
时间:2013-09-02 09:36:27
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冬季英语句子 篇一

Winter is a season filled with beauty and wonder. The cold air, the cozy atmosphere, and the festive spirit all make it a unique time of year. Here are some English sentences that capture the essence of winter:

1. The snowflakes gently fell from the sky, creating a magical winter wonderland.

2. The sound of crackling firewood filled the room, warming our hearts on a cold winter's night.

3. The scent of cinnamon and spices filled the air as we sipped on hot chocolate by the fireplace.

4. The children laughed and played, building snowmen and throwing snowballs in the snowy park.

5. The trees stood tall and barren, their branches covered in a delicate layer of frost.

6. The ice skaters glided gracefully on the frozen pond, their blades leaving trails of shimmering ice behind.

7. The cozy blankets and fluffy pillows made the bed irresistible on those cold winter mornings.

8. The sound of Christmas carols echoed through the streets, spreading joy and cheer to all.

9. The aroma of freshly baked cookies filled the kitchen, a comforting treat on a chilly afternoon.

10. The sight of families gathered around the dinner table, sharing a warm meal, warmed the heart.

Winter is a time of reflection and introspection. It is a season that encourages us to slow down, appreciate the beauty of nature, and spend quality time with loved ones. These English sentences capture the essence of winter and remind us of the simple joys and comforts it brings.

冬季英语句子 篇二

Winter is a season that brings both challenges and beauty. From the cold temperatures to the festive celebrations, it is a time of contrast and anticipation. Here are some English sentences that capture the essence of winter:

1. The biting cold wind made our cheeks turn rosy as we walked through the snowy streets.

2. The crunch of freshly fallen snow under our boots was a satisfying sound on a winter hike.

3. The twinkle of holiday lights illuminated the city, creating a magical atmosphere.

4. The warmth of a cozy sweater and a hot cup of tea provided comfort on a frosty evening.

5. The early sunsets made the night sky a canvas for the stars to shine brightly.

6. The scent of pine filled the air as we decorated the Christmas tree, a symbol of joy and hope.

7. The frost on the windows created intricate patterns, like nature's own artwork.

8. The excitement of opening presents on Christmas morning filled the room with laughter and happiness.

9. The sound of ice crackling under our skates as we glided across the frozen lake was music to our ears.

10. The first snowfall of the season brought a sense of wonder and childlike joy to all who witnessed it.

Winter is a season that challenges us to embrace the cold and find warmth in the little things. It is a time of celebration, reflection, and anticipation. These English sentences capture the essence of winter and remind us of the unique experiences and emotions it brings.

冬季英语句子 篇三

冬季英语句子 精选70句

1. 雪悄无声息地飘起来了,雪花起初并不大,像一片片的羽毛飘落下来。

2. Winter is a beautiful season, especially when it snows,Snowflakes fall down naughtily, They fall on branches of trees, on roofs of houses and on wheat fields, Soon the whole earth will be dressed in white。

3. 今夜的雪,像回忆中的星星、萤火虫、蒲公英,还像梦中的梨花。

4. 我们迎走了丰收的秋姑娘,而冬妹妹伴着轻快的步伐来到了我们身边。

5. 雪,洁白而晶莹,像仙女撒下凡间的花瓣,给了我们一个纯洁的世界。

6. 大片大片的雪花像千万只白蝴蝶漫天飞舞,奇妙极了!

7. 寒风像一把锋利的剑在夜空里飞舞,吹打着树叶,发出尖厉的叫声。

8. 寒冷的严冬,河水一改往日的活泼,似乎恬静地睡着了。

9. 一片白茫茫,大树披上了银装,小草穿上一件件小棉袄。

10. 虽然,冬天的夜晚是那么冷,那么静,但是我还是很喜欢冬天的夜晚。

11. 淘气的北风吹着口哨来了,想吹落雪大衣,想吹跑雪被子。

12. 雪越下越大,片刻后雪花如鹅毛一般四处飘洒,漫天飞舞。

13. 你瞧,时而盘旋时而纷飞,时而相竞逐追奔的雪花是多么的兴奋。

14. 雪花纷纷扬扬地飘落下来,给大地披上了一件白色的外衣。

15. 阵阵春风,吹散云雾,太阳欣然露出笑脸,把温暖和光辉洒满湖面。

16. 雪,是冬天的使者,它送走了秋姐姐,迎来了冬姑娘。

17. 一阵轻风,雪花静悄悄地洒满大地,给田野覆盖了一层薄薄的银毯。

18. 啊!今天的雪景,是我看到的最美丽的雪景了。

19. 冬天的树光秃秃的,好像没有了头发。

20. 雪花有着六边的形状,一根一根剔透分明。

21. 看,小河失去了往日的活泼,冬爷爷已给它穿上了透明、美丽的冰衣。

22. 在小草的枯萎中,我读懂了顽强!在她和痛苦抗挣时,我读懂了生命!

