
时间:2012-06-02 08:38:30
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描写身材的英语句子 篇一

The Beauty of Different Body Types

1. She possesses a slender figure, with long, graceful limbs that seem to glide effortlessly as she walks.

2. His athletic physique is evident in his broad shoulders, sculpted arms, and chiseled abs.

3. Despite her petite frame, her curves are perfectly proportioned, accentuating her womanly figure.

4. He stands tall and imposing, with a solid build that commands attention in any room.

5. Her hourglass figure is the epitome of femininity, with a small waist and voluptuous hips that draw admiring glances.

6. His muscular physique is a testament to hours spent in the gym, with well-defined biceps and a powerful chest.

7. She exudes confidence with her statuesque figure, long legs that go on for days, and a regal posture.

8. Despite her curvaceous body, she moves with grace and fluidity, showcasing her confidence and poise.

9. His slender frame is complemented by his lean muscles, giving him a wiry strength that surprises others.

10. With her slender waist and long, toned legs, she embodies the grace and elegance of a ballet dancer.

The human body comes in all shapes and sizes, each with its own unique beauty. Whether tall or short, curvy or slender, muscular or wiry, there is something captivating about every individual's physique. Our bodies are a reflection of who we are, and they deserve to be celebrated and appreciated.

In a world that often promotes unrealistic beauty standards, it is important to remember that true beauty comes in all forms. It is not limited to a specific body type or size. Instead, it is found in the confidence and self-assurance that radiates from within. The way we carry ourselves, the way we move, and the way we embrace our bodies all contribute to our overall attractiveness.

It is also important to recognize that our bodies are not static. They change and evolve over time, and that is something to be cherished. Our bodies tell a story of our experiences, our triumphs, and our resilience. They are a canvas on which we can express ourselves and showcase our individuality.

So let us celebrate the beauty of different body types, and let us strive to embrace and love our own bodies. Whether we are tall or short, curvy or slender, muscular or wiry, we are all uniquely beautiful in our own way. Our bodies are a gift, and it is up to us to appreciate and care for them. Let us remember that true beauty transcends physical appearance and comes from within.

描写身材的英语句子 篇二

Embracing Body Diversity: Celebrating our Uniqueness

1. Her full figure exudes confidence and radiates a sense of self-acceptance, inspiring others to embrace their own bodies.

2. Despite his larger frame, his strength and presence are undeniable, making him a force to be reckoned with.

3. She has a petite figure that is delicate and graceful, with a certain ethereal quality that captivates those around her.

4. His tall and lean physique gives him an air of elegance, as if he were born to command attention.

5. Her curvy body is a celebration of femininity, with soft curves that invite touch and admiration.

6. He possesses a muscular build that showcases his dedication to fitness, with bulging biceps and a sculpted chest.

7. With her hourglass figure, she embodies a classic beauty that transcends time and trends.

8. Despite her slender frame, she moves with a strength and grace that is mesmerizing to behold.

9. His wiry frame may not be imposing, but his agility and quickness make him a formidable opponent.

10. Her petite stature is complemented by her toned muscles, giving her a sense of strength and resilience.

In a society that often idolizes a narrow definition of beauty, it is crucial to embrace body diversity and celebrate our uniqueness. Our bodies are not meant to fit into a mold or conform to societal expectations. Instead, they are a reflection of our individuality and should be cherished for their diversity.

Every body is beautiful in its own way, whether it be tall or short, curvy or slender, muscular or wiry. Our bodies tell our stories, they carry us through life's journeys, and they deserve love and acceptance. It is through embracing our bodies that we can truly find happiness and self-confidence.

By celebrating body diversity, we empower ourselves and others to love and accept ourselves as we are. We learn to appreciate the beauty in others and recognize that our worth does not depend on our physical appearance. Instead, it is defined by our character, our actions, and our relationships.

So let us embrace our bodies and celebrate the uniqueness that makes each of us special. Let us reject societal pressures and unrealistic beauty standards, and instead focus on nurturing a positive body image. By doing so, we can create a world where everyone feels seen, valued, and beautiful in their own skin.

