
时间:2012-07-04 01:17:20
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彩虹英语句子 篇一


1. The rainbow appeared after the rain, bringing hope and beauty to the world.


2. The little girl was fascinated by the colorful rainbow in the sky.


3. The rainbow is a natural phenomenon caused by the refraction, reflection, and dispersion of light in water droplets.


4. The rainbow arches across the sky, connecting the earth and the sky with its vibrant colors.


5. The pot of gold at the end of the rainbow is just a myth, but the beauty of the rainbow itself is real.


6. The rainbow serves as a reminder that even after the darkest storms, there is always a ray of hope.


7. The colors of the rainbow, from red to violet, represent different wavelengths of light.


8. The sight of a double rainbow is considered to be a rare and lucky occurrence.


9. The beauty of the rainbow lies in its ability to unite different colors harmoniously.


10. The rainbow is often used as a symbol of diversity and inclusiveness.


彩虹英语句子 篇二


1. The rainbow is like a bridge between heaven and earth, connecting the two with its vibrant colors.


2. The rainbow is a gift from nature, reminding us of the beauty and wonder that surrounds us.


3. The rainbow is a symbol of hope and optimism, shining brightly after the storm has passed.


4. The colors of the rainbow blend together seamlessly, creating a visual masterpiece in the sky.


5. The rainbow is a reminder that beauty can be found even in the most unexpected places.


6. The rainbow appears as a sign of good luck and fortune, bringing joy and happiness to those who see it.


7. The colors of the rainbow represent the diversity and uniqueness of the world we live in.


8. The rainbow serves as a reminder that every storm has an end and brighter days will follow.


9. The beauty of the rainbow lies in its ability to inspire and uplift our spirits.


10. The sight of a rainbow is a magical experience, filling our hearts with wonder and awe.


彩虹英语句子 篇三

1. 坚强一点,风雨过后总会有彩虹。

2. 毕业,彩虹不会消失得太久。

3. Your love is like a rainbow, I open my hand but can only hold the wind.

4. 在生活中,你要么选择歌唱彩虹,要么就继续歌唱。

5. 一道彩虹出现在天边,好像一道连接天空的桥。

6. Behind the dark clouds is the sunshine, behind the sunshine is the rainbow.

7. 雷雨过后,彩虹像天空笑弯的唇。

8. 理想是美好的,但没有意志,理想不过是瞬间即逝的彩虹。

9. If you want to climb the peak, don't use the rainbow as a ladder.

10. There is always a way to the foot of the rainbow.

11. 外面下雨了,推开窗户我遍看到一道彩虹。

12. 彩虹,赐我乐观的心态,就像你给的心态一样。

13. 幸福并不总是粉红色的。学会欣赏彩虹。

14. 乌云的背后是阳光,阳光的背后是彩虹。

15. 那道美丽的彩虹挂在树林上空,洒下无数亮斑。

16. Greenhouse flowers, can not see the sky. Rainbows come only when there are storms in the world.

17. How can you see a rainbow without going through the storm?

18. 看到彩虹了,看了一路的晚霞,很美很美。

19. 彩虹当空,美轮美奂。

20. 回忆起绽放的那一个宁夏,仿佛可以触摸彩虹

21. Not after the rain, there will always be a rainbow, not mind, there will be a person can understand!

22. 梦想中的彩虹,因生命骤雨的洗涤而更加灿烂。

23. 童话说雨后会有一道彩虹,却不曾说过它也会转瞬成空。

24. I firmly believe that the beautiful rainbow and the dazzling light are always after the storm.

25. 以风筝之线为始,以彩虹之海为终。

26. 想要看见美丽的彩虹,就得承受滂沱大雨的洗礼。

