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部分医学常用术语的英文表达 篇一


1. 诊断(Diagnosis)

诊断是根据患者的症状、体征和医学检查结果来确定疾病的过程。在英文中,诊断可以用diagnosis来表示。例如,The doctor made a diagnosis of pneumonia.(医生确诊了肺炎。)

2. 治疗(Treatment)

治疗是指为了治愈或缓解疾病而采取的一系列措施。在英文中,治疗可以用treatment来表示。例如,The patient is receiving chemotherapy as part of the treatment for cancer.(患者正在接受化疗作为治疗癌症的一部分。)

3. 手术(Surgery)

手术是指通过切开患者体表,进入体腔或组织,进行治疗或修复的医学操作。在英文中,手术可以用surgery来表示。例如,The patient underwent heart surgery to repair a blocked artery.(患者接受了心脏手术,修复了一根阻塞的动脉。)

4. 疫苗(Vaccine)

疫苗是一种通过注射或其他途径引入人体的,用于预防疾病的制剂。在英文中,疫苗可以用vaccine来表示。例如,Children are recommended to receive the measles vaccine at the age of 12 months.(建议儿童在12个月大时接种麻疹疫苗。)

5. 诱导(Induction)

诱导是指通过药物或其他手段引发某种生理或病理反应。在英文中,诱导可以用induction来表示。例如,Labor may be induced if the pregnancy is overdue.(如果妊娠超期,可能会进行催产。)

6. 麻醉(Anesthesia)

麻醉是指通过药物或其他手段使患者失去痛觉、意识或运动能力,以进行手术或其他疗法。在英文中,麻醉可以用anesthesia来表示。例如,The patient was put under general anesthesia during the surgery.(手术期间患者被用全身麻醉。)

7. 复苏(Resuscitation)

复苏是指通过心肺复苏等紧急措施,使停止呼吸或心脏骤停的患者恢复生命体征。在英文中,复苏可以用resuscitation来表示。例如,The doctor performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) on the patient.(医生对患者进行了心肺复苏。)

8. 病理(Pathology)

病理是指研究疾病的原因、发展和变化的科学。在英文中,病理可以用pathology来表示。例如,The pathological examination revealed the presence of cancer cells.(病理检查显示存在癌细胞。)


部分医学常用术语的英文表达 篇二


1. 炎症(Inflammation)

炎症是机体对于组织损伤或感染的一种非特异性的防御反应。在英文中,炎症可以用inflammation来表示。例如,The patient's leg was red and swollen, which indicated inflammation.(患者的腿肿胀发红,表明存在炎症。)

2. 感染(Infection)

感染是指病原体侵入机体并繁殖引起的疾病。在英文中,感染可以用infection来表示。例如,The patient developed a urinary tract infection after the surgery.(患者在手术后出现了尿路感染。)

3. 高血压(Hypertension)

高血压是指血液在血管中的压力持续升高的一种疾病。在英文中,高血压可以用hypertension来表示。例如,The patient has been diagnosed with hypertension and needs to take medication to control it.(患者被诊断为高血压,需要服药控制。)

4. 糖尿病(Diabetes)

糖尿病是指由于胰岛素分泌不足或细胞对胰岛素的作用减弱而导致的一种慢性代谢性疾病。在英文中,糖尿病可以用diabetes来表示。例如,The patient has type 2 diabetes and needs to monitor blood sugar levels regularly.(患者患有2型糖尿病,需要定期监测血糖水平。)

5. 癌症(Cancer)

癌症是指由于细胞异常增殖和恶性转化而导致的一类疾病。在英文中,癌症可以用cancer来表示。例如,The patient was diagnosed with lung cancer and started chemotherapy.(患者被诊断为肺癌,开始化疗。)

6. 中风(Stroke)

中风是指由于脑血管破裂或阻塞导致的脑功能障碍的一种疾病。在英文中,中风可以用stroke来表示。例如,The patient experienced sudden weakness on one side of the body, which is a common symptom of stroke.(患者突然出现身体一侧无力,这是中风的常见症状。)

7. 心脏病(Heart disease)

心脏病是指心脏结构或功能异常导致的疾病。在英文中,心脏病可以用heart disease来表示。例如,The patient has a family history of heart disease, so regular check-ups are recommended.(患者有心脏病家族史,建议定期检查。)

8. 肺炎(Pneumonia)

肺炎是指肺部的感染和炎症。在英文中,肺炎可以用pneumonia来表示。例如,The patient was hospitalized with severe pneumonia and was put on antibiotics.(患者因严重肺炎住院,并接受抗生素治疗。)