描写身材的英语句子 篇三

描写身材的英语句子 精选60句

1. He's got a spare tire. / He's got love handles. 他有游泳圈。(他腰部都是赘肉。)

2. 碧绿的翠烟衫,散花水雾绿草百褶裙,身披翠水薄烟纱,肩若削成腰若约素,肌若凝脂气若幽兰。娇媚无骨入艳三分。

3. 只见一个少女穿着淡绿衫子,从庙□快步而出,但见她双眉弯弯,小小的鼻子微微上翘,脸如白玉,颜若朝华,她服饰打扮也不如何华贵,只项颈中挂了一串明珠,发出淡淡光晕,映得她更是粉装玉琢一般。

4. 他周身结实得像块一撞能出声的钢板

5. She's slim. 她很苗条。

6. 她身材婀娜多姿。

7. She has an hourglass figure. / She's got a curvy figure. 她的身材玲珑有致。/她曲线玲珑。

8. He has big muscles. 他肌肉很发达。/ 他很强壮。

9. 胖伯走起路来挺着神气的大肚子,大肚子里面的肥油在不停地抖动。

10. 她的身材玲珑有致。

11. 粉红玫瑰香紧身袍袍袖上衣,下罩翠绿烟纱散花裙,腰间用金丝软烟罗系成一个大大的蝴蝶结,鬓发低垂斜插碧玉瓒凤钗,显的体态修长妖妖艳艳勾人魂魄。

12. 魔鬼般惹火的身材,一头大波浪形金黄卷发发出耀眼的光芒,修长的大腿穿着一条鹅黄色的超短迷你裙,显出身材的完美绝伦。

13. 定睛看时,却见这少女身穿鹅黄短袄,服色固自不同,形颜亦是大异,她面庞略作圆形,眼睛睁得大大地,虽不若那绿衫少女那般明艳绝伦,但神色间多了一份温柔,却也妩媚可喜。

14. 我今年九岁了,瘦高个儿,眉清目秀,柳条细腰,就是脸色有点黄,同学们都说我是标准的“绿豆芽”。

15. 细到只有一握的小腰,裸露出一段动人的雪白,可爱如小红豆似的肚脐仿佛在告诉所有的人——并不是所有的女孩都有资格穿露脐装的。

16. 窈窕淑女,君子好逑。

17. 增一分则太长,减一分则太短(宋玉《登徒子好色赋》)

18. 那少女披着一袭轻纱般的白衣,犹似身在烟中雾里,看来约莫十六七岁年纪,除了一头黑发之外,全身雪白,面容秀美绝俗,只是肌肤间少了一层血色,显得苍白异常。

19. He's big / small. 他个头满大的。/他个头小小的。


0. 削肩细腰,长挑身材,鸭蛋脸面,俊眼修眉,顾盼神飞,文彩精华,见之忘俗。

21. She's really skinny. 她瘦得跟皮包骨一样。

22. 小的似乎不太合身的露脐装,紧绷着勒紧了她惊人的好身材,长得象洋娃娃一样可爱的面孔。

23. 尽管你身材纤弱娇小,说话柔声细气,然而却很有力量,这是一种真正的精神美!

24. He has a beer belly. 他有啤酒肚。

25. 她时时瞥过一眼去看他那朦胧的侧影,觉得从头发、前额、鼻子、嘴以至脖子、胸脯,曲线没有一处不恰到好处,蕴蓄着美的意象。

26. 小的似乎不太合身的露脐装,紧绷着勒紧了她惊人的好身材,长得象洋娃娃一样可爱的面孔,却偏偏有一对呼之欲飞的翘乳,规模不太巨大,却造型优美,堪堪能让成年男性一手掌握的样子;

27. She is thin. 她瘦瘦的。

28. 他肤色白皙,五官清秀中带着一抹俊俏,帅气中又带着一抹温柔!他身上散发出来的气质好复杂,像是各种气质的混合,但在那些温柔与帅气中,又有着他自己独特的空灵与俊秀!

