美食句子英语大全 篇一
Food is not just a necessity for survival, but also a source of pleasure and joy. From mouth-watering delicacies to comforting home-cooked meals, there is a wide variety of food that can satisfy our taste buds and bring us happiness. In this article, we will explore a collection of food-related sentences in English that celebrate the beauty and deliciousness of cuisine.
1. "Food is the ingredient that binds us together." - Unknown
This quote reminds us of the power of food to bring people together and create meaningful connections.
2. "One cannot think well, love well, sleep well if one has not dined well." - Virginia Woolf
This sentence highlights the importance of nourishing our bodies with good food in order to thrive in other aspects of life.
3. "Life is uncertain. Eat dessert first." - Ernestine Ulmer
Indulging in a sweet treat before anything else reminds us to enjoy the simple pleasures in life.
4. "Food is our common ground, a universal experience." - James Beard
Food transcends boundaries and cultures, and it is something that everyone can relate to and enjoy.
5. "Cooking is like love. It should be entered into with abandon or not at all." - Harriet Van Horne
This sentence compares the act of cooking to the passion and dedication we put into love, emphasizing the importance of putting our heart into every dish we prepare.
6. "Good food is the foundation of genuine happiness." - Auguste Escoffier
Escoffier's words remind us of the deep satisfaction and contentment that comes from savoring a delicious meal.
7. "Food, in the end, in our own tradition, is something holy. It's not about nutrients and calories. It's about sharing. It's about honesty. It's about identity." - Louise Fresco
This sentence beautifully captures the cultural and emotional significance of food, beyond its nutritional value.
8. "Eating is a necessity, but cooking is an art." - Unknown
This sentence highlights the creativity and skill required in the process of cooking, turning it into a form of artistic expression.
9. "Food is symbolic of love when words are inadequate." - Alan D. Wolfelt
Sometimes, the best way to express love and care is through the preparation and sharing of a delicious meal.
10. "The fondest memories are made when gathered around the table." - Unknown
This sentence reminds us of the special moments and cherished memories that are created when loved ones come together to enjoy a meal.
Food not only nourishes our bodies but also feeds our souls. These sentences remind us of the joy and happiness that can be derived from the simple act of indulging in good food. So next time you sit down for a meal, savor each bite and appreciate the beauty and deliciousness that food brings to our lives.
美食句子英语大全 篇二
Food is not only a source of sustenance but also a gateway to exploring different cultures and traditions. It has the power to evoke memories, create connections, and bring people together. In this article, we will delve into a collection of food-related sentences in English that celebrate the diverse and delectable world of cuisine.
1. "Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you who you are." - Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin
This sentence highlights the connection between our food choices and our identity, emphasizing how our culinary preferences reflect our cultural background and personal preferences.
2. "Cooking is all about people. Food is maybe the only universal thing that really has the power to bring everyone together." - Guy Fieri
Fieri's words remind us of the unifying power of food and how it can bridge gaps and foster connections between people from all walks of life.
3. "Food is not just eating energy. It's an experience." - Guy Fieri
This sentence emphasizes that food is more than just fuel for our bodies; it is an opportunity to engage our senses and fully immerse ourselves in the experience of eating.
4. "One of the very nicest things about life is the way we must regularly stop whatever it is we are doing and devote our attention to eating." - Luciano Pavarotti
Pavarotti's words capture the importance of taking the time to appreciate and enjoy our meals, rather than rushing through them as a mere necessity.
5. "Food is memories." - Anthony Bourdain
Our favorite dishes and flavors have the power to transport us back in time and evoke cherished memories, reminding us of the emotional connection we have with food.
6. "Food is love made visible." - Sarah Ban Breathnach
This sentence beautifully captures the sentiment that preparing and sharing food is a tangible expression of love and care.
7. "Food is an important part of a balanced diet." - Fran Lebowitz
Lebowitz's humorous remark reminds us that while food is undoubtedly enjoyable, it should also be consumed in moderation as part of a balanced lifestyle.
8. "Food, like a loving touch or a glimpse of divine power, has that ability to comfort." - Norman Kolpas
This sentence speaks to the soothing and comforting effect that food can have on our emotions, providing solace during difficult times.
9. "There is no sincerer love than the love of food." - George Bernard Shaw
Shaw's words celebrate the deep affection and passion that people have for the culinary arts, highlighting the genuine love and appreciation for food.
