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英文写作方法 篇一

Writing is an essential skill that everyone should strive to improve, especially in the English language. In this article, I will share some effective methods to enhance your English writing skills.

Firstly, it is crucial to have a strong grasp of grammar and vocabulary. Without a solid foundation in these areas, your writing may be unclear and confusing. To improve your grammar, consider investing in a good grammar book or taking online courses. Additionally, reading extensively in English can help you expand your vocabulary and expose you to different writing styles.

Secondly, practice is key. Writing regularly is essential to improving your skills. Set aside dedicated time each day to write in English. Start with simple exercises, such as writing a paragraph about your day or summarizing an article you read. Gradually increase the difficulty level by attempting more complex topics or writing longer pieces. Don't be afraid to make mistakes - they are part of the learning process.

Another effective method is to seek feedback from others. Share your writing with friends, family, or colleagues who are proficient in English. Ask them to review your work and provide constructive criticism. Additionally, there are online writing communities and forums where you can post your work and receive feedback from a wider audience. Take their suggestions and use them to improve your writing.

Furthermore, it is essential to read and analyze well-written English texts. Pay attention to the structure, organization, and flow of the writing. Look for effective use of transitions, varied sentence structures, and cohesive paragraphs. Analyzing the work of skilled writers can help you gain insights into their techniques and apply them in your own writing.

Lastly, revision is a crucial step in the writing process. After completing a piece, take the time to review and edit it. Look for any grammatical errors, awkward sentences, or areas where the writing can be improved. Make necessary changes to enhance the clarity and coherence of your writing. It is also helpful to read your work aloud to identify any issues with the flow or rhythm of the writing.

In conclusion, improving your English writing skills requires dedication and practice. By focusing on grammar and vocabulary, practicing regularly, seeking feedback, analyzing well-written texts, and revising your work, you can enhance your English writing abilities. Remember, becoming a proficient writer takes time, so be patient and persistent in your efforts.

英文写作方法 篇二

Writing in English can be a challenging task, but with the right approach, it can become an enjoyable and rewarding experience. In this article, I will share some effective methods to help you improve your English writing skills.

Firstly, it is important to develop a clear understanding of the writing process. Start by brainstorming ideas and organizing them into a logical structure. Create an outline to guide your writing and ensure that your ideas flow smoothly. Remember to include an engaging introduction, well-developed body paragraphs, and a concise conclusion. Planning your writing in advance will save you time and make the writing process more efficient.

Secondly, focus on developing your writing style. Experiment with different sentence structures, use a variety of vocabulary, and incorporate figurative language to make your writing more engaging. However, be mindful of the context and purpose of your writing. For academic or professional writing, maintain a formal tone and adhere to the appropriate style guidelines.

Another effective method is to read extensively in English. Expose yourself to a wide range of texts, including novels, newspapers, and academic articles. Pay attention to the writing style, sentence structure, and vocabulary used by skilled writers. This exposure will help you develop a sense of what good writing looks like and allow you to incorporate these techniques into your own work.

Furthermore, practice writing in different genres and formats. Experiment with descriptive writing, persuasive essays, narrative storytelling, and argumentative pieces. Each genre requires a different set of skills and techniques, and practicing them will expand your writing repertoire. Additionally, consider writing for different audiences to adapt your writing style accordingly.

Seeking feedback is another valuable method to improve your writing. Share your work with trusted friends, teachers, or writing groups and ask for their honest opinions. Take their feedback constructively and use it to identify areas for improvement. Additionally, consider working with a writing tutor or enrolling in a writing course to receive personalized guidance and support.

Lastly, embrace revision as an integral part of the writing process. After completing a draft, take the time to review and edit your work. Look for grammatical errors, awkward phrasing, and areas where the writing can be strengthened. Consider rewriting sections or rearranging paragraphs to enhance the flow and coherence of your writing. Remember, good writing is often the result of multiple revisions.

In conclusion, improving your English writing skills requires both practice and a thoughtful approach. By understanding the writing process, developing your own writing style, reading extensively, practicing different genres, seeking feedback, and embracing revision, you can enhance your English writing abilities. Remember, becoming a proficient writer takes time and effort, so be patient and persistent in your pursuit of improvement.