29. 满搦宫腰纤细,年纪方当笄岁。刚被风流沾惹,与合垂杨双髻。初学严妆,如描似削身材,怯雨羞云情意,举措多娇媚。

30. 你慢慢地向我走来:棕绿色的春衫,镶着白花边的翻颈;墨绿色的裤子,两条裤丝似刀削一样;乳白色的高跟鞋,啊,简真是一尊婷婷玉立的悲翠雕像!

31. 陈老师三十左右,身材高大,无论是走是站,腰板笔直,就像公路旁挺拔的白杨。

32. 黑黑的脸蛋上,一双大眼睛特别亮。虽说年龄比我大两岁,个头却没我高。

33. 北方有佳人,绝世而独立。 一顾倾人城,再顾倾人国。 宁不知倾城与倾国? 佳人难再得。 西汉《佳人歌》李延年?

34. 那米白色的衣服将她原本就白皙的皮肤显得更加的白嫩,而修长,将她那小蛮腰修饰的很是完美。

35. 看她折纤腰以微步,呈皓腕于轻纱。

36. She is chubby. 她胖嘟嘟的。(常用来形容小孩)

37. 她腰身苗条,脚腿伶俐,身子结实。

38. She's pretty stacked. 她身材婀娜多姿。

39. 她有一幅修长窕窈的好身材,雪藕般的柔软玉臂,优美浑圆的修长玉腿,细削光滑的小腿,配上细腻柔滑、娇嫩玉润的冰肌玉骨,真的是婷婷玉立。

40. 朱粉不深匀,闲花淡淡香。细看诸处好,人人道,柳腰身。

41. 绣幕芙蓉壹笑开,斜偎宝鸭衬香腮,眼波才动被人猜。

42. 俏丽若三春之桃,清素若九秋之菊。

43. 魔鬼般惹火的'身材,一头大波浪形金黄卷发发出耀眼的光芒,修长的大腿穿着一条鹅黄色的超短迷你裙,显出身材的完美绝伦。

44. 环肥燕瘦

45. 阿罗多姿的身段,妙曼的身材,洁白如玉的肌肤,隐隐散发出少女的芳香。

46. 被汗水浸透了的洗得发白的军衣,紧裹着他那健壮而匀称的身躯。

47. 他抬起头来,只见一只白玉般的纤手掀开帷幕,走进一个少女来,那少女披着一袭轻纱般的白衣,犹似身在烟中雾里,看来约莫十六七岁年纪,除了一头黑发之外,全身雪白,面容秀美绝俗。

48. 闲静犹如花照水,行动好比风扶柳。

49. 他矮身材,窄肩膀,浑身没有多少肉,脸盘儿好像晒干了的'酸梨。

50. 姑娘身材苗条,轻盈地踩在高处的枝条上,采摘梢头的枇杷,像一只轻捷的燕子,又像飘忽的云彩。

51. 那欣长健美的身材,优雅迷人的.风度,尤其是那一头乌亮的秀发,有一种说不出的魅力。

52. 一个穿着粉蓝色裙子的女孩,微带着小麦色的皮肤看起来是那么健康,乌黑的头发瀑布般垂直地披在肩上,脸蛋微微透着淡红。

53. 细看诸处好,人人道,柳腰身。

54. 裸露着两条修长白皙的嫩藕一样的手臂,自然而然的垂在细若水蛇一样的小腰上

55. 手如柔荑,肤如凝脂,领如蝤蛴,齿如瓠犀,螓首蛾眉。巧笑倩兮,美目盼兮。 〈诗经 硕人 》

56. 窈窕淑女,君子好逑 《诗经 关雎》

57. 语文老师长得虎背熊腰,身上的肌肉一块一块隆起,赛过健美运动员。

58. 婶婶四十岁开外,腰身明显发胖,可每当扭起大秧歌来却十分活泼、轻快。

59. 樱桃樊素口,杨柳小蛮腰.

60. 美女妖且闲,采桑岐路间。柔条纷冉冉,落叶何翩翩,攘袖见素手,皎腕约金环。头上金爵钗,腰佩翠琅玕。明珠交玉体,珊瑚间木难。罗衣何飘飘,轻裾随风远。顾盼遗光彩,长啸气若兰


