表达想要拍照的英语句型 篇一
Title: "Capturing Memories: Expressions for Taking Photos"
Word Count: 600
Photography is a universal language that allows us to capture and preserve precious moments in our lives. Whether we want to capture a beautiful sunset, a special occasion, or simply create lasting memories with loved ones, being able to express our desire to take photos in English can be useful in various situations. In this article, we will explore different expressions for expressing the desire to take photos.
1. Asking to Take a Photo:
One of the most common ways to express the desire to take a photo is to simply ask someone if it is okay to take their picture. Here are a few ways to do that:
- "Excuse me, may I take a photo of you?"
- "Would you mind if I snapped a picture of you?"
- "Do you mind if I capture this moment with a photo?"
2. Suggesting a Group Photo:
Group photos are a great way to capture memories with friends, family, or colleagues. Here are some expressions to suggest taking a group photo:
- "Let's take a group photo, shall we?"
- "How about we gather for a group picture?"
- "I suggest we capture this moment together. Who's in?"
3. Complimenting the Scene:
Sometimes, the scenery is so beautiful that we cannot resist taking a photo. Here are some expressions to convey that desire:
- "Wow, this view is breathtaking! I need to capture it."
- "The colors in the sky are amazing right now. I have to take a picture."
- "This place is so picturesque. I can't leave without a photo."
4. Expressing Excitement:
When something exciting or memorable happens, we often want to capture the moment with a photo. Here are a few expressions to convey excitement:
- "This is a once-in-a-lifetime moment! Let's capture it!"
- "I can't believe I'm here! I need to take a photo to remember this."
- "This is too cool to miss! I have to snap a picture."
Being able to express our desire to take photos in English can enhance our ability to capture and preserve precious memories. Whether we want to ask someone for permission to take their picture, suggest a group photo, capture a beautiful scene, or convey our excitement, using the appropriate expressions will ensure effective communication. So, grab your camera and start capturing those memories!
表达想要拍照的英语句型 篇二
Title: "Preserving Moments: Expressing the Desire to Take Photos"
Word Count: 600
In the digital age, photography has become more accessible than ever before. Whether we are traveling, attending a special event, or simply enjoying everyday moments, capturing these experiences through photography has become a common practice. In this article, we will explore different expressions for expressing the desire to take photos in English.
1. Seeking Permission:
Before taking someone's photo, it is important to seek their permission. Here are some expressions for asking to take a photo:
- "May I have your permission to take a photo?"
- "Is it okay if I capture this moment with a picture?"
- "Would you mind if I took a photo of you?"
2. Suggesting a Photo Opportunity:
When you want to suggest taking a photo, whether it's a group photo or an individual shot, these expressions can be useful:
- "Let's get together for a photo, shall we?"
- "How about we capture this moment with a picture?"
- "I think this would make a great photo. Would you mind posing for me?"
3. Expressing Appreciation for the Scene:
Sometimes, the beauty of a location or a specific moment is so captivating that we want to capture it in a photo. Here are some expressions for conveying that desire:
- "This scenery is absolutely stunning! I have to take a picture."
- "The lighting is perfect right now. I don't want to miss this photo opportunity."
- "I can't resist capturing the beauty of this place. It's just too breathtaking."
4. Conveying Excitement:
When something exciting or memorable happens, it's natural to want to capture the moment with a photo. Here are a few expressions for expressing that excitement:
- "This is such a special moment! Let's capture it with a photo."
- "I can't believe I'm experiencing this. I need to take a photo to remember it."
- "I'm so excited right now! I have to snap a picture."
Photography allows us to freeze moments in time and relive them whenever we want. Being able to express our desire to take photos in English is essential for effective communication. Whether we are seeking permission, suggesting a photo opportunity, appreciating the scene, or expressing excitement, using the appropriate expressions will help us capture and preserve the moments that matter most to us. So, grab your camera and start capturing those precious memories!
表达想要拍照的英语句型 篇三
1. Take a picture, it lasts longer.
这句话其实有两种意思。 第一种是当你觉得某个地方风景真的不错,非常值得留念的时候,可以这么说。但事实上, 老美说这句话的时候通常都是另一种意思-- 请不要一直看我! 记得有一次我看到一个老美奇装异服,就多看了他两眼。他就对我说, "Take a picture, it lasts longer." 后来我才知道, 这句话其实是在挖苦我,因为他发现我在偷瞄他,所以他的意思就是说,“你乾脆照张相好了,这样可以保存比较久..”
