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包装行业基础术语英语词汇 篇一

In the packaging industry, there are numerous basic terminologies that are essential to understand for effective communication and collaboration. These terminologies not only help in conveying information accurately but also facilitate smooth operations and processes. In this article, we will explore some of the key basic terminologies used in the packaging industry in English.

1. Packaging: The process of enclosing a product in a protective and presentable manner.

2. Primary Packaging: The initial layer of packaging that directly contains the product, such as a bottle or a blister pack.

3. Secondary Packaging: The outer packaging that holds multiple units of primary packaging together, such as a box or a carton.

4. Tertiary Packaging: Packaging used for shipping and transportation purposes, such as pallets or shrink wrap.

5. Labels: Printed or attached information on the packaging that provides product details, branding, and legal requirements.

6. Barcode: A visual representation of data in the form of parallel lines used for product identification and inventory tracking.

7. UPC (Universal Product Code): A specific type of barcode commonly used in North America for retail products.

8. QR Code (Quick Response Code): A two-dimensional barcode that can be scanned using a smartphone to access additional information or websites.

9. Tamper-evident: Features or seals on the packaging that indicate if it has been opened or tampered with.

10. Sustainability: The concept of using environmentally friendly materials and practices in packaging to minimize the impact on the environment.

11. Cushioning: Materials used to protect the product from damage during transit, such as foam, bubble wrap, or air pillows.

12. Shrink Wrap: A thin plastic film that is heated and shrinks tightly over the product, providing protection and stability.

13. Fill Level: The amount of product filled in a container, usually measured by volume or weight.

14. Overwrap: A layer of packaging used to enclose primary or secondary packaging for added protection or branding.

15. Collation: The arrangement of individual units of a product in a specific order or pattern for packaging or display purposes.

Understanding these basic terminologies is crucial for effective communication and collaboration within the packaging industry. Whether you are a manufacturer, retailer, or consumer, having knowledge of these terms enables better decision-making and ensures the safe and efficient handling of products throughout the supply chain.

包装行业基础术语英语词汇 篇二

In the packaging industry, there are various terminologies that professionals need to be familiar with to ensure effective communication and understanding. These terminologies cover a wide range of aspects related to packaging materials, processes, and quality control. In this article, we will explore some additional basic terminologies used in the packaging industry in English.

1. Blister Pack: A type of packaging consisting of a clear plastic blister that holds the product and a cardboard backing for support.

2. Clamshell Packaging: A type of packaging that consists of two hinged plastic halves that encase the product.

3. Aseptic Packaging: A packaging technique that involves sterilizing both the product and the packaging material to ensure a longer shelf life and prevent contamination.

4. Die-Cutting: A process of cutting a specific shape out of a material using a specialized tool called a die.

5. Flexography: A printing technique commonly used in packaging that utilizes flexible rubber plates and quick-drying inks.

6. Folding Carton: A type of packaging made from cardboard or paperboard that is typically used for secondary packaging.

7. Gable Top: A type of packaging commonly used for milk and juice cartons, featuring a triangular-shaped top.

8. Lithography: A printing technique that uses a flat surface with an image area that is ink-receptive and a non-image area that repels ink.

9. Pallet: A flat structure used for stacking and transporting goods. It provides stability and facilitates the movement of products using forklifts or pallet jacks.

10. Proofing: The process of creating a sample or prototype of a packaging design to review and evaluate its appearance, dimensions, and functionality.

11. Shrink Sleeve: A type of packaging that is applied to a product and shrinks tightly when heat is applied, conforming to the shape of the product.

12. Tamper-proof: Features or seals on the packaging that provide evidence of tampering or unauthorized access to the product.

13. Vacuum Packaging: A packaging method that removes air from the package to create a vacuum, extending the shelf life of the product.

14. UV Coating: A protective coating applied to packaging materials that provides a glossy appearance and enhances durability.

15. Viscosity: A measure of the thickness or flow resistance of a liquid or semi-liquid material used in packaging, such as adhesives or coatings.

By familiarizing yourself with these basic terminologies, you can enhance your understanding of the packaging industry and effectively communicate with colleagues, suppliers, and customers. Whether you are involved in packaging design, production, or quality control, having a comprehensive knowledge of these terms will contribute to the success and efficiency of your work.

包装行业基础术语英语词汇 篇三


  包装 package,packaging 为在流通过程中保护产品,方便储运,促进销售,按一定技术方法而采用的容器、材料及辅助物等的总体名称。也指为了达到上述目的而采用容器、材料和辅助物的过程中施加一定技术方法等的操作活动。

  包装件 package 产品经过包装所形成的总体。

  敞开包装 open package 将产品固定在底座上,对其余部分不再进行包装或仅在局部进行包装的一种包装,多用于机电产品。

  单元包装 unit package 将若干包装件或产品包装在一起,形成一个合适的搬运单元的包装。

  局部包装 part package 仅对产品需要防护的部位所进行的包装,多用于机电产品。

  可拆卸包装 dismountable package 在内装物充填前或取出后,容器能拆卸成若干部分,使用时能组装的包装。

  可携带包装 carrier pack,carry-home pack 为方便消费者携带,装有提手或类似装置的包装。

  可折叠包装 collapsible package 在内装物充填前或取出后,容器可以折叠存放的包装。

  捆扎包装 strapping package,binding 对生丝、衣料、羊毛、棉花、毛皮、纸、金属屑等大体积物品,根据需要,用适当材料扎紧、固定或增强的`包装。

  礼品包装 gift package 适用于送礼的包装,一般带有漂亮精致的装潢。

  内装物 contents 包装件内所装


  盘卷包装 drum package 将挠性产品,如钢丝、电缆等,用卷盘等包装辅助物以及裹包等工艺方法进行的包装。

  配套包装 ser package 将品种相同规格不同,或品种不同用途相关的数件产品搭配在一起的包装。如将乒乓球、乒乓球拍和球网放在一起的包装。

  软包装 flexible package 在充填或取出内装物后,容器形状可发生变化的包装。该容器一般用纸、纤维制品、塑料薄膜、或复合包装材料等制成。

  透明包装 transparent package,see-throungh package 通过透明包装材料能见到全部或部分内装物的包装。

  托盘包装 palletizing 将包装件或产品堆码在托盘上,通过捆扎、裹包或胶粘等方法加以固定,形成一个搬运单元,以便用机械设备搬运。

  危险品包装 dangerous articles package 根据危险品的特点,按照有关法令、标准和规定采用专门设计制造的包括容器和防护技术的包装。

  系列包装 serier package 对一个企业或一个商标、牌名的不同种类的产品,用一种共性包装特征来统一的包装。

  销售包装 consumer package,sales package 以销售为主要目的,与内装物一起到达消费者手中的包装。它具有保护、美化、宣传产品,促进销售的作用。

  硬包装 rigid package 在充填或取出内装物后,容器形状基本不发生变化的包装。该容器一般用金属、木质、玻璃、陶瓷、硬质塑料等材料制成。

  运输包装 transport package,shipping package 以运输贮存为主要目的的包装。它具有保障产品的安全,方便储运装卸,加速交接、点验等作用。

  运输包装件 transport package 进入贷物流通的包装件。