10. "Food brings people together on many different levels. It's nourishment of the soul and body; it's truly love." - Giada De Laurentiis
De Laurentiis eloquently captures the multi-dimensional nature of food, emphasizing its ability to nourish both our bodies and our souls, while also symbolizing love and connection.
Food is a universal language that transcends cultural barriers and brings people together. These sentences remind us of the richness and significance of food in our lives, encouraging us to savor every bite and appreciate the cultural diversity that cuisine offers. So, the next time you sit down for a meal, remember the power of food to create connections and celebrate the joy of good food.
美食句子英语大全 篇三
形容美食诱人的句子(一) 南来或北往,愿为一人下厨房。
(二) 食谱本身并没有灵魂,不过作为厨师,你要想办法给它创造一个灵魂。
(三) 那些寂寞又快活的厨子。
(四) 休言人去万事了,脐橙犹有杜诗香。
(五) 小馄饨,个小,皮薄,只要往开水中一捞,就能盛入碗中,吃上一口,好鲜美!
(六) 要想疗伤,你应该有颗厨子的心。
(七) 每个城市都有不同的街景,不同的美食,不同的文化习俗,可是没有你,似乎都一样。
(八) 这盘菜五色俱全,让我忍不住口水直流。此时再看看其它菜,让我眼花缭乱。
(九) 十一年来春梦冷,南游且吃玉川茶。
(十) 粽子用绿色的芦叶包着纯白的糯米和红色的枣子,煮熟后,剥开芦叶,只见米团里仿佛嵌着几颗深红油亮的玛瑙,很好看。
(十一) 一张简简单单的烙馍,卷得下千千万万的美味小菜,怎么样?口水留下来了吧!如果你到徐州来,请一定尝尝我家乡的烙馍!
(十二) 奶豆腐味道不同还有一个因素,那就是薄厚程度,厚点的奶豆腐一泡进奶茶就柔韧无比,奶香十足。而薄的奶豆腐则入口即化,格外香甜。
(十三) 肚饥买个油糍吃,吃了油糍肚不饥。
(十四) 美食,是可以吃下去的幸福记忆。
(十五) 我只有这点本事,“豆”你开心。
(十六) 妈妈熬的鸡汤,白色的,很香,咸味,很好喝。每次妈妈做鸡汤,我都拿个小勺子喝,喝一口,品品味,再咽下去,再喝一口,再品品味,再咽下去,再喝一口,再品品味,再咽下去,再喝一口,再品品味,再咽下去。
(十七) 吃是最好的安慰。
(十八) 远远望去,可以看到店门口有一个很萌的小笼包形象,它左手捧着一笼小笼包,走近了仔细看那小笼包,它的皮晶莹剔透,薄得甚至可以看到里面的馅,就像真的小笼包一般呢!
(十九) 舞腰浮动绿云浓,樱桃半点红。
(二十) 那些冰糖葫芦红彤彤的,在阳光的照耀下闪闪发光,不知引来多少小孩儿渴求的目光。
(二十一) 早餐无小事。
(二十二) 将大米用热水烫过,再用清水浸泡3小时后磨成米浆,装入布袋挤压成干浆。接着用沸水煮至半熟,放进粉碎机中打烂成稀浆,再装入布袋中重压。去除米渣,加入少量番薯粉,搅拌后装入一端有筛眼的布袋,压迫布袋,使米浆通过筛孔细条状挤出,放入沸水锅烫熟,捞起后晾干,即成粉条。
(二十三) 雪沫乳花浮午盏,蓼茸蒿笋试春盘。人间有味是清欢。
(二十四) 好的食物包含着温情与良心。
(二十五) 在锅里把鸡丁翻炒几下,我越看越感觉鸡丁是在锅里跳舞,谁也不示弱,都想让自己身上沾满酱汁的味道。忽然,一把黑色的木耳和它们一起翻炒,厨房里香气扑鼻。
(二十六) 金灿灿的鸡蛋,脆生生的干炸菜,胖胖的火腿肠,再把那红亮亮的麻辣酱一涂,用白色的皮子一包——啊,多香的煎饼啊!我几天不吃就馋得慌。
(二十七) 夹起一只,迫不及待塞入嘴中,酥酥的、脆脆的。虾肉的鲜与虾皮的脆结合在一起,似食神所做,似天王之赐。那么完美,那么成功。一个足矣。
(二十八) 多么希望你是一道美食,我做一个真空的盒子,将你永远在我心中保鲜,谁也不行,你是我的独家记忆。
(二十九) 理直气壮地和食物相处。
(三十) 味至浓时是故乡。
(三十一) 看着桌上的鱼,真香啊!我直流口水,都快忍不住把它们全吃进肚子。
(三十二) 青青竹笋迎船出,白白红鱼入馔来。
(三十三) 我越看越饿,迫不及待在皮上咬一个小洞,把嘴凑上去,吸上一口汁水,那汁水便涌入我的口中。我嘴里顿时感到油汪汪的,汁水在嘴里左翻右滚,甜滋滋的,让人不忍心咽下肚,直想让那美味在口中细细品味。
(三十四) 难忘家乡的饺子,一张巨大的圆桌,摆在屋中最显眼的位置。家人在厨房忙碌着,将绞好的肉,剁碎的姜末、葱末放下盆中,沿顺时针方向搅拌,拌到肉质融为一体,闪着晶莹的光泽。大家围坐在桌旁,在欢声笑语中,包成一道道美丽的风景。
(三十五) 每天一道美食,可以治愈厌倦,让我们每天在吃饭这件事上,都有好心情。而这好心情会一路延续,一不小心,就让我们快乐一整天。
(三十六) 花生与豆腐干同嚼,有火腿味。
(三十七) 朋友,你是否也已经嘴馋了?那就在这金秋蟹肥的日子,随我来尝尝美食精品——蟹黄包子吧!