部分医学常用术语的英文表达 篇三




  medical science; medical service; medicine: 医学

  medical book: 医书

  medical skill; art of healing: 医术

  medical matters: 医务

  clinic: 医务所

  medical science; medicine: 医学

  forensic medicine; legal medicine: 法医学

  preclinical medicine: 基础医学

  preventive medicine: 预防医学

  Doctor of Medicine: 医学博士

  academy of medical sciences: 医学科学院

  medical literature: 医学文献

  Bachelor of Medicine: 医学学士

  medical heritage: 医学遗产

  college of medicine: 医学院

  medical witness: 医学证人

  medicine : 医药

  general medical knowledge: 医药常识

  medical expenses: 医药费

  medical kit; medicine chest: 药箱

  first-aid kit: 急救药箱

  property of a medicine: 药性

  pharmaceutical college: 药学院

  dipping vat: 药浴池

  medicated soap: 药皂

  drug rash; drug eruption: 药疹

  assistant pharmacy: 药剂士

  pharmaceutics; pharmacy: 药剂学

  medicinal liquor: 药酒

  pharmacology: 药理学

  efficacy of a drug: 药力

  absorbent cotton: 药棉


  hospital: 医院

  hospital for infectious diseases:传染病医院

  children's hospital: 儿童医院

  obstetrics and gynecology hospital:妇产医院

  tuberculosis hospital: 结核病医院

  stomatological hospital: 口腔医院

  army hospital: 陆军医院

  field hospital: 野战医院

  hospital of chinese medicine: 中医医院

  tumor hospita;: 肿瘤医院

  general hospital: 综合性医院

  mental hospital: 精神病院

  hospital for lepers;leprosarium: 麻风病院

  sanatorium: 疗养院

  clinic: 诊疗所

  first-aid station: 急救站

  quarantine station: 防疫站

  laboratory technician: 化验员

  nurse: 护士

  head nurse: 护士长

  anesthetist: 麻醉师

  pharmacist; druggist: 药剂师

  out-patient: 门诊病人

  emergency case: 急诊病人

  cure; treat; heal: 医治

  healing of burns: 医治烧伤

  fail to respond to any medical treatment: 医治无效

  doctor's advice: 医嘱

  take medicine according to doctor's orders:遵照医嘱服药

  assistant doctor: 医助


  doctor; physician: 医生

  medical officer; surgeon: 军医

  cure; treat: 医治

  cure ** of his illness: 医好某人的.病

  give ** medical treatment: 给某人医病

  take stopgap measures: 头痛医头,脚痛医脚

  stillof a doctor:医道

  medical ethics: 医德

  medical courses in general; medicine: 医科

  principles of medical science; medical knowledge: 医理

  medical treatment: 医疗

  public health services: 公费医疗

  medical team: 医疗队

  medical establishment: 医疗机构

  medicament; drug: 药剂

  pharmacist; druggist: 药剂师

  unskillful and faulty medical or surgical treatment; malpractice: 医疗事故

  malpractice insurance: 医疗事故保险

  medico-athletics: 医疗体育

  medical and health work: 医疗卫生工作

  medical station; health center: 医疗站

  doctor; medical man: 医生

  obstetrician: 产科医生

  pediatrician: 儿科医生

  ENT(ear-nose-throat)doctor: 耳鼻喉科医生

  radiologist: 放射科医生

  gynecologist: 妇科医生

  orthopedist: 骨科医生

  urologist: 泌尿科医生

  physician: 内科医生

  dermatologist: 皮肤科医生

  intern: 实习医生

  surgeon: 外科医生

  dentist; dental surgeon: 牙科医生

  oculist; eye-doctor: 眼科医生

  plastic surgeon: 整形外科医生

  oncologist: 肿瘤科医生

  doctor in charge: 主治医生

  resident doctor: 住院医生

  medical report: 医生检查报告书

  medical evidence: 医生提供的证据

  practitioner with secondary medical school education: 医士


  medical department; department of internal medicine:内科

  surgical deparment;department of surgery: 外科

  pediatrics department: 小儿科

  obstetrics and gynecology department: 妇产科

  ophtalmology department: 眼科

  dental department: 牙科

  ENT(ear-nose-throat)department: 耳鼻喉科

  urology department: 泌尿科

  dermatology department; skin department:皮肤科

  orthopedic surgery department: 矫形外科

  traumatology department: 创伤外科

  plastic surgery: 整形外科

  anesthesiology department: 麻醉科

  pathology department: 病理科

  cardiology department: 心脏病科

  psychiatry department: 精神病科

  orthopedics department: 骨科

  department of cardiac surgery: 心脏外科

  department of cerebral surgery: 胸外科

  neurology department: 神经科

  neurosurgery department: 神经外科

  thoracic surgery department: 脑外科

  department of traditional Chinese medicine:中医科

  registration office: 挂号处

  out-patient department: 门诊部

  in-patient department: 住院部

  nursing department: 护理部

  consulting room: 诊室

  waiting room: 候诊室

  emergency room: 急诊室

  admitting office: 住院处

  operation room: 手术室

  X-ray department: 放射科

  blood bank: 血库

  dispensary; pharmacy: 药房

  ward: 病房

  laboratory: 化验室


  medicine; drug; remedy: 药

  sleeping pill: 安眠药

  contraceptive drugs: 避孕药

  tonic: 补药

  a medicine for colds: 感冒药

  expectorant: 化痰药

  anti-cancer drugs; cancer-fighting drugs: 抗癌药

  anti-tuberculous drug: 抗结核药

  oral contraceptive; pill: 口服避孕药

  good medicine; a good remedy:良药

  laxative: 轻泻药

  antipyretic: 退热药

  for oral administration: 内服药

  specific medicine; specific: 特效药

  for external use: 外用药

  preventive medicine; prophylactic: 预防药

  sedative: 镇静药

  take medicine: 服药

  change dressings:换药

  decoct herbal medicine: 煎药

  fill a prescripttion: 配药

  have a prescripttion made up(filled):(患者)抓药

  medicinal materials; crude drugs: 药材

  medicinal herbs: 药草

  tablet: 药片

  medicines and chemical reagents: 药品

  medicine bottle: 药瓶

  remedies: 药石

  liquid medicine; medicinal liquid: 药水

  lotion: 洗液

  pill: 药丸

  bolus: 大药丸

  herbal medicines in a prescripttion: 药味(中药方中的药)

  flavor of a drug: 药味(药的味道或气味)

  medicines; pharmaceuticals; medicaments: 药物

  heal with drugs: 药物医治

  drug allergy: 药物过敏

  materia medica: 药物学

  drug poisoning: 药物中毒

  (medicinal)powder: 药粉

  ointment; salve: 药膏

  apply a plaster: 上药膏