23. 不知不觉天已变凉,寒风悄悄袭来,绵绵秋雨,淅淅沥沥。

24. 冬天,寒风刺骨。一颗颗树木都掉光了叶子,孤零零地立在地面上。

25. 天气冷得能把湖水结成厚冰刚烧开的水,一落地就结冰了。

26. 冬日里的阳光很暖很暖,即使在严寒的冬天也会有温暖。

27. 早晨,太阳像个刚出门的新媳妇,羞答答地露出半个脸来。

28. 数九以来,朔风吹,寒气逼人,这又是一个奇冷的冬天。

29. 冬天下雪了,漂亮,白雪皑皑,太阳照射,阳光灿灿!

30. 冬天的雪是美丽的、有爱心的、调皮的,我喜欢冬天的雪。

31. 树木披上一层洁白的棉衣,让它们美美地睡上一觉。

32. 雪就如一个姑娘一般,纯洁且无瑕,美丽且美好。

33. 这温馨的、充满爱意的话语似一束阳光射进“我”的心田。

34. 冬是秃枝,孤独:冬是枯叶情深:冬是梅花,坚强:冬是白雪,纯洁。

35. 走在雪地里,像踩在棉花上,像走在迷茫的白海中。

36. 初冬的早晨,是冰冷的,是美丽的,也是奇妙的。

37. 冬天里可爱的雪花精灵,一蹦一跳的来到我的手心。

38. 雪,它们手拉手,把世界装扮成一片银装素裹的天地。

39. 没有雪的冬天,总是不够唯美,不够浪漫,不够灵动。

40. 这年冬天,地都冻裂了缝,小北风像刀子似的猛刮,大雪满天飞。

41. 雪,是你净化了大自然,也净化了我的心灵。

42. 冬夜,美。晴朗的夜晚,月亮不怕冷,依然圆缺有序,张弛有度。

43. 那年冬天,那个冷呀,把人冻得鼻酸头疼,两脚就像两块冰。

44. 冬,夹杂着秋的困惑来到了乡村,驶入了城市,走进了你我他的身边。

45. 那雪花洁白如絮,在地上,像一床洁白的棉被,给大地妈妈来取暖。

46. 看,雪花越下越大,不一会儿,整座城市就成了雪的世界。

47. 冬天的清晨,十分热闹。江滨公园里,锻炼的人们随处可见。

48. 夜晚的冬天少了几许热闹与活泼,却增添了几分宁静与安然。

49. 空中,晶莹的雪花像轻盈的玉蝴蝶在翩翩起舞。

50. 这几天冬季的寒风呼呼地吹来,大街上人们穿上厚棉衣,还瑟瑟发抖。

51. 冬姑娘,让我们用心体会到了冬季给我们带来的快乐。

52. 寒冬,饱满的雪粒裹在树枝上,树枝好像长出了一颗颗白色的珍珠。

53. 冬姑娘来了,雪花给皂荚树披上了美丽的银装,漂亮极了。

54. 天壁阴霾霾的,一片瓦灰色,象要飞雪的样子。

55. 透过窗户向外看,外边一片银白,鹅毛大雪漫天飞舞。

56. 雪越下越


57. 秋风扫落叶,严寒飞雪花,时间的脚步匆匆,一眨眼,冬来了!

58. 冬雨总是很吝啬,不想让大地得到雨的洗刷。

59. 雪终于停了,茫茫的田野一片雪白,房舍群山披上了银装。

60. 冬天像美丽的少女,亭亭玉立,楚楚动人。

61. 干枯发黄的小草们,在刺骨寒风的吹拂下,显得奄奄一息。

62. 雪,冬之精灵,纯粹的洁白,纤尘不染,美得自然,而又超凡脱俗。

63. 树枝上那一簇一簇的积雪,就像一朵朵白云一样,好看极了。

64. 冬天到了,小草不见了,只有一层像羽毛一样的雪铺在地上。

65. 那飘飘洒洒的雪花像鹅毛,像柳絮,给天地之间织起了一张白色的网。

66. 雪,洁白而美丽;雪,神奇的东西;雪,是晶莹的。

67. 冬日的阳光,如溪水般绵绵缠缠,悠悠然然,只要一点,便足矣。

68. 那烟囱冒起热腾腾的烟火。人们的手指都被冻成了红通通的小辣椒。

69. 今夜的雪,虽,凉了我的心,但,深了我的记忆。

70. 冬天的雪花像一个个活泼的孩子,纷纷扬扬的飘落下来。


