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雅思素材可用英文网站资源整理 篇一

Title: Useful English Websites for IELTS Study Materials


Preparing for the IELTS exam requires access to high-quality study materials and resources. English websites provide a wealth of information and practice materials that can help improve your skills in all four sections of the test. In this article, we will explore some of the best English websites that offer valuable IELTS study materials.

1. British Council IELTS:

The British Council IELTS website is a comprehensive resource for IELTS preparation. It offers free sample test questions, practice materials, and tips for each section of the exam. The website also provides information on test dates, registration, and test centers worldwide. Additionally, it offers a range of free online courses and webinars to help improve your English language skills.

2. IELTS Liz:

IELTS Liz is a popular website among IELTS test takers. It provides a wide range of free study materials, including sample essays, speaking topics, and listening practice tests. The website also offers video lessons and tips on how to approach each section of the exam. IELTS Liz's blog section features articles on common mistakes to avoid and strategies to score higher in the test.

3. Road to IELTS:

Road to IELTS is an online preparation course offered by the British Council. It provides comprehensive study materials, including interactive exercises, practice tests, and mock exams. The website also offers a progress tracker to help you monitor your performance and identify areas for improvement. Although some of the resources require a subscription, the free trial version provides access to a substantial amount of study materials.

4. IELTS Mentor:

IELTS Mentor is an excellent website for self-study. It offers a wide range of free resources, including sample answers, vocabulary exercises, and practice tests. The website also provides tips on how to effectively manage your time during the exam and how to improve your writing and speaking skills. IELTS Mentor's forum section allows users to interact with other test takers and seek advice from experienced IELTS instructors.


IDP IELTS is another reliable source of study materials. The website offers free practice tests for each section of the exam, including reading, writing, listening, and speaking. It also provides useful tips and strategies to maximize your score. IDP IELTS's blog section features articles on various topics related to the IELTS exam, helping you stay updated with the latest trends and changes in the test format.


Accessing high-quality study materials is crucial for successful IELTS preparation. English websites such as the British Council IELTS, IELTS Liz, Road to IELTS, IELTS Mentor, and IDP IELTS offer a wide range of resources and practice materials to help you enhance your skills and achieve your desired score. By utilizing these valuable online resources, you can effectively prepare for the exam and increase your chances of success.

雅思素材可用英文网站资源整理 篇二

Title: How English Websites Can Help You Enhance Your IELTS Preparation


The IELTS exam assesses your proficiency in the English language and is a crucial requirement for studying or working abroad. To succeed in the test, it is essential to have access to effective study materials and resources. English websites provide a wealth of information and practice materials that can significantly improve your IELTS preparation. In this article, we will discuss how these websites can help you enhance your skills in each section of the exam.

1. Reading Section:

English websites offer a wide range of reading materials that can help you improve your comprehension skills. Websites like IELTS Liz and Road to IELTS provide sample reading passages and practice tests that simulate the actual exam format. By regularly practicing reading articles, essays, and academic texts from these websites, you can enhance your vocabulary, speed, and accuracy in answering the reading questions.

2. Writing Section:

The writing section of the IELTS exam requires strong writing skills and the ability to express ideas effectively. English websites like IELTS Mentor and British Council IELTS offer sample essays, writing prompts, and tips on how to structure and organize your writing. By analyzing and practicing these sample essays, you can learn different writing styles, improve your grammar and vocabulary usage, and develop the ability to write coherent and well-structured responses.

3. Listening Section:

Listening practice is crucial for improving your listening skills and understanding various accents and speech patterns. Websites like IELTS Mentor and IDP IELTS provide practice tests and audio materials that simulate the listening section of the exam. By regularly practicing listening exercises from these websites, you can enhance your ability to comprehend spoken English, identify main ideas, and answer questions accurately within the given time.

4. Speaking Section:

The speaking section of the IELTS exam assesses your ability to communicate effectively in English. English websites like IELTS Liz and British Council IELTS offer sample speaking topics, model answers, and tips on how to improve your pronunciation and fluency. By practicing speaking exercises from these websites, you can enhance your speaking skills, gain confidence, and learn how to structure your answers effectively.


English websites offer a wide range of study materials and resources that can significantly enhance your IELTS preparation. By utilizing these resources, you can improve your skills in each section of the exam, including reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Regular practice using sample questions, essays, and audio materials from websites like IELTS Liz, Road to IELTS, IELTS Mentor, and IDP IELTS can help you familiarize yourself with the test format, develop effective strategies, and increase your chances of achieving a high score in the IELTS exam.

雅思素材可用英文网站资源整理 篇三



  “TED Talk”

  首当其冲的,就是雅思小编最喜欢的TED。为什么会喜欢这个网站呢,因为这个网站不仅能通过“听”来模仿正宗发音和地道表达,更重要是能通过“看”来 学习到很多人生哲理。TED出彩的地方就在于提出的观点和论点都是基于科学研究或理论分析得出来的,并非网上那些主观感情领悟的鸡汤文章。

  而且,当备考雅思同学看烦了说教,还可以去搜索一些试听享受方面的talks。比如让人大开眼界的魔术表演:A cyber-magic card trick like no other; 或者是发起千万个网友合唱的一首歌:A choir as big as the internet。如果烤鸭担心学术类词汇听不懂,还可以选择字幕,英文或者中文,随你喜欢!



  另外一个涨知识的网站,十分生活化的维基百科。无论是意大利面制作教程,单车维修指南,还是失恋快速恢复手册等等,只要你想得到问题这里几乎都会有。 雅思口语本来就是一个很生活化的考试,Wikihow上的文章图文并茂,而且细节的描写一点也不含糊,可以说




  “Smarter travel”

  一个关于旅游和文化的网站,这个网站不仅可以学习到语言知识,更多的是一些文化方面的内容。很多同学都喜欢来一次说走就走的旅行,如果是出国旅行的 话,有一些行为或者动作是十分不礼貌的,但是很多同学可能都不会注意到这种小细节,但是在这个网站中,就可以看到一些比较生动有趣的介绍文章,比如说出国 要注意哪些手势是不能随便比划的,自拍的话要注意些什么等等,地点类话题和事件经历类话题找不到素材的话,不妨来这上面看看!

  这些tips 不仅仅对大家旅游有帮助哈,如果备考雅思出国念书的`话,某些国家州与州之间的法律和管理条例也会有不同,所以多了解一些文化方面的东西可是百利而无一害的!

  “Global Times”


  网站涵盖的内容还是比较广的,有艺术,运动,生活等等。如果大家点开一些比较有争议的政治性文章,还可以看到国内外的激进分子在评论里面吵架。Hint up:环球时报也是有APP版本的,需要的烤鸭也可以去下载来用。


  这个是一个英文的百货购物网站,有吃的,穿的,用的等等。有烤鸭说,不是有amazon 和 ebay之类的了么?当然啦,学习的资源永远不嫌多!这个网站的优势在于比较本土化,因此界面非常简洁大方,看起来很是舒服,而且网站中的分类或者是商品描述都极具外国气息。

  就像雅思口语老师所说的一样,8分考生一定不会说I bought a pair of shoes, 而一定会具体说是trainers, boots, sandles, 还是heels,甚至更具体点的stilettos or flats~这些词汇都去哪里学?可以从研究这种购物网站开始。但是!切记要克制住自己忍不住下单的双手!

  “The Huffington Post”

  赫芬顿邮报,百科上介绍是美国当今最具影响力的新闻博客网站。如果说环球时报(Global Times)是从中国的角度看世界的话,那么赫芬顿就是从美国的角度看世界~






