
时间:2014-05-03 04:20:50
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In today's fast-paced world, the value of filial piety seems to be fading away. However, it is important to remember that showing respect and care for our parents is not only a cultural tradition, but also a moral duty. In this article, we will explore some meaningful sentences in English that encapsulate the concept of filial piety.

1. "A father's goodness is higher than the mountain, a mother's goodness deeper than the ocean." This sentence highlights the depth and extent of a parent's love and sacrifice.

2. "Parents are the roots that give us life and nourishment." This sentence emphasizes the importance of acknowledging and appreciating the role our parents play in shaping our lives.

3. "Filial piety is the seed that blossoms into a beautiful garden of love and gratitude." This sentence symbolizes the positive ripple effect that filial piety can have on our relationships and society as a whole.

4. "Respecting and caring for our parents is not only a duty, but also a privilege." This sentence reminds us that being able to show filial piety is a blessing and an opportunity for personal growth.

5. "A grateful heart towards our parents is the key to a harmonious and fulfilling life." This sentence emphasizes the connection between gratitude and happiness, and how it starts with honoring our parents.

6. "Filial piety is a timeless virtue that transcends cultural boundaries." This sentence highlights the universality of filial piety and its relevance in different cultures around the world.

7. "Actions speak louder than words when it comes to filial piety." This sentence reminds us that it is not enough to simply say we are filial, but we must actively demonstrate our love and respect through our actions.

8. "Filial piety is a lifelong commitment that extends beyond our parents' lifetime." This sentence reflects the long-term nature of filial piety, as it involves honoring our parents even after they have passed away.

9. "The greatest gift we can give to our parents is our time and attention." This sentence highlights the importance of being present and actively engaged in our parents' lives.

10. "Filial piety is the bridge that connects generations and preserves family values." This sentence emphasizes the role filial piety plays in maintaining strong family ties and passing on important traditions.

In conclusion, while the concept of filial piety may be losing its prominence in today's society, it is crucial to recognize its significance and strive to incorporate it into our lives. These meaningful sentences in English remind us of the importance of respecting, caring for, and appreciating our parents. By practicing filial piety, we can create a more harmonious and compassionate world.


Respect and filial piety towards our parents are not only cultural values but also moral obligations that transcend time and place. In this article, we will explore a collection of meaningful sentences in English that embody the essence of filial piety.

1. "A parent's love is the greatest gift we will ever receive." This sentence encapsulates the unconditional love and selflessness that parents have for their children.

2. "Honoring our parents is a reflection of our character and values." This sentence reminds us that showing respect to our parents is a reflection of who we are as individuals.

3. "Filial piety is the foundation of a strong and harmonious family." This sentence highlights the role filial piety plays in creating a supportive family environment.

4. "Our parents' sacrifices are the seeds that allow us to grow and thrive." This sentence acknowledges the sacrifices our parents have made for our well-being and success.

5. "By caring for our parents, we honor the legacy they have left behind." This sentence emphasizes the importance of carrying on our parents' values and teachings.

6. "Filial piety is a lifelong commitment that requires patience and understanding." This sentence acknowledges that showing filial piety is a continuous effort that requires empathy and compassion.

7. "Respecting our parents is a sign of gratitude for the life they have given us." This sentence reminds us to be grateful for the opportunities and experiences our parents have provided.

8. "Filial piety is a bridge that connects generations and preserves family traditions." This sentence emphasizes the intergenerational bond that filial piety fosters.

9. "Listening to our parents' wisdom is a testament to our humility and willingness to learn." This sentence highlights the importance of valuing our parents' advice and guidance.

10. "Filial piety is a virtue that brings joy and fulfillment to both the giver and the receiver." This sentence reflects the reciprocal nature of filial piety, as it brings happiness to both parents and children.

In conclusion, filial piety is not only a cultural norm but also a moral duty that extends beyond boundaries. These meaningful sentences in English serve as reminders of the significance of showing respect and care towards our parents. By practicing filial piety, we can foster stronger family relationships, preserve important traditions, and create a more compassionate society.

