
时间:2011-08-05 07:50:32
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清明句子英语 篇一

In Remembrance of the Ancestors: English Sentences for Qingming Festival

Qingming Festival, also known as Tomb-Sweeping Day, is a traditional Chinese festival that takes place on April 4th or 5th. It is a time for people to pay respects to their ancestors by visiting their graves, cleaning the tombstones, and offering food and flowers. To commemorate this important occasion, here are some English sentences that can be used to express the spirit of Qingming Festival.

1. "On this solemn day, we gather to honor our ancestors and pay our respects at their final resting place."

2. "As we clean the tombstones and offer incense, we remember the sacrifices and contributions of our forefathers."

3. "The act of tomb-sweeping is not just a duty, but a way to connect with our roots and show gratitude to those who came before us."

4. "Through the generations, the spirit of our ancestors lives on, guiding and inspiring us to be the best versions of ourselves."

5. "In the quiet of the cemetery, we reflect on the lessons taught by our elders and the wisdom they imparted."

6. "The fragrance of the flowers and the smoke of the incense carry our prayers and well-wishes to our ancestors in the afterlife."

7. "As we place offerings of food and wine, we hope to provide comfort and sustenance to our loved ones in the spiritual realm."

8. "Qingming Festival reminds us of the cycle of life and death, and the importance of cherishing our loved ones while they are still with us."

9. "In the midst of our busy lives, Qingming Festival allows us to pause and remember the importance of family and our connection to our past."

10. "May the spirits of our ancestors find peace and eternal rest, knowing that they are loved and remembered."

Qingming Festival is not only a time to honor the deceased, but also an opportunity for families to come together and strengthen their bonds. It serves as a reminder of the importance of cherishing our loved ones and expressing our gratitude for the sacrifices they made. By observing the customs of tomb-sweeping and offering prayers, we continue to keep the traditions and values of our ancestors alive.

清明句子英语 篇二

The Beauty of Nature: English Sentences for Qingming Festival

Qingming Festival, also known as Pure Brightness Festival, marks the arrival of spring and celebrates the beauty of nature. It is a time for people to enjoy the outdoors, appreciate the blooming flowers, and indulge in various recreational activities. To capture the essence of this vibrant festival, here are some English sentences that reflect the beauty of nature during Qingming Festival.

1. "As the sun shines on the green fields, we bask in the warmth of spring and embrace the renewal of life."

2. "The delicate cherry blossoms paint the landscape with shades of pink, creating a breathtaking sight for all to behold."

3. "Under the clear blue sky, families gather in the park to fly kites and enjoy the gentle breeze."

4. "The air is filled with the sweet scent of the blooming flowers, a symphony of fragrances that rejuvenates the soul."

5. "Qingming Festival is a time to appreciate the beauty of nature, to immerse ourselves in its tranquility and find solace in its presence."

6. "The vibrant colors of the spring blossoms bring joy and hope, reminding us of the endless cycle of life and the promise of new beginnings."

7. "Walking along the riverbank, we marvel at the graceful willow trees, their leaves dancing in the wind like delicate brushstrokes on a canvas."

8. "With each step, the soft grass beneath our feet serves as a gentle reminder of the Earth's resilience and the interconnectedness of all living things."

9. "Qingming Festival is a celebration of nature's awakening, a time to witness the miracles of growth and transformation that occur each year."

10. "In the embrace of nature, we find peace and inspiration, allowing our spirits to soar and our hearts to be filled with gratitude."

Qingming Festival is not only a time for remembrance and honoring the deceased, but also a celebration of the beauty and vitality of nature. It serves as a reminder to pause and appreciate the wonders of the natural world, to reconnect with our surroundings, and to find solace and inspiration in its presence. By immersing ourselves in the beauty of nature during Qingming Festival, we can find harmony and rejuvenation for our body, mind, and soul.

清明句子英语 篇三

1. 清明时节雨纷纷,黄花杨柳风含悲。

2. 清明蒜不在家,数伏蒜不在地。

3. 清明时节雨纷纷,回家祭祖情意长。

4. 小寒LesserCold(23rdsolarterm)Jan、5,6or7

5. 大雪GreaterSnow(21stsolarterm)Dec、6,7or8

6. 清明刮动土,泌尿科厉害。

7. 清明快到了,点一盏心灯,愿天堂的亲人不再孤冷。

8. 立春Springbegins

9. 立秋theBeginningofAutumn(13thsolarterm)Aug、7,8or9

10. 春雨落清明,明年好年景。

11. 清明时节,麦长三节。

12. 清明时节雨纷纷,愿你心在悸动着,人生依旧快乐着!

