
时间:2017-08-06 01:10:40
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水果类的英语单词 篇一


1. Apple - 苹果

Apples are a popular fruit that come in various colors and flavors. They are often eaten raw or used in cooking and baking.

2. Banana - 香蕉

Bananas are a tropical fruit with a sweet taste and a soft texture. They are often eaten on their own or used in smoothies and desserts.

3. Orange - 橙子

Oranges are a citrus fruit that are known for their bright orange color and juicy flesh. They are a good source of vitamin C.

4. Strawberry - 草莓

Strawberries are small, red fruits that are sweet and juicy. They are often eaten fresh or used in desserts like strawberry shortcake.

5. Grape - 葡萄

Grapes are small, round fruits that can be eaten fresh or used to make wine. They come in different colors such as green, red, and purple.

6. Pineapple - 菠萝

Pineapples are tropical fruits with a sweet and tangy taste. They are often used in fruit salads and as a topping for pizza and burgers.

7. Watermelon - 西瓜

Watermelons are large, juicy fruits with a sweet taste. They are often eaten in the summertime to help cool down and hydrate.

8. Pear - 梨

Pears are sweet fruits that have a soft, juicy flesh. They come in different varieties such as Bartlett and Anjou.

9. Mango - 芒果

Mangos are tropical fruits with a sweet and tangy taste. They are often eaten on their own or used in smoothies and salads.

10. Cherry - 樱桃

Cherries are small, round fruits that come in different colors such as red and black. They are often eaten fresh or used in desserts and jams.


水果类的英语单词 篇二


1. Apple - 苹果

Apples are a popular fruit that come in various colors and flavors. They are often eaten raw or used in cooking and baking.

2. Banana - 香蕉

Bananas are a tropical fruit with a sweet taste and a soft texture. They are often eaten on their own or used in smoothies and desserts.

3. Orange - 橙子

Oranges are a citrus fruit that are known for their bright orange color and juicy flesh. They are a good source of vitamin C.

4. Strawberry - 草莓

Strawberries are small, red fruits that are sweet and juicy. They are often eaten fresh or used in desserts like strawberry shortcake.

5. Grape - 葡萄

Grapes are small, round fruits that can be eaten fresh or used to make wine. They come in different colors such as green, red, and purple.

6. Pineapple - 菠萝

Pineapples are tropical fruits with a sweet and tangy taste. They are often used in fruit salads and as a topping for pizza and burgers.

7. Watermelon - 西瓜

Watermelons are large, juicy fruits with a sweet taste. They are often eaten in the summertime to help cool down and hydrate.

8. Pear - 梨

Pears are sweet fruits that have a soft, juicy flesh. They come in different varieties such as Bartlett and Anjou.

9. Mango - 芒果

Mangos are tropical fruits with a sweet and tangy taste. They are often eaten on their own or used in smoothies and salads.

10. Cherry - 樱桃

Cherries are small, round fruits that come in different colors such as red and black. They are often eaten fresh or used in desserts and jams.


水果类的英语单词 篇三


  作为一名吃货,你对水果一定不排斥,那么面对种类繁多的水果,哪种是你的最爱吗? 你知道你最爱水果的.英文表达吗?


