
时间:2014-09-09 01:33:28
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国庆节的英语句子 篇一

The National Day, also known as the China's National Day, is a significant holiday in China. It is celebrated on October 1st each year to commemorate the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949. During this holiday, Chinese people all around the country come together to celebrate their nation's achievements and show their love for their country.

One of the most popular traditions during the National Day is the flag-raising ceremony that takes place in Tiananmen Square in Beijing. Thousands of people gather to watch as the national flag is raised to the sound of the national anthem. It is a solemn and patriotic moment that symbolizes the unity and strength of the Chinese people.

Another important aspect of the National Day celebrations is the military parade that showcases China's military power and technological advancements. The parade features various military units, tanks, missiles, and aircraft, as well as the precision marching of soldiers. It is a proud moment for the Chinese people to witness the strength and progress of their nation.

In addition to the official ceremonies and parades, people also take part in various cultural and recreational activities during the National Day holiday. Many families choose to travel to different parts of the country to explore its rich history and natural beauty. Popular tourist destinations such as the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, and the Terracotta Warriors are often crowded with visitors during this time.

Furthermore, the National Day holiday is a time for people to relax and enjoy themselves. Shopping malls and streets are decorated with festive lights and colorful banners. People go shopping, dine out, and watch movies or performances. It is a time to indulge in leisure activities and spend quality time with family and friends.

In conclusion, the National Day is a special holiday in China that brings people together to celebrate their nation's achievements and express their love for their country. It is a time for reflection, patriotism, and enjoyment. Whether through official ceremonies, parades, or leisure activities, the National Day provides an opportunity for the Chinese people to unite and show their national pride.

国庆节的英语句子 篇二

The National Day, also known as the Golden Week, is a highly anticipated holiday in China. It is a time when people have the opportunity to take a break from their daily routines and enjoy an extended vacation. The National Day holiday lasts for seven days, starting from October 1st and ending on October 7th.

During the National Day holiday, people often travel to different parts of the country or even abroad. It is a time for families and friends to reunite and spend quality time together. Popular tourist destinations such as Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou are often crowded with tourists during this time.

One of the unique aspects of the National Day holiday is the massive movement of people. As millions of people take to the roads, airports, and train stations, it is often referred to as the largest human migration in the world. People travel to visit their hometowns, go on vacation, or simply explore new places.

In addition to traveling, people also engage in various recreational activities during the National Day holiday. Shopping malls, amusement parks, and tourist attractions offer special promotions and discounts to attract visitors. It is a time for people to indulge in shopping, dining, and entertainment.

Moreover, the National Day holiday is a time when cultural events and performances are held across the country. Traditional dances, music concerts, and art exhibitions showcase the rich cultural heritage of China. People have the opportunity to appreciate and celebrate their country's artistic achievements.

Furthermore, the National Day holiday is a time for reflection and gratitude. It is a time to appreciate the progress and development that the country has achieved over the years. People take pride in their nation's accomplishments and express their gratitude for the sacrifices made by previous generations.

In conclusion, the National Day holiday in China is a time of joy, relaxation, and celebration. It is a time for people to travel, spend time with loved ones, and appreciate their country's cultural heritage. Whether through traveling, shopping, or attending cultural events, the National Day holiday offers something for everyone to enjoy.

国庆节的英语句子 篇三

1. 不妨出去走走,放松呼吸,走向灿烂阳光。把发霉的心事交给流水,向远去的尘埃行个注目礼。

2. 我要感谢祖国母亲,是祖国母亲养育了我们,是祖国母亲让我们走到了现在的幸福生活。祝我们的祖国更加繁荣富强!

3. In this day of universal celebration, I give you my most sincere blessing, and I wish all the people in the world happy! I also wish our country prosperity! 在这普天同庆的日子里,送给你我最真挚的祝福,也祝全天下所有的人幸福快乐!也祝愿我们的国家繁荣昌盛!

4. I put all the blessings of plug in this message, in celebrate this day, to your side, I wish you a happy life, together with our motherland is thriving! 我把所有的祝福都塞在这条短信里,在这普天同庆的日子里,送到你的身边,愿你生活幸福,与我们的祖国一起蒸蒸日上!

5. 看星星,一步、两步、三步望着天;庆国庆,一天、两天、七天展笑脸。朋友,国庆节,祝愿你幸福康健,福运连连,平安向前,美梦早圆,国庆节快乐!

6. 国庆长假七天乐,欢欢乐乐乐不完,假后第一天上班祝你心情愉快,工作轻松,事业有成,调整假期心态好好上班!