13. 寒露ColdDew(17thsolarterm)Oct、8or9

14. ThefestivaloriginatedfromtheColdFoodFestival(xxxHanshiFestivalxxx),establishedbyChong'er,DukeWenofJin,duringtheSpringandAutumnperiod、ThefestivalwasamemorialforhisretainerJieZitui,whohadloyallyfollowedhimduringhisyearsofexile、Supposedly,heonceevencutmeatfromhisownthightoprovideChong'erwithsoup、OnceChong'erwasenthronedasduke,however,Jieconsideredhisservicesnolongerrequiredandresigned、AlthoughDukeWenwasgenerousinrewardingthosewhohadhelpedhiminhistimeofneed,helongpassedoverJie,whohadmovedintotheforestwithhismother、DukeWenwentt


15. 清明难得晴,谷雨难得阴。

16. Peoplebelievethattheforbearswillsharethefoodwiththem、Thechildrendedicatethefoodandmoneytotheirforbearsinordertoshowtheirloveandcaring、Theyoungoffspringwillgodownontheirkneesandprayfortheirancestors、Theycansaytheirwishesinfrontofthetombsandtheancestorswillmaketheirdreamscometrue、

17. 立夏theBeginningofSummer(7thsolarterm)May5,6or7

18. 节气的英文介绍如下:

19. 雨水RainWater(2ndsolarterm)Feb、18,19or20

20. OriginoftheQingmingFestival:

21. Theholidayisassociatedwiththeconsumptionofqingtuan,greendumplingsmadeofglutinousriceandbarleygrass、

22. 植树造林,莫过清明。

23. Themostimportantthingistoputthehome-madefoodinfrontofthetombs、Thefood,alsoknownassacrifices,isusuallymadeupwithachicken,afishandsomepork、It’sasymboloftheoffspring’srespecttotheancestors、

24. 春花灿烂送祝福,愿你平安添福寿。

25. 清明前后,种瓜点豆。

26. 清明,愿你拥有好心情!

27. 关于清明节的简介英语短的

28. 清明,愿身边人健康,祈福未来。

29. TheQingmingFestivalinliterature:

30. Onthisday,wholefamilies,youngandold,gotothegravesiteofdeceasedfamilymemberstoburnincenseandperformaritualofferingwhileclearingawayplantovergrowthfromthegravesite、

31. 清明节送上祝福,祝生活永远美满!

32. 大寒GreaterCold(24thsolarterm)Jan、20or21

33. 清明时节雨蒙蒙,祭祖人群众纷纷。

34. 清明到,麦苗喝足又吃饱。

35. 清明节到了,愿逝者安息。

36. Theoccasion,pleaseletmedieforyoufamilypresentedabunchofflowers,toshowrespect!

37. 寒食撒花,谷雨种瓜。

38. TheTombSweepingDayisonthefifthofAprilaccordingtothelunarcalendareveryyear、Onthatday,Iusuallypayrespectstomyancestorsandtotidytheirgravesite、

39. 麦怕清明霜,谷怕老来雨。

40. 清明到来心欢畅,走出户外享春光。

41. 清扫坟墓

42. 用英文介绍清明节

43. BriefintroductiontotheQingmingFestival:

44. 夏至theSummerSolstice(10thsolarterm)Jun、21or22

45. 清明不带柳,来生变黄狗。

46. 一般来说,人们会带一些自制的食品,冥币和祭品烧给他们的祖先。当人们开始拜祖的时候,就会点燃蜡烛和香火,在坟墓周围挂上鲜花。

47. 清明节,我们一家来扫墓

48. TheQingmingorChingMingFestival,alsoknownasTomb-SweepingDayinEnglish,isatraditionalChinesefestivalonthefirstdayofthefifthsolartermofthetraditionalChineselunisolarcalendar、Thismakesitthe15thdayaftertheSpringEquinox,either4or5Aprilinagivenyear、

49. 惊蛰theWakingofInsects(3rdsolarterm)Mar、5,6,or7

50. 人们认为老祖宗会和他们一同分享美食。后代们献上食物和钱财表示他们对先人的爱和关心。晚辈们则会跪在坟前,说出自己的心愿,向先人祷告,让祖宗保佑自己的愿望得以实现。

51. QingmingwasfrequentlymentionedinChineseliterature、Amongthese,themostfamousoneisprobablyDuMu'spoem(simplytitledxxxQingmingxxx):

52. 清明晒干柳,一捆麦子打一斗。

53. 清明要雨,谷雨要淋。

54. 立春theBeginningofSpring(1stsolarterm)Feb、3,4,or5

55. 小满LesserFullnessofGrain(8thsolarterm)May20,21or22

56. Generallyspeaking,peoplewillbringthehome-madefood,somefakemoneyandpaper-mademansiontotheirancestors、Whentheystarttohonourtheirancestor,theywilllightupsomecandlesandincense,putsomeflowersaroundthetombs、

57. 大风不过晌,过晌刮得狂。

58. 淋透扫墓人,耩地不用问。

59. 清明响雷头个梅。

60. 清明节来临,愿你忘却烦恼无忧愁。

61. 赠你明珠明灯明镜,愿明眸明晰明艳!

62. 情深深雨纷纷,人间有情天有情。

63. 清明宜晴,谷雨宜雨。

64. 清明节,愿君快乐无忧!