英文写作方法 篇三


  在过去若干年我所见到的英文写作课上,很多老师都乐此不疲地在教育学生如何写出“漂亮”的句子,其理由是:在文章中有一些“漂亮”的句子,会让文章出彩,成为文章的“亮点”,从而获得读者的青睐,在考试中也就更容易得到高分。这个理由看起来貌似没什么问题,的确,在文章中写出“漂亮”的句子不是一件坏事儿,但是关键在于:什么是“漂亮”的句子?他们的定义大体上可以概括成两点,一是句子一定要有长度,太短的句子是不会吸引人的。二是句子一定要有一定的“难词”,全是“低级”词汇是不会让句子出彩的。可是,事实真的如此么?我顺手拿起桌子上的一本书,随便翻开了一页,并且仔细地阅读了一下这一页,发现几乎每一个句子都没有超过两行,并且也没见到那种令人“毛骨悚然”的“高级词汇”。再随便摘抄一句,是这么写的“of course, before you can attend to the relationship between evidence and claims, you first have to make sure to include both of them."按照很多老师的观点,估计这句话要被嘲笑得土的掉渣,因为像of course, you first...., make sure之类的用法都是简单得令人发指,是一定要被换掉的。可是我们不妨思考一个问题,这句话的意思是不是很清楚呢?显然,答案是不言而喻的。有的人可能开始怀疑这本书是不是写给中小学生的,我可以告诉你,它的名字叫”writing analytically (the 5th edition)".


  因此,我们要写出让人能看懂的句子,就需要满足一个条件,即:你所写的结构,用的词汇,必须是符合把英语作为母语的人的使用习惯的。换句话说,就是你不能创造说法,因为,你还不是像莎士比亚或者狄更斯这样的大师。那么,“准确”和“习惯”就成为了语言使用的两个基本准则。而要做到这一点,模仿就是学习使用语言的唯一正确途径。我们可以回忆一下自己学习中文的过程,实际上从小开始,我们就一直在模仿各种语言表达方式,在小学做 “组词”和“造句”练习的时候,一旦有“创新”行为,立刻就会被老师指责为“错词”和“病句”,这才保证了我们今天能基本正确地使用中文这种语言。而遗憾的是,我们的英语学习从一开始就没有做过类似的练习,所以混了这么多年,等到真正写东西的时候,问题就显现出来了。



  以得到了。首先,我们需要找到正确且符合英语表达习惯的句子作为模仿对象。这个其实很容易,参加托福和gre考试的同学,所有阅读文章中的句子都可以用来模仿。我可以给出这样的一个句子:the new accessibility of land around the periphery of almost every major city sparked an explosion of real estate development and fueled what we now know as urban sprawl.

  其次,仔细阅读这个句子,抽取其中起到支撑作用的部分作为结构。我们可以把句子分为“可变部分”和“固定部分”,前者是可以根据内容不同而进行替换的,而后者则是在任何句子中都可以使用的。因此,我们可以定义一个概念--抽象结构,任何一个句子都有抽象结构,抽象结构=固定部分+符号化的可变部分。通常,句子中的动词和形容词构成的部分容易成为固定部分,而名词性概念容易成为可变部分。比如我们之前举出的中文例子,“谢谢阿姨”可以归纳出的抽象结构是“谢谢a",其中“谢谢”是固定部分,a是符号化的可变部分。同样,上面给出的英文句子可以概括为“a spark b and fuel c",其中文意思是,“a刺激了b的产生,并且让c发展很壮大。”这个句子中,spark和fuel是写得非常精彩的,它从逻辑上表达了a和b,c的因果关系,同时从语义上提现了一种“星星之火,可以燎原”的感觉。


三,根据写作需要,用具体内容替换抽象结构中的符号进行仿写造句训练。比如上面的句子我们可以仿写为:the wide use of computers and internet seriously sparked the development of e-business and fueled what we now know as e-consumption. 由于抽象结构中的符号很多是名词性概念,所以这种仿写是非常容易实现的。




