
时间:2012-01-02 01:42:14
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英文骂人的句子霸气 篇一

Words have the power to cut deeper than any blade. And when it comes to expressing our anger or frustrations, using a well-crafted insult in English can leave a lasting impact. So, if you're looking for some badass English insults to put others in their place, look no further. Here are a few that will make you sound like the ultimate boss:

1. "You're a walking disappointment." This insult is the perfect way to tell someone that they consistently let everyone down. It not only highlights their inability to meet expectations but also implies that they are nothing more than a failure.

2. "Your face could sink a thousand ships." This insult is a clever way to comment on someone's unattractive appearance. It suggests that their face is so repulsive that it could cause the downfall of an entire fleet.

3. "You're as useful as a screen door on a submarine." This insult is a creative way of saying that someone is utterly useless. It implies that they serve no purpose and are about as effective as a screen door on a submarine, which is pretty much pointless.

4. "If ignorance is bliss, you must be the happiest person alive." This insult is a sarcastic way of calling someone out for their lack of knowledge or intelligence. It suggests that their blissful ignorance is their most prominent attribute.

5. "You're so full of hot air, I'm surprised you haven't floated away." This insult is a witty way of telling someone that they talk a lot but say little of substance. It suggests that their words are empty and meaningless, just like hot air.

6. "You're a walking, talking example of why some animals eat their young." This insult is a savage way of saying that someone is so awful that even animals would reject them. It implies that they are a terrible human being with no redeeming qualities.

7. "Your existence is an insult to intelligence." This insult is a direct attack on someone's intelligence or lack thereof. It suggests that their mere presence is an insult to anyone with a functioning brain.

Remember, using insults should always be done with caution and in the appropriate context. While these insults may sound badass, it's essential to consider the impact they may have on others and the relationships you have with them. Use them sparingly and only when necessary.

英文骂人的句子霸气 篇二

In a world where words can be as sharp as a dagger, sometimes you need to unleash some savage insults to put arrogant individuals in their place. If you're on the lookout for some badass English insults that exude power and authority, look no further. Here are a few that will make you sound like an unstoppable force:

1. "You're the reason the gene pool needs a lifeguard." This insult is a clever way to imply that someone's stupidity is so significant that it endangers the collective gene pool. It suggests that they are a hazard to the intellectual progress of humanity.

2. "I envy people who haven't met you." This insult is a subtle way of saying that someone's presence is so detestable that it's better to have never encountered them. It implies that their negative impact on others is so profound that ignorance truly is bliss.

3. "You're about as useful as a chocolate teapot." This insult is a humorous way of highlighting someone's utter uselessness. It suggests that they serve no practical purpose and are as ineffective as a teapot made of chocolate.

4. "You have the personality of a damp napkin." This insult is a creative way of commenting on someone's lack of charisma or engaging qualities. It implies that their personality is as dull and uninteresting as a soggy napkin.

5. "Your ego is bigger than the sun." This insult is a direct attack on someone's inflated sense of self-importance. It suggests that their ego is so massive that it surpasses even the largest celestial body.

6. "The only thing worse than your fashion sense is your personality." This insult combines a critique of someone's poor fashion choices with a jab at their character. It suggests that their lack of style is only surpassed by their unpleasant demeanor.

7. "You're so full of yourself, I'm surprised you can breathe." This insult is a powerful way of calling out someone's excessive self-centeredness. It suggests that their arrogance is so overwhelming that it's a wonder they can even manage to take a breath.

Remember, insults should always be used judiciously and with caution. While these insults may be satisfying to unleash, it's crucial to consider the impact they may have on others and the relationships you have with them. Use them sparingly and only when absolutely necessary.

英文骂人的句子霸气 篇三


我记得一个前辈说过,那是80年代出国留学的人,他当时的英语差,被美国的老师当众骂他bull shit,搞的还不知道什么意思,还问老师,what ?what? 事后的心理阴影得有多大啊,估计一辈子都难平复。所以,不要骂人。





Don’t push me ! 别逼我!

Get out of my face. 从我面前消失

Get lost.滚开!

You’ve gone too far! 你太过分了!

Who do you think you are? 你以为你是谁?

It's none of your business. 关你卵事

I’ve had enough of your garbage. 你这垃圾,我忍你很久了。

Get off my back

. 少跟我罗嗦。

Don’t bother me. 别烦我。


You are a monster/jerk/asshole /losser 怪物、畜生、没教养的人/废物、混蛋/讨厌鬼.

You stupid jerk! 你这蠢猪!

You Son of bicth 去你大爷的。

What the hell are you doing 你TMD搞什么飞机

Go to hell. 去死吧。

Drop dead. 去死吧!

You’re a jerk! 你是个废物/混球!


Disgusting! /dammit /shit 真恶心,倒胃口!/该死,真他妈的!