7. 记住你的`笑容就是最好的牵挂。收到我的短信就是最好的礼物。在繁忙的日子里。希望我的问候是雪碧加冰块。带给你无限清凉。让你轻松愉快!国庆快乐!

8. 尽管是匆匆地相逢,匆匆地离别,但短促的生命历程中我们拥有着永恒,相信今日的友情是明日最好的回忆。每年国庆我都会想起你,愿你年年快乐!

9. 31National Day blessings run fast, fresh baked in advance. 、国庆祝福跑得快,新鲜出炉提前来。

10. 圆月满月,都印刻着岁月;亲情友情,都满载着真情;话里话外,都诉说着思念;信短信长,都传递着祝愿:国庆节,祝你快乐畅享,幸福如仙。

11. 无意间又看到了操场上迎风飘扬的五星红旗,在树叶的衬托下显得格外鲜艳。每当看到国旗,我的心都为之一颤,亲切尊敬,自豪与责任让我久久不能平静。

12. 国庆巧遇中秋万家欢,人生适逢盛世精神爽。祝您节日愉快合家团圆!若想过此节再等年!

13. 黄河长江奔腾万里,那是中国!古老文字源远流长,唐诗宋词代代相传,那是中国!青藏美丽的高原,新疆辽阔的盆地,那是中国!

14. I spent the National Day at Weihai.

15. 五月,金色巴黎;五月,浓情蜜意;五月,幸福来袭‘ 五月,喜结连理;值此新婚之际,送上我最真挚的祝福,看短信的人,记得要幸福的笑哦!

16. Heaven is the highest, sea is the deepest, flower is the most fragrant, wine is the most mellow, dream is the most beautiful, you are the best, blessing is the most sincere: happy National Day! 天是最高的,海是最深的,花是最香的,酒是最醇的,梦是最美的,你是最棒的,祝福是最真诚的:国庆快乐!

17. 踏着欢乐的舞步,迈向你身边,送你快乐国庆!

18. National Day send you six heart, life is very happy, work is very good, very comfortable, love a good family, friend is very sweet, of course, there is my concern. Happy National Day! 国庆送你六颗心,生活很开心,工作很称心,爱情很舒心,家庭很顺心,朋友很贴心,当然,还有我的关心。国庆快乐!

19. The sky is high, the clouds are light, the singing and dancing are smooth, the gathering is joyful, the whole country is joyful, the golden week, the tourism month, the joyful gongs and drums. Happy National Day to you! 天高云淡,歌舞升平,欢聚一堂,欢天喜地,全国齐欢乐,黄金周,旅游月,欢庆的锣鼓。祝你国庆节快乐!

20. 以北方豪爽的口气,喊出快乐甜蜜;以南方婉约的语调,约会幸福如意;以西域爽朗的气魄,挽起好运福气;以东方开放的胸怀,拥抱笑容运气;以我浓浓的祝福,道一声:国庆快乐,好运不断!

21. 送你阳光,替你把疲惫蒸发;送你细雨,替你把劳累冲刷;送你流星,替你带去好梦;送你彩霞,捎去我的心愿:祝国庆快乐。

22. 亲爱的祖国,感谢您的哺育与呵护,让咱们能够,在这火红绽放的年代,尽情阅数广袤无垠的风景,恣意谱写欢歌笑语的乐章,幸福寻找人生岁月的美丽。

23. 我跨过高山越过高楼大厦穿过大街小巷,躲过塞车,钻进你的手机,带着一毛钱,只为送你一个祝福:国庆节快乐!

24. 国庆到:祝你鸿运当头,烦恼没有,幸福拥抱,困难溜走,好事连连,喜讯嗖嗖,短信一到,快乐永留!

25. I really love you. On the beautiful national day, I must tell you my heart. Will you sit with me until dawn this national day? 我真的很爱你,在美丽喜庆的国庆节,我一定要跟你说出我的心里话。今年的国庆节你陪我一起坐到天亮好吗?

26. 欢天喜地心儿爽,家家户户笑开颜;悬灯结彩喜气浓,欢歌热舞热闹闹;全国人民齐庆贺,齐声恭祝祖国好。国庆来到,愿你开心非常,日子美美!

27. National Day the blessings of the "ten" in: "ten" refers to be buckled love in the heart, friends relatives "ten", future skyshatter open "ten", as the sea never face buried "ten". Happy National Day! 国庆的祝福最“十”在:“十”指相扣心中所爱,朋友亲人“十”意相待,前程似海“十”破天开,永远没有“十”面伏埋。国庆快乐!

