
时间:2011-08-02 08:20:47
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英语描写人心理的句子大全 篇一

1. He wore a smile on his face, but his eyes revealed the turmoil in his mind.

2. She tried to hide her fear, but her trembling hands betrayed her true feelings.

3. As he spoke, his voice cracked with vulnerability, exposing his innermost thoughts.

4. The weight of his guilt was evident in the downward curve of his shoulders.

5. She put on a brave front, but the tears welling up in her eyes revealed her true despair.

6. He maintained a calm demeanor, but the slight twitch in his fingers betrayed his nervousness.

7. Her laughter echoed through the room, but her eyes told a different story of sadness.

8. He put up a strong facade, but his clenched fists revealed his anger and frustration.

9. She wore a mask of indifference, but the loneliness in her eyes told a different tale.

10. His forced smile failed to hide the disappointment and hurt in his eyes.

英语描写人心理的句子大全 篇二

1. The sparkle in her eyes gave away her excitement and anticipation.

2. He walked with a spring in his step, his confident posture revealing his self-assurance.

3. Her laughter was infectious, spreading joy and happiness to everyone in the room.

4. He spoke with conviction and passion, his words resonating with sincerity.

5. She radiated warmth and kindness, drawing people towards her like a magnet.

6. He exuded charisma and charm, effortlessly captivating everyone around him.

7. Her eyes twinkled with mischief, revealing her playful and mischievous nature.

8. He had a magnetic presence, commanding attention and respect wherever he went.

9. Her smile lit up the room, bringing a sense of comfort and joy to those around her.

10. He had a calm and serene aura, emanating a sense of peace and tranquility.


英语描写人心理的句子大全 篇三

1. 我的心里像有十五只水桶打水-七上八下的,久久不能平静。

2. 我的怀里像揣着一只小兔,怦怦地跳个不停。

3. Happy birthday to him who has made life so meaningful for me!

4. his heart seems to have a strange taste, as if the whole world is in the snake in his stomach churning, he can not stand, want to put this bitter spit, but this thing just down the mouth, and abruptly swallowed back, he left empty pint of bitter.

5. I know very well that today is your birthday, and wish you all happiness, health and prosperity, with many happy returns of the day.今日悉为足下千秋令旦,谓大佳辰,恭惟鹤寿频添,起居日丽。

6. 小明着急的坐如针毡,火急火燎的。

7. 望着满地的碎瓶胆片,我紧张得张开了嘴巴,呆呆地立在那儿,心里忐忑不安,万一爸爸回来发现了,准会狠狠批评我的。

8. 妹妹满脸是甜蜜的微笑,活像一朵盛开的玫瑰花。

9. 我觉得脸上热辣辣的,手心里透出一片冷汗,心头像有千百个蚂蚁爬过。

10. 鸿雁在云鱼在水,惆怅此情难寄among the clouds in the water, disappointed this fish is sent


