss: "I'm happier than I've ever been." 还记得上次访问,皮特对我说的最后一句话是:“我比任何时候都幸福!”

62. Rob: Oh, OK. Hey, can I talk to Justin? I need to ask him about an assignment for our Chinese class. 罗博:哦,好的。嘿,我能和贾斯汀说两句吗?我想问他一下关于我们的中文课作业的事情。

63. You know not, you can scarcely conceive, how they have tortured me; -- though it was some time, I confess, before I was reasonable enough to allow their justice. 你不知道你这句话使我多么的痛苦,你简直无从想象;不过,说老实话,我也还是过了好久才明白过来,承认你那句话骂得对。

64. How come you look so tired? 你怎么看起来这么疲倦?

65. B: Fine. A: I didn't ask you how you looked, I asked you how are you. 好 A: 我没有问你长的如何,我只是问你好不好。

66. ) How is your vacation/holiday(s)/Christmas Day/weekend? (假期怎么样?

67. For example: colleagues greet to each other: Good morning, Wang Jingli! 同事之间打招呼:王经理,早上好!

68. I'm so glad you could come! 当你到的时候,主人可能会说这句话。

69. Statement-level tuning usually involves finding a better way to access the data needed for generating a query result set. 语句级调优通常需要为访问生成查询结果集所需的数据找到更好的方法。

70. I received a well, you say, the faster the flow time I wait for you turn to the snow. 我收到你说的一句安好,光阴愈流愈快,转至我等你第一场雪。

71. Turn all sentences into questions before writing them down. They will help you focus your attention during reading. 写的时候转换成问句。这在你阅读的时候会帮助你集中注意力。

72. Ye children, ye children, I did not have to give you a nod, not to that bar to yellow Xiao-xian! 咋子,咋子,我有没得给你打过招呼,不要再那巴到黄小仙!

73. Bye, see you again! Say hello to your wife and children. 再见!代为问候尊夫人和孩子们。

74. That is why I did not even consider myself worthy to come to you. But say the word, and my servant will be healed. 我也自以为不配去见你,只要你说一句话,我的仆人就必好了。

75. GREETINGS: It’s a nice day today. 问候语: 今天天气真好。

76. Millie and her cousin Andy are greeting Kitty at school. Work in groups of three and greet each other. Use the conversation below as a model. 米莉和她的堂兄安迪正在学校问候基蒂。三人一组活动并互相问候。使用下面的对话作为例子。

77. “Jessica why are you looking so bored?” asked her Daddy. “杰西卡,你怎么好像很烦的样子呢?” 她爸爸问。

78. The key verse is a rhetorical question meaning "yes, if you do well (by obeying the Lord), you will indeed be accepted ." 今天的钥节是一个反问句,意思是:「对,如果你行得好(顺服主),你就一定会蒙悦纳。」

79. get well soon 写在卡片上问候 I'm sorry you don't feel well,I hope you feel better soon 面对面的问候

80. Have gotten over your cold?

81. may the new year bring many good things and rich blessings to you and all those you love! 愿新年带给你和你所爱的人许多美好的事物和无尽的祝福!

82. After hailing the morn with this second salutation, he threw a boot at the woman as a third. 他用这种致敬的方式问了早安之后,便把靴子向那女人掷去作为第三次问候。

83. Headgear in ancient times included hats for men and hairpieces for women. 古时候的帽饰古时候的古时候包括男子的帽子和女子的假发。

84. 此外,当两位熟人或朋友见面,也可用 Nice to meet/see you. 或Nice to see you again. 表示问候。

85. I hope everything’s okay? 一切都好吧?

86. Your wife will be like a fruitful vine in your home. 你妻子在你的内室,好象多结果子的葡萄树。

87. Are you making progress?

88. Hello ! My name is Lock. 你好!我的名字是「锁子」。

89. Greeting Tip: Patting or hugging other men in public is considered socially unacceptable except when giving someone a slap on the back to say 'well done. ' 打招呼的贴士︰男性在公众场合轻打对方或互相拥抱并不为社会所接纳,除了拍背以表示「做得好」之外。

90. This didn't cause her to stop extending her paw for a greeting. 但这不会停止它伸出爪子来打招呼的行为。

91. B:Certainly sir.Is there anything valuable or breakable in it? 好的,先生。 请问袋子里头有贵重或易碎物品吗?

92. If you want to hum the piece quietly to yourself, that's fine; that's good. 如果你想自己跟着曲子,小声哼哼,没问题,那很好

93. "Good morning, Theodore, " I said to a sailor beside me. “早上好。我叫狄奥多。”我朝旁边的水手打招呼。

94. How come you look so tired?

95. After writing the header and the salutation, state your resignation together with your full name. 因此,在写好开头和问候语以后,直接表明你要辞职,并且写上自己的全名。

96. Any parent of an adolescent with acne should be on high alert, McDonald said. 青春期有痘痘孩子的家长应该提高警惕,问题如:“你好吗?”

97. Every little hello, every little smile, every helping hand saves a hurting heart.There s a miracle called Friendship that dwells in the heart. 每一句小小的问候,每一个浅浅的笑容,每一只援助之手,都会拯救一个伤痛的心灵。

