
时间:2018-03-08 06:30:44
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感恩父母的句子英语句子_ 篇一

Title: The Importance of Gratitude towards Parents


Gratitude towards parents is a fundamental aspect of life. It is important to acknowledge and appreciate the love, sacrifices, and hard work that our parents put into raising us. In this article, we will explore the significance of gratitude towards parents and how it can shape our lives.


1. Parents' Love:

- "A mother's love is like no other; it is unconditional and knows no bounds."

- "A father's love is a pillar of strength, always there to guide and protect."

Parents' love is a powerful force that shapes our lives. Their love provides us with a sense of security and stability, and it is essential to appreciate and reciprocate this love.

2. Sacrifices:

- "Parents sacrifice their dreams so that we can chase ours."

- "They give up their time, energy, and resources to ensure our well-being."

Parents make countless sacrifices to provide us with the best opportunities in life. From sleepless nights to financial struggles, they put our needs before their own. Expressing gratitude for their sacrifices is a way of acknowledging their selflessness.

3. Life Lessons:

- "Parents teach us valuable life lessons that shape our character."

- "Their guidance and wisdom help us navigate through challenges."

Parents play a crucial role in our personal growth and development. They impart wisdom, values, and morals that shape our character. Showing gratitude for their guidance and life lessons is a way of recognizing their influence on our lives.

4. Support:

- "Parents are our biggest cheerleaders, supporting and encouraging us."

- "They believe in us even when we doubt ourselves."

Parents provide unwavering support throughout our journey. They are there to celebrate our successes and lend a shoulder to lean on during failures. Gratitude towards this support strengthens the parent-child bond.


Gratitude towards parents is a reflection of our appreciation for their love, sacrifices, guidance, and support. It is important to express our gratitude regularly and not take their presence for granted. Remembering their contributions can bring us closer to them and foster a deeper connection in our relationships.

Word count: 337

感恩父母的句子英语句子_ 篇二

Title: Ways to Show Gratitude towards Parents


Gratitude towards parents is an essential sentiment that should be expressed regularly. It is important to find tangible ways to show our appreciation for their love and sacrifices. In this article, we will explore some meaningful ways to express gratitude towards our parents.


1. Verbal Appreciation:

- "Thank you for everything you do for me, Mom and Dad."

- "I am grateful for your love and support, and I want you to know how much I appreciate you."

Expressing gratitude through sincere words is a powerful way to let our parents know how much we value them. Simple phrases like "thank you" can go a long way in conveying our appreciation.

2. Acts of Service:

- "Helping with household chores without being asked shows our gratitude."

- "Taking care of our parents when they are unwell is an act of love and appreciation."

Actions speak louder than words, and performing acts of service is an effective way to show gratitude. Assisting with daily responsibilities and taking care of our parents in times of need demonstrates our love and appreciation.

3. Quality Time:

- "Spending quality time with our parents, engaging in meaningful conversations, and creating memories together."

- "Going on a family outing or planning a surprise for our parents shows that we cherish their presence."

Dedicating time solely to our parents is a valuable way to express gratitude. By prioritizing quality time, we show them that they are important to us and that we enjoy their company.

4. Thoughtful Gestures:

- "Writing heartfelt letters or cards expressing our gratitude and love."

- "Surprising our parents with small gifts or tokens of appreciation."

Thoughtful gestures can be simple yet impactful. Writing a heartfelt letter or surprising our parents with a small gift serves as a tangible reminder of our gratitude and love.


Showing gratitude towards parents is a continuous process that requires conscious effort. Through verbal appreciation, acts of service, quality time, and thoughtful gestures, we can express our gratitude and strengthen our bond with our parents. Let us not wait for a special occasion but make it a habit to show gratitude towards our parents regularly.

Word count: 317

感恩父母的句子英语句子_ 篇三


女单决赛上,18岁的英籍华裔资格赛选手艾玛·拉杜卡努(Emma Raducanu)以6-4,6-3直落两盘击败19岁的加拿大网球选手莱拉·费尔南德斯(Leylah Fernandez),完成了她的梦幻般的美网首秀,并一举赢下了她的第一个大满贯赛事冠军。由于她是华裔的后代,所以备受国内网友关注,也得到了中国网友的祝贺和鼓励。她的母亲祖籍东北,网友们亲切地称呼Emma“东北妞”。英国女王也对她表示我祝贺。


In interviews, Raducanu has paid tribute to her mum and that side of the family." They are so mentally resilient - it's like nothing can bring them down. I would say I take a big part of my inspiration from her. My mum has worked very hard." she said, adding that she learned about discipline and respect for other people from her.

感言三段式:1.感谢某人(家人、爱人等)2.叙述他们的付出以及优秀的品质 3.说明自己受到的影响,表示如果没有他们你也不会取得这么大的成绩和荣誉。



Many thanks goes to my father. He is a very kind-hearted, brave, open-minded person and above all mentally-resilient. In my memory, it seems nothing could bring him down. I believe I've taken a big part of my inspiration from him. Without his enlightenment and encouragement, I couldn't make it.[惊喜]