  apple 苹果

  pear 梨

  apricot 杏

  peach 桃

  grape 葡萄

  banana 香蕉

  pineapple 菠萝

  plum 李子

  watermelon 西瓜

  orange 橙

  lemon 柠檬

  mango 芒果

  strawberry 草莓

  medlar 枇杷,欧查果

  mulberry 桑椹

  nectarine 油桃

  cherry 樱桃

  pomegranate 石榴

  fig 无花果

  tangerine 柑子

  persimmon 柿子

  walnut 胡桃

  hazelnut 榛子

  peanut 花生

  date 枣


stnut 粟

  currant 醋粟

  coconut, cocoanut 可可

  bilberry 越桔

  blackberry, blueberry 黑莓

  avocado 鳄梨

  black currant 红醋栗

  blood orange 红橙

  citron, grapefruit 香橼

  damson 大马士革李

  almond 巴旦杏

  nutmeg 肉豆蔻

  papaya, papaw 番木瓜

  guava 番石榴

  pistachio 阿月浑子

  prickly pear 仙人掌果

  raspberry 覆盆子

  soursop 刺果番荔枝

  Kiwi 弥猴桃

  lychee 荔枝

  mandarin 桔子

  plum 李子

  pomelo 柚子

  lime 青柠檬

  yam 山药

  acorn 松子

  durian 榴莲

  mangosteen 山竹

  rambutan 毛丹

  pinang 槟榔

  longan 龙眼

  sorb 山梨

  Almond 杏仁

  Apple 苹果

  Apricot 杏子

  Arbutus 杨梅

  Avocado 南美梨

  Bagasse 甘蔗渣

  Banana 香蕉

  Bennet 水杨梅

  Bergamot 佛手柑

  Berry 桨果

  Betelnut 槟榔

  Bilberry 野桑果

  Bitter orange 苦酸橙

  Blackberry 刺梅

  Black brin 黑布林

  Blueberry 越桔,蓝莓

  Bryony 野葡萄

  Bullace 野李子

  Bush fruit 丛生果

  Cantaloupe 美国甜瓜

  Carambola 杨桃

  Casaba 冬季甜瓜

  Cascara 鼠李

  Cherry 樱桃

  Chestnut 栗子

  Coconut 椰子

  Codlin 未熟苹果

  Core 果心

  Cranberry 曼越桔

  Cumquat 金桔

  Custard apple 番荔枝

  Damson 洋李子

  Date 枣子

  Date palm 枣椰子

  Dew 果露

  Durian 榴莲

  Fig 无花果

  Filbert 榛子

  Flat peach 蕃桃

  Foxnut 鸡头果

  Ginkgo 银杏

  Gooseberry 醋栗 (Chinese gooseberry 猕猴桃)

  Grape 葡萄

  Grapefruit 葡萄柚子

  Guava 番石榴

  Haw 山楂

  Herbaceous fruit 草本果

  Hickory 山胡桃

  Honey-dew melon 哈蜜瓜

  Juicy peach 水蜜桃

  Kernel fruit 仁果

  Kiwifruit 奇异果,猕猴桃

  Lemon 柠檬

  Lichee 荔枝

  Longan 龙眼、桂圆

  Loquat 枇杷

  Lotus nut (seed) 莲子

  Mandarin 中国柑桔

  Mango 芒果

  Mangosteen 山竹果

  Marc 果渣

  Melon 黄香瓜

  Mini watermelon 小西瓜

  Nectarine 油桃

  Newton pippin 香蕉苹果

  Nucleus 核仁

  Olive 橄榄

  Orange 橙子

  Papaya (Pawpaw) 木瓜

  Peach 桃子

  Peanut 花生

  Pear 梨

  Persimmon 柿子

  Phoenix eye nut 凤眼果

  Pineapple 凤梨

  Pistachio 开心果

  Pitaya 火龙果

  Plum 梅子

  Pomegranate 石榴

  Pomelo 柚子

  Quarenden 大红苹果

  Rambutan 红毛丹

  Raspberry 覆盆子

  Sapodilla 人参果

  Sapodilla plum 芝果

  Seedless watermelon 无籽西瓜

  Segment 片囊

  Shaddock 文旦

  Sorgo 芦栗

  Sorosis 桑果

  Strawberry 草莓

  Sugarcane 甘蔗

  Sultana 苏丹葡萄:一种黄色的无核小葡萄原产于小亚细亚

  Sweet acorn 甜栎子

  Syrup shaddock 汁柚

  Tangerine 蜜柑桔

  Tangor 广柑

  Teazle fruit 刺果

  Tough pear 木梨

  Vermillion orange 朱砂桔

  Walnut 核桃 (Chinese walnut 山核桃)

  Warden 冬梨

  Water Caltrop 菱角

  Water-chestnut 马蹄、荸荠

  Watermelon 西瓜

  White shaddock 白柚

  Wild peach 毛桃