98. He first extended his warm congratulations upon the opening of the Forum and cordial greetings to the participating friends from different communities. 他首先对论坛的召开表示热烈祝贺,向与会的各界朋友表示诚挚问候。

99. Ask questions and sign up for e-mail alerts to get the scoop on new shipments. 多问问题,并且注册电子邮件提醒,这样新批打折商品到货的时候就可以分到一杯羹。

100. Allow me to offer my heartiest wishes. 请允许我向你表示衷心的问候。

101. Professor And how is little Isabelle this fine day? 教授在这么好的日子,小伊莎贝尔,你好吗?。

102. He said, “It was good to see your face again, hija.” 他说:“又见到你的样子真好,孩子。”

103. The interviewer then asked why the tooth fairy wouldn't simply make a house out of bricks. 记者接著问,为什麽牙仙子不乾脆用砖头盖房子就好了。

104. Victor warmly greets a man named Nikola and his daughter Mila. 维克多热情地向一个叫尼古拉(Nikola)的男子和其女儿米拉(Mila)打招呼。

105. Keene after we'd quickly shared hellos and introductions. 快速地打过招呼和介绍后我问道。

106. It drains you, it's your day, everything is so beautiful. 真的好想你,有你的日子,一切都是那么美好。

107. 较熟悉的人之间用语) How are you getting along with。

108. So you'll notice in your problem-set, sometimes you're asked for a number of orbitals with a set of quantum numbers, sometimes you're asked for a number of electrons for a set of quantum numbers. 希望你们在做习题的时候注意到,有时候问的是拥有,一套量子数的轨道数,有时候问的是拥有一套,量子数的电子数。

109. Your house has good ventilation. 你的房子通风很好。

110. So long as I volunteer to greet them, they would return with friendly smiles. 只要我一主动和他们打招呼问好,重庆人一定友善地笑脸相对。

111. Beijing people will say in the near future: will you eat dumplings? 北京人未来一段时间打招呼都说:你又吃包子了吗?

112. 学习进展怎么样 How is your work going?

113. When he arrived on the planet he respectfully saluted the lamplighter . 当小王子抵达这个行星的时候,心存尊敬地向灯夫问候。

114. Ask all the citizens of Shechem, 'Which is better for you: to have all seventy of Jerub-Baal's sons rule over you, or just one man?' 请你们问示剑的众人说:'是耶路巴力的众子七十人都管理你们好呢? 还是一人管理你们好呢?'

115. Then she asks her mother, "Which one do you think is the best?" ta问ta白勺母亲:“你认为哪条裙子 是最好白勺?”

116. Allow me to extend my warm welcome and new year greetings to all of you. 请允许我向你们表示热烈的欢迎并致以新年的问候。

117. How is your day going?

118. Can I fill your glass again ? 我把你的杯子倒满,好吗?

119. when will you come and take this pair of shoes 请问你什么时候过来拿这双鞋子

120. good morning等等打招呼 do you have a reservation?

121. You are a study to make improvements, helpfulness of the child. 你是个好学上进、乐于助人的好孩子。

122. Just get a to-go box. Problem solved. 就弄个外带盒子就好了,问题解决啦。

123. Your wife will be like a fruitful vine within your house; 你妻子在你的内室,好像多结果子的葡萄树。

124. Did you sleep soundly last night?

125. By the way, how much do I have to pay? 顺便问一句,我得纳多少钱的税?

126. Yo-ho-ho - Salutation, expression of delight. 打招呼,表示开心。

127. You’re a sight for sore eyes。你真是稀客。

128. Shall we say hello? Excuse me... 我们去打个招呼吧?

129. Think of yourself as the carpenter. Think about your house. 把你当做一个木匠,好好想想你的房子。

130. Smell - Savoring fine chocolate begins when you open the box. 好的巧克力在你打开盒子时就会问道它特殊的味道。

关于问好的英语句子 篇五

1. How are you doing? I can’t complain toomuch。你好吗?我不能太抱怨。(还不错)。

2. She turned away without leave. 她没打招呼,径自走了。

3. I feel like a new man。我觉得好像脱胎换骨了。

4. Final salute: Tevez salutes the Corinthians crowd, where he could soon return 最后打招呼: 特维斯向科林蒂安的人群打招呼,很快他就会回到那里。

5. “Ha, good question, ” he answered. “You have to understand, my client is a liar. “哈,问得好,”他说:“你得明白,我的当事人是个骗子,受害者也是个骗子,而那个酒吧老板还是个骗子。

6. She asks her father, "Which one is the best?" ta问ta白勺父亲:“哪条裙子是最 好白勺?”

7. The show was an overnight success on Broadway. 在百老汇的演出一炮打响。 句中的overnight表示一整夜,是副词。

8. Sangmyung asked her if she had a person to her guts, let the way to think about, but way completely couldnt remember. 祥明问她有没有人对她恨之入骨,让路子好好想想,可路子完全想不起来。

9. Lady Lucas was enquiring of Maria, across the table, after the welfare and poultry of her eldest daughter; Mrs. 卢卡斯太太隔着桌子向玛丽亚问起她大女儿日子过得好不好,鸡鸭养得多不多;

10. Again bad argument. If I ask you how many footballers that's a very bad example. 是个不好的论点,如果我问你们有多少足球队员,这是个不好的例子。

11. A contra enty of $980 was recorded in the payables ledger control account , but not in the payables ledger . 请问这句话大概意思是什么意思,为什么作调整的时候只冲减应付帐款 $980 余额呢?

