
时间:2019-04-08 07:39:27
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与泥石流英语词汇 篇一

Mudslide Vocabulary: Understanding the Destructive Force


Mudslides, also known as debris flows, are powerful and destructive natural disasters that can cause significant damage to the environment and pose a threat to human lives. Understanding the vocabulary associated with mudslides is crucial in order to effectively communicate and respond to these hazardous events. In this article, we will explore some key English words and phrases related to mudslides.

1. Mudslide:

A mudslide refers to the rapid movement of a mass of mud, rocks, and debris down a slope. It is a type of mass wasting that occurs when the stability of a slope is compromised, usually triggered by heavy rainfall, earthquakes, or volcanic eruptions.

2. Erosion:

Erosion is the process by which soil and rock are gradually worn away by natural elements such as wind, water, and ice. It plays a significant role in mudslide formation, as excessive erosion weakens slopes and increases the likelihood of a mudslide occurring.

3. Sediment:

Sediment refers to solid particles that settle at the bottom of a liquid or are deposited by wind. In the context of mudslides, sediment primarily consists of loose soil, rocks, and other debris that are carried by flowing water during heavy rainstorms.

4. Runoff:

Runoff refers to the flow of water that occurs on the surface of the ground after rainfall. Excessive runoff can occur during intense rainstorms, leading to an increased risk of mudslides as the water carries sediment and eroded materials down slopes.

5. Debris:

Debris refers to the scattered remains of something that has been destroyed or broken up. In the case of mudslides, debris includes rocks, trees, vegetation, and other objects that are carried along by the moving mass of mud and water.

6. Slope stability:

Slope stability refers to the resistance of a slope to movement or failure. A stable slope can withstand external forces such as rainfall or earthquakes, while an unstable slope is more prone to sliding or collapsing, resulting in a mudslide.

7. Warning systems:

Warning systems are designed to provide early detection and notification of impending mudslides. These systems utilize various monitoring techniques, such as rainfall sensors, ground movement sensors, and satellite imagery, to detect potential hazards and issue timely warnings to affected areas.


Understanding the vocabulary associated with mudslides is essential for effective communication and response to these destructive events. By familiarizing ourselves with terms such as mudslide, erosion, sediment, runoff, debris, slope stability, and warning systems, we can better comprehend the causes and impacts of mudslides and take appropriate measures to mitigate their effects.

与泥石流英语词汇 篇二

The Devastating Impact of Mudslides: A Call for Preparedness


Mudslides, also known as mudflows or debris flows, are natural disasters that can have catastrophic consequences. They occur when a mass of mud, rocks, and debris rapidly moves down a slope, often triggered by heavy rainfall, earthquakes, or volcanic activity. In this article, we will discuss the devastating impact of mudslides and the importance of preparedness in mitigating their effects.

1. Destruction of infrastructure:

Mudslides can cause extensive damage to infrastructure, including roads, bridges, buildings, and utilities. The force of a mudslide can demolish structures in its path, leading to disruptions in transportation, communication, and access to essential services.

2. Loss of human lives:

One of the most tragic consequences of mudslides is the loss of human lives. The fast-moving mass of mud and debris can engulf homes and communities, burying residents under its weight. It is crucial to have effective warning systems and evacuation plans in place to minimize the risk to human life.

3. Environmental impact:

Mudslides can have severe environmental consequences. They can result in the destruction of ecosystems, the loss of vegetation and wildlife habitats, and the contamination of water sources. The sediment carried by mudslides can also clog rivers and streams, leading to flooding and further damage to surrounding areas.

4. Economic repercussions:

The economic impact of mudslides can be significant. Rebuilding infrastructure, repairing damaged properties, and providing assistance to affected communities requires substantial financial resources. Moreover, mudslides can disrupt economic activities, such as agriculture and tourism, leading to long-term economic setbacks for the affected regions.

5. Preparedness and mitigation:

Given the destructive nature of mudslides, it is crucial to prioritize preparedness and mitigation measures. This includes implementing early warning systems, conducting risk assessments, and developing evacuation plans. Additionally, promoting sustainable land use practices and reforestation efforts can help stabilize slopes and reduce the risk of mudslides.

6. Community education:

Educating communities about the dangers of mudslides and providing information on preparedness measures is vital. This includes raising awareness about the signs of slope instability, teaching proper evacuation procedures, and encouraging individuals to have emergency kits and communication plans in place.


Mudslides are powerful and devastating natural disasters that can have severe consequences for both human lives and the environment. By understanding the impact of mudslides and implementing effective preparedness and mitigation measures, we can minimize the risks and protect our communities from the devastating effects of these events. It is essential to prioritize education, warning systems, and sustainable land use practices to ensure the safety and resilience of our communities.

与泥石流英语词汇 篇三





  mudslide-stricken region 泥石流受灾地区

  geological disasters 地质灾害

  secondary disaster 次生灾害

  barrier lake 堰塞湖

  upper reaches 上游河段

  the water level of the lake 湖水水位

  the lake's water volume 湖水水量

  landslide 山体滑坡

  rain-triggered landslide 暴雨引发的.山体滑坡

  raised riverb

ed 抬高的河床

  mountain torrents 山洪

  flood peak 洪峰

  blackout 断电/停电

  Rescue 救援

  mass evacuation 大规模疏散

  the emergency rescue headquarters 紧急救援指挥部

  excavator 开凿机

  controlled explosions 受控爆炸

  discharge flood waters 分流洪水

  flood prevention ability 防洪能力

  downstream residences 下流住宅

  golden window 救援黄金时间

  relief vehicles 救援车辆

  epidemic prevention 传染病预防

  psychological trauma 心理创伤

  voluntary rescue work 志愿救援工作

  bamboo bed 竹床

  disinfectant 消毒剂

  living subsidy 生活补助

  resettlement 重新安置

  death toll 死亡人数


