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以P开头的托福英语词汇 篇一


1. Perspective(n.)- 角度、观点

Understanding different perspectives on an issue is crucial for critical thinking and analysis.

2. Paradox(n.)- 悖论、自相矛盾的情况

The idea of time travel is often considered a paradox, as it raises many logical contradictions.

3. Proponent(n.)- 支持者、倡导者

The proponent of the new educational policy argued that it would lead to better outcomes for students.

4. Precise(adj.)- 精确的、准确的

When conducting scientific experiments, it is important to be precise in your measurements.

5. Profound(adj.)- 深刻的、深奥的

The professor's lecture on quantum physics left the students in awe of his profound knowledge.

6. Prominent(adj.)- 突出的、杰出的

The politician's scandal led to a significant decrease in his prominent status in the public eye.

7. Prerequisite(n.)- 先决条件

A basic understanding of mathematics is a prerequisite for studying advanced physics.

8. Plausible(adj.)- 貌似有理的、似乎可信的

The witness's story seemed plausible, but further investigation revealed inconsistencies.

9. Prolific(adj.)- 多产的、丰富的

The author is known for his prolific output, having written over 20 novels in his career.

10. Provoke(v.)- 激怒、引起

The politician's inflammatory remarks provoked a strong reaction from the public.


以P开头的托福英语词汇 篇二


1. Perceive(v.)- 察觉、感知

It is important to perceive the subtle differences between similar words in order to use them correctly.

2. Provoke(v.)- 激怒、引起

The controversial artwork was designed to provoke discussion and debate among viewers.

3. Pragmatic(adj.)- 实用的、务实的

The company took a pragmatic approach to problem-solving, focusing on practical solutions.

4. Prevalent(adj.)- 流行的、普遍的

In modern society, smartphones are prevalent among people of all ages.

5. Ponder(v.)- 沉思、考虑

The philosopher spent hours pondering the meaning of life and the universe.

6. Prohibit(v.)- 禁止、阻止

The school strictly prohibits the use of cell phones during class hours.

7. Promote(v.)- 促进、推动

The government launched a campaign to promote awareness of the importance of recycling.

8. Proficiency(n.)- 熟练、精通

The job candidate's proficiency in multiple programming languages impressed the interviewers.

9. Predicament(n.)- 困境、窘境

The hiker found himself in a predicament when he got lost in the wilderness without a map.

10. Persuasive(adj.)- 有说服力的、令人信服的

The lawyer presented a persuasive argument that convinced the jury of his client's innocence.


以P开头的托福英语词汇 篇三


  palatable adj.美味的

  panacea n.灵丹妙药, 万灵药

  pang n.剧痛, 悲痛

  paralysis n.瘫痪, 中风

  paramount adj.最重要的, 最高权力的

  parasite n.寄生虫

  parity n.平等

  particle n.颗粒, 微粒

  pastel adj.柔和的

  pasture n.牧场, 草地

  patch n.片, 块

  patriarch n.家长, 族长

  patrol n.巡逻

  patron n.1.(对艺术等的)赞助人, 资助人 2.顾客

  paucity n.小量, 缺乏

  pauper n.贫民, 乞丐

  pave v.铺, 平摊

  pebble n.小鹅卵石

  peck v.啄, 啄起

  pedagogy n.教育学, 教学法

  pedestal n.基架, 底座

  penal adj.受刑罚的, 刑事的

  penchant n.爱好, 嗜好

  pendant adj.吊着的, 悬挂的

  penetrate v.穿透;渗透

  penetrating adj.1.(指声音) 响亮的, 尖锐的 2.刺激的(气味等)

  perceive v.察觉, 发觉

  perch v.(鸟)栖息

  percussion n.打击乐器

  perennial adj.四季不断的., 终年的; (植物)多年生的


ate v.打孔, 刺穿

  perimeter n.边缘, 周边地带

  peripheral adj.不重要的, 外围的

  periphery n.外围, 不重要的部分

  perishable adj.(尤指食物) 易腐的,易坏的

  permeate v.弥漫;渗透, 透过

  perpendicular adj.垂直的, 正交的

  perpetual adj.不间断的, 持续的;永久的, 永恒的

  perspiration n.汗水;出汗