12. Why are you in such a good mood? 你怎么心情这么好?

13. How have you been? 你最近过的如何呀?

14. He first expressed congratulations for the convening of the forum and extended sincere greetings to friends from all walks of life at the forum. 他首先对论坛的召开表示热烈祝贺,向与会的各界朋友表示诚挚问候。

15. Spring son and Hao son are rushed into to send greetings to, "how?" 春儿和浩子赶着来问候,“怎么样?”

16. After hailing the morn with this second salutation, he threw aboot at the woman as a third. 他用这种致敬的方式问了早安之后,便把靴子向那女人掷去作为第三次问候。

17. (比较熟悉的人之间用语) How are you getting along with。

18. My father sends you his kindest regards. 我的父亲向你表示最亲切的问候。

19. "When will that be?" inquired the little prince. 小王子问道:“这要等到什么时候呢?”

20. Where have you been?

21. You look tiredHad a big night? 你看起来很疲倦。

22. Greet you father! 问候你老豆!

23. You deserve a gruesome death, boy! 你不得好死,孩子!

24. Why are you so cross today? 你今天怎么这么容易生气?

25. Ask you neighbor. Or your best friend. 问问你的邻居,或者你最好的朋友,或者你八竿子打不着的表亲。

26. You look under the weather today。你今天好像不舒服。

27. Now, seeing them together, she would know from the way he greeted her. 现在同时看到他俩,妻子从他和她打招呼的样子上就能看出来。

28. "Shall I put him in a box for you?"the saleslady asked. “我帮你把他放到盒子里,好吗?”女售货员问道。

29. We seem to run into each other often lately。我们最近好像经常碰面。

30. A mother grizzly bear greets her cub. 灰熊母亲正招呼自己的孩子。

31. MRS. ORTEGA: Let me give you a kiss, my boy. Remember me to your mother and father. 孩子, 让我亲你一下。 替我问候令堂令尊。

32. On the other hand, all these questions were rhetorical. 同时,这些问题也都只是反问句。

33. In some ways John's statement was an answer to a question asked 2000 years previously. Isaac questioned his father, Where is the Iamb for the sacrifice? 约翰这句话,正好用来回应在他之前的二千年,以撒询问父亲亚伯拉罕的问题:「献祭的羔羊在哪里呢?」

34. When she saw her friend Allison walking her little poodle, she would smile and say, “ Hi, Allison! 当杰西看到她的朋友艾莉森带着她的小狮子狗散步时,她总是微笑着打招呼“艾莉森,你好!

35. TIE do not want to see more replies do not want to even greetings are unwilling to give others a, the right lost all enthusiasm. 不想看帖更不想回帖,甚至连问候都不肯给别人一句,对一切都失去了热情。

36. Bina: By the way, where are you from? 比娜:顺便问一句,你是哪里人?

37. This time, keeps out the wind account awning, bed warm quilt and mattress, bowl of chummy noodles, sincere regards . 这个时间,一个挡风的帐篷,一床温暖的褥被,一碗热乎乎的面条,一句真诚的问候。

38. Good morning, everybody. I am Danny Chou. I am still a student in high school.大家早,我是周丹妮。我还是个中学生。

39. get well soon 写在卡片上问候 i'm sorry you don't feel well,i hope you feel better soon 面对面的问候

40. How do you do? 你好吗?

41. Alone watching your avatar, has no courage to say a word of greeting. 独自痴痴望着你的头像,却没有勇气说一句问候。

42. They can't even say 'good morning' or pass the time of day. 他们甚至不会说“早上好”或打声招呼。

43. Jane: Yeah, no problem. Just email me the agenda beforehand. 阿珍︰好啊,没问题。先把议程用电子邮件寄给我吧。

44. So you might ask in terms of when you're writing electron configurations, which way should you write it. 所以你们可能会问当你们,在写电子构型的时候,在写电子构型的时候。

45. What did you do last weekend?

46. His wife peered at him, looking curious as to how he might answer the question. 他的妻子凝视着他,好像好奇他会怎么回答这个问题。

47. Smile should be there. -Absolutely. The smile, the greet, the warmth. Yes? -The greeting the guest. 这里总要微笑。 - 当然。微笑,问候,热情。是的? - 问候客人。

48. I’m on my way to the library我要去图书馆。

49. ) How is your vacation/holiday(s)/Christmas Day/weekend? (假期怎么样内?

50. What’s the matter? Don’t you feel well?


