
时间:2014-04-04 05:31:11
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关于抗疫的英语句子带翻译 篇一

1. "The COVID-19 pandemic has brought the world to a standstill, but our determination to fight against it remains unwavering." - “新冠疫情使全球陷入停滞,但我们对抗疫的决心依然坚定不移。”

2. "The frontline healthcare workers are the true heroes of this battle, risking their lives to save others." - “前线医护人员是这场战斗中真正的英雄,冒着生命危险去拯救他人。”

3. "Social distancing and wearing masks have become the new norm in our daily lives." - “社交距离和戴口罩已成为我们日常生活中的新常态。”

4. "The pandemic has highlighted the importance of global cooperation in combating infectious diseases." - “疫情凸显了全球合作在抗击传染病中的重要性。”

5. "Through collective efforts, we can overcome this crisis and emerge stronger than ever." - “通过集体努力,我们能够克服这场危机,比以往任何时候都更加强大。”

6. "The pandemic has exposed the vulnerabilities of our healthcare systems and the need for better preparedness in the future." - “疫情暴露了我们医疗系统的脆弱性,也揭示了未来需要更好的准备。”

7. "The economic impact of the pandemic has been devastating, with businesses shutting down and unemployment rates soaring." - “疫情对经济的影响是毁灭性的,企业关闭,失业率飙升。”

8. "Amidst the chaos, acts of kindness and solidarity have shone through, restoring our faith in humanity." - “在混乱中,善良和团结的行为闪耀出来,恢复了我们对人性的信心。”

9. "The development of vaccines and effective treatments is crucial in bringing an end to this pandemic." - “疫苗和有效治疗方法的开发对结束这场疫情至关重要。”

10. "We must learn from this crisis and build a more resilient and prepared society for future challenges." - “我们必须从这次危机中汲取教训,为未来的挑战建立一个更具韧性和准备充分的社会。”

关于抗疫的英语句子带翻译 篇二

1. "The COVID-19 pandemic has taught us the value of health and the importance of taking care of ourselves." - “新冠疫情教会了我们健康的价值和照顾自己的重要性。”

2. "The sacrifices made by healthcare workers and essential workers during this crisis will never be forgotten." - “在这次危机中,医护人员和重要工作者所做出的牺牲将永远不会被遗忘。”

3. "The pandemic has shown us the power of technology in enabling remote work, online education, and telemedicine." - “疫情向我们展示了技术在实现远程办公、在线教育和远程医疗方面的力量。”

4. "Communities have come together to support each other, showing the strength of unity in times of crisis." - “社区团结一心,相互支持,展示了在危机时刻团结的力量。”

5. "The pandemic has highlighted the inequalities in access to healthcare and the need for healthcare reform." - “疫情凸显了医疗资源不平等和医疗改革的必要性。”

6. "We must remain vigilant and continue practicing preventive measures even as vaccines become available." - “即使疫苗上市,我们也必须保持警惕,继续采取预防措施。”

7. "The mental health impact of the pandemic cannot be underestimated, and support services should be readily available." - “疫情对心理健康的影响不容小觑,支持服务应该随时可得。”

8. "The resilience and adaptability shown by individuals and businesses during this crisis have been remarkable." - “在这次危机中,个人和企业展示出的韧性和适应能力令人瞩目。”

9. "International cooperation is essential in controlling the spread of infectious diseases and preventing future pandemics." - “国际合作在控制传染病的传播和预防未来疫情方面至关重要。”

10. "We must remember the lessons learned from this pandemic and be better prepared for future health emergencies." - “我们必须牢记这次疫情的教训,并为未来的卫生紧急情况做好更充分的准备。”

关于抗疫的英语句子带翻译 篇三

Wuhan just had a diseaseWith so many people sticking it out, why wouldn't we try 有这么多人都在坚守No party this year, double love next year 今年不聚会,来年双倍情。句子翻译和段落翻译四个方面考察同学们的翻译能力和英语水平经过激烈的角逐共决出特等奖2名,一等奖5名,二等奖12名,三等奖。“抗疫”相关的英文表达是非常有必要的 在这里小编帮大家筛选出了50个重点表达,同时还标注了时间点,方便对照查看,学习词。

“英”勇抗疫英语学院翻译学院高兴同学的抗疫日志 我是英语学院19同传三班的高兴,当疫情就发生在自己身边时,身在高风险。跟陈大使学“抗疫”翻译2020年6月7日,在第39期思必锐“译家 因为municipality的英文解释是“a town, city or district with its。This is going to be a fierce and cruel war虽然这将是一场激烈的严酷的战争But don't be afraid,但不用怕We're going to win this war。

“英”勇抗疫英语学院翻译学院林雨洁同学的抗疫日志我是英语学院20同传四班的林雨洁在防控疫情期间,我积极投身于社区志。5When you can't remember why you're hurt, that's when you're healed有一天,当你发现再也记不起为了什么而受伤,那就是痊愈之时。关于抗击疫情优秀英语作文600字带翻译 2020,是一个多么美好的年份,在人们还沉浸在2020年2月2日对称日的浪漫时,却传来武汉新型冠状病毒感染肺炎疫情的消息 202。


9The epidemic is an order, and we are determined to guard you! 疫情就是命令,我们坚决为你守护! 10Since then, as long as you are safe, even if you do n’t see it every。导

读抗疫标语有哪些健康用餐,公筷公勺各级各部门位要做“先行者广泛宣传公筷公勺等文明餐识,引导单位职工行业从业人员社会群体广泛使用公筷公勺各 抗疫标语有哪些 健康用餐。抗击疫情_描写抗疫感人事迹的诗歌英语作文150字带翻译 84岁,挂帅逆行 He,84 years old, retrograde他,身患渐冻症,依然坚守阵地 He,suffering from progressive。

抗疫情英语句子有哪些 As our contemporary middle school students , as a part of society When the epidemic comes , being a rational , conscious , and。关于抗击疫情的英语作文带翻译doc,精品范文模板,值得参考借鉴! 第 PAGE \* Arabic 7页共 NUMPAGES \* Arabic 7页 关于抗击疫情的英语作文带翻译 关于抗击疫情。每日一点,“抗疫”英语作文范文中考必背每日一点,2020中考英语介词重点难点考点汇总 2020全国“线上大模考”好评连连老师欲拿真题做开学摸底考最新9省毕业年级开学。


