
时间:2012-03-05 05:14:39
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问天气的英语句子 篇一

The Weather in My Hometown

The weather is a topic that people often discuss in their daily lives. It affects our plans, mood, and even our health. In this article, I will share with you some common English sentences that are used to ask about the weather, and I will also talk about the weather in my hometown.

1. How's the weather today?

This is a simple and common question that you can ask someone to find out about the weather on a particular day.

2. What's the weather like?

This is another way to ask about the current weather conditions. It is a more general question that can be used in any situation.

3. Is it going to rain tomorrow?

If you want to know about the weather forecast for the next day, you can ask this question. It shows that you are interested in the weather and want to plan your activities accordingly.

4. What's the temperature?

This question is used to ask about the current temperature. It can be followed by specific units such as Celsius or Fahrenheit.

5. Will it be hot or cold this weekend?

If you want to know about the weather for a specific period of time, such as the weekend, you can use this question. It gives a general idea of what to expect in terms of temperature.

Now, let me tell you about the weather in my hometown. I come from a small coastal town in southern China. The weather in my hometown is generally mild and pleasant throughout the year. It is influenced by the ocean, so the temperature doesn't fluctuate as much as in other regions.

In the summer, the weather is warm and humid with occasional rain showers. The temperature usually ranges from 25 to 35 degrees Celsius. It can get quite hot during the day, so many people prefer to stay indoors or go to the beach to cool off.

In the winter, the weather is cool but not extremely cold. The temperature rarely drops below 10 degrees Celsius. It is a good time to go hiking or have a picnic in the countryside. Sometimes, we even have a few days of snow, which is a rare and exciting event for us.

Overall, I am happy with the weather in my hometown. It allows me to enjoy outdoor activities all year round. However, I do miss the changing seasons and the beautiful colors of autumn that I experienced when I lived in a different city. Nonetheless, I appreciate the mild and pleasant weather that my hometown offers.

问天气的英语句子 篇二

Planning a Trip: Checking the Weather

When planning a trip, one of the important factors to consider is the weather. Knowing what the weather will be like at your destination can help you pack appropriately and plan your activities. In this article, I will share with you some English sentences that you can use to ask about the weather when planning your next trip.

1. What's the weather like in [destination] in [month]?

This question is useful when you want to know about the weather conditions at a specific place and time. By mentioning the destination and month, you can get a more accurate answer.

2. Will it be sunny tomorrow?

If you are planning outdoor activities, it is important to know if it will be sunny or not. This question can help you decide whether to bring sunscreen or an umbrella.

3. How cold does it get in [destination] during [season]?

If you are traveling to a place with extreme temperatures, it is important to know how cold it can get. This question can help you determine if you need to pack warm clothes or not.

4. Does it rain a lot in [destination] in [month]?

If you are not a fan of rain, it is good to know if it rains a lot at your destination during the month you plan to visit. This question can help you decide if it is the right time to go or if you should consider a different month.

5. Is there a chance of snow in [destination] in [month]?

If you are hoping to see snow during your trip, asking this question can give you an idea of whether it is possible or not. It can help you plan activities such as skiing or building a snowman.

Checking the weather before your trip can save you from unexpected weather conditions and help you make the most of your time at your destination. It is always a good idea to pack some versatile clothing that can be layered, just in case the weather changes. Additionally, it is a good practice to check the weather forecast a few days before your trip and adjust your plans accordingly.

In conclusion, asking about the weather is an essential part of planning a trip. By using these English sentences, you can gather information about the weather conditions at your destination and make informed decisions. Remember to pack accordingly and be prepared for any weather surprises. Happy travels!

问天气的英语句子 篇三

1How is the weather 天气怎么样2What's the weather like today 今天天气怎么样1n 天气气象气候处境2vt 经受住使风化侵。关于天气的英语句子合集 导语天气变化与我们的经济和生活具有非常密切的联系我国自古便是农业大国,习惯了“靠天吃饭”的模式,对天气的变化十分敏感下面是由无忧。

本文为你分享回答天气的英语三种句型,问明天天气用英语怎么说,询问北京的天气英语,英语中问天气的句子有 1How is the weather 天气怎幺样 2Whats the weather。本栏目为您介绍关于天气的英语表达句子大全内容包括天气的表达英语句子说说心情,如果您想了解更多关于天气的英语表达句子大全,请站内搜索关于天气的英语表达句子大全。

有关如何询问天气的英语句子 700字 用英语询问天气情况Howstheweathertoday今天天气怎样Whatstheweatherliketoday今天天气怎样Howstheweathertomorrow明天天气怎样。提问天气的2个英语句子怎么说急急急急急急急 5 各种天气的英文 一云1Cloudy多云2Sunny晴3Overcast阴二雨1 Drizzle 20191029 破。

天气的英语短语 现在不少人喜欢出国旅游与留学,因此记住一些天气的英语词汇,有助于大家跟老外进行一个好的交流哦 寒潮Cold Snap 例句Cold snap brings snow。23星星稀,好天气 The stars are sparse and the weather is fine 24立秋下雨,百日无霜 It rains in the early autumn, and there is no frost for a hundred days 25蜻蜓