28. The breeze touches the face and the National Day arrives. Happiness immediately pours into your heart. Good luck immediately surrounds you. Health immediately blesses you. Blessings immediately blurt out: I wish you a happy National Day and a happy day! 清风拂面国庆来到,快乐立马投怀送抱,开心立马沁入你心,好运立马时刻环绕,健康立马时时保佑,祝福立马脱口而出:祝你国庆乐翻天,天天笑开颜!

29. I wish you the popularity of Kung Fu Panda, the luck of Mr. Bean, the chivalry of spider man and the courage of Superman. In a word, it's cool in autumn. I wish you a happy National Day! 祝你拥有功夫熊猫的人气,憨豆先生的运气,蜘蛛侠的侠气,超人的勇气。总之,秋高气爽,预祝你国庆气贯长虹!

30. 迎国庆,我热血沸腾,心潮澎湃。我国一天天强大,我们这一代要树立远大理想,为振兴中华当好接班人,做有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律的一代新人,让五星红旗一代又一代传承下去,为建设有中国特色社会主义而努力。

31. Happy National Day, usher in luck, always happy! 快乐国庆,迎来幸运,永远开心!

32. 国庆到,心情妙,愿你一生幸福体安康,家庭美满快乐绕!

33. "我爱北京天安门,天安门上太阳升,伟大领袖,指引我们向前进",唱起熟悉的儿歌,祝祖国生日快乐,也祝你节日快乐!不同的民族,同一个祖国。母亲的生日,同喜同喜。

34. Nowadays, it's popular to have a late tea, watch a party, get married later, marry a younger generation and worship a later age. However, the blessing of national day can't be late. I wish you a happy holiday in advance! 这年头流行喝个晚茶,看个晚会,结个晚婚,娶个晚辈,拜个晚年,但国庆节的祝福不能晚了,提前祝你节日快乐!

35. 一个走向世界的民族,必须自尊自立,自信自强,中国就是世界的榜样!我为我是一个中国人而骄傲!展望未来,代的接力棒要靠我们传下去,我们要好好学习,为祖国做出贡献,让祖国走在世界的最前面!

36. Divine advancement,and national prosperity;shan magnificent years emerged;jiangshan not old changchun motherland!on the occasion of china"s national day,i wish our great motherland will never prosper,to the best of luck,healthy life with you! 神州奋起,国家繁荣;山河壮丽,岁月峥嵘;江山不老,祖国常春!值此国庆佳节,祝愿我们伟大的祖国永远繁荣昌盛,也愿好运、健康伴你一生!

37. Happy National Day holiday season, the month circle person circle everything together. People in almost every arranges everything. I wish the whole family happiness, and fertility and family happiness! 祝福国庆佳节快乐,月圆人圆事事团圆。人顺心顺事事都顺。祝全家幸福、和气满堂、合家欢乐!

38. 发信息是一毛,回信息是一毛,一毛一毛又一毛,加起来是很多毛,国庆节日要来了,今天我忍痛再拔一毛,祝你国庆快乐,要是别人我一毛不拔!

39. 瞬间的美丽给人眩晕的光环,淡淡的友情留在人的心底,温暖漫长的岁月,真情的问候悄悄留在短信中,不管何时何地都把我真诚的问候带给你,国庆节快乐!

40. 国庆节到了,祝愿你穿着吉祥的小鞋子,踏着幸福的小步子,转着开心的眼珠子,听着优美的小曲子,哼着快乐的小调子,拥着健康的小身子,挥着温馨的小手子,赚着馋人的小票子,住着美满的小房子,开着富贵的小车子,过着甜蜜的小日子。祝你小长假快乐!

41. When you see the blessing I give you, please hit your head against the wall, see, the countless stars in front of you are my infinite blessing, happy National Day! 当你看到我给你的这份祝福,请将头用力撞墙,看到没有,你眼前无数的星星是我无限的祝福,国庆快乐!

42. 朋友,愿你把昨天的烦恼交给风,让今天的感动化作笑容,给忙碌的心情放个假,让平凡的`生活变得快乐,中秋节国庆节到了,祝合家团圆,幸福快乐!

43. The National Day and the International Labour Day are great events in China.

44. 华丽的辞藻要字典去找,优美的词句需要思考,真挚的问候不打草稿。国庆假期将到,看,我的祝福风风火火地来了!祝你乐享国庆长假,从此永无烦恼!

