
时间:2011-03-06 02:43:16
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社会文明道德的英语词汇 篇一

In today's society, social civilization and ethics play a crucial role in maintaining harmony and order. The following are some key English vocabulary related to social civilization and ethics:

1. Respect: The act of showing admiration and consideration for others, regardless of their social status, age or background. Respect is an essential value in promoting social harmony and cooperation.

2. Integrity: The quality of being honest, sincere, and having strong moral principles. Individuals with integrity are trustworthy and reliable, which contributes to a positive and ethical society.

3. Responsibility: The duty or obligation to carry out tasks or fulfill one's role in society. Being responsible means being accountable for one's actions and making ethical choices.

4. Tolerance: The acceptance and respect for different opinions, beliefs, or practices. Tolerance encourages diversity and understanding, fostering a more inclusive and harmonious society.

5. Empathy: The ability to understand and share the feelings of others. Empathy promotes compassion, kindness, and helps to build strong social connections.

6. Fairness: The quality of treating everyone equally and impartially. A fair society promotes justice and equality, ensuring that all individuals have equal opportunities and rights.

7. Honesty: The act of being truthful and sincere in one's words and actions. Honesty is the foundation of trust and integrity, contributing to a trustworthy and ethical society.

8. Politeness: The act of showing good manners and respect towards others. Politeness fosters positive social interactions and enhances communication between individuals.

9. Compassion: The feeling of deep sympathy and concern for the suffering of others. Compassion motivates individuals to help those in need and promotes kindness and empathy.

10. Cooperation: The act of working together towards a common goal. Cooperation encourages teamwork and collaboration, leading to a more prosperous and harmonious society.

These are just a few examples of vocabulary related to social civilization and ethics in English. By understanding and using these terms, individuals can contribute to the development of a more civilized and ethical society.

社会文明道德的英语词汇 篇二

In this second article on social civilization and ethics, we will explore more vocabulary that is relevant to promoting a harmonious and ethical society:

1. Courtesy: The act of showing politeness, respect, and consideration towards others. Courtesy contributes to a positive and respectful social environment.

2. Accountability: The state of being responsible for one's actions and decisions. Accountability ensures that individuals are answerable for their behavior, promoting transparency and ethical conduct.

3. Generosity: The act of willingly giving and helping others without expecting anything in return. Generosity fosters a compassionate and caring society.

4. Gratitude: The feeling of appreciation and thankfulness towards others for their kindness and help. Expressing gratitude promotes positive relationships and a sense of belonging in society.

5. Patience: The ability to endure difficult situations or delays without becoming irritated or frustrated. Patience is essential for maintaining calm and harmony in social interactions.

6. Modesty: The quality of having a humble and unpretentious attitude. Modesty promotes humility and prevents arrogance and superiority.

7. Forgiveness: The act of pardoning someone for their mistakes or wrongdoings. Forgiveness fosters reconciliation, understanding, and healing within society.

8. Equality: The state of being equal in rights, opportunities, and treatment. Equality ensures fairness and justice for all individuals, regardless of their background or characteristics.

9. Altruism: The selfless concern for the well-being and happiness of others. Altruism promotes acts of kindness and contributes to a caring and compassionate society.

10. Diligence: The quality of being hardworking, dedicated, and persistent in one's efforts. Diligence leads to personal growth and contributes to the progress and development of society.

By incorporating these vocabulary words into our daily lives, we can create a society that values social civilization and ethics. It is through understanding and practicing these principles that we can build a more harmonious and ethical world for future generations.

社会文明道德的英语词汇 篇三


  social morality 社会道德

  social issue 社会问题

  money-worship 金钱崇拜

  belief 信念

  morality 道德

  civilization of society 社会文明

  code of conduct 行为准则

  undesirable actions 不良行为

  decent man 正派的人

  good manner 好的.行为

  key indicator 关键指标

  educational campaign 教育活动

  consciousness 意识

  social ethics 社会公德

  public virtue 公众道德

  humanitarian spirit 人道主义精神

  respect human rights 尊重人权

  the construction of social morality 社会公德建设

  the loss of public morality 公德的丧失

  pursuit of economic benefits 追求经济利益

  satisfaction of material 物质利益的满足

  significance of social morality 社会道德的意义

  warm-hearted people 热心人

  helpless people 无助的人,需要帮助的人

  volunteers 志愿者

  spirit of volunteers 志愿者的精神

  a thought-provoking social phenomenon 引发人思考的社会


  psychological counseling 心理咨询

  donate money 捐钱

  relinquish/offer one’s seat to sb. 让座

  care for the vulnerable 关怀弱者

  respect the aged and cherish the young 尊老爱幼

  be eager to assist people 乐于助人