27. 我以为我透过杯子看见了彩虹,却不料是彩色条纹的笔袋。

28. The rainbow is colorful and brilliant, like a coloured arch of a program.

29. The road of life, but the rainbow. Rainbows can be shared, as well as storms.

30. 那道美丽的彩虹是挂在树林上空,酒下无数亮斑。

31. After rain, look up at the sky, even if there is no rainbow, it will be empty.

32. 雨,刷新了整个天气,彩虹挂在天边。

33. 总有一条路,通向彩虹脚下。

34. 我要一把彩虹雨伞,我想带着我的彩虹上路,从今后不畏风雨。

35. Life is like a rainbow after rain. If you gaze at it, it will be eternal.

36. 彩虹像挂在天边的一缕霞衣,曼妙无比。

37. I don't want a rainbow without wind and rain, just a person walking through the road that was rained.

38. 如果你想攀登**,切莫把彩虹当作梯子。

39. 童话说雨后会有一道彩虹,却不曾说过它会转瞬成空。

40. 相信彩虹总跟着薄雾,会带来幸福。

41. 生命似雨后彩虹,你若凝视,便是永恒。

42. 今天下了几场雨,我都不知道有彩虹,还那么美。

43. 努力奋斗,只为给自己明天一个彩虹。

44. 彩虹下,我微笑的等待你回来。

45. Only through storms can we see the rainbow. So does reading. Only through setbacks can we succeed.

46. 经历风雨不一定会有彩虹,感冒是必须的。

47. 你的爱就像彩虹,我张开了手却只能抱住风。

彩虹英语句子 篇四

1. Rainbow is like a colorful palette, which can depict beautiful patterns at any time.

2. 彩虹的微笑,我会努力找回来,挂在自己脸上。

3. No matter how difficult it is, as long as we overcome the past, there will be a rainbow.

4. Understand sorrow and turn it into happiness, like the sky, wind and rain into rainbow.

5. It doesn't matter if there is no rainbow after the rain, at least ten thousand miles clear sky.

6. Childhood is like a beautiful rainbow of seven colors. It is charming and fascinating.

7. 风雨过后,一定能看到彩虹!

8. 枯叶蝶没有了保护色,心中彩虹已消失,你不见了。

9. 欲见彩虹,先享受雨。

10. I thought I saw a rainbow through my cup, but it was a colored striped pen bag.

11. The so-called rainbow, but light, as long as the heart is transparent, can refract hope.

12. 熬的过风雨才能守得到彩虹。大风大雨不要出门了。

13. Remembering the blooming Ningxia seems to touch the rainbow.

14. 得到的不一定是好的,失去的不一定是遗憾,彩虹总在风雨后。

15. Numerous petals flicker gently, accumulating rainbow-like dreams, carrying my thoughts.

16. 无数的花瓣轻轻摇曳,积攒着彩虹般的梦,承载着我的思念。

17. 想象之中,雨过一道彩虹,抬起了头,瑟瑟灰色天空。

18. 彩虹,很大,很美,淋着雨跑到了屋顶拍到的。

19. I want a rainbow umbrella, I want to take my rainbow on the road, from now on not afraid of wind and rain.

20. 彩虹好似一个五彩的调色盘,随时都可能描绘出优美的图案。

21. 彩虹是云朵的梦,我们是此刻撞进梦里的小幸运。

22. 天气下雨,下完之后会出现彩虹,可心里下雨呢,也会雨过天晴?

23. 走出门,天上下了雨,一抬头,看见了彩虹!好美。

24. I believe that there will be a rainbow after the storm, but the result is a thunderstorm soaked through.

25. You are like a rainbow on the horizon, I open my hands, but can only embrace the wind.

26. 无论多大的困难,只要克服过去,一定会出现彩虹。

27. 看到彩虹了,就是风大吹乱了头发。

28. 彩虹美丽,是因为心中积满了温暖的雨滴。

29. 我家真的是每天都能看到彩虹,心情好好。

30. The beauty of the rainbow, let us all learn to be strong, strong in the face of unexpected love.

31. 瀑布很美,有彩虹映衬,很壮观而且色彩迷人。

32. My rainbow-like fantasy, what you say is nothing.

33. 打雷下雨我都不怕,不经历风雨怎么能见彩虹。

34. 我用铅笔画出了彩虹。我用橡皮擦去了乌云。

35. Rainbows may not appear after storms, but rainbows are always after storms.

36. 天空中出现了一道彩虹,宛如一座彩桥悬在上空。

37. 那段残缺的彩虹,就似了解不完整的你,总有消失的一天。

38. What you get is not necessarily good, what you lose is not necessarily regret. The rainbow is always after the storm.

39. 你的风暴越大,你的彩虹就越亮。

40. Rainbows do not necessarily appear after a rainy day, but they must be sunny.