45. Do you want me to sing a song for you, solving your heart sad lonely; Do you want me to pour a glass of water for you, warm your hand and chill; Do you want me to accompany the National Day, be your life companion. I wish a happy National Day! 要不要我为您唱首歌,解解您心中忧伤寂寞;要不要我为您倒杯水,暖暖您手心细细寒意;要不要我陪过国庆,成为您一生的伴侣。祝国庆快乐!

46. 国庆送你十个一,一份关心,一份想念,一份祝愿,一份健康,一份顺利,一份平安,一份开心,一份快乐,一份收获,一份幸福,十全十美的祝愿国庆快乐。

47. 国庆重阳喜相逢,金菊佳酿福气浓,锣鼓敲出祝福声,登高远景更光明。千里传音送友情,顺意安康永不停,健康常伴年年岁,快乐波动在心中。国庆快乐!

48. National Day is coming. May your family be happy and happy forever!

49. 国庆要到了,就想“气气”你。钞票滚滚来,愿你有财气;中奖中不停,愿你有运气;连我也给你祝福,说明你有的是人气,多的是福气。提前祝你国庆快乐!

50. Wish: everything goes well and everything comes true! 祝:万事大吉,心想事成!

51. National Day, national day, Chongyang, Chongyang everything is not difficult, in this peaceful and happy era, I wish your family a happy holiday! good health! 国庆国庆普天同庆,重阳重阳万事不难,在这个和平幸福的年代里,祝你们全家节日快乐!身体健康!

52. 一声雁鸣,两地相拥,三分秋景,四时花红,五福齐来,六禄全有,七分努力,八方无敌,九九归一,十分诚意是我的国庆祝福:国庆快乐!

53. On National Day, with no flowery rhetoric and no plagiarism of other people's thinking, I only send sincere and simple greetings: God, I hope you bless those who see this message free from danger and live a happy life with my best wishes. 转眼国庆,没有华丽的词藻,不抄袭别人的思考,只送上我真诚的祝福和简单的问好:神啊,希望你保佑这看短信的人平安到老,有我祝福的日子再无烦恼!

54. ◆friends, the people across the country to celebrate the birthday of the motherland, ent. if you would like to be the autumn harvest the fruits and laughter to you forever if blooming flowers. ◇金秋是收获的季节,金秋是诱人的时刻。愿你收获永远如金秋的硕果,愿你欢笑永远如盛开的鲜花。

55. 国庆吉时福祚长,唯愿祥瑞伴君行。

56. With the National Day approaching, I would like to send you a complete blessing. I hope you can feel relaxed and happy during the holiday. The whole family will be happy and happy. 国庆将至,在此特送上一份圆满的祝福给你,愿你在假日里能体会到轻松和快乐,全家团员,幸福美满。

57. 亲爱的朋友,国庆节到了,祝愿你国庆长假饭吃得香,觉睡得美;天天微笑,时时开心;活得比风潇洒,笑得比花灿烂;身心安康,合家欢乐。国庆快乐!

58. 国庆长假,高兴了一两天,疯狂了三四日,一路撒欢五六七,到八号才停止。上班时,心迷离,盼望节日重开始,太痴迷。送上短信息:收收心,鼓鼓气,工作还是排第一,赚足了票子,当上了经理,天天都是国庆日,数你最如意。

59. The sun is shining pightly, the water is clear; milk is sweet, cake-yes; young is happy, and he is sweet …… is my sincere wish and hope that you are happy national day! 阳光是明媚的,溪水是清澈的;牛奶是甜的,蛋糕是香的;年轻是幸福的,日子是甜蜜的……我的祝福是真诚的,希望国庆你是开心的!

60. 平分秋色一轮满,长伴云衢千里明;佳节祝福提前送,份份祝福表心情,短信传意又达情,国庆中秋双节庆,愿您天天乐其中,节日快乐!

61. 一直没有给您讯息,并不是因为我把您忘记,而是在给您时间好让您来想念我,但到最后却是我在想念你。祝您国庆快乐!全家快乐!

62. 因为你们,夏日更绚烂,群芳忙争艳,因为你们,月老笑憨憨,鸳鸯成一双,祝福你们新婚浪漫,相知相爱岁岁年年!

63. water in a stream, fish in travel, love you no reason; Blowing in the Wind, rain the next, you want to have some affinity; Days affection, and love, the National Romantic Will it work? 水在流,鱼在游,爱你不需要理由小编精心整理《关于国庆节最经典的英文祝福句子文案 (精选60句)》能让您收藏!更多祝福语,请收藏“励志的句网”。小编还为您推荐了有关国庆节英文祝福语的更多内容,希望您喜欢!


