
时间:2016-06-05 06:47:32
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雾霾的英语词汇「」 篇一

Air Pollution Vocabulary Related to Haze

Air pollution is a significant environmental issue, and one of its most visible manifestations is haze or smog. Haze occurs when pollutants, such as particulate matter and gases, accumulate in the air, reducing visibility and posing health risks. Here are some English vocabulary words related to haze and air pollution:

1. Haze: A suspension of fine particles in the air, causing reduced visibility.

2. Smog: A combination of smoke and fog, resulting from the interaction of pollutants with fog.

3. Particulate matter: Tiny solid or liquid particles suspended in the air, including dust, soot, and other pollutants.

4. Pollutant: Any substance released into the environment that causes harm or discomfort to humans, animals, or plants.

5. Emissions: The release of pollutants into the atmosphere, usually resulting from human activities such as burning fossil fuels.

6. Air quality: The degree to which the air is free from pollutants, often measured by the concentration of harmful substances.

7. Respiratory system: The organs and structures involved in breathing, including the lungs and airways.

8. Irritation: A feeling of discomfort or inflammation in the body caused by exposure to pollutants or other irritants.

9. Asthma: A chronic respiratory condition characterized by inflammation and narrowing of the airways, often triggered by exposure to pollutants.

10. Health effects: The impact of air pollution on human health, including respiratory problems, cardiovascular diseases, and increased risk of lung cancer.

11. Visibility: The distance at which objects can be clearly seen in the atmosphere, often affected by the presence of haze or smog.

12. Air purifier: A device that removes pollutants from the air, improving indoor air quality.

13. Environmental regulations: Laws and guidelines implemented to control and reduce air pollution, often targeting industries and vehicles.

14. Public health: The health and well-being of the general population, which can be significantly affected by air pollution.

15. Mitigation: Actions taken to reduce or prevent the harmful effects of air pollution, such as implementing cleaner technologies or promoting sustainable transportation.

Understanding these vocabulary words can help raise awareness about the issue of haze and air pollution, enabling individuals and communities to take necessary actions to improve air quality and protect public health.

雾霾的英语词汇「」 篇二

The Impact of Haze on Daily Life and the Environment

Haze, a visible manifestation of air pollution, has become a common occurrence in many cities around the world. It not only affects visibility but also poses significant health risks and has adverse effects on the environment. Here are some ways in which haze impacts daily life and the environment:

1. Health risks: Haze contains harmful pollutants, such as fine particulate matter and toxic gases, which can penetrate deep into the respiratory system when inhaled. Prolonged exposure to haze can lead to respiratory problems, cardiovascular diseases, and even lung cancer.

2. Reduced visibility: Haze reduces visibility, making it difficult to see objects at a distance. This can pose risks for drivers, pilots, and pedestrians, increasing the likelihood of accidents.

3. Disruption of daily activities: Haze can disrupt daily activities, such as outdoor sports, commuting, and tourism. People may need to limit their time outdoors or wear protective masks to reduce exposure to pollutants.

4. Economic impact: Haze can have a significant economic impact by affecting industries such as tourism, transportation, and outdoor recreation. Reduced visibility and health concerns may discourage tourists from visiting affected areas, leading to a decline in revenue.

5. Environmental damage: Haze contributes to environmental damage by affecting ecosystems, reducing crop yields, and impacting wildlife. The deposition of pollutants from haze can harm plant life, disrupt ecological balance, and contribute to the degradation of air, water, and soil quality.

6. Increased energy consumption: During periods of haze, indoor air quality can be compromised. As a result, people may rely more on air conditioning and air purifiers, leading to increased energy consumption and carbon emissions.

7. Psychological effects: Living in areas with persistent haze can have psychological effects on individuals. The constant exposure to poor air quality and the fear of health risks can cause anxiety, stress, and a decline in overall well-being.

8. Government response: Haze often prompts governments to implement measures to improve air quality, such as issuing health advisories, implementing environmental regulations, and promoting cleaner technologies. These actions aim to mitigate the impact of haze and protect public health.

It is crucial for individuals, communities, and governments to work together to tackle the issue of haze and air pollution. By raising awareness, implementing sustainable practices, and supporting policies that prioritize clean air, we can mitigate the negative effects of haze and create a healthier environment for future generations.

雾霾的英语词汇「」 篇三



  Popular Science 大众科学

  相对湿度 relative humidity

  能见度 visibility

  Measurement 计量方式

  AQJ(Air Quality Index)大气质量指数


API(Air Pollution Index)大气污染指数

  What is PM?Particulate matter

  PM 10可吸入颗粒物

  PM 2.5 可入肺颗粒物

  Burning of fossil fuels in vehicles 机动车燃油

  Powerplants 发电厂

  Various industrial processes 各类工业生产

  Off the charts!爆表了!

  Occupational disease 职业病

  I am in a fog 云里雾里


  1. Terrifying 恐怖

  2. Hang in there!忍一下

  3. ridicule 调侃

  4. Fearless 无畏

  5. Whatever doesn’t kill you simply makes you stronger!


  Face the problem 直视问题

  不要粉饰 Do not sugarcoat it!

  The cause:

  第一, 污染物排放量大。Large pollutant emission

  第二, 扩散条件不利。Disadvantageous condition for dispersal

  第三, 区域污染和本地污染贡献叠加。Multiply effect of regional pollution and local pollution


