
时间:2013-02-03 03:19:30
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感悟人生哲理句子经典英文_ 篇一

Life is like a camera, focus on the good times, develop from the negatives, and if things don't work out, take another shot.

Life is a journey, not a destination. Enjoy the ride.

No one is perfect, that's why pencils have erasers.

The best way to predict your future is to create it.

The only way to do great work is to love what you do.

Don't count the days, make the days count.

You can't change the direction of the wind, but you can adjust your sails.

Life is too short to wait.

Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.

The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today.


In life, it is important to focus on the positive aspects and learn from the negative experiences. Just like a camera, we should develop from the negatives and take another shot when things don't work out. This mindset allows us to grow and improve continuously.

Life is often seen as a journey, not a destination. It is not about reaching a specific goal or endpoint, but rather about enjoying the process and the ride. Each step we take, every experience we encounter, contributes to our personal growth and development. Along the way, we should appreciate the beauty and lessons that life offers us.

No one is perfect, and that's perfectly okay. We all make mistakes and have flaws. Just like pencils have erasers, we have the ability to correct our wrongs and learn from them. It is through these imperfections that we learn and become better versions of ourselves.

To create a fulfilling future, we must actively participate in shaping it. We cannot simply wait for things to happen; we must take proactive steps towards our goals and dreams. By being intentional in our actions and choices, we have the power to create the life we desire.

Passion is a key ingredient for success. When we love what we do, work becomes enjoyable and fulfilling. It is this love and enthusiasm that drives us to give our best and achieve greatness. So, it is important to find our passion and pursue it wholeheartedly.

Time is a precious resource that should not be wasted. Instead of counting the days, we should make the days count. Every day is an opportunity for growth, joy, and making a positive impact in the world. We should make the most of each day and live with purpose.

Life is unpredictable, and we cannot control external circumstances. However, we have the power to adjust our sails and adapt to the changing winds. By embracing flexibility and resilience, we can navigate through life's challenges and make the most of every situation.

Life is too short to wait for the perfect moment. We should seize the present and make the most of every opportunity. Waiting for the right time often leads to missed opportunities and regrets. Instead, we should take action and make things happen.

Success and happiness are interconnected. True success is not solely measured by external achievements, but by the level of happiness and fulfillment we experience in our lives. When we find joy in what we do, success becomes a natural byproduct.

Our doubts and fears can limit our potential and hold us back from realizing our dreams. However, if we believe in ourselves and overcome our doubts, there is no limit to what we can achieve. The future holds endless possibilities, and it is up to us to embrace them with confidence and optimism.

感悟人生哲理句子经典英文_ 篇二

Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it.

The biggest risk is not taking any risk.

Happiness is not the absence of problems, but the ability to deal with them.

The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.

Don't wait for the perfect moment, take the moment and make it perfect.

The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday.

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.

The only thing standing between you and your goal is the story you keep telling yourself.


Life is not solely determined by the circumstances we face, but by how we choose to react to them. It is our reactions and attitudes that shape our experiences and outcomes. We have the power to choose our perspective and approach, which ultimately determines our happiness and fulfillment in life.

Taking risks is an essential part of growth and success. The biggest risk we can take is not taking any risk at all. By stepping out of our comfort zones and embracing challenges, we open ourselves up to new opportunities and possibilities. It is through taking risks that we discover our true potential and achieve greatness.

Happiness is not the absence of problems, but rather our ability to cope and find joy despite the challenges we face. Life is filled with ups and downs, and it is how we handle these obstacles that determines our level of happiness. By developing resilience and a positive mindset, we can overcome difficulties and find happiness within ourselves.

Finding ourselves is often a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. One of the best ways to find ourselves is by losing ourselves in the service of others. When we focus on helping and serving others, we gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and our purpose. It is through selflessness that we find fulfillment and meaning in life.

Waiting for the perfect moment can often lead to missed opportunities. Instead, we should seize the present moment and make it perfect. Life is filled with imperfect moments, but it is within these moments that we can find beauty, joy, and growth. By embracing imperfections and taking action, we can create our own perfect moments.

Comparing ourselves to others is a futile exercise. The only person we should strive to be better than is the person we were yesterday. Each day is an opportunity for growth and self-improvement. By focusing on our own progress and development, we can become the best version of ourselves.

Success and failure are not permanent states. Success is not final, and failure is not fatal. What matters is the courage to continue and persevere despite setbacks and challenges. It is through resilience and determination that we achieve our goals and dreams. Success is not measured by the absence of failure, but by the ability to bounce back and keep moving forward.

Our mindset and beliefs can often hold us back from reaching our goals. The only thing standing between us and our goals is the story we keep telling ourselves. We have the power to change our narrative and overcome self-limiting beliefs. By adopting a growth mindset and believing in our abilities, we can overcome obstacles and achieve success.

In conclusion, these classic English phrases serve as reminders of the important principles and philosophies that can help us navigate through life. By embracing these wisdoms, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves, find happiness, and achieve success.

感悟人生哲理句子经典英文_ 篇三

I'm not afraid when the rain won't stop.


Make the world a good place.


Life is a progress and not a station.


Love is everywher



You're a firework. Come on show them what you are worth.


You go out on that stage now, and you show them how beautiful you are.


There are big days and there are small days.


Love thy neighbor as thyself.


You gotta be flexible, prepared to roll with anything.


A thing of beauty is a joy forever.


The one ought to have the other.


Break down these walls and come on in.