孝顺的句子英文 篇三


1 羊有跪乳之情,鸦有反哺之义。而人也应有尽孝之念,莫等到欲尽孝而亲不在,终留下人生的一大遗撼,要想将来不后悔莫及,从此刻就要从身边的小事去感恩父母,回报父母。回报也不必须非的是物质上的回报,更多的是精神上的情感上的。就算是远渡重洋留学海外,我们时刻要怀揣着一颗感恩的心。正如世纪老人巴金所说:“我是春蚕吃的桑叶就要吐丝。”春蚕付出了,也获得了,得到的却是人们的赞美与钦佩。

2 如果母亲是雨,那我就是雨后的虹;如果母亲是月,那我就是捧月的星。母亲是我生长的根啊,我是母亲您理想的果。

3 妈妈,我庆幸您是我的妈妈,因为我从来没有像您这样长久的朋友。

4 您额上的皱纹记载着您的坎坷,您古铜色的脸庞标志着您的坚贞。您的一生就是一首瑰丽、动人的诗篇。

5 世界上的一切光荣和骄傲,都来自母亲。

6 互相赠送礼物的家庭习惯有助于增进父母与孩子之间诚挚的友谊。其主要意义并不在于礼物的本身,而在于对亲人的关心,在于希望感谢亲人的关心。

7 一个人如果使自己的母亲伤心,无论他的地位多么显赫,无论他多么有名,他都是一个卑劣的人。

8 世间最真挚的情,莫过于父亲的爱,世间最动人的爱,莫过于母亲的情。父亲与母亲,只是两个平凡的名词,代表的却是两座如同高山般的巨人,他们将你带到这个世界上,哺育你呵护你守护你关怀你,没有他们的爱,一切都显得是那么苍白无力。收起你狭隘的词汇,敛起你伪善的诗句,因为父母的爱早已超过了这世间所有的语句,用词也赞不出他们伟大的爱,用诗也吟不出他们无私的情。他们的爱比天高,他们的爱比海深。

9 母亲啊:在悲伤时,您是慰藉;在沮丧时,您是希望;在软弱时,您是力量。您是同情、怜悯、慈爱、宽容的源泉。

10 我们体贴老人,要像对待孩子一样。

11 蜜蜂,默默地、勤奋地奔忙着,劳动着。一天天,一年年,奉献着甜蜜。慈祥的母亲,我永远忘不了那深深的母爱。

12 在子女面前,父母要善于隐藏他们的一切快乐、烦恼和恐惧。

13 您没有被写进一篇词章,您没有被唱入一首颂歌,但您是给我以生命并抚育我成长的土地,我深深地爱着您。

14 妈妈,不论走到哪里,我的眼前总有您慈祥的面容,慈爱的目光。

15 经历过这么多的风风雨雨,您似乎更年轻了,不但是外貌,而且是心灵。妈妈,我爱你。

16 在父母的眼中,孩子常是自我的一部分,子女是他理想自我再来一次的机会。

17 在孩子的心中,母亲就是上帝。

18 母亲,是唯一能使死神屈服的力量。

19 就是在我们母亲的膝上,我们获得了我们的最高尚、最真诚和最远大的理想,但是里面很少有任何金钱。

20 在我困难的时候您伸出无私的手,在我痛苦的时候您奉献真诚的心,在我失望的时候您伴我同行。爸爸,您是我永远的朋友,给我希望,也给我温暖.您是一棵


21 您用心点亮了我的心,以爱培育了我的爱。有您,我感到了世界的温暖。

22 世界上只有一位最好的女性,她便是慈爱的母亲。世界上只有一种最美丽的声音,那便是母亲的呼唤。

23 爸爸,在我心目中您是一座山,深沉而温厚。您那山一样的性格时刻鼓舞着我,激励着我。我爱红叶,摘一片送给您;您就像红叶,青春时火红,霜过后更加如火如荼。您就像一棵绿叶如盖、摇曳多姿的大树,我一直走到很远都能回头瞧见您,在风中枝蔓一直伸到天边……岁月的白发虽然爬上了您的两鬓,在我看来您却永远年轻,因为,在智慧的大海里,您始终与时代的先行者并驾齐驱。您是一棵参天大树,我在您的浓阴之下成长。树上落下一枚两枚甜嫩的浆果,便使我获得丰富的营养。

24 开始吧,孩子,开始用微笑去认识你的母亲吧!

25 在这个世界上,我们永远需要报答最美好的人,这就是母亲。

26 在孩子的嘴上和心中,母亲就是上帝。