2. Do you know how to do this timer thing?
Timer 就是定时器, 用在照像机上就专指相机的定时自拍功能。 通常在拍团体照 (group picture) 的时候都会用到定时器 (timer) 和三角架 (tripod). 这句话我觉得老美说的很漂亮, 像我的话我会用 "how to use this timer" , 但他用的是, "how to do this timer thing?" 像这种话一听就知道不是出自老中之口, 但也是我最鼓励大家去模仿的句型。
3. Pictures time!
照相比较正式的讲法叫 take pictures, 所以你也可说, "Let's take a picture." 或是 "Let's get the picture taken." 不过我个人比较喜欢学老美口语的讲法, "Pictures time!" 或是 "Photo time!" 你这样说老美就知道该照相了。
4. Could you take a picture for me?
对于来美国纯观光的人, "Could you take a picture for me?" 这句话是最实用的了, 其实许多老美很热心, 只要看到你把相机拿起来东张西望, 他们都会主动地问你需不需要帮你照。有时候风景其实不怎么样, 但是盛情难却,只好牺牲一下我的底片了。
有时候 take a picture 也可以讲成, take a shot. 照相机喀擦一声就是一个 shot,所以如果你要请人家帮你多照一张的话,就是 take one more shot. 例如,"Could you take one more shot for me from this angle?" (你能不能从这个角度再帮我照一张啊?)
5. Okay. You can pull the trigger now.
一般在请人照相时提到“按下快门”, 我们很少会正经八百地说, "pull the trigger" 通常就说 "pres
6. Say cheese.
说 "cheese."
老美尽管不太爱照相, 但照相要笑才会好看这一点还是懂的。所以帮忙照像的人在按下快门之前都会说,"Say cheese." 因为当你说 cheese 这个字的时候,就像是笑得很开心的样子,不是吗?另外有的人会说 "Say C" 因为 C 和 cheese 一样,能够让你露出美丽的牙齿。
7. Do you know where I can develop my films?
“洗” 相片这句话不知有没有人说成 "wash my films"? 如果有的话那就太离谱了一点。 正确的用法是 develop my films. 用的是 develop 这个动词。附带一提就是底片这个字的英文是 film, 一卷底片就是 one roll of film. 至于 negative 则是“负片” 的意思,指的是底片冲洗之后得到的胶卷。
8. I want it to be 4", double prints.
我想要洗 4 英寸 (4 x 6), 双份的照片。
在美国洗照片一般都是自己把底片装在袋子里, 上面填你的基本数据, 丢到一个大箱子里,过两三天再来取。当然也有像台湾那种 1 hour photo, 但价钱上可能就会贵上许多。
许多人不知道 3 x 5 和 4 x 6 的相片英文要怎么说,其实老美不说 3 x 5 而说, 3 inches, 不说 4 x 6 而说 4 inches. 这是一个很大的不同之处。 另外, 在美国加洗 (extra prints) 相片很贵,因为美国的人工很贵,所以他们没有那个闲工夫去一张一张帮你加洗。变通之道就是一次就洗二份, 这叫 double prints, 如果只洗一份则叫 single print. 通常两者的价钱差不多。例如我洗 4", double prints 只要 $4.99, 同样 4" 但是 single print 也要 $3.99 所以当然是 double prints 划算多了。
9. You are very photogenic.
大家在看照片时总是不免要互相拍一下马屁, 其中有一句话对女生来讲最受用,这句话就是 "You are photogenic." 中文的意思就是你很上相的意思。当然上相无关美丑, 美的人可以上相, 丑的人也可以上相, 所以"You are very photogenic." 这句话也就无关诚实了。
10. I think you cut me off the picture.
看相片最不愉快的事就是发现自己被从照片上给切掉了。这就叫 cut someone off the picture. 有时候我们会开玩笑说如果把人给拿掉光看风景会更漂亮,用英语说出来就是,"If you cut me off the picture, it would be better."
1. It's cool! 很好, 很棒!
Cool 这个字在英文里算是应用最广的字之一了, 几乎随时随地都可以听到人家在说这个字. 通常有二种场合人家会说 cool! 首先第一个场合是, 当有人说了一件不错的事情, 例如, "I am going to college this year." 你就可以说 "Cool!" 或是人家说, "I just bought a brand new car." 你还是说 "Cool!" 总之只要是好事, 你都可以说 cool!