(三十八) “酿豆腐来喽!”阿婆用家乡口音说道。阿婆给我盛了一大碗饭,白米饭压得密密实实,上面有豆腐,青菜,墨鱼还有煮得快融了的西红柿。
(三十九) 渐觉东风料峭寒,青蒿黄韭试春盘。
(四十) 在餐厅的灯光下,三黄鸡的黄皮被照得光亮,皮上的油正在闪闪发光。把冰冻过的三黄鸡放进酱油醋里蘸一下,再放进嘴里,啊!忽然感到一股清凉流遍全身,之后你又会感到一丝丝酱油味在口中徘徊,再一咬,“呲”一声,里面的鲜汁一下子流了出来,甜里带鲜,之后,你必定会用舌头去舔那Q弹的嫩皮,三黄鸡那Q弹Q弹的口感可以和椰子冻相媲美,那皮再嫩则软,再鲜则腻,吃完后,抿一抿嘴巴,还会感到一丝回甜。
(四十一) 枇杷映黄,园池偷换春光。
(四十二) 这条鱼端上来时,我们都被浓浓的鱼香味所陶醉,我不禁深吸了一口气,好香啊!
(四十三) 孤独的人都要吃饱饭。
(四十四) 只见厨师用戴着塑料手套的右手轻轻按住烤鸭,另一只手则是在鸭脖子那里割开了一道口子,再顺着口子一点一点地把皮给割下来。哇!皮割到鸭腿的时候,居然有一股
(四十五) 对美食与爱的一再坚持。
(四十六) 休说鲈鱼堪脍,尽西风,季鹰归未?
(四十七) 小饼如嚼月,中有酥与饴。
(四十八) 朋友,你想吃肉夹馍吗?如果想,就请到我的家乡做客,我一定让你吃上可口美味而又正宗的肉夹馍!
(四十九) 爱自己,从一个人下厨房开始。
(五十) 金秋十月,稻黄蟹肥,声名远扬的阳澄湖大闸蟹又隆重登场了。
(五十一) 小婢不须催柘弹,且从枝上吃樱桃。
(五十二) 鱼儿的肥美,鱼儿的鲜嫩,当雪白的鱼肉放到我的眼前,我的唾津不禁垂涎了。
(五十三) 烹饪就像爱一样,要么全心全意投入,要么完全放弃。
(五十四) 水中莲子,已怀芳心。
(五十五) 吃,是乡愁、欲望、温暖、安慰的全部。
(五十六) 人间定无可意,怎换得玉脍丝莼。
(五十七) 大望潮肉质肥美,红烧后口味醇厚、鲜甜。
(五十八) 食为天性,静静地咀嚼,轻轻地回味,非比寻常的韵致。
(五十九) 闻一闻,顿时口水直流三千尺。咬一口,皮软软的,透着一点醋的酸味。馄饨馅又鲜又嫩,闭上眼睛好像身体很轻盈,腾云驾雾一般。如果放了辣酱的话,更加美味,在冬天里吃这样的美味再好不过了。
(六十) 品位美食,而不是品位菜单,烧一锅好菜,也绝不是烧钱。
(六十一) 朱提注酒酒如池,大白淋漓吃不辞。