一只聪明的兔子 An IntelligentRabbit英语作【推荐3篇】

时间:2017-01-06 02:15:20
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一只聪明的兔子 An Intelligent Rabbit


Once upon a time, in a peaceful forest, there lived a clever rabbit named Peter. Peter was not an ordinary rabbit; he possessed a level of intelligence that was unmatched by any other creature in the forest. He used his intelligence to solve problems and help other animals in need.

One day, as Peter was hopping through the forest, he heard a distressed cry for help. It was his friend, Sammy the squirrel. Sammy had lost his acorn stash and was unable to find it. Peter immediately offered to help and started brainstorming a plan.

Peter knew that squirrels often hid their acorns in trees. He asked Sammy to retrace his steps and try to remember the last tree he had visited. While Sammy did that, Peter went around the forest, carefully observing the ground for any signs of disturbed soil or leaves. After a while, Peter found a trail of broken twigs and leaves leading to a tree. He called Sammy over and they both climbed the tree. Lo and behold, the acorn stash was hidden in a hole in the trunk!

Sammy was overjoyed and couldn't thank Peter enough for his help. From that day on, the two friends became inseparable. They would often go on adventures together, with Peter using his intelligence to overcome various challenges they encountered.

One of their most memorable adventures was when they stumbled upon a group of lost baby birds. The baby birds had gotten separated from their mother during a storm and were unable to find their way back to the nest. Peter and Sammy knew they had to act quickly.

Peter suggested building a makeshift nest on a tall tree and leaving clues for the mother bird to find her babies. Together, they gathered twigs and leaves, constructing a nest that resembled the original one. Peter then used his sharp teeth to carve arrow-like markings on nearby trees, leading the mother bird to the new nest.

After a few hours, the mother bird spotted the arrows and followed them to the nest. She was overjoyed to find her babies safe and sound. She chirped happily, expressing her gratitude to Peter and Sammy.

News of Peter's intelligence spread throughout the forest, and animals from all corners sought his help. Peter's kindness and problem-solving skills earned him the title of "An Intelligent Rabbit." He continued to use his intelligence to bring happiness and solve problems for his fellow forest creatures.

And so, the clever rabbit, Peter, lived a fulfilling life, always ready to lend a helping paw to those in need.


In a quiet forest, there lived a rabbit named Peter. Peter was not an ordinary rabbit; he possessed a level of intelligence that astonished everyone who knew him. His sharp mind and quick wit made him stand out among the other animals in the forest.

One day, as Peter was hopping around, he noticed a commotion in a nearby clearing. Curiosity piqued, he hopped closer to investigate. To his surprise, he discovered a group of animals engaged in a heated argument.

The animals were arguing about the distribution of food in the forest. Some believed that the food should be shared equally among all animals, while others argued that the stronger animals should have a larger share. The situation was on the verge of turning into chaos.

Peter, being the intelligent rabbit that he was, knew that a peaceful resolution was needed. He stepped forward and offered to mediate the dispute. The animals reluctantly agreed, skeptical of what a rabbit could achieve.

Peter listened attentively to each animal's perspective and then proposed a solution. He suggested creating a committee comprising representatives from different animal groups to oversee the distribution of food. This way, every animal would have a voice, and decisions would be made through consensus.

The animals were initially hesitant, but Peter's logic and reasoning convinced them to give his idea a chance. They agreed to form the committee and appointed Peter as its leader.

Under Peter's guidance, the committee successfully implemented a fair and just system of food distribution. Each animal received an equal share, regardless of their size or strength. This new system brought harmony and unity among the animals, fostering a sense of cooperation and mutual respect.

Word of Peter's intelligence and diplomatic skills spread throughout the forest, and animals from far and wide sought his advice and guidance. Peter became known as "An Intelligent Rabbit" and was admired and respected by all.

As time went on, Peter continued to use his intelligence for the betterment of the forest. He helped settle disputes, solve problems, and promote a peaceful coexistence among the animals. His wisdom and compassion made him a beloved figure in the forest.

The story of the intelligent rabbit, Peter, serves as a reminder that intelligence comes in all shapes and sizes. It is not physical strength that defines us but the ability to think critically and find solutions. Peter's legacy lives on, inspiring generations of animals to embrace intelligence and use it for the greater good.

一只聪明的兔子 An IntelligentRabbit英语作 篇三

一只聪明的兔子 An Intelligent(聪明的)Rabbit英语作文

  I have two rabbits,a little rabbit and an old rabbit.A little rabbit often plays in the field.She is white.She has two big and red eyes.Her ears are long,but her tail is short.Suddenly,she finds a pumpkin.She wants to take it home.But the pumpkin is too big and heavy.The rabbit can't take it home.

  She looks at the pumpkin,thinks and says,“I can roll this pumpkin.It's like a wheel."so she rolls the pumpkin to her home.Her mother,the old rabbit smiles and says,"What an intelligent girl!"


  我有两只兔子,一只小兔子,一只老年的兔子。小兔子经常在田甲里玩。她是白色的。她有两只又大又红的眼睛。她的耳朵很长,但是她的尾巴很短。 突然,她发现了一个南瓜。她想把它带回家。 但是南瓜太大太重了。兔子没法带回家。


子。”所以她就推着南瓜回家了。 她的`妈妈,年老的兔子笑着说,“多么机智的女孩啊!”

一只聪明的兔子 An IntelligentRabbit英语作【推荐3篇】

