
时间:2014-06-06 04:27:22
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表示开心的英语句子 篇一

Happiness is contagious. When we feel happy, it radiates to those around us. It brightens our day and makes everything seem possible. Here are some joyful English sentences to bring a smile to your face:

1. "Every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day." This sentence reminds us to focus on the positive aspects of life, even on challenging days.

2. "Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your own actions." This sentence emphasizes the importance of taking responsibility for our own happiness and finding joy in the things we do.

3. "The sun is shining, and so am I." This sentence reflects the simple pleasure of enjoying a beautiful day and feeling happy because of it.

4. "I'm on cloud nine!" This sentence expresses extreme happiness and excitement, as if floating on cloud nine, a metaphorical place of pure bliss.

5. "Smile, it's free therapy." This sentence highlights the power of a smile to improve our mood and bring joy to ourselves and others.

6. "I'm like a kid in a candy store!" This sentence captures the excitement and delight of being in a situation where everything is enjoyable and brings happiness.

7. "Life is better when you're laughing." This sentence reminds us of the importance of laughter in our lives and how it can instantly uplift our spirits.

8. "I can't stop smiling!" This sentence conveys overwhelming happiness that cannot be contained, resulting in a constant smile on our face.

9. "I'm so grateful for this moment." This sentence reminds us to appreciate the present and find happiness in the small things that often go unnoticed.

10. "I'm bursting with joy!" This sentence represents an overwhelming feeling of happiness that is so strong it feels like it could burst out from within us.

Remember, happiness is a choice, and these sentences can serve as reminders to choose joy every day. Let them inspire you to find happiness in the little things and share your positivity with others. Spread happiness like wildfire and make the world a brighter place.

表示开心的英语句子 篇二

Happiness is a state of mind that can be found in the simplest of things. It is a feeling of contentment and joy that fills our hearts. Here are some English sentences to express the happiness we experience:

1. "I'm over the moon!" This sentence expresses extreme happiness and excitement, as if we are floating high above the world.

2. "Life is full of surprises, and today's surprise made me ecstatic!" This sentence conveys the overwhelming happiness and excitement we feel when something unexpected and wonderful happens.

3. "A day without laughter is a day wasted." This sentence emphasizes the importance of laughter in our lives and how it adds happiness to our day.

4. "I'm on top of the world!" This sentence represents the feeling of being at the peak of happiness and accomplishment, as if nothing can bring us down.

5. "I'm so happy I could dance!" This sentence conveys the overflowing happiness that makes us want to dance and celebrate.

6. "Happiness is contagious, and I'm spreading it everywhere I go!" This sentence highlights the power of happiness to influence others and create a positive atmosphere.

7. "I'm grateful for the little things that bring me joy." This sentence reminds us to appreciate the small moments in life that often go unnoticed but contribute to our overall happiness.

8. "I'm living my best life!" This sentence represents the feeling of being truly happy and fulfilled in every aspect of our lives.

9. "I'm surrounded by amazing people who bring me happiness." This sentence expresses gratitude for the people in our lives who contribute to our happiness and make our days brighter.

10. "I'm so happy I could burst into song!" This sentence conveys the overwhelming joy that makes us want to sing and celebrate.

Remember, happiness is a choice, and these sentences can serve as reminders to choose happiness every day. Let them inspire you to find joy in the simplest of things and spread happiness to others. Embrace the happiness within and let it shine brightly for all to see.

表示开心的英语句子 篇三

每天最重要的事情是什么?当然是保持一个好心情啦~ "I am happy."、"I am excited."还不够,你还可以这样花式表达“敲开心”~


on top of the world


用这个短语的时候要细心点,是"on top of"而不是"on the top of","on the top of"是指在具体事物的顶部,而"on top of"既可以表示在有形物体的上方,也可以表示在抽象事物的顶端。


I won the competition! I am on top of the world!



tickled pink




I was tickled pink to see her picture .



make one's day



Her smile made my day.



walk on air


春风得意的时候走路都能带着风~千万不要写成"on the air",不然就是“直播中”的意思啦。


I felt that I was walking on air when I heard the news.




in seventh heaven


"seventh heaven"是第七层天堂的意思,在宗教中指上帝或天使居住的地方,那当然是一个幸福之地啦。


She was in seventh heaven when they praised her cooking.



