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形容开心英文句子短语 篇一

Happiness is a state of mind that brings joy and contentment to our lives. It is a feeling that everyone strives to experience. In this article, we will explore different phrases and expressions in English that describe the feeling of being happy.

1. Over the moon: This phrase is used to describe extreme happiness and excitement. For example, "She was over the moon when she received the job offer."

2. On cloud nine: This expression means to be extremely happy and elated. It often refers to a feeling of being on top of the world. For instance, "Winning the lottery made him feel like he was on cloud nine."

3. Walking on air: This phrase is similar to "on cloud nine" and describes a feeling of extreme happiness and euphoria. You can say, "After getting engaged, she felt like she was walking on air."

4. Bursting with joy: This phrase is used to describe a feeling of overwhelming happiness. It conveys a sense of excitement and elation. You can say, "When he saw his family after years of being apart, he was bursting with joy."

5. On top of the world: This expression is used to describe a feeling of great happiness and satisfaction. It implies a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment. For example, "After winning the championship, the team felt on top of the world."

6. Pure bliss: This phrase describes a state of complete happiness and contentment. It conveys a sense of peace and tranquility. For instance, "Lying on the beach and listening to the waves was pure bliss."

7. Happy-go-lucky: This expression describes a carefree and optimistic attitude towards life. It implies a person who is always cheerful and sees the positive side of things. You can say, "She has a happy-go-lucky personality that brightens up any room."

8. Grinning from ear to ear: This phrase is used to describe a wide, joyful smile that stretches from one ear to the other. It conveys a sense of uncontrollable happiness. For example, "When she saw her surprise birthday party, she was grinning from ear to ear."

9. Jump for joy: This expression means to show extreme happiness by jumping up and down. It conveys a sense of excitement and celebration. You can say, "The children jumped for joy when they heard they were going to Disneyland."

10. Delighted beyond words: This phrase describes a feeling of such intense happiness that words cannot adequately express it. It conveys a sense of being overwhelmed with joy. For instance, "She was delighted beyond words when she received the scholarship."

In conclusion, happiness is a wonderful emotion that brings joy and fulfillment to our lives. These English phrases and expressions can help us describe and convey the feeling of being happy.

形容开心英文句子短语 篇二

Happiness is a universal desire that transcends language and culture. It is a feeling that brings joy and fulfillment to our lives. In this article, we will explore different phrases and expressions in English that describe the feeling of being happy.

1. On top of the world: This phrase is used to describe a feeling of great happiness and satisfaction. It implies a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment. For example, "After receiving a promotion at work, he felt on top of the world."

2. Overjoyed: This word describes a feeling of extreme happiness and excitement. It conveys a sense of overwhelming joy. For instance, "She was overjoyed when she found out she was accepted into her dream university."

3. Ecstatic: This adjective is used to describe a state of extreme happiness and euphoria. It implies a sense of elation and exhilaration. You can say, "The team was ecstatic after winning the championship."

4. Thrilled: This word describes a feeling of excitement and happiness. It conveys a sense of anticipation and delight. For example, "He was thrilled when he received tickets to his favorite band's concert."

5. Radiant: This adjective describes a person who is glowing with happiness. It conveys a sense of joy and contentment. You can say, "She looked radiant on her wedding day."

6. In high spirits: This phrase is used to describe a feeling of being cheerful and optimistic. It implies a positive and upbeat attitude. For instance, "After a successful presentation, he was in high spirits."

7. Blissful: This adjective describes a state of complete happiness and contentment. It conveys a sense of tranquility and peace. You can say, "They spent a blissful weekend at the beach."

8. Grateful: This word describes a feeling of appreciation and thankfulness. It conveys a sense of happiness and contentment. For example, "She felt grateful for her loving family."

9. Content: This adjective describes a feeling of satisfaction and happiness. It implies a sense of being at peace with oneself and one's surroundings. You can say, "He felt content with his life."

10. Delighted: This word describes a feeling of great pleasure and happiness. It conveys a sense of excitement and enjoyment. For instance, "She was delighted with the surprise party."

In conclusion, happiness is a beautiful emotion that brings joy and fulfillment to our lives. These English phrases and expressions can help us describe and convey the feeling of being happy.

形容开心英文句子短语 篇三

1. 不知道爱算什么,你我又算什么。

2. 现在的我,任性是有了,就差钱了。

3. 在东北,有一种口水,叫哈喇子。

4. 脑袋大,脖子粗,一看即是伙夫。

5. 小棉袄,花衬衫,小伙肯定不一般。

6. 我并非善类,而你,纯属败类。

7. 有时候主动久了,慢慢的也就烦了。

8. 他的心就像久旱的苗儿喝倒了水!His heart like a Miaoer down to drink water!

9. 请不要把你的xxx,当成是牛B。

10. 人家是全城热恋我们是全城停电。

11. 脑袋空不要紧、关键是不要进水。

12. 面子是别人给的,脸是自己丢的。

13. 有情人终成房奴,有房人终成眷属。

14. 男人是条狗,谁有本事谁牵走。

15. 复活节到了,愿你复活人生,快乐天天,好运时时,幸福年年,健康岁岁!Easter is coming. May you revive your life, be happy every day, be lucky every time, be happy every year and be hea...

16. 爱情,亲情,友情,都是快乐的港湾。Love, affection, friendship, are happy harbor.

17. 与你共度一生是我今生最大的成就。

18. 今天我好高兴哦!I'm so happy today!

19. 鸵鸟的幸福,只是一堆沙子。Ostrich happiness is just a pile of sand.

20. 别对我用美人计,否则我将计就计。

21. 我一个人很酷,不需要你的可怜。

22. 你又不来睡我,你管我几点睡觉。

23. 一般小伙一般傲,一般姑娘一边靠。

24. 如果有人可以依靠,谁会愿意独立。

25. 别再说你舍不得,干净利落说再见就好。

26. 脑袋睡不着,于是我也睡不着。

27. 终是庄周开了荤,昧着良心炖了鲲。

28. 你的优点就是,关键时候毫无用处。

29. 这条街道好安静,难道被你承包了?

30. 我觉得地球好危险,我想火星了。

31. 我恨秦始皇,他烧书居然没有烧完。

32. 每个月总有那么三十几天不想上班!

33. 睡我男人骂我贱嗯闺蜜你好棒。

34. 快乐使人身体无病,心灵无疾。Happiness makes the body sick and soul free.

35. 老去心情随日减,远来书信隔年间。The old mood decreases with the days.

36. 你忙归忙,什么时候有空嫁我。

37. 穷玩车,富玩表,牛B加班敲电脑。

38. 不怕慢,只怕站,站一站,二里半。