另外一个场合会说 cool 多半是别人问你作了某件事了没, 你说作了, 别人就会说 cool. 例如别人问你 "Did you make one copy for me?" 你说, "Yes." 他就会很自然地说 "Cool." 又例如人家问你, "Did you go to watch the football game yesterday?" 你说, "Yes." 人家也会说 "Cool!" 总之, cool 这个字是无所不在的, 听到什么好事, 就说 cool 准没错.
2. It is neat! 太酷了
我们可以这样说, neat是cool的比较级, 比 cool 还再 cool 一点的就是 neat, 例如别人说他学钢琴学了十年, 像这种事你光用 cool 形容是不够的, 不如就说 neat! 会来的更贴切一点. 或是人家说, "I've been to Europe several times." 听到这种几乎不可能发生在一般人身上的事, 你也可以说 neat! Neat 这个字不论在用法上和程度上和 cool 这个字可以说是差不多的, 同样都是表现出对别人的一种肯定和认同. 例如今天我说 "I've taken piano lessens for ten years." (我已经学了十年的钢琴.) 这时候你就可以接, "Neat!" 或 "Cool!" (真是不简单!) 来表示你的敬佩之意. 另外, neat 和 cool 也有「新奇」的意思.当「新奇」解时这两个字常和 stuff 这个字连用, 表示一些很新奇又很棒的事物.例如你为了吸引别人的注意就可以说, "Check out those neat stuff!" (看看这些很棒的东西.) 这里用 neat 来形容这件东西 (stuff) 不但很新奇而且值得一看.同样的你也可以说, cool stuff, 例如, "I've just bought some cool stuff." (我刚买了一些很棒的东西.)
3. It is righteous! 酷毙了!
这是 cool 的最高级了, 如果一件事让你无法用 neat 形容, 那就只好用这个字了, 有人说他刚环游世界一周回来, 你就可以跟他说, "It's righteous!" 但是这句蛮少用的, 我觉得.
4. It's good. 很好.
再来介绍另一组也是常用的形容词.Good 跟 cool 很像, 都是听到什么好事时就可以脱口而出, "It's good!" 例如, 人家说, "I just got an A from that course." 你就可以轻描淡写地说 "It's good." 一般别人跟你问好时, "How are you doing?" 通常我们会回答, "I am good" 或是 "I am doing good." 这是几乎每天都会用到的对话之一.
另外 good for you 或是 good to hear 这二种句型也很常见, 例如别人跟你说他明年想要上大学, 或是说他决定从现在起每天要运动一小时, 你就可以说, "Good for you." 或是 "Good to hear."
5. That's great. 太好了.
Great 在这里就是说很棒的意思. 大家也可以想象成这个是 good 的比较级, 如果刚才那个得到一个 A 的人换作是女生的话, 我可能就会说 "That's great!" 这样别人听来可能就会更舒服一点. 同样的, 遇到别人跟你问好, 要是你今天觉得很不错的话, 你就可以说 "I am great!" 不过要注意, 当老美说 "That's great!" 时有时候是在说反话喔! 例如正在室外打网球打得正高兴时, 突然倾盆大雨, 这时你也可以说, "That's great!". 或是本来和同学讲好明天要逃课出去玩, 结果教授突然宣布说明天要考试, 受不了这么大打击的.你也可以说, "That's great!" (真是棒啊!) 我想中文里我们也有很类似的用法, 所以大家应该不会太讶异老美也常爱说反话吧?
6. That's wonderful. 太棒了
Wonderful 听来就要比 great 还要再更好一些. 如果说这个拿 "A" 的人不但是个美眉, 而且又正好有几分脸蛋的话, 就试试这句吧! "That's wonderful!" 听来是不是很舒服呢? 当然要是遇到别人跟你问好, 你回答 "I am wonderful." 那就表示你今天真的是很不错了!
曾经在广播上听到一段对话, 主持人问, "How are you today?" 听众答, "I am just good." 主持人不太满意, "Just good?" 于是那人就改口答, "I am great." 没想到主持人还是不满意, "Just great?" 那人才说, "I am wonderful." 这时主持人才真正满意, 没有继续追问下去. 由这个例子我想大家可以很清楚地看到 good, great 和 wonderful 之间程度上的关系.
