
时间:2014-07-03 08:23:40
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Title: 英文句子中表达抗疫的常用词汇及其含义



1. Pandemic (n.)

Definition: A widespread epidemic that affects a large number of people, countries, or continents.

Example sentence: The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a global health crisis.

2. Outbreak (n.)

Definition: The sudden occurrence of a disease in a specific geographic area or population.

Example sentence: The government is working hard to contain the outbreak of the virus in the city.

3. Contagious (adj.)

Definition: Capable of being transmitted from one person to another through direct or indirect contact.

Example sentence: The flu is highly contagious and can easily spread from person to person.

4. Quarantine (n.)

Definition: A period of isolation or restriction of movement imposed on individuals who may have been exposed to a contagious disease.

Example sentence: The passengers on the cruise ship were placed under quarantine to prevent the spread of the virus.

5. Social distancing (n.)

Definition: The practice of reducing close contact between individuals to minimize the spread of a contagious disease.

Example sentence: It is important to practice social distancing by staying at least 2 meters away from others.

6. Personal protective equipment (PPE) (n. phrase)

Definition: Clothing or equipment worn by healthcare workers to protect themselves and patients from infection.

Example sentence: The doctors and nurses wore PPE, including masks and gloves, to protect themselves while treating COVID-19 patients.

7. Vaccine (n.)

Definition: A substance that stimulates the body's immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease.

Example sentence: Scientists are working on developing a vaccine to prevent the spread of the virus.

8. Frontline (adj.)

Definition: Pertaining to the forefront or first line of defense in a battle or crisis.

Example sentence: The frontline healthcare workers are working tirelessly to save lives during the pandemic.




Title: 表达对防疫医护人员辛勤工作的英文句子



1. Thank you for your dedication and tireless efforts in fighting the pandemic.

2. We are grateful for the sacrifices you make every day to keep us safe and healthy.

3. Your bravery and selflessness inspire us all. Thank you for being on the frontlines.

4. Your hard work and commitment to patient care are truly admirable.

5. We appreciate the long hours and sleepless nights you endure to save lives.

6. Your expertise and compassion make a difference in the lives of those you care for.

7. Words cannot express our gratitude for your unwavering commitment to public health.

8. Your resilience and determination in the face of adversity are an inspiration to us all.

9. We salute your unwavering dedication to the wellbeing of our community.

10. Your professionalism and unwavering commitment to patient safety are commendable.



抗疫的英文句子辛勤的防疫医护人单词的简单介绍 篇三

如同白领小资们说话时动不动就夹杂些英语单词,网络上这种类似洋泾浜英语的东西非常流行,最常见的例子不说 我 ,说 me ,不分主格宾格所有格,不管在句子中什么地方都无条件 详情原理 起源 其他 兴起 全部。最佳答案外教一对一精品课程课均不到20元,专业一对一外教带领各位学习地道的英语在阿卡索,每位外教皆具备TESOL证书,100%持证上岗纯正外教一对一教学。中秋节,中秋节,又称祭月节月光诞月夕秋节仲秋节拜月节月娘节月亮节团圆节等,是中国民间的传统节日中秋节源自天象崇拜,由上古时代秋夕祭月演变而来 详情历史沿革 节日别称 风俗习惯 故事传说 全部。

同位语Mr James补充解释my English teacher,同位语与其同位成分之间可用逗点隔开 这句话中each作同位语,修饰our teachers许多人容易因为 each 这个单词做同位语而认 详情用法 考点聚焦 of引导的同位语。大雄英语抗疫英语句子大全专题,有最新的抗疫英语句子相关内容,抗疫英语句子相关知识精心准备,让你在不知不觉中学好英语。关于防疫情的英文句子,经典句子,1万众一心,何惧疫情How can we fear the epidemic?2一人感染,全家升天One infected, the whole family。

抗疫的英文句子 1Wuhan just had a disease, the motherland and we still love it 武汉只是生了一场病,祖国和我们依然爱它 2With so many people。感谢抗疫一线医护人员的说说 感谢防疫医护工作者的句子 1武汉终将会丢掉口罩恢复原来的繁华,我们就可以去武汉游东湖看樱花吃武昌鱼祝福武汉 4谢谢你们,始终战斗在疫情第一线,谢谢你们,用一双勤劳的双手救助一个又一个患。这就是医护工作者的担当加油 7Isolate viruses

but not love, because love is the best bridge 隔离病毒但不隔离爱,因为爱是最好的桥梁 8The epidemic is ruthless, and I。