7. That's incredible. 真是另人难以置信.
Incredible 算是 good 这一系列形容词的最高级了吧. 如果用到 incredible 这个字, 就表示这个东西真的是好到让你印象深刻. 例如刚才拿 "A" 的美眉不只拿了一个 A, 而且是整个学期每门课都拿 A, (straight A's) 那你可能就要说 "That's incredible." 又比方说你刚从一家很棒的餐厅用完餐出来, 你可能也会叹道, "The food was incredible!" 不过注意一下, 别人跟你问好是不能答说 "I am incredible." 的喔! 还有另一个单字 fabulous 不论在意思上和用法上跟 terrific 都十分地接近, 都是用来形容「非常棒的」. 例如你看到你的好友今天气色极佳, 不妨跟他说声, "You look terrific today!" 或是 "You look fabulous today!" (你今天看来很棒!)
8. She is pretty. 她好漂亮.
Pretty 当作漂亮解时, 和 beautiful 程度上差不多, 但如果真的要比的话, beautiful 还是比 pretty 还要 beautiful 一点. 另外还有一种用法就是当球赛有精采的表现时, 你就可以说, Oh! That's pretty. 但是不能说, That's beautiful, 跟中文是不是有点类似呢?
9. The house is gorgeous! 这房子好漂亮.
Gorgeous 也是用来形容「美丽、漂亮」的事物. 例如上次我去参观纽约的大都会博物馆, 当我逛到一个全部都是油画的展示厅时, 身边的老美就情不自禁地喊了一声, "Gorgeous." 所以你就知道这个地方有多漂亮了, 后来小笨霖我也情不自禁地说了一声 "Gorgeous." 只不过这次我不是看到什么美丽的油画, 而是看到了一位气质出众的金发美女. 虽然 pretty/beautiful 也作「美丽、漂亮」解释, 但在程度上 gorgeous 比 beautiful 跟 pretty 还要再漂亮一点. 所以在应用上我们可以视情况而决定要用 pretty/beautiful 或是 gorgeous. 例如小美女的话我们就可以说, "She's pretty." 但是大美女的话就可以说 "She's gorgeous." 但是 gorgeous 可不限于美女专用喔! 老美也常会用 gorgeous 来形容美男的. 例如, "Her brother is gorgeous. We all like him." (她的哥哥长得很好看, 我们都很喜欢他.) 如果是小美女用 pretty, 大美女用 gorgeous. 那「超级大美女」要怎么说? 英文里有一个字眼叫 drop-dead gorgeous. 意思是说这种美女会让你看到之后, 会让你因为惊艳而「昏倒」. (drop-dead 原意是倒下去, 双脚一伸, 死了, 但这里翻「昏倒」会比较好一点.) 所以如果各位有认识什么 drop-dead gorgeous 的美女, 可别忘记在昏倒前通知小笨霖我一声喔.
10. It is a terrific game. 那是一场很棒的比赛.
Terrific 在字典里查到有恐怖, 可怕的意思, 可是在美国几乎没有人用这个字来当作可怕的意思, 基本上, 它就是指很棒的东西. 这个字的等级大概跟 wonderful 差不多. 例如别人问你, "Have you been seen the movie?" 你可以答说, "Yes, that's a terrific one."
11. That's awesome.那真是太棒了.
Awesome 和 terrific 一样, 在字典里都有可怕的意思, 可是当你听到别人说这个字时, 百分之百就只有很棒的意思.通常老美只讲 awesome 一个字, 例如别人问你, 你觉得我的家布置的如何, 你就可以答说. "Awesome!" 或是人家问你, "How do you think of that game?" 你也可以说 awesome! 表示那场比赛真的是很精采.记得每次我去看球赛时, 每当球员有精采表现时, 运动场的字幕就会打出 AWESOME 这几个大字. 所以下次如果你看到别人也有不错的表现时, 你也可以说 "Awesome." 注意一下, terrific, awesome 跟另一个单字 excellent 基本上都是可以互换使用的. 在日常生活的运用上, wonderful, terrific, fabulous, awesome 跟另一个单字 excellent 基本上都是可以互换使用的.例如你刚从欧洲旅游回来, 别人问你, "How's your trip?" (旅程如何啊?) 这时你的选择就有很多种了. 你不但可以回答, "Wonderful!"、"Terrific!" "Fabulous!" 还可以回答, "Awesome!" 、 "Excellent!" 这几个字不论在意义上和程度上都不多.